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转载 Java Notes-13(Oberver, Sockets)

Summary: Observer, Sockets  The java.util.Observer/.Obervable interface provide a fundamental observation design pattern in Java. It is an abstraction that lets a number of client objects (the obse

2015-12-13 00:29:23 315

转载 Java Notes-12(Preferences API, The Logging API)

Summary:Preferences API, The Logging API - The Preferences API is like a portable version of the Windows registry, a mini-database in which you can keep small amounts of information, accessible to

2015-12-13 00:28:55 259

转载 Android Development Notes-2

Summary:SDK, ADB, Active, Intents and Tasks -The Android SDK is made of mostly off-the-shelf components, plus some purpose-built components. In many cases, configurations, plug-ins, and extensions

2015-12-13 00:28:35 242

转载 Java Notes-11

Summary:Synchronized and Unsynchronized Collections, Properties -In many applications, there is no need for synchronization, so the Collections API doesnot provide it by default. Instead, you can cre

2015-12-13 00:28:17 220

转载 Android Development Notes -1

Summary: Installing the Andriod SDK and Prerequisites -Successfully installing the Android SDK requires two other software systems that are not part of the Android SDK: the Java Development Kit (J

2015-12-12 23:57:40 244

转载 Java Notes-10

Summay: The Map Interface, Collection implementations -Maps store and retrieve elements with key values e.g: [java] view plaincopy Map dateMap = new HashMap();   dateM

2015-12-12 23:57:23 293

转载 Java Notes-9

Summary: introduce the collection feature of Java. includes Set. List and Queue -Collection interface only define some basic common functions for all kinds of collections, includs:   boolean add

2015-12-12 23:57:05 291

转载 Java Notes-8

- The  Lock class provides for exclusive access by the owner of the lock by allowing only one party to hold the lock at a time through the  lock() and  unlock() methods.  -In addition to

2015-12-12 23:56:48 266

转载 About netstat commnd

This command is awesome, we can use it conveniently to check the network status. Here some common examples:  1)    netstat display the current IP port status. 2) netstat -nr displ

2015-12-12 23:56:20 320

转载 Java Notes-7

-One such related pair of patterns is the concept of an executor service that manages tasks and that of a thread pool that services tasks in an efficient way. -The new  Callable interface

2015-12-12 23:55:50 219

转载 How to handle exception in managed code and unmanaged code

As we known, try...catch mechanism is a quite common feature for the high level languages like java or C#. Although C++ proclaimed  that it supports this mechanism, the memory management limitation of

2015-12-12 23:55:29 246

转载 Java Notes-6

- The  wait() and  notify() methods of the  Object class extend this capability by allowing us to explicitly coordinate the waiting and running threads.  -By executing  wait() from a synchroniz

2015-12-12 23:55:07 246

转载 Java Notes-5

-Bounds use the  extends keyword and some new syntax to limit the parameter types that may be applied to a generic type. class EmployeeList { ... } -As we’ll see in this section, wildcards

2015-12-12 23:54:48 229

转载 WCDMA笔记(6)

下面说一下扰码。 如上图所示,扰码是加在扩频之后的,目的是上行区分终端,下行区分小区。   先说说信道化码。 信道化码采用正交可变扩频因子,目的是,在下行区分小区内的链接,上行区分专用物理信道。 正交码字从上图的码树中选取,码字分配下行是由RNC管理的,下表做了详细对比   因为有扰码的区分,不同的RNC可以使用相同的吗树资源。

2015-12-12 23:54:20 195

转载 Java Notes-4

-Note that the jar command automatically adds a directory called META-INF to our archive. -Aside from attributes, you can put a few special values in the manifest file. One of these, Main-Class

2015-12-12 23:54:00 295

转载 Failover cluster configuration common issues

Windows fail-over clustering is very useful for servers fail over, when configuring this function some common issues we might encounter, I shared the solutions as follows: 1) Cluster quorum setting

2015-12-12 23:53:43 329

转载 Java Notes-3

-implements the  ActionListener interface in addition to MouseMotionListener .  ActionListener requires us to implement an  actionPer formed() method that is called whenever an  ActionEvent occurs

2015-12-12 23:42:42 226

转载 Solve 0x80004005 issue, cannot access sharefolder under windows2012

Maybe windows server 2012 enforced some security feature, but without any clue or tip for us to trace, when we suddenly find cannot access other machine's share folder, which causes a lot side effects

2015-12-12 23:42:16 457

转载 Java Notes-2

-In Java, every class defines a new type (data type). -The  JComponent class provides the framework for building all kinds of user interface components. Particular components—such as buttons, labe

2015-12-12 23:41:52 220

转载 Java Notes-1

- C# has gone on to become a very good language in its own right, enjoying more innovation in recent years than has Java. But Java continues to spread on a wide variety of platforms.  - Java sou

2015-12-12 23:41:35 265

转载 VBS 改 IP(modify IP by VBS)

Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Dim strComputer, objWMIService, colNetAdapters, strIPAddress, strSubnetMask, errEnable, objNetAdapter strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObjec

2015-12-12 23:41:07 595

转载 在vs2010下编译OpenSSL

Building OpenSSL for Visual Studio Posted on June 20, 2012 by 3noch • 3 Comments Building OpenSSL for Visual Studio on Windows is mostly straight-forward, but it has some quirks. I’ll docume

2015-12-12 23:40:45 337

转载 Windows Server 2012: Deactivating UAC

Deactivating UAC in Windows 2008 R2 was possible via running msconfig (for example winkey+r -> msconfig), going to the Tools tab and launching "Change UAC settings". There, you select "Never notify"

2015-12-12 23:40:07 377

转载 Staring at a blank desktop, due to event 4006

The event is [The Windows log on process has failed to spawn a user application. Application name], when we use win2012 64bit, event the non administrator user already in the administrator group, wi

2015-12-12 23:39:40 298

原创 JAVA:回调

<br />1.什么是回调函数:<br />    回调函数,顾名思义,用于回调的函数。回调函数只有一个功能片段,由用户按照回调函数约定来实现的一个函数。回调函数是一个工作流的一部分,由工作流来决定函数的调用(回调)时机。回调函数包涵下面几个特性:<br />    1、属于工作流的一个部分;<br />    2、必须按照工作流指定的调用约定来申明(定义);<br />    3、的的调用时机由工作流决定,回调函数的实现者不能直接调用函数来实现工作流的功能。<br /> <br />2.回调机制:<br

2011-03-14 14:35:00 396

原创 MediaRecorder录制视频

<br />   MediaRecorder recorder = new MediaRecorder();<br />   recorder.setPreviewDisplay(mSurfaceHolder.getSurface());// 预览<br />   recorder.setVideoSource(MediaRecorder.VideoSource.CAMERA);// 视频源<br />   recorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.

2011-03-11 15:29:00 433

原创 JAVA Socket编程学习(一)

<br />一,网络编程中两个主要的问题<br />一个是如何准确的定位网络上一台或多台主机,另一个就是找到主机后如何可靠高效的进行数据传输。<br />在TCP/IP协议中IP层主要负责网络主机的定位,数据传输的路由,由IP地址可以唯一地确定Internet上的一台主机。<br />而TCP层则提供面向应用的可靠(tcp)的或非可靠(UDP)的数据传输机制,这是网络编程的主要对象,一般不需要关心IP层是如何处理数据的。<br />目前较为流行的网络编程模型是客户机/服务器(C/S)结构。即通信双方一方作为

2011-03-09 14:47:00 376

原创 Android的Audio系统

<br />Audio系统综述<br />    Audio系统在Android中负责音频方面的数据流传输和控制功能,也负责音频设备的管理。<br />    Audio系统主要的分成几个层次:<br />1. media中库提供的Audio系统的上层接口<br />2. AudioFlinger作为Audio系统的中枢<br />3. Audio库的硬件抽象层提供底层的支持<br />4. Audio接口通过JNI和Java框架提供给上层<br />   Audio系统的上层接口主要提供了两方面的功能:放

2011-03-08 16:48:00 709



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