

Allocate memory.  This routine is like sqlite3_malloc() except that it
assumes the memory subsystem has already been initialized.
void *sqlite3Malloc(u64 n){
  void *p;
  if( n==0 || n>=0x7fffff00 ){
    /* A memory allocation of a number of bytes which is near the maximum
    signed integer value might cause an integer overflow inside of the
    xMalloc().  Hence we limit the maximum size to 0x7fffff00, giving
    255 bytes of overhead.  SQLite itself will never use anything near
    this amount.  The only way to reach the limit is with sqlite3_malloc() */
    p = 0;
  }else if( sqlite3GlobalConfig.bMemstat ){
    mallocWithAlarm((int)n, &p);
    p = sqlite3GlobalConfig.m.xMalloc((int)n);
  assert( EIGHT_BYTE_ALIGNMENT(p) );  /* IMP: R-11148-40995 */
  return p;



Change the page size used by the Pager object. The new page size 
is passed in *pPageSize.

If the pager is in the error state when this function is called, it
is a no-op. The value returned is the error state error code (i.e. 
one of SQLITE_IOERR, an SQLITE_IOERR_xxx sub-code or SQLITE_FULL).

Otherwise, if all of the following are true:

  * the new page size (value of *pPageSize) is valid (a power 
    of two between 512 and SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE, inclusive), and

  * there are no outstanding page references, and

  * the database is either not an in-memory database or it is
    an in-memory database that currently consists of zero pages.

then the pager object page size is set to *pPageSize.

If the page size is changed, then this function uses sqlite3PagerMalloc() 
to obtain a new Pager.pTmpSpace buffer. If this allocation attempt 
fails, SQLITE_NOMEM is returned and the page size remains unchanged. 
In all other cases, SQLITE_OK is returned.

If the page size is not changed, either because one of the enumerated
conditions above is not true, the pager was in error state when this
function was called, or because the memory allocation attempt failed, 
then *pPageSize is set to the old, retained page size before returning.
int sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(Pager *pPager, u32 *pPageSize, int nReserve){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;

  /* It is not possible to do a full assert_pager_state() here, as this
  function may be called from within PagerOpen(), before the state
  of the Pager object is internally consistent.
  At one point this function returned an error if the pager was in 
  PAGER_ERROR state. But since PAGER_ERROR state guarantees that
  there is at least one outstanding page reference, this function
  is a no-op for that case anyhow.

  u32 pageSize = *pPageSize;
  assert( pageSize==0 || (pageSize>=512 && pageSize<=SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE) );
  if( (pPager->memDb==0 || pPager->dbSize==0)
   && sqlite3PcacheRefCount(pPager->pPCache)==0 
   && pageSize && pageSize!=(u32)pPager->pageSize 
    char *pNew = NULL;             /* New temp space */
    i64 nByte = 0;

    if( pPager->eState>PAGER_OPEN && isOpen(pPager->fd) ){
      rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pPager->fd, &nByte);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      /* 8 bytes of zeroed overrun space is sufficient so that the b-tree
      * cell header parser will never run off the end of the allocation */
      pNew = (char *)sqlite3PageMalloc(pageSize+8);
      if( !pNew ){
        rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
        memset(pNew+pageSize, 0, 8);

    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = sqlite3PcacheSetPageSize(pPager->pPCache, pageSize);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      pPager->pTmpSpace = pNew;
      pPager->dbSize = (Pgno)((nByte+pageSize-1)/pageSize);
      pPager->pageSize = pageSize;

  *pPageSize = pPager->pageSize;
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    if( nReserve<0 ) nReserve = pPager->nReserve;
    assert( nReserve>=0 && nReserve<1000 );
    pPager->nReserve = (i16)nReserve;
  return rc;


assert( (pBt->pageSize & 7)==0 );  /* 8-byte alignment of pageSize */


Structure containing global configuration data for the SQLite library.

This structure also contains some state information.
struct Sqlite3Config {
  int bMemstat;                     /* True to enable memory status */
  int bCoreMutex;                   /* True to enable core mutexing */
  int bFullMutex;                   /* True to enable full mutexing */
  int bOpenUri;                     /* True to interpret filenames as URIs */
  int bUseCis;                      /* Use covering indices for full-scans */
  int bSmallMalloc;                 /* Avoid large memory allocations if true */
  int mxStrlen;                     /* Maximum string length */
  int neverCorrupt;                 /* Database is always well-formed */
  int szLookaside;                  /* Default lookaside buffer size */
  int nLookaside;                   /* Default lookaside buffer count */
  int nStmtSpill;                   /* Stmt-journal spill-to-disk threshold */
  sqlite3_mem_methods m;            /* Low-level memory allocation interface */
  sqlite3_mutex_methods mutex;      /* Low-level mutex interface */
  sqlite3_pcache_methods2 pcache2;  /* Low-level page-cache interface */
  void *pHeap;                      /* Heap storage space */
  int nHeap;                        /* Size of pHeap[] */
  int mnReq, mxReq;                 /* Min and max heap requests sizes */
  sqlite3_int64 szMmap;             /* mmap() space per open file */
  sqlite3_int64 mxMmap;             /* Maximum value for szMmap */
  void *pPage;                      /* Page cache memory */
  int szPage;                       /* Size of each page in pPage[] */
  int nPage;                        /* Number of pages in pPage[] */
  int mxParserStack;                /* maximum depth of the parser stack */
  int sharedCacheEnabled;           /* true if shared-cache mode enabled */
  u32 szPma;                        /* Maximum Sorter PMA size */
  /* The above might be initialized to non-zero.  The following need to always
  initially be zero, however. */
  int isInit;                       /* True after initialization has finished */
  int inProgress;                   /* True while initialization in progress */
  int isMutexInit;                  /* True after mutexes are initialized */
  int isMallocInit;                 /* True after malloc is initialized */
  int isPCacheInit;                 /* True after malloc is initialized */
  int nRefInitMutex;                /* Number of users of pInitMutex */
  sqlite3_mutex *pInitMutex;        /* Mutex used by sqlite3_initialize() */
  void (*xLog)(void*,int,const char*); /* Function for logging */
  void *pLogArg;                       /* First argument to xLog() */
  void(*xSqllog)(void*,sqlite3*,const char*, int);
  void *pSqllogArg;
  /* The following callback (if not NULL) is invoked on every VDBE branch
  operation.  Set the callback using SQLITE_TESTCTRL_VDBE_COVERAGE.
  void (*xVdbeBranch)(void*,unsigned iSrcLine,u8 eThis,u8 eMx);  /* Callback */
  void *pVdbeBranchArg;                                     /* 1st argument */
  sqlite3_int64 mxMemdbSize;        /* Default max memdb size */
  int (*xTestCallback)(int);        /* Invoked by sqlite3FaultSim() */
  int bLocaltimeFault;              /* True to fail localtime() calls */
  int bInternalFunctions;           /* Internal SQL functions are visible */
  int iOnceResetThreshold;          /* When to reset OP_Once counters */
  u32 szSorterRef;                  /* Min size in bytes to use sorter-refs */


const strutc Sqlite3Config sqlite3Config = {}

The following singleton contains the global configuration for
the SQLite library.
SQLITE_WSD struct Sqlite3Config sqlite3Config = {
   1,                         /* bCoreMutex */
   SQLITE_THREADSAFE==1,      /* bFullMutex */
   SQLITE_USE_URI,            /* bOpenUri */
   0,                         /* bSmallMalloc */
   0x7ffffffe,                /* mxStrlen */
   0,                         /* neverCorrupt */
   SQLITE_DEFAULT_LOOKASIDE,  /* szLookaside, nLookaside */
   SQLITE_STMTJRNL_SPILL,     /* nStmtSpill */
   {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},         /* m */
   {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},       /* mutex */
   {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},/* pcache2 */
   (void*)0,                  /* pHeap */
   0,                         /* nHeap */
   0, 0,                      /* mnHeap, mxHeap */
   SQLITE_MAX_MMAP_SIZE,      /* mxMmap */
   (void*)0,                  /* pPage */
   0,                         /* szPage */
   0,                         /* mxParserStack */
   0,                         /* sharedCacheEnabled */
   SQLITE_SORTER_PMASZ,       /* szPma */
   /* All the rest should always be initialized to zero */
   0,                         /* isInit */
   0,                         /* inProgress */
   0,                         /* isMutexInit */
   0,                         /* isMallocInit */
   0,                         /* isPCacheInit */
   0,                         /* nRefInitMutex */
   0,                         /* pInitMutex */
   0,                         /* xLog */
   0,                         /* pLogArg */
   0,                         /* xSqllog */
   0,                         /* pSqllogArg */
   0,                         /* xVdbeBranch */
   0,                         /* pVbeBranchArg */
   0,                         /* xTestCallback */
   0,                         /* bLocaltimeFault */
   0,                         /* bInternalFunctions */
   0x7ffffffe,                /* iOnceResetThreshold */


static ProcessLocalStorage *pGlobal = 0;

int sqlite3_wsd_init(int N, int J){
  if( !pGlobal ){
    int nMalloc = N + sizeof(ProcessLocalStorage) + J*sizeof(ProcessLocalVar);
    pGlobal = (ProcessLocalStorage *)malloc(nMalloc);
    if( pGlobal ){
      memset(pGlobal, 0, sizeof(ProcessLocalStorage));
      pGlobal->nFree = nMalloc - sizeof(ProcessLocalStorage);
      pGlobal->pFree = (u8 *)&pGlobal[1];

  return pGlobal ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_NOMEM;

void *sqlite3_wsd_find(void *K, int L){
  int i;
  int iHash = 0;
  ProcessLocalVar *pVar;

  /* Calculate a hash of K */
  for(i=0; i<sizeof(void*); i++){
    iHash = (iHash<<3) + ((unsigned char *)&K)[i];
  iHash = iHash%PLS_HASHSIZE;

  /* Search the hash table for K. */
  for(pVar=pGlobal->aData[iHash]; pVar && pVar->pKey!=K; pVar=pVar->pNext);

  /* If no entry for K was found, create and populate a new one. */
  if( !pVar ){
    int nByte = ROUND8(sizeof(ProcessLocalVar) + L);
    assert( pGlobal->nFree>=nByte );
    pVar = (ProcessLocalVar *)pGlobal->pFree;
    pVar->pKey = K;
    pVar->pNext = pGlobal->aData[iHash];
    pGlobal->aData[iHash] = pVar;
    pGlobal->nFree -= nByte;
    pGlobal->pFree += nByte;
    memcpy(&pVar[1], K, L);

  return (void *)&pVar[1];


#define ROUND8(x) (((x)+7)&~7)


The sqlite3_mutex_held() and sqlite3_mutex_notheld() routine are
intended for use inside assert() statements.
int sqlite3_mutex_held(sqlite3_mutex *p){
  assert( p==0 || sqlite3GlobalConfig.mutex.xMutexHeld );
  return p==0 || sqlite3GlobalConfig.mutex.xMutexHeld(p);


static CheckMutex staticMutexes[] = {{2,0},{3,0}} 给数组进行初始化//红色的0代表的是空,因为是指针类型,把0赋给指针类型的变量表示该指针为NULL。不指向任何内容。







Remove the page supplied as an argument from the hash table 
(PCache1.apHash structure) that it is currently stored in.
Also free the page if freePage is true.

The PGroup mutex must be held when this function is called.
static void pcache1RemoveFromHash(PgHdr1 *pPage, int freeFlag){
  unsigned int h;
  PCache1 *pCache = pPage->pCache;
  PgHdr1 **pp;

  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(pCache->pGroup->mutex) );
  h = pPage->iKey % pCache->nHash;
  for(pp=&pCache->apHash[h]; (*pp)!=pPage; pp=&(*pp)->pNext);
  *pp = (*pp)->pNext;//这一步是最核心的(最终是为了实现指针的赋值)

  if( freeFlag ) pcache1FreePage(pPage);


Free a page object allocated by pcache1AllocPage().
static void pcache1FreePage(PgHdr1 *p){
  PCache1 *pCache;
  assert( p!=0 );
  pCache = p->pCache;
  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(p->pCache->pGroup->mutex) );
  if( p->isBulkLocal ){
    p->pNext = pCache->pFree;//这样简单粗暴
    pCache->pFree = p;//pCache->pFree指向新的位置,相当于使用了头插法

内存分配子系统的本地状态信息  static const struct MemoGlobal

#define mem0 GLOBAL(struct Mem0Global, mem0)
State information local to the memory allocation subsystem.//
static SQLITE_WSD struct Mem0Global {
  sqlite3_mutex *mutex;         /* Mutex to serialize access */
  sqlite3_int64 alarmThreshold; /* The soft heap limit */

  True if heap is nearly "full" where "full" is defined by the
  sqlite3_soft_heap_limit() setting.
  int nearlyFull;
} mem0 = { 0, 0, 0 };


Return the global mutex used by this PCACHE implementation.  The
sqlite3_status() routine needs access to this mutex.
sqlite3_mutex *sqlite3Pcache1Mutex(void){
  return pcache1.mutex;


Return the memory allocator mutex. sqlite3_status() needs it.
sqlite3_mutex *sqlite3MallocMutex(void){
  return mem0.mutex;


void sqlite3StatusDown(int op, int N){
  assert( N>=0 );
  assert( op>=0 && op<ArraySize(statMutex) );
  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(statMutex[op] ? sqlite3Pcache1Mutex()
                                           : sqlite3MallocMutex()) );
  assert( op>=0 && op<ArraySize(wsdStat.nowValue) );
  wsdStat.nowValue[op] -= N;


Free slots in the allocator used to divide up the global page cache
buffer provided using the SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE mechanism.
struct PgFreeslot {
  PgFreeslot *pNext;  /* Next free slot */

释放从 pcache1Alloc() 获得的已分配缓冲区

Free an allocated buffer obtained from pcache1Alloc().
static void pcache1Free(void *p){
  if( p==0 ) return;
  if( SQLITE_WITHIN(p, pcache1.pStart, pcache1.pEnd) ){
    PgFreeslot *pSlot;
    sqlite3StatusDown(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_USED, 1);
    pSlot = (PgFreeslot*)p;//强制类型转换
    pSlot->pNext = pcache1.pFree;
    pcache1.pFree = pSlot;//这也有点类似于头插法
    pcache1.bUnderPressure = pcache1.nFreeSlot<pcache1.nReserve;
    assert( pcache1.nFreeSlot<=pcache1.nSlot );
    assert( sqlite3MemdebugHasType(p, MEMTYPE_PCACHE) );
    sqlite3MemdebugSetType(p, MEMTYPE_HEAP);
      int nFreed = 0;
      nFreed = sqlite3MallocSize(p);
      sqlite3StatusDown(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW, nFreed);


All code in this file should access the global structure above via the
alias "pcache1". This ensures that the WSD emulation is used when
compiling for systems that do not support real WSD.
#define pcache1 (GLOBAL(struct PCacheGlobal, pcache1_g))


Global data used by this cache.
static SQLITE_WSD struct PCacheGlobal {
  PGroup grp;                    /* The global PGroup for mode (2) */

  /* Variables related to SQLITE_CONFIG_PAGECACHE settings.  The
  szSlot, nSlot, pStart, pEnd, nReserve, and isInit values are all
  fixed at sqlite3_initialize() time and do not require mutex protection.
  The nFreeSlot and pFree values do require mutex protection.
  int isInit;                    /* True if initialized */
  int separateCache;             /* Use a new PGroup for each PCache */
  int nInitPage;                 /* Initial bulk allocation size */   
  int szSlot;                    /* Size of each free slot */
  int nSlot;                     /* The number of pcache slots */
  int nReserve;                  /* Try to keep nFreeSlot above this */
  void *pStart, *pEnd;           /* Bounds of global page cache memory */
  /* Above requires no mutex.  Use mutex below for variable that follow. */
  sqlite3_mutex *mutex;          /* Mutex for accessing the following: */
  PgFreeslot *pFree;             /* Free page blocks */
  int nFreeSlot;                 /* Number of unused pcache slots */
  /* The following value requires a mutex to change.  We skip the mutex on
  reading because (1) most platforms read a 32-bit integer atomically and
  (2) even if an incorrect value is read, no great harm is done since this
  is really just an optimization. */
  int bUnderPressure;            /* True if low on PAGECACHE memory */
} pcache1_g;



每个数据库文件都被系统以下面的方式进行存取。通常有两种结构:aDb[0]是 main database file。aDb[1]是存放临时表的database file。其余的数据库可以附加。

Each database file to be accessed by the system is an instance
of the following structure.  There are normally two of these structures
in the sqlite.aDb[] array.  aDb[0] is the main database file and
aDb[1] is the database file used to hold temporary tables.  Additional
databases may be attached.
struct Db {
  char *zDbSName;      /* Name of this database. (schema name, not filename) */
  Btree *pBt;          /* The B*Tree structure for this database file */
  u8 safety_level;     /* How aggressive at syncing data to disk */
  u8 bSyncSet;         /* True if "PRAGMA synchronous=N" has been run */
  Schema *pSchema;     /* Pointer to database schema (possibly shared) */


Each database connection is an instance of the following structure.
struct sqlite3 {
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs;            /* OS Interface */
  struct Vdbe *pVdbe;           /* List of active virtual machines */
  CollSeq *pDfltColl;           /* The default collating sequence (BINARY) */
  sqlite3_mutex *mutex;         /* Connection mutex */
  Db *aDb;                      /* All backends */
  int nDb;                      /* Number of backends currently in use */
  u32 mDbFlags;                 /* flags recording internal state */
  u64 flags;                    /* flags settable by pragmas. See below */
  i64 lastRowid;                /* ROWID of most recent insert (see above) */
  i64 szMmap;                   /* Default mmap_size setting */
  u32 nSchemaLock;              /* Do not reset the schema when non-zero */
  unsigned int openFlags;       /* Flags passed to sqlite3_vfs.xOpen() */
  int errCode;                  /* Most recent error code (SQLITE_*) */
  int errMask;                  /* & result codes with this before returning */
  int iSysErrno;                /* Errno value from last system error */
  u16 dbOptFlags;               /* Flags to enable/disable optimizations */
  u8 enc;                       /* Text encoding */
  u8 autoCommit;                /* The auto-commit flag. */
  u8 temp_store;                /* 1: file 2: memory 0: default */
  u8 mallocFailed;              /* True if we have seen a malloc failure */
  u8 bBenignMalloc;             /* Do not require OOMs if true */
  u8 dfltLockMode;              /* Default locking-mode for attached dbs */
  signed char nextAutovac;      /* Autovac setting after VACUUM if >=0 */
  u8 suppressErr;               /* Do not issue error messages if true */
  u8 vtabOnConflict;            /* Value to return for s3_vtab_on_conflict() */
  u8 isTransactionSavepoint;    /* True if the outermost savepoint is a TS */
  u8 mTrace;                    /* zero or more SQLITE_TRACE flags */
  u8 noSharedCache;             /* True if no shared-cache backends */
  u8 nSqlExec;                  /* Number of pending OP_SqlExec opcodes */
  int nextPagesize;             /* Pagesize after VACUUM if >0 */
  u32 magic;                    /* Magic number for detect library misuse */
  int nChange;                  /* Value returned by sqlite3_changes() */
  int nTotalChange;             /* Value returned by sqlite3_total_changes() */
  int aLimit[SQLITE_N_LIMIT];   /* Limits */
  int nMaxSorterMmap;           /* Maximum size of regions mapped by sorter */
  struct sqlite3InitInfo {      /* Information used during initialization */
    int newTnum;                /* Rootpage of table being initialized */
    u8 iDb;                     /* Which db file is being initialized */
    u8 busy;                    /* TRUE if currently initializing */
    unsigned orphanTrigger : 1; /* Last statement is orphaned TEMP trigger */
    unsigned imposterTable : 1; /* Building an imposter table */
    unsigned reopenMemdb : 1;   /* ATTACH is really a reopen using MemDB */
  } init;
  int nVdbeActive;              /* Number of VDBEs currently running */
  int nVdbeRead;                /* Number of active VDBEs that read or write */
  int nVdbeWrite;               /* Number of active VDBEs that read and write */
  int nVdbeExec;                /* Number of nested calls to VdbeExec() */
  int nVDestroy;                /* Number of active OP_VDestroy operations */
  int nExtension;               /* Number of loaded extensions */
  void **aExtension;            /* Array of shared library handles */
  int (*xTrace)(u32,void*,void*,void*);     /* Trace function */
  void *pTraceArg;                          /* Argument to the trace function */
  void (*xProfile)(void*,const char*,u64);  /* Profiling function */
  void *pProfileArg;                        /* Argument to profile function */
  void *pCommitArg;                 /* Argument to xCommitCallback() */
  int (*xCommitCallback)(void*);    /* Invoked at every commit. */
  void *pRollbackArg;               /* Argument to xRollbackCallback() */
  void (*xRollbackCallback)(void*); /* Invoked at every commit. */
  void *pUpdateArg;
  void (*xUpdateCallback)(void*,int, const char*,const char*,sqlite_int64);
  Parse *pParse;                /* Current parse */
  void *pPreUpdateArg;          /* First argument to xPreUpdateCallback */
  void (*xPreUpdateCallback)(   /* Registered using sqlite3_preupdate_hook() */
    void*,sqlite3*,int,char const*,char const*,sqlite3_int64,sqlite3_int64
  PreUpdate *pPreUpdate;        /* Context for active pre-update callback */
  int (*xWalCallback)(void *, sqlite3 *, const char *, int);
  void *pWalArg;
  void(*xCollNeeded)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const char*);
  void(*xCollNeeded16)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const void*);
  void *pCollNeededArg;
  sqlite3_value *pErr;          /* Most recent error message */
  union {
    volatile int isInterrupted; /* True if sqlite3_interrupt has been called */
    double notUsed1;            /* Spacer */
  } u1;
  Lookaside lookaside;          /* Lookaside malloc configuration */
  sqlite3_xauth xAuth;          /* Access authorization function */
  void *pAuthArg;               /* 1st argument to the access auth function */
  int (*xProgress)(void *);     /* The progress callback */
  void *pProgressArg;           /* Argument to the progress callback */
  unsigned nProgressOps;        /* Number of opcodes for progress callback */
  int nVTrans;                  /* Allocated size of aVTrans */
  Hash aModule;                 /* populated by sqlite3_create_module() */
  VtabCtx *pVtabCtx;            /* Context for active vtab connect/create */
  VTable **aVTrans;             /* Virtual tables with open transactions */
  VTable *pDisconnect;          /* Disconnect these in next sqlite3_prepare() */
  Hash aFunc;                   /* Hash table of connection functions */
  Hash aCollSeq;                /* All collating sequences */
  BusyHandler busyHandler;      /* Busy callback */
  Db aDbStatic[2];              /* Static space for the 2 default backends */
  Savepoint *pSavepoint;        /* List of active savepoints */
  int busyTimeout;              /* Busy handler timeout, in msec */
  int nSavepoint;               /* Number of non-transaction savepoints */
  int nStatement;               /* Number of nested statement-transactions  */
  i64 nDeferredCons;            /* Net deferred constraints this transaction. */
  i64 nDeferredImmCons;         /* Net deferred immediate constraints */
  int *pnBytesFreed;            /* If not NULL, increment this in DbFree() */
  /* The following variables are all protected by the STATIC_MASTER
  mutex, not by sqlite3.mutex. They are used by code in notify.c.
  When X.pUnlockConnection==Y, that means that X is waiting for Y to
  unlock so that it can proceed.
  When X.pBlockingConnection==Y, that means that something that X tried
  tried to do recently failed with an SQLITE_LOCKED error due to locks
  held by Y.
  sqlite3 *pBlockingConnection; /* Connection that caused SQLITE_LOCKED */
  sqlite3 *pUnlockConnection;           /* Connection to watch for unlock */
  void *pUnlockArg;                     /* Argument to xUnlockNotify */
  void (*xUnlockNotify)(void **, int);  /* Unlock notify callback */
  sqlite3 *pNextBlocked;        /* Next in list of all blocked connections */
  sqlite3_userauth auth;        /* User authentication information */


Open a database file.

zFilename is the name of the database file.  If zFilename is NULL
then an ephemeral database is created.  The ephemeral database might
be exclusively in memory, or it might use a disk-based memory cache.
Either way, the ephemeral database will be automatically deleted 
when sqlite3BtreeClose() is called.

If zFilename is ":memory:" then an in-memory database is created
that is automatically destroyed when it is closed.

The "flags" parameter is a bitmask that might contain bits like

If the database is already opened in the same database connection
and we are in shared cache mode, then the open will fail with an
SQLITE_CONSTRAINT error.  We cannot allow two or more BtShared
objects in the same database connection since doing so will lead
to problems with locking.
int sqlite3BtreeOpen(
  sqlite3_vfs *pVfs,      /* VFS to use for this b-tree */
  const char *zFilename,  /* Name of the file containing the BTree database */
  sqlite3 *db,            /* Associated database handle */
  Btree **ppBtree,        /* Pointer to new Btree object written here */
  int flags,              /* Options */
  int vfsFlags            /* Flags passed through to sqlite3_vfs.xOpen() */
  BtShared *pBt = 0;             /* Shared part of btree structure */
  Btree *p;                      /* Handle to return */
  sqlite3_mutex *mutexOpen = 0;  /* Prevents a race condition. Ticket #3537 */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;            /* Result code from this function */
  u8 nReserve;                   /* Byte of unused space on each page */
  unsigned char zDbHeader[100];  /* Database header content */

  /* True if opening an ephemeral, temporary database */
  const int isTempDb = zFilename==0 || zFilename[0]==0;

  /* Set the variable isMemdb to true for an in-memory database, or 
  false for a file-based database.
  const int isMemdb = 0;
  const int isMemdb = (zFilename && strcmp(zFilename, ":memory:")==0)
                       || (isTempDb && sqlite3TempInMemory(db))
                       || (vfsFlags & SQLITE_OPEN_MEMORY)!=0;

  assert( db!=0 );
  assert( pVfs!=0 );
  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
  assert( (flags&0xff)==flags );   /* flags fit in 8 bits */

  /* Only a BTREE_SINGLE database can be BTREE_UNORDERED */
  assert( (flags & BTREE_UNORDERED)==0 || (flags & BTREE_SINGLE)!=0 );

  /* A BTREE_SINGLE database is always a temporary and/or ephemeral */
  assert( (flags & BTREE_SINGLE)==0 || isTempDb );

  if( isMemdb ){
    flags |= BTREE_MEMORY;
  if( (vfsFlags & SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB)!=0 && (isMemdb || isTempDb) ){
    vfsFlags = (vfsFlags & ~SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB) | SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB;
  p = sqlite3MallocZero(sizeof(Btree));
  if( !p ){
  p->inTrans = TRANS_NONE;
  p->db = db;
  p->lock.pBtree = p;
  p->lock.iTable = 1;

  If this Btree is a candidate for shared cache, try to find an
  existing BtShared object that we can share with
  if( isTempDb==0 && (isMemdb==0 || (vfsFlags&SQLITE_OPEN_URI)!=0) ){
    if( vfsFlags & SQLITE_OPEN_SHAREDCACHE ){
      int nFilename = sqlite3Strlen30(zFilename)+1;
      int nFullPathname = pVfs->mxPathname+1;
      char *zFullPathname = sqlite3Malloc(MAX(nFullPathname,nFilename));
      MUTEX_LOGIC( sqlite3_mutex *mutexShared; )

      p->sharable = 1;
      if( !zFullPathname ){
        return SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
      if( isMemdb ){
        memcpy(zFullPathname, zFilename, nFilename);
        rc = sqlite3OsFullPathname(pVfs, zFilename,
                                   nFullPathname, zFullPathname);
        if( rc ){
          return rc;
      mutexOpen = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_OPEN);
      mutexShared = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER);
      for(pBt=GLOBAL(BtShared*,sqlite3SharedCacheList); pBt; pBt=pBt->pNext){
        assert( pBt->nRef>0 );
        if( 0==strcmp(zFullPathname, sqlite3PagerFilename(pBt->pPager, 0))
                 && sqlite3PagerVfs(pBt->pPager)==pVfs ){
          int iDb;
          for(iDb=db->nDb-1; iDb>=0; iDb--){
            Btree *pExisting = db->aDb[iDb].pBt;
            if( pExisting && pExisting->pBt==pBt ){
              return SQLITE_CONSTRAINT;
          p->pBt = pBt;
      /* In debug mode, we mark all persistent databases as sharable
      even when they are not.  This exercises the locking code and
      gives more opportunity for asserts(sqlite3_mutex_held())
      statements to find locking problems.
      p->sharable = 1;
  if( pBt==0 ){
    The following asserts make sure that structures used by the btree are
    the right size.  This is to guard against size changes that result
    when compiling on a different architecture.
    assert( sizeof(i64)==8 );
    assert( sizeof(u64)==8 );
    assert( sizeof(u32)==4 );
    assert( sizeof(u16)==2 );
    assert( sizeof(Pgno)==4 );
    pBt = sqlite3MallocZero( sizeof(*pBt) );
    if( pBt==0 ){
      goto btree_open_out;
    rc = sqlite3PagerOpen(pVfs, &pBt->pPager, zFilename,
                          sizeof(MemPage), flags, vfsFlags, pageReinit);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      sqlite3PagerSetMmapLimit(pBt->pPager, db->szMmap);
      rc = sqlite3PagerReadFileheader(pBt->pPager,sizeof(zDbHeader),zDbHeader);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      goto btree_open_out;
    pBt->openFlags = (u8)flags;
    pBt->db = db;
    sqlite3PagerSetBusyHandler(pBt->pPager, btreeInvokeBusyHandler, pBt);
    p->pBt = pBt;
    pBt->pCursor = 0;
    pBt->pPage1 = 0;
    if( sqlite3PagerIsreadonly(pBt->pPager) ) pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_READ_ONLY;
    pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_SECURE_DELETE;
    pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_OVERWRITE;
    /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-51873-39618 The page size for a database file is
    determined by the 2-byte integer located at an offset of 16 bytes from
    the beginning of the database file. */
    pBt->pageSize = (zDbHeader[16]<<8) | (zDbHeader[17]<<16);
    if( pBt->pageSize<512 || pBt->pageSize>SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE
         || ((pBt->pageSize-1)&pBt->pageSize)!=0 ){
      pBt->pageSize = 0;
      /* If the magic name ":memory:" will create an in-memory database, then
      leave the autoVacuum mode at 0 (do not auto-vacuum), even if
      SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM is true. On the other hand, if
      SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORYDB has been defined, then ":memory:" is just a
      regular file-name. In this case the auto-vacuum applies as per normal.
      if( zFilename && !isMemdb ){
        pBt->autoVacuum = (SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM ? 1 : 0);
        pBt->incrVacuum = (SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM==2 ? 1 : 0);
      nReserve = 0;
      /* EVIDENCE-OF: R-37497-42412 The size of the reserved region is
      determined by the one-byte unsigned integer found at an offset of 20
      into the database file header. */
      nReserve = zDbHeader[20];
      pBt->btsFlags |= BTS_PAGESIZE_FIXED;
      pBt->autoVacuum = (get4byte(&zDbHeader[36 + 4*4])?1:0);
      pBt->incrVacuum = (get4byte(&zDbHeader[36 + 7*4])?1:0);
    rc = sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(pBt->pPager, &pBt->pageSize, nReserve);
    if( rc ) goto btree_open_out;
    pBt->usableSize = pBt->pageSize - nReserve;
    assert( (pBt->pageSize & 7)==0 );  /* 8-byte alignment of pageSize */
    /* Add the new BtShared object to the linked list sharable BtShareds.
    pBt->nRef = 1;
    if( p->sharable ){
      MUTEX_LOGIC( sqlite3_mutex *mutexShared; )
      MUTEX_LOGIC( mutexShared = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_STATIC_MASTER);)
      if( SQLITE_THREADSAFE && sqlite3GlobalConfig.bCoreMutex ){
        pBt->mutex = sqlite3MutexAlloc(SQLITE_MUTEX_FAST);
        if( pBt->mutex==0 ){
          rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
          goto btree_open_out;
      pBt->pNext = GLOBAL(BtShared*,sqlite3SharedCacheList);
      GLOBAL(BtShared*,sqlite3SharedCacheList) = pBt;

  /* If the new Btree uses a sharable pBtShared, then link the new
  Btree into the list of all sharable Btrees for the same connection.
  The list is kept in ascending order by pBt address.
  if( p->sharable ){
    int i;
    Btree *pSib;
    for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
      if( (pSib = db->aDb[i].pBt)!=0 && pSib->sharable ){
        while( pSib->pPrev ){ pSib = pSib->pPrev; }
        if( (uptr)p->pBt<(uptr)pSib->pBt ){
          p->pNext = pSib;
          p->pPrev = 0;
          pSib->pPrev = p;
          while( pSib->pNext && (uptr)pSib->pNext->pBt<(uptr)p->pBt ){
            pSib = pSib->pNext;
          p->pNext = pSib->pNext;
          p->pPrev = pSib;
          if( p->pNext ){
            p->pNext->pPrev = p;
          pSib->pNext = p;
  *ppBtree = p;

  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    if( pBt && pBt->pPager ){
      sqlite3PagerClose(pBt->pPager, 0);
    *ppBtree = 0;
    sqlite3_file *pFile;

    /* If the B-Tree was successfully opened, set the pager-cache size to the
    default value. Except, when opening on an existing shared pager-cache,
    do not change the pager-cache size.
    if( sqlite3BtreeSchema(p, 0, 0)==0 ){
      sqlite3PagerSetCachesize(p->pBt->pPager, SQLITE_DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE);

    pFile = sqlite3PagerFile(pBt->pPager);
    if( pFile->pMethods ){
      sqlite3OsFileControlHint(pFile, SQLITE_FCNTL_PDB, (void*)&pBt->db);
  if( mutexOpen ){
    assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(mutexOpen) );
  assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || sqlite3BtreeConnectionCount(*ppBtree)>0 );
  return rc;


Do a memory allocation with statistics and alarms.  Assume the
lock is already held.
static void mallocWithAlarm(int n, void **pp){
  void *p;
  int nFull;
  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(mem0.mutex) );
  assert( n>0 );

  /* In Firefox (circa 2017-02-08), xRoundup() is remapped to an internal
  implementation of malloc_good_size(), which must be called in debug
  mode and specifically when the DMD "Dark Matter Detector" is enabled
  or else a crash results.  Hence, do not attempt to optimize out the
  following xRoundup() call. */
  nFull = sqlite3GlobalConfig.m.xRoundup(n);

  if( sqlite3StatusValue(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED)+nFull>SQLITE_MAX_MEMORY ){//判断是否大于了内存最大值
    *pp = 0;

  sqlite3StatusHighwater(SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_SIZE, n);
  if( mem0.alarmThreshold>0 ){
    sqlite3_int64 nUsed = sqlite3StatusValue(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED);
    if( nUsed >= mem0.alarmThreshold - nFull ){
      mem0.nearlyFull = 1;
      mem0.nearlyFull = 0;
  p = sqlite3GlobalConfig.m.xMalloc(nFull);
  if( p==0 && mem0.alarmThreshold>0 ){
    p = sqlite3GlobalConfig.m.xMalloc(nFull);
  if( p ){
    nFull = sqlite3MallocSize(p);
    sqlite3StatusUp(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED, nFull);
    sqlite3StatusUp(SQLITE_STATUS_MALLOC_COUNT, 1);
  *pp = p;


Return the maximum amount of memory that has ever been
checked out since either the beginning of this process
or since the most recent reset.
sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_memory_highwater(int resetFlag){
  sqlite3_int64 res, mx;
  sqlite3_status64(SQLITE_STATUS_MEMORY_USED, &res, &mx, resetFlag);
  return mx;


Query status information.
int sqlite3_status64(
  int op,
  sqlite3_int64 *pCurrent,
  sqlite3_int64 *pHighwater,
  int resetFlag
  sqlite3_mutex *pMutex;
  if( op<0 || op>=ArraySize(wsdStat.nowValue) ){
  if( pCurrent==0 || pHighwater==0 ) return SQLITE_MISUSE_BKPT;
  pMutex = statMutex[op] ? sqlite3Pcache1Mutex() : sqlite3MallocMutex();
  *pCurrent = wsdStat.nowValue[op];
  *pHighwater = wsdStat.mxValue[op];
  if( resetFlag ){
    wsdStat.mxValue[op] = wsdStat.nowValue[op];
  (void)pMutex;  /* Prevent warning when SQLITE_THREADSAFE=0 */
  return SQLITE_OK;


/* The page getter for when memory-mapped I/O is enabled */
static int getPageMMap(
  Pager *pPager,      /* The pager open on the database file */
  Pgno pgno,          /* Page number to fetch */
  DbPage **ppPage,    /* Write a pointer to the page here */
  int flags           /* PAGER_GET_XXX flags */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  PgHdr *pPg = 0;
  u32 iFrame = 0;                 /* Frame to read from WAL file */

  /* It is acceptable to use a read-only (mmap) page for any page except
  page 1 if there is no write-transaction open or the ACQUIRE_READONLY
  flag was specified by the caller. And so long as the db is not a 
  temporary or in-memory database.  */
  const int bMmapOk = (pgno>1
   && (pPager->eState==PAGER_READER || (flags & PAGER_GET_READONLY))

  assert( USEFETCH(pPager) );
  assert( pPager->xCodec==0 );

  /* Optimization note:  Adding the "pgno<=1" term before "pgno==0" here
  allows the compiler optimizer to reuse the results of the "pgno>1"
  test in the previous statement, and avoid testing pgno==0 in the
  common case where pgno is large. */
  if( pgno<=1 && pgno==0 ){
  assert( pPager->eState>=PAGER_READER );
  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
  assert( pPager->hasHeldSharedLock==1 );
  assert( pPager->errCode==SQLITE_OK );

  if( bMmapOk && pagerUseWal(pPager) ){
    rc = sqlite3WalFindFrame(pPager->pWal, pgno, &iFrame);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      *ppPage = 0;
      return rc;
  if( bMmapOk && iFrame==0 ){
    void *pData = 0;
    rc = sqlite3OsFetch(pPager->fd, 
        (i64)(pgno-1) * pPager->pageSize, pPager->pageSize, &pData
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pData ){
      if( pPager->eState>PAGER_READER || pPager->tempFile ){
        pPg = sqlite3PagerLookup(pPager, pgno);
      if( pPg==0 ){
        rc = pagerAcquireMapPage(pPager, pgno, pData, &pPg);
        sqlite3OsUnfetch(pPager->fd, (i64)(pgno-1)*pPager->pageSize, pData);
      if( pPg ){
        assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
        *ppPage = pPg;
        return SQLITE_OK;
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      *ppPage = 0;
      return rc;
  return getPageNormal(pPager, pgno, ppPage, flags);


Try to obtain a page from the cache.

This routine returns a pointer to an sqlite3_pcache_page object if
such an object is already in cache, or if a new one is created.
This routine returns a NULL pointer if the object was not in cache
and could not be created.

The createFlags should be 0 to check for existing pages and should
be 3 (not 1, but 3) to try to create a new page.

If the createFlag is 0, then NULL is always returned if the page
is not already in the cache.  If createFlag is 1, then a new page
is created only if that can be done without spilling dirty pages
and without exceeding the cache size limit.

The caller needs to invoke sqlite3PcacheFetchFinish() to properly
initialize the sqlite3_pcache_page object and convert it into a
PgHdr object.  The sqlite3PcacheFetch() and sqlite3PcacheFetchFinish()
routines are split this way for performance reasons. When separated
they can both (usually) operate without having to push values to
the stack on entry and pop them back off on exit, which saves a
lot of pushing and popping.
sqlite3_pcache_page *sqlite3PcacheFetch(
  PCache *pCache,       /* Obtain the page from this cache */
  Pgno pgno,            /* Page number to obtain */
  int createFlag        /* If true, create page if it does not exist already */
  int eCreate;
  sqlite3_pcache_page *pRes;

  assert( pCache!=0 );
  assert( pCache->pCache!=0 );
  assert( createFlag==3 || createFlag==0 );
  assert( pCache->eCreate==((pCache->bPurgeable && pCache->pDirty) ? 1 : 2) );

  /* eCreate defines what to do if the page does not exist.
     0     Do not allocate a new page.  (createFlag==0)
     1     Allocate a new page if doing so is inexpensive.
           (createFlag==1 AND bPurgeable AND pDirty)
     2     Allocate a new page even it doing so is difficult.
           (createFlag==1 AND !(bPurgeable AND pDirty)
  eCreate = createFlag & pCache->eCreate;
  assert( eCreate==0 || eCreate==1 || eCreate==2 );
  assert( createFlag==0 || pCache->eCreate==eCreate );
  assert( createFlag==0 || eCreate==1+(!pCache->bPurgeable||!pCache->pDirty) );
  pRes = sqlite3GlobalConfig.pcache2.xFetch(pCache->pCache, pgno, eCreate);
  pcacheTrace(("%p.FETCH %d%s (result: %p)\n",pCache,pgno,
               createFlag?" create":"",pRes));
  return pRes;


SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORYDB      >     :memory:        >         SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM


Change the page size used by the Pager object. The new page size 
is passed in *pPageSize.

If the pager is in the error state when this function is called, it
is a no-op. The value returned is the error state error code (i.e. 
one of SQLITE_IOERR, an SQLITE_IOERR_xxx sub-code or SQLITE_FULL).

Otherwise, if all of the following are true:

  * the new page size (value of *pPageSize) is valid (a power 
    of two between 512 and SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE, inclusive), and

  * there are no outstanding page references, and

  * the database is either not an in-memory database or it is
    an in-memory database that currently consists of zero pages.

then the pager object page size is set to *pPageSize.

If the page size is changed, then this function uses sqlite3PagerMalloc() 
to obtain a new Pager.pTmpSpace buffer. If this allocation attempt 
fails, SQLITE_NOMEM is returned and the page size remains unchanged. 
In all other cases, SQLITE_OK is returned.

If the page size is not changed, either because one of the enumerated
conditions above is not true, the pager was in error state when this
function was called, or because the memory allocation attempt failed, 
then *pPageSize is set to the old, retained page size before returning.
int sqlite3PagerSetPagesize(Pager *pPager, u32 *pPageSize, int nReserve){
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;

  /* It is not possible to do a full assert_pager_state() here, as this
  function may be called from within PagerOpen(), before the state
  of the Pager object is internally consistent.
  At one point this function returned an error if the pager was in 
  PAGER_ERROR state. But since PAGER_ERROR state guarantees that
  there is at least one outstanding page reference, this function
  is a no-op for that case anyhow.

  u32 pageSize = *pPageSize;
  assert( pageSize==0 || (pageSize>=512 && pageSize<=SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE) );
  if( (pPager->memDb==0 || pPager->dbSize==0)
   && sqlite3PcacheRefCount(pPager->pPCache)==0 
   && pageSize && pageSize!=(u32)pPager->pageSize 
    char *pNew = NULL;             /* New temp space */
    i64 nByte = 0;

    if( pPager->eState>PAGER_OPEN && isOpen(pPager->fd) ){
      rc = sqlite3OsFileSize(pPager->fd, &nByte);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      /* 8 bytes of zeroed overrun space is sufficient so that the b-tree
      * cell header parser will never run off the end of the allocation */
      pNew = (char *)sqlite3PageMalloc(pageSize+8);
      if( !pNew ){
        rc = SQLITE_NOMEM_BKPT;
        memset(pNew+pageSize, 0, 8);

    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      rc = sqlite3PcacheSetPageSize(pPager->pPCache, pageSize);
    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      pPager->pTmpSpace = pNew;
      pPager->dbSize = (Pgno)((nByte+pageSize-1)/pageSize);
      pPager->pageSize = pageSize;

  *pPageSize = pPager->pageSize;
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    if( nReserve<0 ) nReserve = pPager->nReserve;
    assert( nReserve>=0 && nReserve<1000 );
    pPager->nReserve = (i16)nReserve;
  return rc;


Shutdown the page cache.  Free all memory and close all files.

If a transaction was in progress when this routine is called, that
transaction is rolled back.  All outstanding pages are invalidated
and their memory is freed.  Any attempt to use a page associated
with this page cache after this function returns will likely
result in a coredump.

This function always succeeds. If a transaction is active an attempt
is made to roll it back. If an error occurs during the rollback 
a hot journal may be left in the filesystem but no error is returned
to the caller.
int sqlite3PagerClose(Pager *pPager, sqlite3 *db){
  u8 *pTmp = (u8*)pPager->pTmpSpace;
  assert( db || pagerUseWal(pPager)==0 );
  assert( assert_pager_state(pPager) );
  /* pPager->errCode = 0; */
  pPager->exclusiveMode = 0;
    u8 *a = 0;
    assert( db || pPager->pWal==0 );
    if( db && 0==(db->flags & SQLITE_NoCkptOnClose) 
     && SQLITE_OK==databaseIsUnmoved(pPager)
      a = pTmp;
    sqlite3WalClose(pPager->pWal, db, pPager->walSyncFlags, pPager->pageSize,a);
    pPager->pWal = 0;
  if( MEMDB ){
    /* If it is open, sync the journal file before calling UnlockAndRollback.
    If this is not done, then an unsynced portion of the open journal 
    file may be played back into the database. If a power failure occurs 
    while this is happening, the database could become corrupt.
    If an error occurs while trying to sync the journal, shift the pager
    into the ERROR state. This causes UnlockAndRollback to unlock the
    database and close the journal file without attempting to roll it
    back or finalize it. The next database user will have to do hot-journal
    rollback before accessing the database file.
    if( isOpen(pPager->jfd) ){
      pager_error(pPager, pagerSyncHotJournal(pPager));
  PAGERTRACE(("CLOSE %d\n", PAGERID(pPager)));
  IOTRACE(("CLOSE %p\n", pPager))

  if( pPager->xCodecFree ) pPager->xCodecFree(pPager->pCodec);

  assert( !pPager->aSavepoint && !pPager->pInJournal );
  assert( !isOpen(pPager->jfd) && !isOpen(pPager->sjfd) );

  return SQLITE_OK;

pcache1Free   释放通过pcache1Alloc分配到的buffer

Free an allocated buffer obtained from pcache1Alloc().
static void pcache1Free(void *p){
  if( p==0 ) return;
  if( SQLITE_WITHIN(p, pcache1.pStart, pcache1.pEnd) ){
    PgFreeslot *pSlot;
    sqlite3StatusDown(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_USED, 1);
    pSlot = (PgFreeslot*)p;
    pSlot->pNext = pcache1.pFree;
    pcache1.pFree = pSlot;
    pcache1.bUnderPressure = pcache1.nFreeSlot<pcache1.nReserve;
    assert( pcache1.nFreeSlot<=pcache1.nSlot );
    assert( sqlite3MemdebugHasType(p, MEMTYPE_PCACHE) );
    sqlite3MemdebugSetType(p, MEMTYPE_HEAP);
      int nFreed = 0;
      nFreed = sqlite3MallocSize(p);
      sqlite3StatusDown(SQLITE_STATUS_PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW, nFreed);


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