一、初始化一个新的实例、创建数据库等。(因为当前系统用户并非postgres,因此我加了-U 来默认数据库超管用户postgres)
[lyf@centos250 pg9.6]$ initdb -D pg_db_test --encoding=UTF-8 --locale=C -U postgres The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "lyf". This user must also own the server process. ….信息忽略 Success. You can now start the database server using: pg_ctl -D pg_db_test -l logfile start
listen_addresses = '*' # (change requires restart)
port = 5678 # (change requires restart)
[lyf@centos250 pg9.6]$ pg_ctl start -D pg_db_test/ -l pg_db_test/db.log server starting
[lyf@centos250 pg9.6]$ psql -U postgres -p 5678 psql (9.6.0) Type "help" for help. postgres=# create database dbtest; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# \c dbtest; You are now connected to database "dbtest" as user "postgres". dbtest=# create table t_test(id int , name text); CREATE TABLE dbtest=# insert into t_test select generate_series(1,10000) , md5(random()::text); INSERT 0 10000 dbtest=# insert into t_test select generate_series(1,10000) , md5(random()::text); INSERT 0 10000 dbtest=# insert into t_test select generate_series(1,10000) , md5(random()::text); INSERT 0 10000 dbtest=# insert into t_test select generate_series(1,10000) , md5(random()::text); INSERT 0 10000 -- 此处没有checkpoint的话,删除了xlog之后很可能数据已经丢了,感兴趣的可以试试 dbtest=# checkpoint ; CHECKPOINT dbtest=# \q
二、停库,删除pg_multixact/members, pg_multixact/offsets 下的文件。
[lyf@centos250 pg9.6]$ pg_ctl stop -m fast -D pg_db_test/ waiting for server to shut down.... done server stopped [lyf@centos250 pg9.6]$ cd pg_db_test/ [lyf@centos250 pg_db_test]$ zip -r xlog.zip pg_xlog adding: pg_xlog/ (stored 0%) adding: pg_xlog/000000010000000000000001 (deflated 83%) adding: pg_xlog/archive_status/ (stored 0%) [lyf@centos250 pg_db_test]$ zip -r multixact.zip pg_multixact adding: pg_multixact/ (stored 0%) adding: pg_multixact/members/ (stored 0%) adding: pg_multixact/members/0000 (deflated 100%) adding: pg_multixact/offsets/ (stored 0%) adding: pg_multixact/offsets/0000 (deflated 100%)
[lyf@centos250 pg_db_test]$ rm pg_xlog/* -r [lyf@centos250 pg_db_test]$ rm pg_multixact/members/* [lyf@centos250 pg_db_test]$ rm pg_multixact/offsets/* [lyf@centos250 pg_db_test]$
三、 尝试启动数据库
[lyf@centos250 pg9.6]$ pg_ctl start -D pg_db_test/ -l pg_db_test/db.log server starting [lyf@centos250 pg9.6]$ tail -f pg_db_test/db.log LOG: creating missing WAL directory "pg_xlog/archive_status" LOG: invalid primary checkpoint record LOG: invalid secondary checkpoint record PANIC: could not locate a valid checkpoint record LOG: startup process (PID 16658) was terminated by signal 6: Aborted LOG: aborting startup due to startup process failure LOG: database system is shut down
四、尝试通过resetxlog恢复,参考手册的配置:https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.6/static/app-pgresetxlog.html 。这里我们重点需要-O、-x、-m三个参数
-O mxoff
此时pg_multixact/members 文件夹下文件为空,因此值为 to_hex((0 + 1) * 52352) = 0xcc80, 注意此参数9.2以前为65536 , 9.3以后改为52352。
-x xid
[lyf@centos250 pg9.6]$ ls pg_db_test/pg_clog/ 0000
此时pg_clog下的文件夹文件最大0000,因此值为: 0x100000。
-m mxid,mxid
此时pg_multixact/ offsets文件夹下文件为空, 因此给值: 0x10000,0x10000
[lyf@centos250 pg9.6]$ pg_resetxlog -m 0x10000,0x10000 -x 0x100000 -O 0xcc80 -f pg_db_test/ Transaction log reset
[lyf@centos250 pg9.6]$ pg_ctl start -D pg_db_test/ -l pg_db_test/db.log server starting [lyf@centos250 pg9.6]$ tail -f pg_db_test/db.log LOG: database system was shut down at 2017-09-13 15:00:49 CST LOG: MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled LOG: database system is ready to accept connections LOG: autovacuum launcher started
[lyf@centos250 pg9.6]$ psql -U postgres -p 5678 psql (9.6.0) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \l+ List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges | Size | Tablespace | Description -----------+----------+----------+---------+-------+-----------------------+---------+------------+-------------------------------------------- dbtest | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | | 9767 kB | pg_default | postgres | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | | 7063 kB | pg_default | default administrative connection database template0 | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | =c/postgres +| 6953 kB | pg_default | unmodifiable empty database | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres | | | template1 | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | =c/postgres +| 6953 kB | pg_default | default template for new databases | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres | | | (4 rows) postgres=# \c dbtest You are now connected to database "dbtest" as user "postgres". dbtest=# \d List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner --------+--------+-------+---------- public | t_test | table | postgres (1 row) dbtest=# select count(1) from t_test ; count ------- 40000 (1 row) dbtest=# create table t_test2(id int , name text); CREATE TABLE dbtest=# insert into t_test2 values(1 , '1'); INSERT 0 1 dbtest=#