Steiner tree problem


Steiner tree problem

The Steiner tree problem, or the minimum Steiner tree problem, named afterJakob Steiner, is a problem incombinatorial optimization, which may be formulated in a number of settings, with the common part being that it is required to find the shortest interconnect for a given set of objects.

The Steiner tree problem is superficially similar to the minimum spanning tree problem: given a set V of points (vertices), interconnect them by a network (graph) of shortest length, where the length is the sum of the lengths of all edges. The difference between the Steiner tree problem and the minimum spanning tree problem is that, in the Steiner tree problem, extra intermediate vertices and edges may be added to the graph in order to reduce the length of the spanning tree. These new vertices introduced to decrease the total length of connection are known as Steiner points or Steiner vertices. It has been proved that the resulting connection is atree, known as theSteiner tree. There may be several Steiner trees for a given set of initial vertices.

The Steiner tree problem has applications in circuit layout or network design. Most versions of the Steiner tree problem are NP-complete. In fact, one of these was among Karp's original 21 NP-complete problems. Some restricted cases can be solved inpolynomial time. In practice,heuristics are used.

Euclidean Steiner tree

The original problem was stated in the form that has become known as the Euclidean Steiner tree problem or geometric Steiner tree problem: Given N points in the plane, the goal is to connect them by lines of minimum total length in such a way that any two points may be interconnected by line segments either directly or via other points and line segments.

It may be shown that the connecting line segments do not intersect each other except at the endpoints and form a tree, hence the name of the problem.

For the Euclidean Steiner problem, points added to the graph (Steiner points) must have a degree of three, and the three edges incident to such a point must form three 120 degree angles[citation needed]. It follows that the maximum number of Steiner points that a Steiner tree can have is N − 2, where N is the initial number of given points.

For N = 3, solution is given by a Steiner point located at the Fermat point of the triangle formed by the given points.

For general N, the Euclidean Steiner tree problem is NP-hard, and hence it is not known whether an optimal solution can be found by using a polynomial-time algorithm. However, there is a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) for Euclidean Steiner trees, i.e., a near-optimal solution can be found in polynomial time.[1]

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斯坦纳树(Steiner tree)问题, 是组合优化这门学科中的一个著名问题, 是一个在VLSI布线、网络通信中所遇到的组合优化问题, 20世纪70年代美国贝尔实验室的三位数学家Gary,Johnson和Graham从计算复杂性的观点出发,证明求出最短网络(又称斯坦纳最小树)是非常困难的,是一个NP-难解问题。 胡晓东博士——中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院研究员,应用数学所副所长,中国数学会理事会常务理事 于1985年7月毕业于清华大学应用数学系,并获理学学士学位。同年9月被免试推荐到中国科学院应用数学研究所做硕士研究生,跟随韩继业研究员学习不可微规划。1987年9月转为博士生,跟随韩继业研究员学习非线形规划的统一理论和算法。1989年10月获运筹与控制专业理学博士学位。 1998年11月至2001年11月中的两年,胡晓东博士先后被香港城市大学聘为研究员和高级研究员,在电脑科学系与贾小华副教授和当时正在该校访问的堵丁柱研究员一起研究了计算机通讯网络中的组合优化问题,其中包括,光纤通讯网络中的波长最优分配和路由最优设计问题,分布式计算机系统或者互联网中的数据备份的最优放置问题。这期间,他与两位合作者完成了英文著作《多波长光纤网络》。 目前,胡晓东博士是国际学术杂志《组合最优化》(Journal of Combinatorial Optimization,Kluwer Academic Publishers, USA)的编委(1996年 - ),国内期刊《应用数学学报》(中文版)编委和国内期刊《应用数学》编委;他还是美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Review)评论员。此外胡晓东博士是中国运筹学会会员(1992年 - ),美国数学会会员 (1994年 - ),美国IEEE计算机学会会员 (1997年 - )。 近十年来,胡晓东博士担任了两个国际会议的程序委员会委员,ISAAC'94 (ISAAC - Annual International Symposium on Algorithm and Computation)和IEEE/ICCCN’2000 (ICCCN – International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks);同时,他还参与组织了两个系列国际会议,COCOON'95, COCOON'97, COCOON'98, COCOON'01 (COCOON - Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference)和ISORA'95, ISORA'96, ISORA'98 (ISORA - International Symposium on Operations Research and its Applications)。


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