ComponentOne 2023 v2 Crack

The ComponentOne 2023 v2 release is here, and it’s packed with new features for .NET Windows, web, and mobile development. From WinForms improvements to new WinUI controls, we have something for everyone.

ComponentOne 2023 v2 Highlights -

  • New WinUI & MAUI Bundle
  • WinUI Controls Expand with FlexChart, DataFilter, and more
  • WinForms FlexChart Design-Time Enhancements
  • FlexGrid Enhancements for WinForms, WPF, and Blazor
  • Azure Support for FlexReport
  • .NET Standard version of C1Pdf

Ready to Check Out the Latest Features? Download ComponentOne Today!

New WinUI & MAUI Bundle

We’ve simplified our licensing for the modern, cross-platform .NET platforms. Now with a single WinUI & MAUI license, you can build apps with ComponentOne controls for WinUI, MAUI, UWP, and Xamarin. YES, all four platforms are included in a single license, and existing WinUI, UWP, and Xamarin users can access WinUI & MAUI controls as part of their subscription.

New WinUI & MAUI Bundle

New WinUI Controls

Our WinUI Edition expands this release with several new controls from our UWP Edition.

WinUI DataFilter - Advanced Filtering for FlexGrid or Any UI

WinUI DataFilter

The DataFilter provides a complete WinUI filter interface to accompany any data collection. Filtered data is easier to analyze and allows you to focus on specific information. The filter panel UI can be autogenerated from the data source or created manually. The DataFilter can be connected to any data-aware controls such as datagrids, lists, treeviews, and charts.

WinUI FlexChart - 50+ Chart Types for WinUI

WinUI Flexchart

The cross-platform FlexChart control is now available in WinUI. It provides all the popular chart types like bar, line, area, pie, TreeMap, combination charts, and stacking options to display data in a meaningful way.

WinUI Menu Control

WinUI Menu Control

Add touch-friendly context menus and classic "File" menu systems to your WinUI apps with Menu for WinUI. The C1Menu and C1ContextMenu controls give you a real desktop look-and-feel with traditional-looking menus that support deep nested items and vertical orientation.

WinUI Input and DateTime Controls

WinUI Input and DateTime Controls

Create smart input forms with several new input and DateTime editors for WinUI. This library includes Button, ToggleButton, CheckBox, TextBox, MaskedTextBox, NumericBox, DatePicker, TimeEditor, and RangeSlider controls. The input controls support formatting and validations to collect valid inputs for the application.

WinForms Enhancements

FlexChart for WinForms Design-Time Enhancements

FlexChart for WinForms Design-Time Enhancements

Our WinForms FlexChart can be configured at design time by invoking the designer from the smart tag or selecting any element on the chart. This makes it very easy to get started by configuring the most common features quickly. Change the chart type, palette, data source, and bindings, and add/edit the series collection directly from the smart tag.

FlexGrid for WinForms Hover Styles

FlexGrid for WinForms Hover Styles

The hover styles provide a visual cue to the user as they move the mouse across rows, columns, cells, or selections. You can set different styles, such as background color, text color, border color, etc., on the hovered cells using the Styles.Hover property allows you to get the style used to paint the hovered cell.

Input for WinForms Floating Placeholder

Input for WinForms Floating Placeholder

The Floating Placeholder is inspired by the Material themes and displays the labels inside the input controls. These labels move to the top once the control has a value assigned. This feature can be enabled by setting the Placeholder and FloatingPlaceholderEnabled properties of the respective input controls.

FlexReport Enhancements

Support for Azure Deployment on Windows

FlexReports can now be used in Web APIs for exporting reports and exposing other APIs. With the 2023 V2 release, we enhanced the rendering engine to support deployment to Azure. This is currently supported on Windows only - other OS support will come later.

Display Embedded Fonts in FlexReport

Fonts can be embedded in WinForms FlexReports by setting the EmbedFonts parameter in the Save method of the report or by setting the Embed property of the Reports Font in the designer.

Classic C1PDF for .NET Standard (Beta)

Our classic C1Pdf library is now available with a .NET Standard-based version. So now you can use this library in any .NET application, including .NET 6+, without any Windows dependency.

The C1Pdf library enables the creation of PDF files from scratch. It supports basic and advanced features such as annotations, graphics, bookmarks, compression, outlining, hyperlinking, and attachments that facilitate you to work with your PDF documents. In addition, it enables you to render rich text format (RTF), making it easy to create richly formatted documents.

Data Services - New Magento Data Connector

Magneto Data Collector

Our growing DataConnectors library gains another data source in this release. Magento is an e-commerce platform that exposes REST APIs for integration with external applications. ComponentOne DataConnector for Magento provides ADO.NET and EntityFramework Core APIs to connect and interact with Magento. The new Magento data connector support OpenAuth authentication, LINQ queries, SQL queries, scaffolding, and fast caching with incremental updates.

WPF Enhancements

FlexGrid for WPF Validation and Error Styles

FlexGrid for WPF Validation and Error Styles

FlexGrid for WPF now supports validation and error styles so that user inputs can be validated at runtime—validation in FlexGrid honors standard IDataErrorInfo and INotifyDataErrorInfo interfaces implemented in the data items. The ShowErrors, ErrorIconTemplate, ErrorStyle, RowErrorStyle, and RowHeaderErrorStyle settings could be used to control how errors are shown.

FlexGrid for WPF Selection APIs Improved

FlexGrid for WPF Selection APIs Improved

We’ve improved the selection API in our WPF FlexGrid with new or improved properties: SelectedItem, SelectedItems, and SelectedIndex. This provides more flexibility in manipulating the selected items at runtime to customize your application behavior further.

PropertyGrid for WPF Performance Enhancements

PropertyGrid for WPF Performance Enhancements

We’ve refactored our PropertyGrid control for WPF, so it’s more performant. It also has various new built-in editors for colors, brushes, and gradients.

FlexPie for WPF Legend Improvements

FlexPie for WPF Legend Improvements

The FlexPie now supports more legend position options like top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, left-top, left-bottom, right-top, and right-bottom. Also, legends can be formatted through the LegendItemFormat event to customize the item text.

Blazor Enhancements

New Blazor Gauge Controls

We have added three new Blazor gauge controls to create linear, radial, and bullet graph gauges. These data visualization controls are easy to style and configure. The gauges support marks, labels, and ranges for customization.

Blazor Gauge Controls

FlexGrid for Blazor Pinned Columns

FlexGrid for Blazor Pinned Columns

Freezing columns allow a certain column to be in view even if the grid is scrolled horizontally. We’ve added a new pinning sample demonstrating how to enable column freezing in FlexGrid at runtime. Users can use the pin & unpin column menus to freeze or unfreeze the columns.

ComponentOne Studio for ActiveX 目前包括以下产品: SizerOne 通过这一4合1的构建集合ezai您的应用程序中增加缩放、标签和parsing的功能。 SizerOne是VS-OCX的最新版,包含两个缩放构件,可处理简单和复杂的缩放,一个可创建笔记本型和Outlook型的标签,以及一个用于自动对字符串进行parsie的parsing构件。 其他的功能允许您更快递设计网格和表单、在子控件中增框架、灰度图片等。 True DataControl 在您的桌面和网络应用程序的数据源中指定业务逻辑。 True DataControl 是一个ActiveX 控件,可作为OLE DB/ADO 数据源来创建应用程序。 它不仅仅是数据源,还是一个具备逻辑的数据源—可替换MS ADO 数据控件等标准数据源—允许程序员在数据源中将业务逻辑指定为一套业务规则,从而使应用程序更耐用、可扩展和可管理。 True DBGrid Pro 在您的应用程序中加入强大的数据绑定网格。 True DBGrid Pro (由ComponentOne及以前的APEX 软件公司开发)允许最终用户以列表格式浏览、编辑、添加和删除数据。 True DBGrid Pro 可对数据库的界面进行全面管理,使程序员把精力集中在与应用程序有关的重要任务上。 True DBGrid Pro 还可以通过程序员自己的数据源用于非绑定或存储模式。 True DBInput Pro 收集准确、格式化的用户输入。 True DBInput Pro 集成了8个高质量、面向数据的ActiveX 输入控件和5个可为程序员提供所需工具的对象,以创建企业范围内的互联网/内部网前端数据库应用。 这些强化的控件可替换Visual Basic的文本、日历、屏蔽、编辑框和框架控件来进行数据的输入,并可为金融应用程序增加定制的对象。 True DBList Pro 在您的应用程序中加入多列列表和组合框。 True DBList Pro 是一个由两个面向数据的ActiveX构件套,可为您的应用程序提供耐用的数据访问、数据表示和用户界面功能,使其能像网格一样运行,但却对列表有轻量化的要求。 功能包括对原始OLE DB和 ADO的支持、格式化的预览和打印、多列排序和搜索、导出为HTML等。 ComponentOne WebChart (包括表单) 为动态服务器页(ASP)创建独立于浏览器的动态表单。 True WebChart是一个企业图表工具,允许您开发图表或图形,并作为JPEG或PNG文件应用于任何浏览器。 你还可以将表单用作ActiveX控件,以便让最终用户对图表样式和数据的值进行更改。 True WebChart 具有两个服务器端的图表构件- 1个用于2D图表,另一个用于3D构件。 ASP 的web服务器可进行图表的创建并将完整的图表和图形发送到服务器。 VSFlexGrid Pro 增加灵活的网格,以显示列表数据。 VSFlexGrid Pro是对随Visual Basic附带的MSFlexGrid 的升级,可向您提供全范围的功能,以便为数据库应用程序创建灵活、强大的前端。 用一系列新方法在您的Windows、互联网或内部网项目中对动态数据的显示和表示进行定制化,以进行显示、编辑、格式化、组织、汇总和列表数据的打印。 VSSPELL 为任何Visual Basic 应用程序增加拼写检查和同义词词典功能。 VSSPELL 是一个定制化的库,由vsSpell和 vsThesaurus组成。 只需将控件置于您的表单中,您的最终用户即可立即拥有收录25万多个美国英语单词的VSSPELL字典的功能。 该字典具有为错误单词提供建议的功能,并可根据现有词典创建新的主词典(例如,微软Word),并且可忽略或改正所有错误单词,并且具有创建和维护字典的功能。 VSVIEW (包括典型版本) 可对文本进行自动格式化,以便显示或导出。 VSVIEW 允许您在创建表格时将文本进行多列格式化,包括增加表头、页脚、文本框、边框和文本环绕等。 您可以对图片、嵌入的RTF字符串进行渲染并导出到RTF或HTML中。 您甚至还可以在您的应用程序中增加所见即所得的预览,提供无级缩放、缩略图及页面的并排预览。 用户可完全控制缩放和页面的方向。 ComponentOne Query 可在您的应用程序中加入临时查询功能并可被用户直接使用。 ComponentOne的查询构件是一个基于COM,用于应用程序集成的构件,您的最终用户无需为此学习新的技能。 该构件与强大的查询生成引擎、查询引擎和schema 设计器完全兼容。 功能包括: 支持SQL数据库、 Simple DataSour




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