all about oracle logic IO


Secret of oracle logic IO: Consistent Gets


Then, let's study the Consistent Gets case.The obvious feature of consistent gets is that it will read the undo block toapply to current data block correspond to the SCN. To monitor the undoapplication, we turn the 10201 event trace on. Here is the demo,



-- Session 1: Update withoutcommit  

SQL> update tt setx=2;  

2 rows updated.  


SQL> update tt setx=3;  

2 rows updated.  


-- Session 2:  

SQL> conn demo/demo  



SQL> alter system flushbuffer_cache;  

System altered.  


SQL> ALTER SESSION SETEVENTS '10201 trace name context forever, level 1';  

Session altered.  


SQL>ALTER SESSION SETEVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 8';  

Session altered.  


SQL>set autot tracestat  

SQL>select * from tt;  




         1  recursive calls  

          0 db block gets  

         13 consistent gets  

          8 physical reads  

        172 redo size 

        440 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client  

        385 bytes received via SQL*Net from client  

          2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client  

          0 sorts (memory)  

          0 sorts (disk)  

          2 rows processed 


13 Logical reads, 6 more than the casewithout CR undo application. Look into the trace file, see what we catched.


First, it still need read the segmentheader twice, then read the data block in sequence,




WAIT #3: nam='db filesequential read' ela= 22808 file#=5 block#=58955 blocks=1 obj#=200943tim=3948903234  

pin ktewh25: kteinicnt dba140e64b:4 time 3948903366  

pin ktewh26: kteinpscan dba140e64b:4 time 3948903443  

WAIT #3: nam='db filescattered read' ela= 572 file#=5 block#=58956 blocks=5 obj#=200943tim=3948904149  

pin kdswh01: kdstgr dba140e64c:1 time 3948904251  

pin kdswh01: kdstgr dba 140e64d:1time 3948904308  

pin kdswh01: kdstgr dba140e64e:1 time 3948904354  

pin kdswh01: kdstgr dba140e64f:1 time 3948904408  



It reached the 140e64f, the 1st blockcontain modified data without commit. It read the Transaction Table from UNDO segmentheader block, found the entries that need to be applied to the data block:



WAIT #3: nam='db filesequential read' ela= 10503 file#=2 block#=73 blocks=1 obj#=0tim=3948916322  


Then read UNDO Block and apply the entriesto the data block.



Applying CR undo to block 5 :140e64f itl entry 02:  

          xid: 0x0005.00b.00023460 uba: 0x008012aa.7970.05  

          flg: ----    lkc: 1     fsc: 0x0000.00000000  


Then the 2nd ITL in it, read the UNDO toapply, increase 1 Logic reads  


Applying CR undo to block 5 :140e64f itl entry 02:  

          xid: 0x0005.00b.00023460 uba: 0x008012aa.7970.03  

          flg: ----    lkc: 1     fsc: 0x0000.00000000  


Both of the undo entries were located atthe same UNDO block, thus it will just increase 1 logical read. After all ofthe changes in the uncommited ITLs have been apllied, it will generate anotherlogical read for the UNDOed data block. Here totally 9 logical reads: 2 segmentheader reads, 4 data block reads, 1 UNDO Segment Header, 1 UNDO block read, 1UNDOed data block.


Then it undo the next data block, whichwill cause the other 4 logical reads (1 data block, 1 UNDO Segment Header, 1UNDO block, 1 UNDOed data block),



pin kdswh01: kdstgr dba140e650:1 time 3948928294   

Applying CR undo to block 5 :140e650 itl entry 02:  

          xid: 0x0005.00b.00023460 uba: 0x008012aa.7970.06  

          flg: ----    lkc: 1     fsc: 0x0000.00000000  

CRS upd rd env: (scn:0x0000.ebadfff9  xid:0x0000.000.00000000  uba: 0x00000000.0000.00  statement num=0  parent xid: xid: 0x0000.000.00000000  scn: 0x0000.00000000 0sch: scn:0x0000.00000000) undo env: (scn: 0x0000.ebadfffb  xid: 0x0005.00b.00023460  uba: 0x008012aa.7970.06  

  statement num=0  parent xid: xid: 0x0005.000.00000000  scn: 0x0000.00000001 1sch: scn:0xa098.1f7cd9b0)  

CRS upd (before):1880FA90  scn: 0x0000.ebadfff9  xid: 0x0000.000.00000000  uba: 0x00000000.0000.00  scn: 0x0000.ebadfffb  sfl: 0  

CRS upd (after) :1880FA90  scn: 0x0000.ebadfff9  xid: 0x0005.00b.00023460  uba: 0x008012aa.7970.06  scn: 0x0000.ebadfffb  sfl: 0  

Applying CR undo to block 5 :140e650 itl entry 02:  

          xid: 0x0005.00b.00023460 uba: 0x008012aa.7970.04  

          flg: ----    lkc: 1     fsc: 0x0000.00000000  

CRS upd rd env: (scn:0x0000.ebadfff9  xid:0x0000.000.00000000  uba:0x00000000.0000.00  statement num=0  parent xid: xid: 0x0000.000.00000000  scn: 0x0000.00000000 0sch: scn:0x0000.00000000) undo env: (scn: 0x0000.ebadfffb  xid: 0x0005.00b.00023460  uba: 0x008012aa.7970.04  

  statement num=0  parent xid: xid: 0x0005.000.00000000  scn: 0x0000.00000001 1sch: scn:0xa098.1f7cd9b0)  

CRS upd (before):1880FA90  scn: 0x0000.ebadfff9  xid: 0x0005.00b.00023460  uba: 0x008012aa.7970.06  scn: 0x0000.ebadfffb  sfl: 0  

CRS upd (after) :1880FA90  scn: 0x0000.ebadfff9  xid: 0x0005.00b.00023460  uba: 0x008012aa.7970.04  scn: 0x0000.ebadfffb  sfl: 0  

WAIT #3: nam='SQL*Net messageto client' ela= 42 driver id=1111838976 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=0tim=3948929421  

FETCH #3:c=0,e=1237,p=0,cr=4,cu=0,mis=0,r=1,dep=0,og=4,tim=3948929506 


We should also noted that there 2 physicalreads/waits for the undo segment header & undo blocks.



Secret of oracle logic IO: Current Mode


When need update data, oracle will read thedata block in current mode. Let's see the IO in an UPDATE statement, here willbe more interesting things be found.



SQL>conn demo/demo  


SQL>alter system flushbuffer_cache;  

System altered.  


SQL>ALTER SESSION SETEVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 8';  

Session altered.  


SQL>set autot tracestat  

SQL>update tt setx=1;  

2 rows updated.  




          0 recursive calls  

          4 db block gets  

          7 consistent gets  

          8 physical reads  

        824 redo size 

        665 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client  

        553 bytes received via SQL*Net from client  

          4 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client  

          1 sorts (memory)  

          0 sorts (disk)  

          2 rows processed  


SQL>alter system flushbuffer_cache;  

System altered.  


SQL>update tt setx=1;  

2 rows updated.  




          0 recursive calls  

          3 db block gets  

          7 consistent gets  

          7 physical reads  

        536 redo size 

        668 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client  

        553 bytes received via SQL*Net from client  

          4 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client  

          1 sorts (memory)  

          0 sorts (disk)  

          2 rows processed  


Check the 1st UPDATE, it has 4 db blockgets, means the reads in current mode. Look into the trace, besides theoperations we find in previous traces, we can find these entries.



pin kdswh01: kdstgr dba140e64f:1 time 3828486551  

pin kduwh01: kdusru dba 140e64f:1time 3828486616  

WAIT #1: nam='db filesequential read' ela= 7907 file#=2 block#=9 blocks=1 obj#=0 tim=3828495546  

pin ktuwh01: ktugus dba800009:17 time 3828495628  

WAIT #1: nam='db filesequential read' ela= 3984 file#=2 block#=7227 blocks=1 obj#=0tim=3828499685  

pin kcbwh2: kcbchg1 dba801c3b:18 time 3828499816  

pin release      4305 ktuwh01: ktugus dba 800009:17  

pin release       176 kcbwh2: kcbchg1 dba 801c3b:18  

pin release     13432 kduwh01: kdusru dba 140e64f:1  

pin kdswh01: kdstgr dba140e650:1 time 3828500148  

pin kduwh01: kdusru dba140e650:1 time 3828500249  

pin kcbwh5: kcbchg1 dba801c3b:18 time 3828500352  

pin release        63 kcbwh5: kcbchg1 dba 801c3b:18  

pin release       207 kduwh01: kdusru dba 140e650:1 


Let me guess what are these new operations:

@  kdusru:Read in current mode for update

@ ktugus: Get Undo Segment Header

@ kcbchg1: Change buffer content


P.S. the UNDO block's class:

@ 17,19,21...: UNDO header;

@ 18,20,22...: UNDO block.  


All of these operations will lead to thecurrent mode reading. In this UPDATE, there 4 db block gets, 2 data block(140e64f, 140e650), 1 undo header (800009), and 1 undo block (801c3b). Plsnoted the undo block 801c3b be read twice for the 2 records, and just 1 currentmode in one transaction.


In the second UPDATE, there is bit ofdifference.

@ There is no UNDO header read --- just 1 UNDO header read for eachtransaction;

@ Since the buffer cache be flushed, even though the undo block is same asthe one in the 1st UPDATE, it still be read in current mode.


Therefore, there are 3 db block gets in the2nd update.



pinkduwh01: kdusru dba 140e64f:1 time 3832560411  

WAIT #2: nam='db filesequential read' ela= 201 file#=2 block#=7227 blocks=1 obj#=0 tim=3832560683  

pin kcbwh2: kcbchg1 dba801c3b:18 time 3832560736  

pin release        69 kcbwh2: kcbchg1 dba 801c3b:18  

pin release       477 kduwh01: kdusru dba 140e64f:1  

pin kdswh01: kdstgr dba140e650:1 time 3832561310  

pin kduwh01: kdusru dba140e650:1 time 3832561392  

pin kcbwh5: kcbchg1 dba801c3b:18 time 3832561465  

pin release        74 kcbwh5: kcbchg1 dba 801c3b:18  

pin release       199 kduwh01: kdusru dba 140e650:1  

EXEC #2:c=15625,e=17973,p=7,cr=7,cu=3,mis=0,r=2,dep=0,og=4,tim=3832561659 


One thing to be noted, the pin of currentmode read was released immediately.


Here we study another case, 2 transactionswith 3 UPDATE statement, no buffer be flushed during the transactions.



SQL>conn demo/demo  


SQL>alter system flushbuffer_cache;  

System altered.  


SQL>ALTER SESSION SETEVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 8';  

Session altered.  


SQL>set autot tracestat  

SQL>update tt setx=1;  

2 rows updated.  




          0 recursive calls  

          4 db block gets  

          7 consistent gets  

          8 physical reads  

        904 redo size 

        665 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client  

        553 bytes received via SQL*Net from client  

          4 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client  

          1 sorts (memory)  

          0 sorts (disk)  

          2 rows processed  



Rollback complete.  


SQL>update tt setx=1;  

2 rows updated.  




          0 recursive calls  

          4 db block gets  

          7 consistent gets  

          1 physical reads  

        788 redo size 

        668 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client  

        553 bytes received via SQL*Net from client  

          4 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client  

          1 sorts (memory)  

          0 sorts (disk)  

          2 rows processed  


SQL>update tt setx=1;  

2 rows updated.  




          0 recursive calls  

          2 db block gets  

          7 consistent gets  

          0 physical reads  

        536 redo size 

        668 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client  

        553 bytes received via SQL*Net from client  

          4 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client  

          1 sorts (memory)  

          0 sorts (disk)  

          2 rows processed 


The 1st UPDATE is same as in the previouscase. As the buffer not be flushed, there 1 new UNDO block be physical read inthe 1st UPDATE of the 2nd transaction, with 4 db block gets.




pin kduwh01: kdusru dba140e64f:1 time 680961643  

WAIT #2: nam='db filesequential read' ela= 6579 file#=2 block#=73 blocks=1 obj#=0tim=4975935594  

pin ktuwh01: ktugus dba800049:25 time 680968375  

pin ktuwh03: ktugnb dba8012cb:26 time 680968434  

pin release       141 ktuwh01: ktugus dba 800049:25  

pin release       123 ktuwh03: ktugnb dba 8012cb:26  

pin release      6954 kduwh01: kdusru dba 140e64f:1  

pin kdswh01: kdstgr dba140e650:1 time 680968657  

pin kduwh01: kdusru dba140e650:1 time 680968719  

pin kcbwh5: kcbchg1 dba8012cb:26 time 680968776  

pin release        49 kcbwh5: kcbchg1 dba 8012cb:26  

pin release       146 kduwh01: kdusru dba 140e650:1  

EXEC #2:c=0,e=7657,p=1,cr=7,cu=4,mis=0,r=2,dep=0,og=4,tim=4975936219  



While in the 2nd UPDATE of the 2ndtransaction, the UNDO block is be reused, so it just has 2 db block gets.




pin kduwh01: kdusru dba140e64f:1 time 680977322  

pin kcbwh5: kcbchg1 dba8012cb:26 time 680977384  

pin release        63 kcbwh5: kcbchg1 dba 8012cb:26  

pin release       166 kduwh01: kdusru dba 140e64f:1  

pin kdswh01: kdstgr dba140e650:1 time 680977538  

pin kduwh01: kdusru dba140e650:1 time 680977595  

pin kcbwh5: kcbchg1 dba8012cb:26 time 680977642  

pin release        48 kcbwh5: kcbchg1 dba 8012cb:26  

pin release       136 kduwh01: kdusru dba 140e650:1  





Secret of oracle logic IO: Sorting



In this case, I will involve the sorting.



SQL>conn demo/demo  



SQL>alter system flushbuffer_cache;  

System altered.  


SQL>ALTER SESSION SETEVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 8';  

Session altered.  


SQL>set autot tracestat  

SQL>select * from t_test2order by table_name;  


2072 rows selected.  




          7 recursive calls  

         21 db block gets  

         65 consistent gets  

        201 physical reads  

          0 redo size 

     131049 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client  

       1903 bytes received via SQL*Net from client  

        140 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client  

          0 sorts (memory)  

          1 sorts (disk)  

       2072 rows processed 


Review the trace file, we can get theLogical reads number: 62 data block rows fetching + 3 segment header reads =65.


Check the file in detail, you will foundthe FETCH came after all the sorting operation completed, that means thearraysize will not affect the data block reads, so, each of the data block wasjust read once in this case! compare to the previous test case that query thesame table without sorting, its Logical reads is lower.


Since this case involved the sorting, wecan find below new entries,



pin stswh00: stsswr dba402f3f:2 time 857155584  

pin release        43 stswh00: stsswr dba 402f3f:2  

WAIT #2: nam='direct pathwrite temp' ela= 0 file number=201 first dba=12080 block cnt=1 obj#=97820tim=857155720 


It's not hard to guess thestsswr is the operationto write sorting data in temp segments. Since it's to write data, it's countedas db block gets. There are 21 db block gets.



C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\SQL>set/a a=0  


C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\SQL>for/f "tokens=1 delims=:" %i in ('findstr /C:"pin stswh00"C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\edgar\udump\LIO_Sort.trc') do @set /a a+=1 >NUL  





Read all of the sorting operation entries,we can find all of them wrote into the same block, so there was just 1 sorts indisk.



pin stswh00: stsswr dba402f3f:2 time 857147806  


pin stswh00: stsswr dba402f3f:2 time 857255971  

pin stswh00: stsswr dba402f3f:2 time 857256077 


Finally, let's calculate the physicalreads. By counting the "db file sequential read" & "db filescattered read" waits blocks, we get 63 PIO. Then count the "directpath read temp", we get the other 138 PIO.




C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\SQL>set/a a=0  


C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\SQL>for/f "tokens=1 delims=:" %i in ('findstr /C:"direct path readtemp" C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\edgar\udump\LIO_Sort.trc') do @set /aa+=1 > NUL  





Btw, in other test cases with same process,I noted sometimes the "direct path read temp" number is more thanexcepted, I still not found the reason, just guess it may caused by therecursive calls.



Secret of oracle logic IO: Index Scan


Let study the index scan case.





SQL>set linesize 300  

SQL>alter system flushbuffer_cache;  

System altered.  


SQL>ALTER SESSION SETEVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 8';  

Session altered.  


SQL>set autot trace  

SQL>select * from t_test2where owner = 'OUTLN';  


Execution Plan  


Plan hash value:1900296288  


| Id  | Operation                   | Name         | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time    |  


|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |              |     3 |  630 |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |  

|   1 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| T_TEST2     |     3 |   630 |    1   (0)| 00:00:01 |  

|*  2 |  INDEX RANGE SCAN          |T_TEST2_IDX1 |     3 |       |    1   (0)| 00:00:01 |  


Predicate Information(identified by operation id):  



   2 - access("OWNER"='OUTLN')  





          0 recursive calls  

          0 db block gets  

          6 consistent gets  

          5 physical reads  

          0 redo size 

       3622 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client  

        385 bytes received via SQL*Net from client  

          2 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client  

          0 sorts (memory)  

          0 sorts (disk)  

          3 rows processed 


There are 6 Logical reads. Check the traceoutput, just find 5 pins.



WAIT #2: nam='db filesequential read' ela= 15454 file#=5 block#=66164 blocks=1 obj#=100897tim=999288447

WAIT #2: nam='db filesequential read' ela= 35067 file#=5 block#=66176 blocks=1 obj#=100897tim=999323645

pin kdiwh09: kdiixs dba1410280:1 time 999323748

WAIT #2: nam='db filesequential read' ela= 14164 file#=5 block#=37922 blocks=1 obj#=97820tim=999337989

pin kdswh05: kdsgrp dba1409422:1 time 999338144


WAIT #2: nam='SQL*Net messagefrom client' ela= 718 driver id=1111838976 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=97820tim=999339051

pin kdiwh16: kdifxs dba1410280:1 time 999339159

WAIT #2: nam='db filesequential read' ela= 3066 file#=5 block#=37944 blocks=1 obj#=97820tim=999342291

pin kdswh05: kdsgrp dba1409438:1 time 999342355

WAIT #2: nam='SQL*Net messageto client' ela= 2 driver id=1111838976 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=97820 tim=999342411

WAIT #2: nam='db filesequential read' ela= 1935 file#=5 block#=37958 blocks=1 obj#=97820tim=999344410

pin kdswh05: kdsgrp dba1409446:1 time 999344463



P.S. Guess the operation meaning,

@ kdiixs: Index Scan;

@ kdsgrp: Access table by index rowid.


Where is the other reads? Look at the 1st'db file sequential read', the block was physically read without pining. What'skind of such block? Get its datablock address first,



SQL>selectto_char(dbms_utility.make_data_block_address(5, 66164), 'XXXXXXXX') fromdual;  






Then, dump the index tree.



SQL>alter session setevents 'immediate trace name treedump level 100897';  

Session altered. 


Here is the tree,



----- begin tree dump  

pin kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba1410274:1 time 2048438778  

branch: 0x1410274 21037684(0: nrow: 6, level: 1)  

pin release      5331 kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba 1410274:1  

pin kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba1410275:1 time 2048462836  

   leaf: 0x1410275 21037685 (-1: nrow: 195rrow: 195)  

pin release      5645 kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba 1410275:1  

pin kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba1410280:1 time 2048471550  

   leaf: 0x1410280 21037696 (0: nrow: 228 rrow:228)  

pin release      5817 kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba 1410280:1  

pin kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba1410276:1 time 2048480732  

   leaf: 0x1410276 21037686 (1: nrow: 461 rrow:461)  

pin release      5854 kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba 1410276:1  

pin kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba1410277:1 time 2048489433  

   leaf: 0x1410277 21037687 (2: nrow: 475 rrow:475)  

pin release      6145 kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba 1410277:1  

pin kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba1410278:1 time 2048498455  

   leaf: 0x1410278 21037688 (3: nrow: 399 rrow:399)  

pin release      5644 kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba 1410278:1  

pin kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba1410279:1 time 2048507256  

   leaf: 0x1410279 21037689 (4: nrow: 314 rrow:314)  

pin release      5747 kdxwh40: kdxdtree dba 1410279:1  

----- end tree dump 


That block is a branch block. Means the branchblock will not be pin in the cache. You can test other higher index tree toprove it.


So far, it comes out the Logical reads, 1branch node read + 2 leaf node scan + 3 access table block by index rowid = 6Logical reads.





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