
drop table t1
create table t1(
 id int identity (1,1) not null ,
 q1 varchar(50) null,
 q2 varchar(50) null,
 q3 int null,
 q4 int null
drop table t2
create table t2(
 id int identity (1,1) not null ,
 w1 varchar(50) null,
 w2 varchar(50) null,
 w3 int null

insert into t1(q1,q2,q3,q4) values('1','2',3,11)
insert into t1(q1,q2,q3,q4) values('22','23',34,12)
insert into t1(q1,q2,q3,q4) values('33','24',35,13)
insert into t1(q1,q2,q3,q4) values('44','45',46,14)
insert into t1(q1,q2,q3,q4) values('66','','',15)
insert into t1(q1,q2,q3,q4) values(NULL,'45',null,16)

insert into t2(w1,w2,w3) values('1','2',3)
insert into t2(w1,w2,w3) values('23','22',11)
insert into t2(w1,w2,w3) values('33','24',35)
insert into t2(w1,w2,w3) values('44','45',46)
insert into t2(w1,w2,w3) values('88','65',8)
insert into t2(w1,w2,w3) values('','75', '')
insert into t2(w1,w2,w3) values('79',NULL,NULL)
insert into t2(w1,w2,w3) values('79','age','')
insert into t2(w1,w2,w3) values('79','brand',NULL)

select a.q1,a.q2,a.q3,b.w1,b.w2,b.w3 from t1 a join  t2 b on a.id=b.id

select * from t1
select * from t2

/*not in 找出表t1中q1有而在t2中w1没有的所有记录*/
select * from t1 where q1 not in(select w1 from t2)

/*SUM(ISNULL(q1,0))    ISNULL(q2,0)    sum(isnull(q1,0)+sum(isnull(q2,0)))  118 81 199*/
select sum(isnull(q3,0)) as 别名 from t1    /*结果返回118*/
select sum(q4) as 别名 from t1             /*结果返回81*/
select isnull(q3,0) as 别名 from t1    /*结果返回q3列把NULL转换成0*/
select q3 as 别名 from t1 order by isnull(q3,0) desc     /*把NULL转换成0正行排列*/
select sum(isnull(q3,0)+isnull(q4,0)) as 别名 from t1    /*结果返回199*/
select sum(q3+q4) as 别名 from t1     /*结果返回183 null+16 返回空*/

select q3 from t1     /*查询q3列*/
select sum(q3)/count(*) from t1    /*结果返回19*/
select sum(isnull(q3,0))/count(*) from t1  /*结果返回19*/
select avg(isnull(q3,0)) from t1   /*结果返回19,把空转换成0*/
select avg(q3) from t1     /*结果返回23,NULL没有计算成数量*/
select avg(q3) from t1 where id<6   /*测试,结果返回23,从这里可以知道NULL没有算作总列数*/

/*max 代替 min*/
select min(q3) from t1    /*结果返回0,min*/
select -min(-q3) from t1   /*结果返回46,min 转换max*/
select max(q3) from t1    /*结果返回19,max*/
select -max(-q3) from t1   /*结果返回19,max转换min*/

/*order by 时把NULL排在a 开头的字符串和以b开头的字符串中间*/
select ascii(left(w2,1)),isnull(w2,'a'),ascii(w2) from t2 order by isnull(ascii(left(w2,1)),97.7) /*这里没有整理明白,没有到想要的结果*/
select isnull(ascii(w2),97.5) as u,w2, isnull(w2,97.5) as y from t2 order by u

select * From t2
/*把某一列的零值用NULL替换 nullif(字段名,0)*/
select nullif(w3,0) from t2    /*把int w3中所有0值转换成NULL*/


drop table t
create table t(
 id int identity not null,
 name varchar(20),
 wage int,
 sex int

insert into t(name,wage,sex) values ('A',1100,1)
insert into t(name,wage,sex) values ('B',1000,0)
insert into t(name,wage,sex) values ('C',900,1)
insert into t(name,wage,sex) values ('D',800,1)
insert into t(name,wage,sex) values ('E',700,0)

SELECT name as 姓名,工资类别=case
  when wage>1000 then '高工资'
  else '低工资'
from T

/*这样可以统计出工资类别,以及工资 类别的人数 GROUP BY 分组*/
SELECT 工资类别=case
  when wage>1000 then '高工资'
  else '低工资'
   WHEN wage>1000 then '高工资'
   else '低工资'

select 男=sum(case sex
     when 1 then 1
   else 0
 女=sum(case sex
     when 0 then 1
  else 0
) from t

select 男=count(case sex
              when 1 then 1
 女=count(case sex
        when 0 then 1
from t

select 性别=case
  when sex=1 then '男'
  else '女'
from t group by case
  when sex=1 then '男'
  else '女'


drop table xt
create table xt
 id int identity not null,
 year int,
 jb varchar(2),
 salse varchar(4)
truncate table xt

insert into xt(year,jb,salse) values (1990,'春','1.1')
insert into xt(year,jb,salse) values (1990,'夏','1.2')
insert into xt(year,jb,salse) values (1990,'秋','1.3')
insert into xt(year,jb,salse) values (1990,'冬','1.4')
insert into xt(year,jb,salse) values (1991,'春','2.1')
insert into xt(year,jb,salse) values (1991,'夏','2.2')
insert into xt(year,jb,salse) values (1991,'秋','2.3')
insert into xt(year,jb,salse) values (1991,'冬','2.4')

select * from xt

select 年份=year,春=sum(case 
   when jb='春' then cast(salse as float)
   else 0
   when jb='夏' then cast(salse as float)
   else 0
   when jb='秋' then cast(salse as float)
   else 0
   when jb='冬' then cast(salse as float)
   else 0
    when jb='春' then cast(salse as float)
    else 0
    when jb='夏' then cast(salse as float)
    else 0
    when jb='秋' then cast(salse as float)
    else 0
    when jb='冬' then cast(salse as float)
    else 0
from xt group by year



/*联接:笛卡儿积(直乘积或直交积)的过渡,自然连接 ,下面得到的两个同样的结果*/
select a.q1,b.w1 from t1 a join t2 b on a.id=b.id
select q1,w1 from t1 join t2 on t1.id=t2.id

/*HAVING 的语法如下:

SELECT "栏位1", SUM("栏位2")
FROM "表格名"
GROUP BY "栏位1"
HAVING (函数条件)


drop table xt1
create table xt1(
 id int identity not null,
 name varchar(8) null,
 number int null,
 rank int null

truncate table xt1
insert into xt1(name,number,rank) values ('A',100,2)
insert into xt1(name,number,rank) values ('B',90,1)
insert into xt1(name,number,rank) values ('C',80,6)
insert into xt1(name,number,rank) values ('D',70,3)
insert into xt1(name,number,rank) values ('E',60,4)
insert into xt1(name,number,rank) values ('F',99,5)

select * From xt1
SELECT a.NAME,更高的分数=b.number from xt1 a join xt1 b on a.number<=b.number
/*通过name分组统计出,总合number分值大于80的所有值,having 做为一个条件*/
select name,名次=count(*) from xt1 group by name having sum(number)>80

/*得到名次上升的人的名字,并得出上升了多少名 desc,asc*/
select * From xt1 order by number desc
select a.name,a.rank, 名次=count(*),上升名=(a.rank-count(*)) from xt1 a join xt1 b on a.number<=b.number  group by a.name,a.rank having count(*)<a.rank

drop table xt2
create table xt2(
 id int identity not null,
 name varchar(20),
 lastSorce int,
 nowSorce int

truncate table xt2
insert into xt2 (name,lastSorce,nowSorce) values ('A',100,95)
insert into xt2(name,lastSorce,nowSorce) values('B',90,100)
insert into xt2(name,lastSorce,nowSorce) values('C',80,90)
insert into xt2(name,lastSorce,nowSorce) values('D',70,80)
insert into xt2(name,lastSorce,nowSorce) values('E',92,70)
insert into xt2(name,lastSorce,nowSorce) values('F',60,88)
insert into xt2(name,lastSorce,nowSorce) values('F',20,70)
insert into xt2(name,lastSorce,nowSorce) values('D',10,88)
insert into xt2(name,lastSorce,nowSorce) values('F',20,88)

select * from xt2

select name,sum(lastSorce),sum(nowSorce) from xt2 group by name



select * from xt2 where lastSorce=(select nowSorce from xt2 where lastSorce=90)

select count(*) as 名次, a.lastSorce from xt2 a join xt2 b on a.lastSorce<b.lastSorce group by a.lastSorce order by 名次
select  a.nowSorce from xt2 a join xt2 b on a.nowSorce<=b.nowSorce group by a.lastSorce,a.nowSorce order by  a.nowSorce desc

SELECT 名次=(select count(*) from xt2 c where c.lastSorce>=a.lastSorce),
  xt2 a join xt2 b
 (select count(*) from xt2 c where c.lastSorce>=a.lastSorce)=
 (select count(*) from xt2 c where c.lastSorce>=b.lastSorce)
order by 1

/*外联,union 和 union 前者把重复的内容去掉了,而后者是不去掉重复的内容的*/
exec('select * from xt2')
exec sp_executesql N'select * from xt2'

declare @fName varchar(20)
set @fName='name'
exec('select '+@fName+' from xt2')
/*exec sp_executesql N'select '+@fName+' from xt2'   不能执行*/

declare @fName1 varchar(20)
set @fName1='name'
declare @s varchar(50)
set @s='select '+@fName1+' from xt2'
/*exec sp_executesql @s @s 不能为varchar*/

declare @fName2 varchar(20)
set @fName2='name'
declare @s1 Nvarchar(50)
set @s1='select '+@fName2+' from xt2'
exec sp_executesql @s1 /*@s 可以为varchar,nchar,ntext类型*/



drop table xt3
create table xt3(
 id int identity not null,
 userName varchar(20),
 passWord varchar(20),
 loginCount int

truncate table xt3
insert into xt3 (userName,passWord,loginCount) values ('wangfeng','wangfeng',2)
insert into xt3 (userName,passWord,loginCount) values ('jiva','123456',4)
insert into xt3 (userName,passWord,loginCount) values ('xie','xie',3)
insert into xt3 (userName,passWord,loginCount) values ('longfei','456',1)
insert into xt3 (userName,passWord,loginCount) values ('wangfeng','wangfeng',2)
insert into xt3 (userName,passWord,loginCount) values ('jiva','365',2)
insert into xt3 (userName,passWord,loginCount) values ('wangfeng','wangfeng',1)
insert into xt3 (userName,passWord,loginCount) values ('wangfeng','wangfeng',NULL)

select * From xt3
SELECT userName,sum(loginCount) from xt3 GROUP BY userName    /*去掉userName重复的数据*/
SELECT userName,password,sum(loginCount) from xt3 GROUP BY userName,password    /*去掉userName,password重复的数据*/

select userName as 用户名,sum(loginCount) as 登陆次数,count(*) as 重复次数 from xt3 group by userName having count(*)>1

select  distinct userName,passWord,loginCount into #x from xt3 /*把重复的数据放到临时表去*/
delete xt3/*删除原表数制*/
insert xt3 select userName,passWord,loginCount from #x   /*从临时表中把数据还原到XT3表中*/
drop table #x   /*删除临时表*/

select * from #x
select * From xt3

/*查询出userName,PassWord 重复数据*/

select * from  xt3
where userName in (select userName from xt3 group by userName having count(*)>1)
and passWord in (select passWord from xt3 group by passWord having count(*)>1)
order by userName,passWord

delete xt3 where userName
in (select userName from xt3 group by userName having count(*)>1)
and passWord
in (select passWord from xt3 group by passWord having count(*)>1)
and id
not in(select min(id) from xt3 group by userName,passWord)


delete xt3 where userName
in (select userName from xt3 group by userName having count(*)>1)
and passWord
in (select passWord from xt3 group by passWord having count(*)>1)
not in (select max(id) from xt3 group by userName,passWord )

select * from xt3










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