CAD Exchanger SDK 3.23.0 FOR WIN Crack

CAD Exchanger 3.23.0, November 2023

    - Added import of new version of formats: Autodesk Inventor 2023 and 2024, NX 2306.
    - Documentation has been reworked significantly to make it easier to navigate. It also
      now contains comprehensive information about SDK, Web Toolkit and Manufacturing Toolkit,
      together with all their examples.
    - BIM model structure has been reworked to align more closely with relevant formats and
      mainstream usage.

    - Added new examples: "coloring", "configurations" and "drawings".
    - Added support of Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 (vc14.3).
    - For product improvements, evaluation version may now collect anonymous usage data
      (such as file formats and sizes). No data collection is performed in the commercial

    - BIM-related API changes:
        - Removed ModelData_BIMSpace class and added ModelData_BIMCompositeElement class to represent
          groupings of elements not related to model structure.
        - Renamed base class for all BIM classes from ModelData_BIMElement to ModelData_BIMBaseObject
          and added an ability to carry UUIDs to it.
        - Renamed ModelData_BIMHostElement to ModelData_BIMHost.
        - Introduced restrictions on types of BIMElement that can be added to each subclass of BIMHost.
          This enforces a rigid site-building-storey inclusion order.
        - Added Name and PropertyLibrary fields that relate to the entire ModelData_BIMModel.
    - Added new class ModelData_OrderedWireIterator that iterates over edges in a wire on a face
      in topology connected order.
    - Added new overload to ModelAlgo_TransformationApplier to transform an entire ModelData_Model.
    - Added ModelData_ShapeList class to Python, C#, and Java API.
    - Stub files have been added to Python packages, enabling autocomplete back in some editors.
    - Improved CDXWEB files structure to load multi-LOD files faster in the browser.
    - Fixed crash in methods that accept ModelData_PMIGraphicalElementComponent,
      ModelData_PMISemanticElementComponent or ModelData_PMISemanticAttribute as parameters
      in Python API.

    - SDK documentation now contains information on all modules and products, including
      Manufacturing Toolkit and Web Toolkit.
    - The SDK documentation has been streamlined to make it easier for a new reader.
      Multiple articles have been rewritten (introduction, installation, etc.), others
      have been added (e.g. Integration with Open CASCADE).
    - SDK, Web Toolkit and Manufacturing Toolkit examples are now all on a single page.
    - Added documentation for classes for which there were no description before.

    SDK/Unity add-on:
    - Fixed texture export from Unity model to ModelData_Model.

    SDK/UNIGINE add-on:
    - Add-on ported to currently relevant UNIGINE SDK 2.17.

    SDK/Web Toolkit:
    - Added API to check scene node is selected or not.
    - Fixed selected scene node rendering when the node becomes visible.
    - Fixed selected measurements rendering.
    - Fixed selection algorithm for PolyVertex selection mode.
    - Fixed TypeScript definitions (d.ts file).

    - Improved support of ACIS ASM binary files.

    - Improved export of transparency.

    - Fixed import of objects without mesh.

    - Fixed textures not being exported on Linux.
    - Improved export for assemblies with Draco compression.

    - Fixed the structure of files exported from mechanical CAD and 3D formats
      for wider support in downstream applications.
    - Fixed data races when reading files containing non-ASCII characters.
    - Improved import of entities based on profile curves with big gaps between vertices
      of said profiles.

    - Import now retains the transparency of objects.

    - Added export for materials with transparency.

    - Added support for import of used-defined properties at geometry level assigned
      using 'geometric_item_specific_usage' entities. These properties can be retrieved from
      property tables attached to BRep subshapes.

    - Improved appearance export in debug mode.

Manufacturing Toolkit 3.23.0, November 2023
        - Starting with this version, Manufacturing Toolkit is distributed in the CAD Exchanger
          SDK package.
        - Manufacturing Toolkit documentation and examples are now available within the
          CAD Exchanger SDK documentation.
    CNC Machining:
        - DFM (Design for Manufacturing) Analysis:
            - Improved fillet related checks logic to find spline fillets.
            - Updated logic for Outer Diameter Profile check. The rule will no longer be called
              for perpendicular turning faces.
    Sheet Metal:
        - Added association between edges of original and unfolded models. It is accessible with
        SheetMetal_FlatPattern::RelatedShape() method.
        - Feature Recognition:
            - Added possibility to find Tabs on circular forms.
        - Added volume calculation for SheetMetal_Hole and SheetMetal_Cutout features.
        - Added volume calculation for Machining_Hole, Machining_Countersink and Machining_Pocket
    Wall Thickness:
        - Overhauled the algorithm to make it faster and more accurate.


CAD Exchanger 3.22.0, September 2023

    - CAD Exchanger SDK is now also shipped as Docker images. Images with C++, C#, Java and Python environments are available.
    - Added import of mechanical, product and custom properties from CATIA.
    - Added import of Autodesk Inventor 2022.

    - Fixed visibility of BRep Representation on macOS.
    - Fixed displaying of text elements in PMI.

    - Added the ability to save all polygonal representations with SDK native persistence.
    - Improved logging and added small improvements to Subprocess Mode.
    - Fixed the CMake file for examples on MacOS.
    - Fixed access violation that happens in C# code on C++ exception handling.
    - Fixed an issue with import of surface of revolution with a line as a basis curve.
    - Examples now choose correctly clang11 folder for mac64 and clang14 for macarm64.

    - Added new public exception BaseError_EvaluationLimit indicating that evaluation license usage limit exceeded.
    - Added new methods to ModelData_Vector2d, ModelData_Direction2d.
    - Added new methods to ModelData_Model which allows to get property table with information about original file measurement units.
    - Python API is now available in SDK on MacOS. It can be used in Python apps running on CPython 3.7-3.11.

    - Added code snippets for C# and Python.
    - Updated SDK supported configurations.
    - Removed deprecated tag for CDX and CDXWEB formats.
    - The description for the method D2() corrected in cadex::ModelData_Curve Class Reference.
    - Added support of Docker images with integration instructions for SDK.
    - Updated description for WriteBRepRepresentation() and WritePolyRepresentation() methods.
    - Updated Web Toolkit tutorial to use ModelData_ModelReader.
    - Restructured high-level and Getting Started sections for easier orientation.
    - Added Manufacturing Toolkit documentation.

    SDK/Visualization toolkit:
    - Fixed crash when ModelPrsWPF_ViewPort attaches to scene.
    - Fixed visibility of BRep on macOS.
    - Fixed displaying of text elements in PMI.

    SDK/Unity integration:
    - Fixed subprocess mode for Unity integration.
    - Fixed sharing of identical textures.

    SDK/Eyeshot integration:
    - Added `Eyeshot Conversion` example that demonstates Eyeshot integration.

    SDK/Web Toolkit:
    - Added API for creating distance measurement between B-Rep shapes.
    - Fixed parsing of PMI triangulated components.
    - Fixed parsing of property table values in `time` format.
    - Fixed rendering of IndexedFaceSets without normals.
    - Fixed typescript definitions (d.ts file)
    - Examples:
      - Rewritten `reactjsviewer` example to React function components.
      - Fixed PMI data exploring in `modelexplorer` example.
      - Fixed infinite loading indicator in tree node in `mcadviewer` example.

    3D PDF:
    - Fixed the bug where some CAD Exchanger Batch licenses with 3D PDF format were not activated correctly.

    - Supported import of Autodesk Inventor 2022. Models that use configurations(Model States) may be imported incorrectly.

    - Added import of mechanical, product and custom properties.

    - Fixed an issue with incorrect import of IndexedTriangleSet's data on some models.

    - Fixed a problem with missed elements in some closed 2D curves.
    - Fixed an issue in import of drawing's dimensions.

    - Added support of Draco compression for import and export.
    - Added support of export graphical PMI as polylines.

    - Added support for missing external references recording.
    - Fixed crash for some models, for which LODs had not been loaded.

    - Fixed a crash during transfer caused by incorrect import of properties.
    - Fixed a crash during import of some models 2020 version and above.
    - Fixed a regression in import of some models with configurations.

    - Improved export of models with duplicated bodies.

CAD Exchanger 3.21.0, August 2023

    - Lab has gotten a new Drawing mode, enabling exploration of drawing data
      from DWG format.
    - Lab now offers tweakable mesh decimation to simplify and optimize large
      mesh models.
    - Finally, it is now possible to view different configurations of the SolidWorks models in the Lab.
    - Added brand new integration with devDept Eyeshot.
    - Added import of graphical PMI from CATIA.
    - Support of Windows 32 bit configurations has been discontinued.

    - Fixed data race during creation of a new polygonal representation.

    - Updates and fixes to SDK native persistence:
        - Added support for semantic PMI.
        - Fixed incorrect appearance sharing in drawing persistence
        - Fixed incorrect transformations in BIM persistence
    - Improved parameters setting in subprocess mode.
    - Fixed a crash caused by complex non-manifold shells during import.
    - Added example exploring/drawings showcasing the structure of drawing data model.
    - Fixed running of several Python examples from command prompt.
    - Updated the script copy_libraries.bat for Unity add-on examples with newly added libraries.

    - "Namespaces" section moved inside of "Classes".
    - Actualized the list of formats with PMI support.
    - Removed extra scroll bar.
    - Fixed several broken links for C++ classes.
    - Some other minor fixes.

    SDK/Visualization toolkit:
    - Added 'cxx/qtquick_qml/drawingviewer' example demonstrating drawing data visualization.
    - Fixed viewer examples that were breaking during scene update.

    SDK/Web Toolkit:
    - Added "dispose" method to scene and viewport to allow releasing allocated resources.
    - Fixed rendering of graphical PMI entities.
    - Fixed rending of scene nodes in the ghost hidden mode.

    3D XML:
    - Fixed crash during import on models with shared mesh subshapes.
    - Fixed import of mesh subshapes with transformations.

    - Fixed incorrect import of certain IFC*TYPE entities.
    - Fixed import of faces without explicitly specified outer bound.
    - Fixed a crash during import of empty solids or shells.

    - Fixed a crash during import of degenerated plane.
    - Fixed a crash during import of composite curve with null subcurves.

    - Added support for 2018 and 2019 versions.

    - Fixed incorrect conversion of shared appearance during import.

    - Added support for 2023 version.

    Solid Edge:
    - Added support for 2022 and 2023 version.

CAD Exchanger 3.20.0, June 2023

    - Lab now opens models of BIM formats in a special "BIM viewer" mode, featuring BIM-specific
      structure and properties trees, making exploration of BIM models more convenient.
    - The persistence format lineup for CAD Exchanger data models has been overhauled. There are now
      four formats: for general persistence and Web Toolkit, and for two data models - general
      ModelData_Model and BIM model ModelData_BIMModel. The formats are CDX, CDXBIM, CDXWEB and
    - Web Toolkit can now visualize 2D drawings; its API now provides access to drawing data and
      BIM-specific entity designations and properties, enabling a more diverse range of applications.
    - SDK, Lab and Batch are now available for arm64 architecture on macOS. Thus, the SDK allows client
      applications to target Apple M1 and M2 series CPUs, and the Lab and the Batch can run on fresh
      Apple hardware natively.

    - Made Subprocess Mode (running conversions in a separate process) the default behavior.
    - Added small improvements to Subprocess Mode.
    - Added a limit of 100 exports for evaluation licenses.

    - Older persistence based on XML was deprecated, CDXFB is superseded with CDXWEB.

    SDK/Web Toolkit:
    - Introduced ModelData_ModelReader class allowing to read both CDXWEB and CDXBIMWEB with the same API.
    - Improved rendering performance for B-Rep representations with a lot of bodies.
    - Added `load` and `read` methods to ModelData_Model. `loadFile` and `loadSceneGraph` methods were deprecated.
    - Added VoidVisitor, CombinedVisitor and UniqueVisitor visitors support.
    - Added API for layers.
    - Added PMIMachiningAllowance and PMISurfaceTextureRequirement attributes support.
    - Added new methods to scene node factory that allow one to create the nodes from drawing and BIM entities.
    - Fixed line set bounding box calculation.
    - Fixed rendering of edges and vertices with custom appearances.
    - Fixed crash in "fitBox" method when the box is very small.
    - Examples:
      - Introduced BaseViewer and BaseExample classes included base logic used by all examples.
      - Added PropertiesPanel, StructurePanel and ViewerTools components implementing
        typical WEB viewers functionality.
      - Added complex `drawingviewer` example demonstrating drawing data visualization.
      - Added complex `bimviewer` example demonstrating BIM data visualization.
      - Added complex `mcadviewer` example demonstrating mechanical CAD data visualization.
      - Added dark theme support.

    SDK/Visualization toolkit:
    - Added new methods to scene node factory that allow one to create the nodes from BIM data model
      or its entities.

    - Added an option to CAT_ReaderParameter to load hidden scene graph elements.
    - Fixed an error during parsing product structure data.

    - Fixed an issue with external references being lost due to the confusion of Creo files with files
      of other formats.

    - Improved import of BlockReference entity in drawings.
    - Improved import of drawing units.

    - Improved textures export.

    - Added export for user-defined properties.
    - Added support for reading and writing mesh names.
    - Fixed issue with embedded textures not being imported.
    - Fixed a bug with name recognition in the case of a single root element.

    - Overhauled the export to be based on the BIM data model and thus better preserve the
      model contents in BIM formats -> IFC scenarios.

    - Suppressed assembly components are now ignored during import.
    - Fixed a crash during export of models imported from NX when Delayed Conversion is enabled.

    - Added support for 2020 version.
    - Added import of properties of Structural Framing and Structural Foundations.

    - Improved import of transformations.
    - Added support for the TRIANGULATED_FACE entity.

    - Added import of polygonal representation for 2004 version.
    - Fixed a crash during import of some 2004 version models.
    - Fixed a data race in import.

CAD Exchanger 3.19.0, May 2023

    - Significantly improved rendering performance for B-Rep representations in CAD Exchanger Lab and
      Visualization Toolkit SDK add-on.
    - Added import of a new format - Autodesk Revit (versions 2021, 2022). Currently available only in SDK,
      support in Lab will appear in a future version.
    - Introduced a BIM-specific data model - ModelData_BIMModel. IFC and Revit models can be imported
      to it to retain and expose for querying more domain-specific data.

    - Added "Write textures" export option for GLTF, OBJ, Rhino, VRML, and X3D formats.
    - Fixed "Manipulator" tool issue.
    - Fixed an import issue on macOS Ventura 13.3.
    - Fixed a memory leak on B-Rep representations.
    - Fixed a window unavailability issue on multiple monitors environment.

    - Added a new CAD Exchanger native format CDXBIM, intended for persistent storage of BIM models.
    - Minor fixes to improve stability of Subprocess mode.
    - Minor fixes to improve stability of the general-purpose mesher.
    - Removed cadex_license.cs from dependencies in C# examples.
    - Added post build event to generate runtime key in C# examples.

    - Added a new exporter to image formats - Image_Writer. It does not require licensing Visualization
    - Expanded drawing API with text properties and hatch pattern scale.

    SDK/C3D integration:
    - Added support of configurations.

    SDK/Web Toolkit:
    - Breaking changes:
      - B-Rep representation `subshapes()` method is now async and flushes providers on call.
      - B-Rep body presentation now can include multiple poly vertex sets and can be
        received via B-Rep representation API only.
      - Poly vertex sets now can include multiple ranges with different assigned appearances.
        Removed previously used classes with same functionality.
    - Added API to retrieve/change B-Rep subshapes metadata (name, appearance, properties)
    - Added method to `ModelData_BRepRepresentation` for receiving actual B-Rep body presentation.
    - Extended API for calculating bounding box and surface area of arbitrary B-Rep shape.
    - Extended PolyVertexSet class to support multiple ranges with different appearances.
    - Fixed scene node appearance combining.
    - Fixed scene node removing on scene update.
    - Fixes selection handler behavior for multiple selection mode.
    - Examples:
      - Added B-Rep subshapes properties displaying in `modelexplorer` example.
      - Ported `threejsviewer` example to the new B-Rep representation API.

    SDK/Visualization toolkit:
    - Fixed "Manipulator" tool issue.
    - Fixed a memory leak on B-Rep representations.

    - Added Python documentation.
    - Added information about new licensing mechanism to Unity and UNIGINE pages.
    - Changed description of building SDK with GNU Makefiles.
    - Refactored the main page. Web Toolkit tutorial and examples was moved to SDK sections.
    - Updated SDK supported configurations.

    - Added support for hatch pattern scale and text position and rotation to the import.
    - Improved import of diametric and radial dimensions.
    - Fixed a crash caused by the incorrect conversion of spline curves.

    - Improved import of textures.

    - Improved export of scene graph element names.

    - Improved conversion of B-spline curves.

    - Fixed a crash caused by incorrect parsing of configuration data.
    - Fixed a crash during the import of graphical PMI data.

CAD Exchanger 3.18.0, March 2023

    - Expanded the set of supported format versions: CATIA V5R32 and V5R33, Creo 8 and 9.

    - Added progress bar for loading a new representation.
    - Added ability to finish creating a polygonal representation that was created with some of the
      components hidden. Check the hidden components to simultaneously mesh and display them.
    - Fixed Explode behavior for previously hidden objects when changing the B-Rep display quality.
    - Anti-aliasing is now enabled and viewcube disabled in the export to image.
    - Manipulator style was changed to be semi transparent during active rotation.
    - Fixed visibility of arrow button for parts in structure view after tree view was expanded
      while loading a model.
    - Fixed wrong behavior of colors during opacity changes in "Properties" for B-Rep bodies.
    - Fixed wrong behavior of opacity slider from "Properties" when using the slider to change
      assembly transparency.
    - Fixed Explode tool causing a short freeze on big models upon first use.
    - Fixed freeze on big models when clicking "Show only" in context menu.
    - Fixed sudden collapse of PMI structure elements when their visibility state is changed.
    - Fixed wrong triangle count in "Representations" panel for user-added polygonal representations.
    - Fixed visibility of PMI elements when you enable them from PMI tree, avoiding selection of saved view.

    - Expanded the API of semantic PMI with surface finish component.

    SDK/B-Rep simplifier:
    - Improved clarity of API for ModelSimplifier_HoleRemoverTool.

    SDK/C3D integration:
    - Added import of polygonal representations.
    - Added import of PMI.

    SDK/Web Toolkit:
    - Breaking changes:
      - Camera "scale" property is readonly now. For camera scaling the "zoom" method should be used.
      - The model API now returns not indexed line sets.
    - Camera zoom handler now allows zoom at pointer position.
    - Extended PolyLineSet class to be compliant with C++ API.
    - Added line properties support.
    - Fixed selection detection on clip plane handler enabled.
    - Fixed multi-touch gestures handling.
    - Fixed vertex transparent colors applying of the PolyVertexSet rendering.
    - Fixed scene node combined properties calculation on scene updating.
    - Examples:
      - Ported `threejsviewer` example to the new line set API.

    SDK/Visualization toolkit:
    - Added offscreen example to Python package.

    - Fixed recognition of "Up axis" tag in import.

    - Improved conversion of names with UTF-8 characters.

    - Improved export of non-manifold topology to improve compatibility of exported models
      with receiving software.

CAD Exchanger 3.17.0, February 2023

    - Added API for configurations to the ModelData SDK package and import of configurations
      from SolidWorks. API usage is demonstrated in a new "exploring/configurations" example.
    - Added import of graphical PMI from Creo.

    - Updated license transfer dialog to reflect the current transfer policy.

    SDK/Unity add-on:
    - Fixed unhandled exception when exporting a non-active GameObject.
    - Changed MeshTopology for lines from LineStrip to Line in ObjectFactory to improve
      rendering performance.

    SDK/Web Toolkit:
    - Significantly reduced memory footprint of model visualization.
    - Added support font loading from `opentype.js` and `fontkit` third party libraries.
    - Dropped `pako` package dependency.
    - Fixed progress status incorrect update on scene updating.
    - Fixed View Cube rendering.
    - Fixed d.ts file.
    - Examples:
      - Added `fontviewer` example demonstrating text visualization on the scene.

    - Fixed several crashes caused by problems with parsing of BRep and Poly data.

    - Fixed an issue in import where model's components had incorrect scale.

    - Fixed a sporadic crash that occurred after canceling the import.

    - Fixed an issue in import where model's components had incorrect scale.

    - Improved importer robustness on non-conformant models.

    - Added support for NX 2007 Series, 2206 and 2212 versions.

    - Fixed a crash that occurred during parsing Poly data for huge models.

CAD Exchanger 3.16.0, December 2022

    - Added support of graphical PMI to SolidWorks v2015-v2022, and general support for v2022.
    - Added CDXFB Converter Tool to allow fast prototyping of web applications with CAD Exchanger SDK
      without having to set up the backend first. Use the tool to convert any supported format
      to CDXFB for display in the browser with Web Toolkit. The tool is currently available
      for Windows and Linux.
    - Web Toolkit addon was greatly improved with support for PMI annotation-shape associations and
      for working with and display of B-Rep subshapes (faces, edges, etc.).
    - Added integration with C3D geometric kernel. It supports conversion of geometry, product structure and colors.
    - Added support of graphical PMI to NX.

    - Added support of russian characters in graphical PMI.

    SDK/Visualization toolkit:
    - Fixed broken selection mode when it is enabled before the first scene update.
    - Fixed broken cursor shape for the whole window after iteracting with Qt Viewport component.

    SDK/Web Toolkit:
    - Breaking changes:
      - Selection manager now stores only one highlighted item.
    - Reduced model displaying time.
    - Fixed d.ts file.
    - Examples:
      - JavaScript code moved into separate files to allow type checking.
      - `pmiviewer` - now supports PMI associations: when PMI element is selected, associated
        B-Rep subshapes are highlighted.

    - Fixed bug with saving models in "Mesh Simplification" and "BRep Simplification" examples.
    - Added text direction support in ModelData_PMITextComponent.

    - Improved import of drawings with support special symbols.

    - Fixed a crash caused by the incorrect conversion of names.

    - Improved conversion for trimmed parametric elliptic curves.

    - Improved stability of import on specific models.

    - NX parser was reworked to increase speed and stability of reading.

CAD Exchanger 3.15.0, November 2022

    - Added integration with UNIGINE engine. It supports conversion of geometry, product structure and
      appearances to Unigine Nodes.
    - Visualization API in Web Toolkit has been overhauled. There are breaking changes and the npm package
      version is raised to 3.15.0. From now on the Web Toolkit package version will be aligned with SDK
      version. New Web Toolkit versions will now be released with every SDK release.
    - Desktop application "CAD Exchanger" has been renamed to "CAD Exchanger Lab".
    - Command line tool "CAD Exchanger CLI" has been renamed to "CAD Exchanger Batch".
    - Introduced a new licensing mechanism for CAD Exchanger SDK on Windows.

    - Added new setting Base_Settings::SubprocessMode, which enables ModelData_ModelReader to
      run model import in a separate process. This allows graceful handling of fatal errors
      during model import, since they don't crash the main process. Instead they result in a
      BaseError_UnexpectedProcessExit exception being thrown in the main process.
    - Updated native CAD Exchanger persistence formats CDXFB and XML with support for semantic PMI.
    - Improved import of not same range edges.

    - Fixed an issue where ElementVisitor's member functions were not abstract in C#, Python and Java.

    SDK/Visualization toolkit:
    - Fixed problem when application terminates due to unsuccessful creating a temporary directory.

    SDK/Web Toolkit:
    - Breaking changes:
        - Updated third parties: pako up to v2.0.4 and three.js up to v0.145.
        - Dropped "bundled" library support.
        - Added separate libraries for main module systems: cjs, esm and umd.
        - Aligned visualization API with CAD Exchanger Visualization Toolkit
    - Expanded the API with semantic PMI and progress status support.
    - Scene now uses tree-based node system instead of the list of visual objects.
    - "Shape" selection node renamed to "Node".
    - Scene and viewport now use "managers" approach for additional functionality.
    - Added ability to customize visual properties of the scene nodes.
    - Added ability to customize clip planes' visual properties.
    - Added camera support.
    - Added light sources support.
    - Added input handlers support, which allows to customize viewer behavior on mouse, touch and keyboard input.
    - Added ability to customize camera manipulator behavior.
    - Changed selection API:
        - Generalized selection API to allow one to select Nodes, B-Rep and Poly shapes in the same way.
        - Added "PolyShape" and "PolyVertex" selection modes support.
        - Added ability to highlight entities on the scene programmatically.
        - Added ability to iterate over selected and highlighted entities on the scene.
        - Added ability to get detailed information about ray intersection with scene.
    - Examples:
        - Ported example's JavaScript code into ES6 modules.
        - Ported examples to the new visualization API.
        - Enabled TypeScript checking.
        - Added progress status indicator to 'basic3dviewer' example.
        - Removed additional helper library usage in 'threejsviewer' example.
        - 'reactjsviewer' updated to use React 18.

    3D PDF:
    - Import now throws a new exception BaseError_MissingModel, indicating the lack of 3D data in a PDF file.

    - Fixed an issue where some instance's transformations were lost.
    - Improved quality of parametric curves import.

    - Improved import of drawings for files that were written using Autodesk Inventor.

    - Enabled import of JT 10.6 files.

    - Fixed incorrect processing of instances with no name.
    - Fixed a crash during import because of case sensitive paths.

    - Improved export of double precision floating point numbers.

    - Reduced memory consumption during import.

    - Added export of semantic PMI according to Application Protocol 242.
    - Improved progress status and cancellation behavior in import.

CAD Exchanger 3.14.0, September 2022

    - Trial period has been reduced from 30 to 15 days. Also, the trial is now limited to 20
      exports only.

    - Vertex sets created by meshing B-Rep bodies now inherit names from them.
    - Fixed data race in regional string encodings decoder.

    - Added new setting ModelAlgo_BRepMesherParameters::SaveBRepToPolyAssociations(), which
      enables saving associations between B-Rep shapes and elements of meshes generated for the body.
    - Added new setting ModelAlgo_BRepMesherParameters::SetSaveAppearances(), which allows one to
      override the splitting of mesh generated for body into multiple meshes, each for a set of faces
      with the same appearance. Setting it to false results in generation of a single mesh for the body
      and discarding of appearance information.
    - ModelAlgo_BRepMesher now provides a method BRepToPolyAssociations() to retrieve the
      associations between B-Rep shapes meshed with this instance of the mesher and the subsets of mesh
      generated for those shapes. The older mechanism ModelData_PolyRepresentation::Triangulation()
      used to get results of B-Rep faces as independent vertex set copies was deprecated and removed.
    - Web Toolkit documentation has been merged into SDK documentation. Web Toolkit examples source code
      has been moved to GitHub (

    - Added import of quantity properties (based on IfcElementQuantity approach).

    - Fixed materials' names being imported incorrectly.

    - Fixed a crash caused by invalid projection on surface of revolution.

CAD Exchanger 3.13.0, August 2022

    - Added import of IFC 4.3 and Parasolid 34.0 and 34.1.

    - Structure elements' names containing "&" character are now displayed properly.
    - Enabled manipulator usage when Sectioning panel is open but no planes were created.
    - Added ability to show/hide a group of selected elements in Structure tree by clicking
      a checkbox for one.
    - Fixed behavior when using the Spacebar to invert the visibility status of a group
      of selected Structure elements.
    - Fixed broken selection when measuring radius/diameter and switching between selecting edges and faces.

    - Fixed a rare crash during the conversion of conical surfaces.
    - Fixed a crash caused by exports of mesh models without normals with UseOYAsUpAxis setting enabled.
    - Fixed a regression in the export of colors to CDXFB format.

    SDK/Unity add-on:
    - Added support for Universal Rendering Pipeline (URP) Lit shader.

    3D XML:
    - Components with no representation are now skipped during import.
    - Fixed an issue when some files could not be imported due to access violation.
    - Fixed misplaсing of components in some models.
    - Fixed transparency missing from imported objects.
    - Fixed import of component names with non-ASCII characters.

    - Missing external references mechanism was aligned with other formats. GUI now
      displays missing external references for CATIA models too.
    - Fixed parsing of NURBS entities.

    - Added support of Cylidrical Spline surface.
    - Improved performance of bicubic spline conversion.
    - Improved import of colors.

    - Improved import of discontinuous pipe surfaces.
    - Slightly improved processing of IfcBooleanClippingResult.
    - Fixed formatting of IfcOwnerHistory field in IfcRoot.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT, NX and Solidworks formats):
    - Fixed the bug with incorrect export in some locales.
    - Fixed import of BSpline pcurves with incorrect poles.

    - Fixed crash when exporting empty model or model with empty instances.
    - Fixed incorrect unit coefficient in PMI Dimension.
    - Fixed import of PMI Coordinate systems.

    - Fixed a data race in import of vertices.

    - Fixed a crash in parsing caused by corrupted polygonal data.

    - Fixed a case of unmeshed faces caused by intersecting wires.

    Computational meshers:
    - Fixed a data race during Netgen mesh computation.

CAD Exchanger 3.12.0, June 2022

    - Added import of IFC 4, which fully supports the entities defined by IFC 4.1 specification.
    - Resolved a massive collection of issues in various components.

    - Improved UI look and feel: certain elements are easier to click, clickable and copyable elements
      are distinguished by a different cursor shape, multiple animations were added.
    - Added sample models and tutorials to the starting page.
    - Names of triangle sets are now shown and can be edited.
    - Added minimal value for "Size growth rate" setting of the computational mesher
      to avoid crashes while meshing.
    - Reworked modal dialog windows that now use application style instead of system dialogs.
    - Improved network device ordering in manual activation flow for machines with virtual devices.
    - Fixed crash when importing a file right after displaying the previous one.
    - Fixed saving of state for "Show export options" checkbox.

    - Introduced support of cloud licenses.

    - The version of native XML format was upgraded. Fixed reading/writing of UTF-16 names and properties.
    - Improved performance of bounding box computation for complex geometry.
    - Fixed incorrect application of transformation in ModelData_Surface::Transformed().
    - Fixed ModelData_PolyLine to BRep conversion.
    - Fixed broken texture sharing which resulted in duplication of materials.
    - Fixed the output of Logging example in C++ being empty.

    - Added methods to query Id of B-Rep shapes and vice versa. See Shape(), ShapeId()
      in ModelData_BRepRepresentation.

    SDK/Unity add-on:
    - Added support for line sets and point sets.
    - Added support for names of triangle sets in product structure.
    - Added support for TGA and TIFF external textures.
    - Added new optional argument to Unity_ObjectFactory::Create() and Unity_ObjectFactory::CreateAsync()
      which provides an ability to keep associations between ModelData_SceneGraphElement and the corresponding
      GameObject for easier access of model's non-graphical data.
    - Added two new options, Unity_ObjectFactoryParameters::AdaptToUnityCoordinateSystem() and
      Unity_ModelFactoryParameters::AdaptToRightHandedCoordinateSystem(), which allow performing correct
      conversion of models between coordinate systems of Unity and CAD Exchanger.
    - Improved import of geometry from right-handed coordinate system to left-handed one, avoiding using
      of negative scaling of GameObject's transformation.
    - Added new option, Unity_ModelFactory::ScaleFactor(), which enables controlling of scale factor
      of the exported model.
    - Improved PMI rendering quality.
    - Fixed import of parts with no geometrical data.
    - Fixed import of models containing missing parts.
    - Fixed ModelData_ModelReader always returning empty model on some devices.
    - Fixed import of material's emission color.
    - Fixed export to formats that don't support negative scale transformations.
    - Fixed creating an excess root element in model's product structure during export.
    - Updated example project, improved UX and stability.

    3D PDF:
    - Added an option to disable watermark.

    3D XML:
    - Fixed an issue when some files could not be imported due to access violation.

    ACIS, BRep, IGES, Parasolid:
    - Only B-Rep is exported now for models where some parts don't have B-Rep geometry.
      Previously polygonal to B-Rep conversion would have been applied.

    - Improved parametrization of offset surfaces.
    - Enabled import of body names.
    - Added import of sweep segment surfaces.
    - Fixed an issue when some files could not be imported due to access violation.

    - During assembly import missing external references are now recorded
      and available through the API.
    - Fixed case of incorrect parametrization of ruled surface.

    - Added a 30-character limit for entity names in export to satisfy the format's limitation.

    - Added support of objects without Layer.
    - Fixed an issue when some files could not be imported due to access violation.

    - Fixed import of polylines.
    - Fixed an issue in import where model's components had incorrect scale.
    - Meshes with multiple materials are now split during import into pieces
      with a single materials each.
    - Fixed export normals orientation export with "Up axis" option.

    - Added import and export of polylines.
    - Fixed export normals orientation export with "Up axis" option.

    - Fixed import error on models containing duplicate entities.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT, NX, Solid Edge and Solidworks formats):
    - Fixed import of cylindrical and planar faces without loops.
    - Fixed a crash during import of some faces on offset surfaces based on BSpline.
    - Improved import of faces with invalid geometry.
    - Fixed an issue where sheet body was not fully imported.
    - Only B-Rep is exported now for models where some parts don't have B-Rep geometry.
      Previously polygonal to B-Rep conversion would have been applied.
    - Fixed data race in export of bodies with non-manifold faces.

    - Fixed some BRep coloring problems.
    - Fixed misplaсing of some assembly components.
    - Fixed wrong SGE naming for some assemblies.
    - Fixed several crashes during polygonal representation loading and B-Rep loading.
    - Attempt to import a model of unsupported version now results in BaseError_UnsupportedVersion

    - Improved import performance for models with large amount of layers.
    - Fixed data race in import of layers.
    - Added support for bezier_surface entity.
    - Added support for short entity names in parsing.
    - Fixed import error of models containing duplicate entities.
    - Added support export of polylines as BRep.

    OBJ, U3D, USD:
    - Fixed export normals orientation export with "Up axis" option.

    - Fixed problem of reading ASCII files with long names.

    - Fixed an issue where incorrect mesh was computed for cases of invalid geometry.
    - Fixed an issue of losing watertightness on faces with almost rectangular domain.
    - Fixed some cases of unmeshed faces.
    - Improved mesh precision on faces with less than C2-continuous surfaces.

CAD Exchanger 3.11.0, March 2022

    - CAD Exchanger's user interface has been refreshed, featuring a more modern
      look and improved user experience.
    - Added support for additional Host IDs for node-locked licenses: hard drive S/N
      and Windows Product ID (both are Windows only).

    - macOS package now contains Clang 11 binaries.
    - Improved processing performance of models with non-manifold edges.
    - Fixed a crash that occurred due to incorrect handling of non-manifold edges.

    - Fixed a few drawings public API inconsistencies between C++ and C#, Java
      and Python.
    - Fixed the issue where data model classes resided in the wrong module in
      Python API.

    - Fixed an issue with hidden parts being imported and displayed.

    - Fixed import of Insert objects with positive uniform scale.
    - Fixed import of hatches in drawings.

    - Enabled export of 2D drawing data (SDK only).

    - Fixed export of materials.

    - Improved import of very small planar faces.
    - Improved material support.

    - Textures are now saved in a "Textures" folder next to the target model
      during export.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT, NX and Solidworks formats):
    - Fixed parsing escape characters for .x_t files.
    - Fixed import of specific cases of faces on offset surfaces based on BSpline.
    - Fixed building 3D curves from parametric isolines on rolling ball surfaces.
    - Fixed export of disconnected bodies.

    - Improved export of Bezier and offset curves.
    - Improved import and export of colors.
    - Textures are now saved in a "Textures" folder next to the target model
      during export.

    - Fixed BRep coloring (v2011 - v2021).

    - Decreased memory consumption in export.

    - Improved mesh import for certain cases with assigned normals and vertex
    - Fixed a crash during a name generation in export.
    - Textures are now saved in a "Textures" folder next to the target model
      during export.

    - Textures are now saved in a "Textures" folder next to the target model
      during export.

    - Improved quality for complex geometric cases.
    - Fixed an issue with merging triangle sets.
    - Fixed a hang during discretization of some B-Spline curves.
    - Minor fixes to improve stability.

CAD Exchanger 3.10.2, December 2021

    - Added export of two new formats - U3D and 3D PDF.
    - Added import of polygonal representations from CATIA.
    - Python API is now available in SDK. It can be used in Python apps running on CPython 3.8-3.10.

    - Added "Up axis" option to USD exporter settings.
    - Improved responsiveness for large models when displaying, canceling, and applying the structure filter.
    - Improved switching between search results in "Structure".
    - Fixed displaying of validation properties.
    - Fixed flickering at the end of displaying a model.
    - Fixed a color picker from "Properties" to show the current color by default.
    - Fixed "More" and "Less" buttons from push notifications.

    - Added support of Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (vc14.2).
    - Instituted rigorous anti-regression testing to ensure stability of converters going forward.
    - Fixed crash resulting from invalid UTF-16 to UTF-8 conversion.
    - Strings with invalid/mixed encoding now converted as mush as possible instead of empty result.
    - Fixed rare case of strings encoding being erroneously recognized as MACINTOSH.

    - Introduced an API to traverse and query 2D drawing data from the model.
    - Fixed ModelData_ModelReader mixing up NX and Creo models due to these formats sharing
      a file extension (.prt).
    - Fixed a crash in ModelData_ModelReader/ModelData_ModelWriter when the license applies
      only to a subset of available formats.

    SDK/Visualization toolkit:
    - Added saving of the last import directory to baseviewer Qt example.

    - Improved import of 3D curves.
    - Improved colors import.

    - Enabled import of 2D drawing data (SDK only).
    - Enabled import of DWG 2007.

    - Fixed some cases of incorrect import of Boolean Operation Result entity.
    - Improved import of filleted profiles.
    - Fixed incorrect usage of precision from the source model during import.

    - Enabled import of Autodesk Inventor 2022.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT, NX and Solidworks formats):
    - Improved import of specific cases of faces on spherical and revolutional surfaces.
    - Fixed non deterministic import in case of shared intersection curve.
    - Corrected handling of Unicode names in subshape attributes.

    - Fixed a problem with the loss of some bodies in BRep.
    - Fixed some problems with differences between BRep and polygonal representations.
    - Fixed a problem with displaying hidden bodies.
    - Fixed an error during import of polygonal data for SolidWorks 2020 and 2021.
    - Fixed some problems with polygons coloring.
    - Fixed a missing Poly representation for some STL-based models (v2007 - v2021).
    - Fixed a missing BRep for some STEP-based models.
    - Fixed a crash during reading BRep.
    - Fixed component names with non-ASCII characters being imported incorrectly.

    - Fixed possible crash in parsing of optional strings with non-Unicode encodings.

    - Added support for Up axis selection.

    Unity module:
    - Added new option, Unity_ObjectFactoryParameters::SetMergeTriangleSets(), which enables merging
      triangle sets per part into a single GameObject.
    - Added new option, Unity_ObjectFactoryParameters::SetMeshOptimization(), which enables various
      techniques to improve mesh rendering performance.
    - Fixed partial loss of the inherited appearance when converting parts.
    - Fixed some cases of missing GameObjects names.
    - Fixed Unity_ObjectFactory not emitting Completed progress status event.

CAD Exchanger 3.10.1, September 2021

    - Added import of a new format: Autodesk Inventor (2015 - 2021).
    - Added import of user-defined and validation properties to SolidWorks importer.

    - Fixed a crash when trying to display PMI entity without visual representation.

    - Ensure stable addition order of elements in ModelData_Layer.
    - In case of multi-LOD polygonal models a Fine LOD will be used for export instead of Medium.
    - Fixed export of surfaces of linear extrusion for formats that use them.

    - U3D support added to ModelData_ModelReader.
    - Fixed SetSaveExternalReferencePaths() missing from Base_ReaderParameters in C# and Java APIs.

    SDK/Advanced geometry
    - Fixed an issue in Small Bodies Remover tool where all bodies were removed in Visual quality
      aware removal mode.

    SDK/Visualization toolkit:
    - Added ability to change manipulator mode to the public API.
    - Fixed the problem where a node was never displayed if its visibility mode was 'Hidden' at
      the time of the first update.
    - Fixed the problem where a scene ignored changed attributes (appearance, transformation, etc.)
      of scene node with 'Hidden' visibility mode.
    - Fixed an issue where the node was not properly deleted.
    - Improved the ability to reattach the node to another parent.
    - Reworked scene node factory. Now it possible to create single scene nodes, instead of sub-graphs.
      Scene graph can still be created from ModelData_Model using ModelPrs_SceneNodeFactory::CreateGraph().
    - Added progress status support in scene.
    - Fixed the selection object to exclude added shapes if later the whole scene node was appended to the selection.

    - Ensure correct reading of non-Unicode strings.

    - Enabled import of V5R16, V5R17 and V5R30 files.
    - Improved import of multiple geometric entities, including fillets.

    - Enabled import of DWG 2010.
    - Added skipping layers with freeze status.

    - Ensure correct reading of non-Unicode strings.
    - Added new option, IFC_ReaderParameters::SaveGlobalIds(), which enables saving IFC Global IDs of
      imported product structure elements.

    - Create only one root assembly when the root entities are of type Singluar Subfigure Instance.
    - Ensure deterministic result of import. Product structure elements now have same order
      on sequential imports.
    - Fixed some cases of incorrectly trimmed spherical faces.
    - Fixed some cases of 'Model displaying error' caused by spherical faces.

    3D XML:
    - Fixed import crashes with hidden objects.

    - Enabled import of NX 1926 Series, 1953 Series and 1980 Series.
    - Fixed an issue with bodies not being imported.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT, NX and Solidworks formats):
    - Improved import of faces on spherical surfaces with vertices very close to one another.
    - Ensure correct reading of non-Unicode strings.

    - Added parsing of Unicode code points written in compatibility mode.
    - Ensure correct reading of non-Unicode strings.

    - Improved performance of multibody parts import.
    - Fixed a regression in mesh conversion that led to crash.

    - Minor fixes to improve stability.

CAD Exchanger 3.10.0, June 2021

    - Added import of two new formats: 3D XML (4.0 - 4.3) and Solid Edge (17 - 2021).
      3D XML importer supports part-assembly structure, polygonal geometry, names and colors.
      Solid Edge importer supports part-assembly structure, B-Rep geometry from part and sheet
      metal (PSM) files, as well as colors.
    - Added import of mesh colors in SolidWorks. This improves usability in scenarios where
      standalone SLDASM files or SolidWorks assemblies with missing components are converted to
      mesh formats.
    - Added ModelData_ModelReader and ModelData_ModelWriter classes allowing to read and write
      any format supported by CAD Exchanger.

    - Added "Read PMI" and "Write PMI" options to STEP and JT import and export settings respectively.
    - "Evaluation expired" page now shows when the evaluation period ended and allows to extend the
      trial by another 7 days.
    - Fixed the Start page not closing when the model is opened through file explorer.
    - Returned the Copy button (for copying a MAC address) to the Manual activation page.

    - Added support of OCC 7.5.0.
    - Fixed a crash during library finalization procedure.

    - Added API for computing lengths of curves.

    SDK/Visualization toolkit:
    - Fixed a bug in selection where shapes would be added to selection object in the mode "Node".

    - Extended support of CATIA V5-6 files.
    - Enabled import of V5R18 and V5R19 files.
    - Improved import of fillets and offset surfaces.

    - Added an export option to set either Z or Y axis as pointing upwards.

    - Added an export option to set either Z or Y axis as pointing upwards.

    - Added an export option to set either Z or Y axis as pointing upwards.

    - Fixed an error in export where invalid files were generated with multithreading enabled.

    - Improved import of complex faces on spherical surfaces.

    - Enabled import of JT 10.5 files.
    - Fixed a crash when reading text 2d data of PMI elements from JT 10.3 and 10.4 files.

    - Added an export option to set either Z or Y axis as pointing upwards.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT, NX and Solidworks formats):
    - Added support of Parasolid version 33.0 and 33.1.
    - Improved import of complex faces on spherical surfaces.

    - Added possibility to cancel import.

    - Improved accuracy of import of models written in units other than millimeters.

    - Fixed import of SolidWorks 2021 files.
    - Added reading of polygonal representations for SolidWorks 2016 and 2021 files.

    - Fixed multiple crashes in import of PMI.
    - General improvements in import of PMI.

    Unity module:
    - Added support for IL2CPP scripting backend.
    - Added support for loading models asynchronously to reduce main Unity thread occupation
      and corresponding UI freezes during imports.
    - Added a visual progress bar element.

CAD Exchanger 3.9.2, March 2021

    - Added import of 2 formats: glTF and PLY.
    - Introduced mesh sewing in STL import to improve these meshes' usability for downstream applications.
    - Added support of LOD generation to SDK Unity module.

    - "New version available" notification now includes direct link to the installation package.
    - Introduced support of floating licenses.

    - PMI reading and writing can now be controlled with settings file, as well as with environment variables.

    - Licenses now target platforms (operating system + architecture, e.g. win32 or lin64).
    - Added support of .Net Core 3.1 and .Net 5 via .Net Standard 2.0 - compatible libraries.

    SDK/Visualization toolkit:
    - Fixed crash on using the offscreen component multiple times.
    - Fixed bitness of WPF and WinForms libraries for win32 build.
    - Fixed manipulator elements color.
    - Removed trailing zeros from manipulator labels telling translation and rotation values.
    - Updated C++ visualization examples:
        - Added check for OpenGL version;
        - Added ability to import model provided in program arguments;
        - Added menu for disabling/enabling Viewport features in "customized viewer" example.
    - Added missed documentation about measurement and its factory, camera position and projection.

    3D PDF:
    - Improved wording of exception messages in cases of unsupported 3D data in the file.

    - Fixed the rare cases of crashes in import.

    - Fixed addition of redundant scene graph elements in export.
    - Textures will now be exported as base64 string instead of external file.

    - Importer now throws BaseError_UnexpectedFormat if file being read is not a valid IFC file.
    - Fixed a regression where semi-transparent objects were not imported as such.

    - Importer now throws BaseError_UnexpectedFormat if file being read is not a valid IGES file.

    - Models with extremely large units (e.g. exameters - 10^18 m) will now be imported as meters.
    - Some cases of missing parts with multiple representations have been fixed.
    - Fixed incorrect import of spherical faces without boundaries.
    - Importer now throws BaseError_UnexpectedFormat if file being read is not a valid STEP file.
    - Disabled import of infinite lines.
    - Added import of 3D Tessellated structured geometry.

    - Fixed incorrect export of product structure when scene graph elements have the same names.

    - Added support of MetadataString property.

    Unity module:
    - Added import parameter allowing to select mesh quality which should be imported (Fine, Medium, Coarse).
    - Fixed editor scripts to create a standalone application.
    - Improved performance for formats containing B-Rep and Poly representations (JT, STEP, Solidworks, etc).

CAD Exchanger 3.9.1, December 2020

    - Added import of new formats: 3DPDF, PRC.
    - Added export of a new format - USD.
    - Visualization toolkit can now be used in Windows Forms .NET applications.

    - Text in graphical PMI that contains Unicode characters is now displayed correctly.
    - Fixed startup problem on macOS Big Sur.
    - Fixed incorrect centroid computation for assemblies and multi-body parts.
    - Fixed multiple issues in Latest news block.

    - Disabled in-app purchases to make the app free.
    - Import limit increased to 25 MB for all supported formats.
    - Free export to the following formats: STL, OBJ, VRML, STEP, IGES, CAD Exchanger native.
    - Fixed flickering when the splash screen is shown during app loading.
    - Updated application logo.

    - Added API for access and modification of objects UUID.
    - Fixed WritePMI() missing from Base_WriterParameters in C# and Java APIs.

    SDK/Visualization toolkit:
    - Fixed issues with View Cube's highlights in the WPF viewport.
    - Fixed an issue with View Cube still being displayed when showing Viewport, despite having been
      disabled beforehand.
    - Fixed a data race while displaying scene nodes created from the same source.
    - Fixed the visibility of firstly displayed scene nodes defaulting to 'hidden'.

    - Added support of writing to arbitrary streams in addition to files.

    - Fixed import of specific cases of faces on spherical and conical surfaces.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT, NX and Solidworks formats):
    - Added support of colors attached to product structure elements (bodies, instances, assemblies).
    - By default, files are now written in Parasolid v12.1 (schema 12103) instead of v12 (schema 12006).
    - Added support of Parasolid version 32.1.
    - Fixed import and export of names with Unicode characters.

    - Introduced import and export of Rhino 7 files.
    - Improved export of different cases of geometry (small trimmed curves and surfaces, B-Spline curves,
      surfaces of revolution with periodic trimmed basis curves).
    - Added processing of offset surfaces in import.
    - Improved export of materials attached to shapes of polygonal representation.
    - Added support of color for subshapes in B-Rep representations in import and export.

    - Added support for Creo 6 import.
    - Added initial support for Creo 7 import.

    - Added initial support of colors import for versions V5R20-V5R22.
    - Improved detection of edge limits (on revolution surfaces, among others).
    - Vastly improved the import of vertex fillet surface patches.

    - Added import of geometrically_bounded_surface_shape_representation entities.
    - Improved the process of collecting saved views during semantic PMI import.
    - Fixed regression in reading of composite geometric tolerances during semantic PMI import.
    - Fixed crash in appearance conversion caused by unsupported presentation_style_by_context entity.
    - Fixed incorrect reading of geometric tolerance magnitude (semantic PMI).

    - Fixed import of colors in specific cases.

    Unity module:
    - Improved performance of import.
    - Improved camera control logic.
    - Now CAD Exchanger can also be used to load 3D models into Unity in Edit mode.
    - Added progress status support.
    - Added support of exporting GameObjects to formats supported by CAD Exchanger.

CAD Exchanger 3.9.0, September 2020

    - Added import of new formats: CATIA V5, Autodesk DWG and U3D.
    - Added a new SDK module - Advanced Geometry - containing algorithms for mesh and B-Rep simplification.

    - Enabled application to run without wrapper shell script on Linux.
    - Changed package format from zip to tar.xz on Linux.
    - macOS DMG and app are now signed and approved by Apple.
    - Enabled manual license activation from start page (e.g. when evaluation expired).

    - Changed Linux, macOS, Android package format from zip to tar.xz for more predictable unpacking
    - Native libraries on Linux and macOS now contain RPATH info, requiring less setup to run the client
    - Enabled progress status update in ModelAlgo_BRepMesher::Compute() overloads.

    - Added API for computing volume of meshes.
    - Added API to retrieve geometric errors that occurred during export: Base_WriterStatistics and
    - Added new public exception BaseError_UnsupportedFileVariant indicating that a model is stored
      in a particular variant of the format (e.g. binary vs text) that is not supported yet.
    - Bounding boxes are now calculated from B-Rep representation more precisely.
    - Fixed crashes in B-Rep Representation Examples when encountering degenerated edges.

    SDK/Visualization Component:
    - Reduced memory consumption.

    - Fixes for crashes and various minor issues.

    Multiple formats (SolidWorks, STEP etc):
    - Improved performance of merging vertex normals' arrays when making meshes watertight.
    - Fixed import of some edges on periodic curves.
    - Fixed import of topologically closed edges on non-closed geometry.

    - Improved support of ACIS ASM binary files.

    - Importer now throws BaseError_UnsupportedVersion when file of unsupported version is read.

    - Fixed hang up during import of binary files; now the BaseError_UnsupportedFileVariant exception
      is thrown.

    - Improved export of materials for better compatibility with receiving applications
      (Unity in particular).
    - Fixed duplication of shared materials in import.
    - Fixed loss of subshapes' materials in export.

    - Fixed export of measurement units.
    - Fixed incorrect transformations in export when non-default length unit was set.

    - Fixed an issue where children of non-root Group Entity occurred in the model twice.
    - Fixed import of models containing entities with non-standard forms.
    - Edges containing non-matching 2d and 3d curves are now imported correctly.

    - Improved parsing of files using non-standard sequence of bytes as separator of JT elements.

    - Improved accuracy of import of models written in units other than millimeters.
    - Fixed export of small B-Spline curves.
    - Fixed import of degenerated B-Spline curves.

    - Reversed periodic trimmed curves are now correctly imported.
    - When components don't have their own names, parent instance names are now considered during
      export in per part and per assembly modes.
    - Fixed export of plane angle units.

    - Added reading of polygonal representations for SolidWorks 2012 and 2013 files.
    - Improved performance of polygonal representation import.

    Unity module:
    - Added import parameter allowing to assign custom shader to imported model.
    - Added import parameter allowing to scale the model mid-import.
    - Improved conversion of appearances.
    - Added support for sharing materials and textures.
    - Reduced memory footprint of created GameObject.

    - Fixed application of transformation with negative scale factor in import.
    - Fixed a crash when saving external reference paths.

CAD Exchanger 3.8.1, June 2020

    - Added import of a new format - X3D.
    - Added the CadExUnity module for integration with Unity game engine. Conversion of geometry,
      product structure, appearances, and graphical PMI to GameObject's is supported.

    - Now if a Structure tree node has the Warning status, its parents will have it too.
    - Fixed problem with activation of the same serial number after renewal.
    - Disabled semi-transparency effect on macOS to avoid the screen capture warning.
    - Added support of site-wide licenses and licenses for servers.
    - Added ability to transfer the license to another computer.
    - Improved performance with selection scene objects when the Structure panel is closed.

    - Added error output on failed screenshot generation.

    - Added API to remove instances from assemblies and roots from the model.
    - Extended API of ModelData_PMIDimensionComponent and ModelData_PMIGeometricToleranceComponent
      to support additional information about PMI entities.
    - Extended API of ModelData_WriterParameters to enable saving models in CDXFB format.

    SDK/Visualization Component:
    - Added selection manager for programmatic selection of nodes.
    - Added two separate selection states - Selected/Deselected, that reflect changes
      from the previous selection.
    - Fixed crash in environment with OpenGL drivers of versions lower than supported (2.1).
      Now an exception is thrown in such a case.
    - Added examples demonstrating offscreen rendering (e.g. for screenshot generation).

    - Fixed an issue where non-watertight mesh would be produced from closed solid body.
    - Fixes for various other issues and crashes.

    - Added support of several new spline subtypes.

    - Importer doesn't convert construction geometry now.
    - Added import of sheet bodies.

    - Fixed a crash during import of models composed of Trimmed Surfaces with boundary
      segments on singularities.

    - Added support for switch node.
    - Added ability to save filename of external reference for every SGE.
    - Fixed an issue where a model failed to export to bare filename path like "file.jt".

    Parasolid format (also affects JT, NX and Solidworks formats):
    - Significantly improved import of procedural geometry entities (INTERSECTION curve,
      BLENDED_EDGE and BLEND_BOUND surfaces).
    - Ensured determinism when importing shared edges without 3d curve in parallel.
    - Fixed an extremely rare crash when processing INTERSECTION_CURVE on BLEND_BOUND surface.

    - Added support of reading SolidWorks 2021 (only B-Rep data).
    - Improved import of models of versions prior to SolidWorks 2006.
    - Added reading of polygonal representations for versions 2005, 2006, 2009 - 2011, 2014, 2015, 2017.
    - Improved parsing of tessellation data in SolidWorks 2018-2020 files.
    - Improved external files search mechanism.
    - Fixed a crash during product structure reading.
    - Fixed a problem with reading model without polygonal representation.
    - Fixed parsing for rare case of object header.

    - Fixed parsing of single quotes in strings.
    - Fixed formatting of single quotes in strings. They are now correctly escaped as prescribed
      by specifications.
    - Added ability to save filename of external reference for every SGE.
    - "Id" entity field is now preferred for Part and assembly names for greater alignment with
      other reading software.
    - Added reading of dimension type and tolerance zone form in semantic PMI.

    - Extended parser capabilities to read text STL files that contain non-UTF8 characters.

CAD Exchanger 3.8.0, March 2020

    - Added import of new formats - PTC Creo, Siemens NX, DXF, 3MF.
    - Enabled reading of polygonal representations saved in SLDASM files for Solidworks version 2018-2020.
    - Significantly improved C# and Java API.
    - Added export of semantic PMI and PMI-subshape associations to JT format.
    - Added support of displaying graphical PMI elements to SDK Visualization component.

    - Fixed a crash when clicking a dimension after BRep representation has been removed.
    - Disabled 'Export' button when there's nothing to export.
    - Improved automatic Host ID detection during online activation.
    - Importing files with double click on macOS now clears the current document.
    - Added "Save vertex normals" setting to X3D exporter's options menu.
    - Added ability to display a SolidWorks model with missing external files.

    - Ported Java libraries to Linux and Android.

    SDK/Visualization Component:
    - Added support of displaying graphical PMI elements.
    - Added 'exploded view' feature, which allows to display an assembly with components separated.
    - Fixed a crash when a viewport is not attached to a scene.

    - Added a convenience ModelData_BodyList::Append() overload accepting a body list.
    - ModelData_ConicalSurface::Angle() has been deprecated. The SemiAngle() should be used instead,
      due to being more aptly named for the value it returns.
    - License key activation now checks whether the key is applicable for current development configuration
      (version, compiler, OS, etc.).
    - Added std::ostream insertion operator (<<) for string classes (Base_String, Base_UTF16String).
    - Significantly improved C# and Java API:
        - Fixed sporadic crashes in C# code built in Release mode due to aggressive garbage collector
        - Changed C# and Java API to return all objects by copy.
          Special setter methods should be used to change original value.
        - Changed C# and Java API to accept/return explicit "null" instead of objects
          with internal "null" state (when IsNull() method returns true).
        - Removed unused/incorrect classes and methods.
        - Added toString() method for string classes.
        - Added API for access and modification of textures.
        - Added missed Java visualization API (in particular for offscreen rendering).
    - Refactored PMI examples to output graphical and semantic PMI information in more structured way.

    - Improved accuracy of generated mesh on certain types of geometries.

    - Fixed incorrect export of product structure when parts have no representations.
    - Fixed export failure when part contains multiple triangle sets.
    - Fixed an issue in import where model's components had incorrect location and/or scale.

    - Improved performance of parser and formatter.

    - Added export of semantic PMI and PMI-subshape associations.
    - Improved import of files with inconsistent topology (Part Node element contained a nested Part Node element).

    Parasolid format (also affects JT, NX and Solidworks formats):
    - Improved import of shapes with SP_CURVE referring to a surface distinct from parent face's one.
    - Improved import of swept surfaces using reversed base curves.
    - Improved import of surfaces of revolution to prevent self-intersection.
    - Ensured determinism when importing closed edges without vertices in parallel.
    - Fixed potential stack overflow on very large files with long attribute chains.
    - Improved parser to parse text files violating requirements to double numbers formatting.
    - Enabled import of bodies of 'general' type.
    - Ensured determinism when importing closed edges without vertices in parallel.
    - Fixed potential stack overflow on very large files with long attribute chains.
    - Improved parser to parse text files violating requirements to double numbers formatting.
    - Improved import of procedural geometry (intersection curves and rolling ball surfaces).

    - Enabled reading of polygonal representations saved in SLDASM files for version 2018 - 2020.
    - Importer now resolves the most up-to-date set of assembly components.
    - Fixed incorrect import of colors.

    - Improved performance of parser and formatter.
    - Fixed incorrect reading of some values of semantic PMI.
    - Fixed a bug when CAD Exchanger crashes accidentally during STEP export.
    - Added support of degenerate_toroidal_surface.
    - Fixed rare cases of incorrect import of transformations.

    - Added export parameter controlling export of normals.

CAD Exchanger 3.7.1, December 2019

    - Added support of arm64-v8a architecture on Android.
    - Changed minimal supported Android version to Android 5.0.
    - Added toolbar for most frequently used features.
    - Added "Maximum edge length" option in "Visualization mesher" options that allows
      to set an upper bound for triangle edges' lengths.
    - Added format filters to export panel.
    - Added warning to export panel for Poly-to-BRep export scenario.
    - Added notification about missing external references.
    - Missing external references are now highlighted in the Product structure panel.
    - Added ability to open models with double click on macOS.
    - Added file association for formats supported by CAD Exchanger on macOS.
    - Added support of Unicode characters in the path to the license file during activation.
    - Fixed crash when using Explode tool without any model imported.
    - Fixed view cube being unresponsive to clicks on high DPI displays.

    - Added support of arm64-v8a architecture on Android (clang 7, NDK r18b).
    - Removed redundant symbol exports from binaries.
    - Extended API (ModelData_Edge, ModelData_Vertex) to support more flexible bottom-up
      creation of B-Rep shapes.
    - Added ability to query readers for information about external files that weren't found
      during import.
    - Fixed exception during creation of Base_UTF16String from locale-dependent raw string.
    - Added a new visualization tool - manipulator - which enables users to move/rotate
      graphical objects on the scene.
    - Fixed an issue where viewport didn't respect scale factor.
    - Added a new export parameter (Base_WriterParameters::WritePMI()) controlling whether
      Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) should be stored into the file.
    - Fixed a crash during scene graph traversal with ElementVisitor using C# interface.
    - Extended C# and Java APIs to enable traversal and retrieval of graphical and semantic
      PMI from the model.
    - Added examples demonstrating traversal and reading of graphical and semantic PMI.
    - Added support of Gradle build system for Java examples.
    - Added upgrade expiration check to C++ license key files.

    - Introduced a new parameter to visualization mesher - maximum triangle edge length.

    - Fixed import of rotation spline surface with scale factor different from default.

    - Added export of line colors.
    - Fixed addition of redundant scene graph elements in export.
    - Fixed an issue that resulted in exported model having an incorrect size.

    - Enabled export of textures.

    - Enabled export IFC version 2x3.
    - Improved import of IfcBooleanResult entities.
    - Enabled import of models without structure entities (IfcSite, IfcBuilding, etc.).
    - Enabled support of IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef entities.
    - Fixed a crash during import of file containing IfcCircleProfileDef with zero radius.
    - Fixed an issue where the body color was lost after clipping via IfcBooleanClippingResult entity.

    - Fixed regression which resulted in loss of transformations attached to Partition nodes.
    - Added export of graphical PMI.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT and Solidworks formats):
    - Enabled parsing of Parasolid files containing user-defined types and user-defined fields.
    - Fixed export of parts with transparency.

    - Fixed export of faces occupying multiple periods on periodic surfaces.

    - Added export of graphical PMI and PMI associations.
    - Enabled import of MAPPED_ITEM entity (AP203), used as element of product structure.
    - Significantly improved the performance of import of FACETED_BREP representations.
    - Enabled import of faces containing VERTEX_LOOPs.
    - Improved compatibility of exported STEP files containing sheet bodies with other viewers.
    - Improved parser stability.
    - Fixed crash caused by edges with zero length.
    - Fixed an access violation during conversion of oriented_edge entities that don't contain
      edge curves.
    - Fixed export of numbers in scientific notation.

    - Added import of bodies names.
    - Improved progress status and import cancellation behavior.
    - Fixed incorrect default configuration selection.
    - Fixed an issue where extra bodies were imported.
    - Enabled import of BRep representations from files created in SolidWorks 2005 and older.

    - Fixed an issue where box primitive was imported with incorrect transformation.
    - Added export of mesh colors.
    - Enabled import of files with UTF-8 BOM.
    - Fixed a hang-up that occurred when reading invalid files.

    - Fixed an issue where DEF entity was exported with incorrect name.
    - Fixed an issue with MetadataString being exported incorrectly.

CAD Exchanger 3.7.0, September 2019

    - Added export of a new format - GLTF.
    - Added import and export of a new format - Collada.
    - Added export of a new format - DXF.
    - Added import of a new format - 3DS.

    - Fixed default Mefisto mesher settings in order to avoid unnecessarily long computation time.
    - Fixed progress bar showing 100% at the start of heavy operations.
    - Enabled precise specification of angular deviation for better visualization mesh granularity control.
    - Fixed an issue where IGES Write mode export setting was ignored.
    - Fixed display of parts with transparency.
    - Improved user experience with licenses.
    - Disabled domain licenses support.
    - Fixed an issue where only a few formats were selectable on Export panel.

    - Added API to retrieve triangulation of a single face.
    - Added multiple C# and Java examples demonstrating SDK functionality.
    - Added support of grid plane to visualization component.
    - Added support of trihedron to visualization component.
    - Fixed missing Accept methods for scene graph elements in Java API.
    - Reduced the number of libraries distributed in the SDK package.
    - Changed format of SDK license keys to provide more uniform experience across all supported languages.

    Multiple formats (ACIS, IGES, JT, Parasolid, Rhino, STEP, etc):
    - Edge curve representations (3D and 2D) ranges are now exactly aligned where previously they
      could be within a parametric tolerance.

    - Fixed issue in computational meshers which affected solid and sheet bodies containing
      multiple faces: with MergeFaceSets parameter set to false the entire body mesh was returned
      for each individual face.
    - Fixed sporadic crash in OpenFOAM exporter in Netgen mesher.

    - Improved importer robustness with respect to invalid edge curve parameters specified in the file.
    - Fixed import of left-handed helix curves.
    - Fixed import of helix curves with non-zero taper values.
    - Fixed import of sweepsur surfaces with profile or path defined via straight line.

    - Fixed loss of edges due to incorrect parameter limits of B-Spline curves.
    - Improved quality of bicubic spline surface import.

    - Added import of semantic PMI.

    - Added Linux and Mac support.
    - Expanded the number of supported files.

    - Added export of parametric curves.
    - Added import of semantic PMI.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT and Solidworks format):
    - Improved performance of procedural geometry import.
    - Added support of Parasolid versions 31.1 and 32.
    - Fixed a hang-up during toroidal surface conversion.

CAD Exchanger 3.6.0, June 2019

    - Added support of PMI associations - when PMI element is selected, associated B-Rep subshapes are highlighted.
    - Enabled support of Unicode characters in filenames in import and export.
    - Added an option to perform Delayed Display of the model during import. In this mode the parts and assemblies
      are imported only once they are selected in the Structure panel.

    - Enabled support of Unicode characters in filenames passed as arguments.

    - Added functionality to associate PMI elements with B-Rep subshapes.
    - Added API for access and modification of textures.
    - Added a new import parameter (Base_ReaderParameters::ReadPMI()) controlling whether
      Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) should be read from the file.
    - Introduced visualization components for QtQuick/QML and .NET/WPF.
    - Added multiple C++ examples demonstrating SDK functionality.
    - Fix data race in import of layers.
    - Fixed a crash in C# when a scene graph element was saved in ModelData_Model::ElementVisitor
      subclasses for later use.

    - Improved parser performance.
    - Fixed parsing of .sab files written with ACIS R28.
    - Fixed parsing of .sab files containing sweepsur subtype.
    - Fixed parsing of .sab files containing short strings of lengths greater than 127 characters.
    - Fixed parsing specific cases of files containing APATTERN enities in .sat and .sab files.
    - Fixed parsing and conversion of strings containing characters with codes greater than 127
      (including Unicode replacement characters written in UTF-8 encoding).
    - Added import of helix curves used as edge curves.
    - Improved import of files with incorrect edge curve parameter range (typically generated by
      Solidworks in ACIS R27 format).
    - Reduced memory footprint in import and export.
    - Improved importer robustness to convert non-conformant ACIS files generated by PRO/ENGINEER.

    FBX format:
    - Added import of FBX.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Added support of parsing Parasolid files written in 'bare binary' format.
    - Revamped import of procedural geometry entities (INTERSECTION curve, BLENDED_EDGE and BLEND_BOUND surfaces).
      The new implementation provides greater quality and performance compared to previous one.

    - Added import of PMI associations.
    - Enabled import of textures in JT9 and JT10 format.
    - Improved parsing of data encoded with bitlength codec in JT10 files.
    - Reduced memory footprint when exporting large models.
    - Fixed parsing JT8.x files containing Lossless Compressed Raw Vertex Data with texture coordinates.
    - Fixed parsing of attributes (Draw Style, Infinite and Point lights) for various JT versions.
    - Added export of line properties component of appearance into JT LineStyle attribute.
    - Fixed export of meshes containing fully degenerated triangles (when all three nodes share
      the same index).
    - Fixed parsing of non-text polyline data in PMI elements in JT10 files.
    - Fixed parsing of polyline data and fonts in PMI elements in JT9 files.
    - Fixed parsing of point set nodes in JT8.x files.

    - Fixed meshing of faces where inner wire intersects with outer wire.
    - Enabled processing of free edges (not belonging to any faces).
    - Improved robustness on complex geometry.
    - Fixed multiple potential hang-ups due to incorrect (e.g. self-intersecting) wires.

    - Improved import of textures: texture parameters are taken into account, improved file search mechanism,
      added other types (specular, emissive, etc).

    - Improved import of textures (see details in OBJ section).

    - Added import of PMI associations.
    - Added import of polylines.

    X3D format:
    - Added export of user-defined properties.

CAD Exchanger 3.5.3, March 2019

    - Added export of a new format - FBX version 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2019.

    - Extended API to extract min and max values of curvature of surface.
    - Introduced exceptions as an opt-in error handling mechanism.
    - Enabled forwarding of LicenseManager_LicenseError exception to C# and Java.
    - Fixed ModelAlgo_BRepFeatures missing from C# and Java interfaces.
    - Added API for applying ModelData_Transformation to ModelData_Shape.

    - Enabled parsing of JT 10.3 and 10.4 files.
    - Added support of writing to arbitrary streams in addition to files.
    - Fixed parsing of textures, vertex color arrays and vertex texture coordinates.
    - Fixed import of vertex colors in JT8 files with Component Arrays Flag equal to 0.
    - Enabled import of textures in JT8 format.
    - Improved robustness in converting PMI reference frames containing denormalized values.
    - Added support of writing to arbitrary streams in addition to files.
    - Fixed import of Primitive Set Shape elements containing multiple primitives.
    - Fixed import of tri-prism primitive shape.
    - Fixed adding of color or UV coordinate indices in case where the original JT mesh does not have
      colors or textures.
    - Fixed import and export of date properties where the day value was previously incorrectly offset by one.
    - Deprecated JT_WriterParameters::MesherParameters() (but kept for binary compatibility) to ensure
      consistency with other formats (such as STL, VRML, X3D or Rhino). If there is no explicit
      polygonal representation then it will be created on the fly with the 'fine' granularity (the
      previous default was 'coarse'). If another granularity is desired then it must be explicitly added
      before exporting.
    - Fixed regression that might cause incomplete displaying of PMI.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Fixed parsing escape characters.
    - Fixed parsing .x_t files which use CR characters as line endings.

    - Added support for SolidWorks 2019.

    - Improved stability of meshing for some specific types of faces.

    - Introduced support of Rhino 6 files.
    - Improved processing of B-spline curves and surfaces with some weights equal to 0.

    - Added support of writing to arbitrary streams in addition to files.

    - Fixed crash in X3D_Writer::WriteFile() when exporting an empty model.

CAD Exchanger 3.5.2, December 2018

    - Re-designed the export dialog to be more intuitive and easier to use.
    - Fixed hang-up during activation with a license file.
    - Improved existing and added new messages related to licensing.
    - Improved robustness of the node-locked licenses by making sure the license is tied to a
      physical network device rather than a virtual one.
    - Added notification which appears at the end of upgrade period and informs a user about available
      renewal subscription discount.
    - Fixed object rendering when it has color and textures at same time.
    - Fixed center of gravity computing.

    - Added ability to fill ModelData_PolyLineSet and ModelData_PolyPointSet in C# and Java.
    - Introduced PMI public API as a technical preview.

    - Fixed an issue where the import of file containing IfcBooleanResult would result in a model
      with invalid shapes and cause CAD Exchanger to freeze or produce an error during export.
    - Fixed an issue with product structure being imported incorrectly and causing export to fail.
    - Improved import of colored IfcBooleanResult entities.
    - Fixed crash in import when IfcRelAggregates entity references the same child multiple times.
    - Fixed an issue where IfcOpening expressed using MappedRepresentation would be cut out at an
      incorrect location.

    - Fixed assert that was triggered in debug mode on valid cases of trivial box p-curves in
      JT B-Rep data segments.
    - Expanded logging and data retrieval capabilities to facilitate issue triaging.
    - Significantly improved import of files with external references:
      - Enabled delayed construction of the resulting product structure which greatly enhances
        application responsiveness and decreases peak memory footprint.
      - Reduced number of simultaneously open files. Previously, this could affect OS performance due
        to locking lots of file handles when importing very large assemblies.
    - Improved importer robustness and ability to parse and convert JT files not conformant to JT
      specification (violating the JT file format and JT LSG structure conventions).
    - Fixed assert that was triggered in debug mode on PMI Design Group entities.
    - Fixed import of PMI model views when camera eye direction has null values in a file.
    - Fixed a data race when converting multiple XT B-Rep segments with embedded schemas concurrently.

    - Enabled Solidworks importer to be used in CAD Exchanger SDK from C# and Java.

    - Fixed an issue where passing a filename prefixed with "./" to WriteFile() would result in
      no file being created.
    - Fixed omission of user-defined properties during export.
    - Fixed parsing file's header which have whitespace at begin of lines.
    - Fixed export on the Android.

    - V3 visualization mesher is now used by default in CAD Exchanger GUI, CLI and SDK.
    - Improved performance of meshing on multi-core systems by taking advantage of parallelism.
    - Decreased triangles count and improved mesh quality of complicated geometry.
    - Added progress status support.

    - Revamped VRML V2 import to ensure better robustness, performance and standard conformance.
    - Added import of VRML version 1.

CAD Exchanger 3.5.1, September 2018

    - Improved GUI performance when working with large assemblies and toggling visibility of their
    - Added a filter in Structure panel allowing to hide bodies or poly vertex sets according to
      their type.
    - Added a warning which appears before export if the specified directory is non-writable.
    - Fixed a problem when a batch selection (with Shift held down) of a large number of elements
      in tree view doesn't work.
    - Fixed a crash during displaying of PMI objects.
    - Fixed export of screenshots to JPEG.
    - Fixed a problem where some PMI items would be in loading state indefinitely.
    - Fixed the triangles number in properties panel not being updated after a change of B-Rep
      display quality.
    - Improved GUI performance when opening property panel while a large assembly is selected.
    - Now parts with hidden bodies/poly vertex sets will be fully displayed when adding
      a new representation to make the new representation more accurate with respect to the original.
    - Updated the package to contain all the libraries needed to run the application on Windows 7.

    - Expanded the API of ModelAlgo_BSplineConverterParameters to allow tuning parameters of the
      resulting B-Spline curves and surfaces.
    - Added ModelAlgo_ValidationPropertyData allowing combined evaluation of all validation properties
      (volume, surface area, COG, axes of inertia) for improved performance.
    - Fixed computation of p-curves on faces having a transformation in multi-threaded environment.

    - Added support of ACIS versions up to R28 (aka 2018 1.0.1) in import and export.

    - Enabled IFC importer to be used in CAD Exchanger SDK.
    - Fixed a crash that could occur when importing models containing a 2D geometric representation

    - Fixed an issue where some non-manifold solids were imported only partially.
    - Fixed progress status not being updated during the file reading.
    - Fixed an issue where the transformation attached to topological entities was discarded
      during import.

    - Fixed a crash during reading of Wireframe Rep Elements in JT 10 import.
    - Fixed progress status not being updated during import.
    - Added an ability to import polygonal shapes representing the primitive bodies (boxes,
      spheres, etc.) encoded as Primitive Set Shape elements.

    - Added a new export parameter (OBJ_ReaderParameters::ReplaceSpacesInNames()) controlling whether
      to replace space characters in parts' names for better compatibility with receiving systems.

    - Improved export of subshape colors.

    - Reimplemented STEP export to use new custom formatter delivering better performance and standard
    - Fixed an issue that caused faces built on toroidal surfaces with negative major radius to fail
      to be imported.
    - Fixed import of edges based on hyperbola.
    - Added support of new combined boundary_curve's type, which contain surface_curve and bounded_curve.

    - Added support of writing parts' names during export and reading them during import.

CAD Exchanger 3.5.0, June 2018

    - Added support of unit management in export options for IGES, JT, STEP.
    - Fixed export of subshape colors if parent body was translated using Manipulator.
    - New UI design. The new Tools panel contains sectioning, B-Rep vs polygonal representations selection
      (incl. mesh generation), measurements, explode, as well as view mode options (projection, display
      and selection modes). The Start page now contains news and blog posts headers.
    - Improved responsiveness of cancelation during import and displaying.
    - Fixed crash when importing mesh files (such as VRML) that might occur after cancelation.
    - Now parent part will be selected in the Product Structure panel when selecting its single
      B-Rep body or vertex set (triangulation, polyline or polypoint) in 3D view.
    - Fixed crash that might occur when using the explode feature.
    - Fixed crash that might occur when deleting a part representation.
    - Fixed Sectioning option and "Focus" from menu when using the explode feature.
    - Fixed problems with measurements after using the explode feature.
    - Fixed problem when changing a display mode enforced displaying hidden bodies.
    - Fixed problem related with failed import when tree items stay in loading state after cancellation.
    - Fixed "One or more parts could not be imported" warning when changing display mode or
      creating a new polygonal representation.
    - Fixed "Some parts failed to import" warning when creating a new polygonal representation.
    - Fixed sporadic problems with selection in the Product Structure panel.
    - Fixed sporadic problems when activating/deactivating the ghost hidden mode.
    - Fixed measurements display after changing a B-Rep display quality.
    - Fixed erasing of a polygonal representation after changing a B-Rep display quality.
    - Fixed PMI display after switching to another representation.

    - Fixed reading and writing models containing orphan sub-shapes attached to B-Rep representations.
    - Sped up addition of elements to layers.
    - Fixed import of edges with explicitly specified curve ranges which go slightly beyond natural
      curve ranges.
    - Fixed retrieval of UV coordinates from IndexedTriangleSet so there is no out of bounds access
      in case of distinct number of 3D points and UV points.

    - Added support of ACIS versions up to R27 (aka 2017 1.0) by importer and exporter.
    - Fixed parsing ACIS files created in R25 or higher with specific values in a file header.
    - Fixed creation of solids from lumps: open shells will now result in shells, closed shells
      will result in solids (unless a new option ACIS_ReaderParameters::TryCreateSolids() is set to
    - Fixed parsing of .sab files containing blend surfaces using specific subtypes of var_radius
     (fixed_width and two_ends).

    - Fixed incorrect import of custom properties.
    - Fixed crash during export of a model containing parts without representations.
    - Version V1 support has been discontinued (IGES_ReaderParameters::Version() is kept for binary
      compatibility but has no effect anymore). The list of redistributable libraries has been
      significantly reduced.

    - Added support of IFC format import as a technical preview. Full support will be provided in
      the future versions. Support is currently available in GUI/CLI only, support in SDK will be
      enabled later.

    JT format:
    - Improved import of JT files with LOD element shared between different RangeLOD groups.

    - Improved robustness parsing files with mixed data.
    - Added a new import parameter (OBJ_ReaderParameters::EnforceGrouping()) to control grouping
      of part's data which may significantly reduce amount of parts in some cases.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Added support of Parasolid versions 30.1 and 31.
    - Added support of importing Parasolid files with PART_XMT_BLOCK as root entities.

    - Fixed an issue where an export and subsequent import of STEP file with colored part with both
      B-Rep and Poly representations would result in the color being re-assigned to bodies and
      indexed triangle sets.
    - Added support of color for empty parts.
    - Added support of color attached to assemblies in import.

    - Added support of exporting multi-body parts. Each body will result in a self-contained section
      in an STL file.

CAD Exchanger 3.4.2, March 2018

    - Upgraded to Qt 5.10.0.
    - Moved to Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 compiler.
    - Added STEP importer option to select BRep representation(s).
    - Added option to manipulate scene graph elements (Manipulator).
    - Added "Highlight" setting to General settings.
      It allows the user to enable/disable highlight for the objects under cursor.
    - Fixed an issue where nested objects weren't separated during explode.
    - Reduced memory footprint of BRep representations.
    - Ghost hide mode: improved performance, added support for models with colored vertexes.
    - Fixed PMI from JT for instances. Improved STEP PMI - camera, text displaying, etc.

    - Added API for the refinement of the Netgen meshes (Mesh_NetgenMeshDS::RefineUniform,

    - Intel TBB version has been upgraded to 2017.5. Customer applications using both
      CAD Exchanger SDK and TBB are recommended to use this version or newer.
    - Added support of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (vc14.1).
    - Added new cadexviewer example demonstrating creation of OpenGL-based 3D viewer using C# and WPF.
    - Added cmake module which help include CAD Exchanger SDK to cmake-based projects.
    - Fixed import of edges with vertices lying slightly apart from curve.

    - Introduced first version of SolidWorks importer in GUI and SDK.
    - Support for B-Rep representations.
    - Support for multibody parts.
    - Support for product structure.
    - Support for external files.
    - Support for colors and names.

    STEP format:
    - Fixed crash when polyline is used as edge geometry.
    - Fixed import of faces based on toroidal surfaces and bounded with vertex loops.
    - Parts with multiple BRep representations of same type are now imported as multibody parts.
    - Support for reading parts names from 'Id' field when 'Name' field is empty.
    - Support for new entity, BOUNDED_SURFACE_CURVE.
    - Drastically reduced time to convert subshape colors.

    IGES format:
    - Fixed an issue where reading Group Associativity Instance entities as parts and assemblies
      led to creation of extra product structure elements during import.
    - Fixed an issue where having string properties with lots of whitespace would cause import
      to continue indefinitely.
    - Added multibody parts support in export.
    - Fixed an issue with extra assemblies created during import.

    OBJ format:
    - Improved import of files where number of vertices is not aligned with number of normals and
      texture coordinates.
    - Reduced memory footprint of models with textures.
    - Improved search of mtllib files.

    JT format:
    - Added support of files written in big-endian format.
    - Improved export of files where mesh colors stored per-vertex.
    - Improved support of JT10.x files written with the most recent JT toolkit, including latest
      version of the PMI data elements.
    - Improved forward-compatibility with future versions of the JT format.
    - Improved graceful import of undocumented data segments (e.g. encountered in JT10.2 files created
      with Siemens NX11).
    - Fixed import of JT files with transformation matrices attached to meta-data, part or partition
    - Fixed import of JT files containing rotation matrices with a scale factor
      (i.e. determinant different from one) when such matrices are attached to interim assemblies.
    - Fixed import of JT files containing JTE_PolylineSetShapeNodeElement where
      "Number of Vertex List Indices" is not equal to "Number of Unique Vertex Coordinates".
    - Improved export of files where mesh colors are stored per vertex.

CAD Exchanger 3.4.1, December 2017

    - Added new display mode for polygonal representations - displaying sharp edges.
    - Added selection of length and angle units when displaying measurements and properties.
    - Added hiding objects from the scene using the 'ghost' mode on Android.
    - Added PMI visualization for STEP AP203e2, AP214e3 and AP242 as technical preview.
    - Added 'Explode' feature, which allows gradually move instances in assembly or bodies in
      part from each other to inspect model contents.
    - Added support of unit management for OBJ, STL and X3D.
    - Fixed issue of lost colors attached to wireframe bodies.
    - Fixed issue with activating serial numbers on Linux.
    - Fixed crash that could happen during selection of the file item in the tree during
      the display operation.
    - Fixed saving the settings of Android application after it is closed.
    - Fixed not working selection of view modes when part is checked.
    - Fixed issue where model was not displayed when display quality has been changed.

    - Added support of screenshot generation.

    - Body created from a single shape (e.g. solid body) now always IsEqual() with this shape.
      Any attributes, assigned to such body, will also be assigned to underlying shape and
      vice versa.

    ACIS format:
    - Fixed an issue with import where the geometry sharing within a single body was not eliminated.

    - Fixed reading user-defined properties containing non-Ascii characters.
    - Significantly improved performance of formatting IGES files. Enabled with version 2 selected
      in IGES exporter parameters (default).
    - MSBO write mode now is only applied during export of solid bodies. For other body types
      Bounded Surfaces is enforced to ensure better compatibility with receiving CAD systems.
    - Added support of exporting colors attached to topological entities when writing in MSBO mode.

    JT format:
    - Enabled import of JT 10.x files with multiple XT B-Rep segments (using JT_LLPROP_MULTIXTBREP

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Added support of Parasolid version 30.
    - Enabled forward-compatibility for Parasolid versions, i.e. reading files generated by
      future versions of Parasolid.

    - Added support of AP242 files.
    - Enabled reading PMI for AP203e2, AP214e3 and AP242.
    - Improved determinism for multibody parts export in parallel mode.
    - Fixed parsing entities containing empty collections.

CAD Exchanger 3.4.0, September 2017

    - Added radius/diameter measurements for analytical surfaces (cylindrical, conical,
      spherical, toroidal).
    - Added use of context pop-up menus with key operations (show, hide, etc).
    - Added hiding objects from the screne using the 'ghost' mode when the hidden
      objects are displayed with semi-transparancy for more efficient visual
      navigation through the model.
    - Added a switch to select either body or faces when displaying B-Rep representations.
      B-Rep bodies are no longer explored deeper (into faces) to not undermine performance.
    - Added exploration of parts into triangle / polyline / polypoint sets when polygonal
      representation mode has been activated.
    - Enabled possibility to change appearance settings (colors) for polygonal
    - Enhanced support of keyboard when traversing through the Product Structure panel.
    - Fixed inconsistent measured angles between planar faces in 3D view and measurement panel.
    - Fixed particular cases of radius/diameter measurements.
    - Sectioning mode is now reset when importing a new file.
    - Fixed issue with permanent license after upgrade period expiration.
    - Measurements now remain visible after closing the Measurements panel.
    - Fixed Android-specific issue which previously provoked a crash when importing STEP

    - Extended API to support deeper geometry analysis (curve and surface derivatives,
      curvature, continuity, etc) in ModelData_Curve, ModelData_Curve2d and ModelData_Surface
    - Extended API for B-Rep bottom-up creation (from vertex to solid) in ModelData_Shape
    - Added Base_WriterParameters::OriginatingSystem() to specify user's application name
      which can be used whenever a target format supports that (e.g. IGES, STEP,
      Parasolid, etc).
    - Added new brepmodeling example to demonstrate bottom-up creation of B-Reps.
    - Added API (ModelAlgo_BSplineConverter) to convert geometrical representations to
      NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational BSplines).
    - Extended API to support transformation-related operations (rotation, translation,
      mirroring), arithmetic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) to ease usage in
      C# and Java-based applications.
    - C# libraries are now built with .NET Framework 3.5 to maximize interoperability on
      all supported Windows versions.
    - Simplified packaging of C# and Java libraries by providing minimum amount of files in
      language-specific subfolders.
    - Simplified packaging of examples: C++, C# and Java examples are now located in
      language-specific subfolders.
    - Adopted cmake-based build process for SDK examples.
    - Added support for gcc compiler version 5 and 6 on Linux.
    - When generating meshes for sheet bodies with parameter
      ModelAlgo_BRepMesherParameters::MergeFaceSets() set to true (which is default)
      resulting triangulations are now concatenated into single ModelData_IndexedTriangleSet.
      This improves performance in downstream usages (e.g. in visualization).

    Multiple formats:
    - Fixed import of edges lying on periodic curves, when one vertex coincides with the
      curve's end.

    STEP format:
    - Fixed import of faces lying on conical surfaces and bounded by vertex_loop.
    - Fixed import of faces and edges colors in certain cases.
    - Added support of properties with ratio units (like kg/mm^3). They are imported as-is,
      without conversion.
    - Fixed import of conical surfaces with zero radius.
    - Improved determinism for parallel import.
    - Improved parsing of multiline strings.
    - Improved parsing of some AP203 entities.
    - Fixed import of oriented_face.
    - Improved recognition of product structure elements.
    - Added body colors support for polygonal representations (FACETED_BREPs).
    - Exporter now skips instances without reference so resulting file is valid.
    - Parts without representations now correctly exported. This allows exporting
      models containing product structure only with properties attached.
    - Improved robustness parsing files with invalid data.
    - Improved reading of parts with several BRep representations.

    IGES format:
    - Revamped the file parser to significantly increase performance and improve
      compliance to the IGES specification.
    - Added support of layers (IGES levels) for subshapes in B-Rep representations.

    OBJ format:
    - Revisited general export logic: map every body of part to separate OBJ-group (surrounded
      with "g" tag) instead mapping of whole part to OBJ-group. The target OBJ-group(s) will bear
      the part's name.
    - Added a new export parameter to influence behavior of saving multiple occurrence of part
      (via instance) with distinct names by supplementing of suffix(es) (to avoid merging of
      geometries with same name during import by CAD Applications).
    - Fixed exporting of materials with same name to material lib.

    Rhino format:
    - Fixed import of edges having a null-length parametric range.
    - Fixed import of materials with alpha channel.
    - Improved export of analytical surfaces by saving them as surface of revolution instead
      of B-Splines.
    - Improved robustness of the nurbs driver.
    - Added a new import parameter to control reading of pcurves from the file.

CAD Exchanger 3.3.1, June 2017

    - Added support for PMI model views when importing JT files. Model views are used to group
      relevant PMI entities (notes, dimensions, etc) and to set a specific view camera position
      to faciliate reading PMI data.
    - Added new types of measurements: radii and diameters(supported for circles and circular
      arcs) and angles (between planar faces and using three points).
    - Added search in product structure view using element names.
    - Added user-defined adjustment of font size used for displaying dimensions, radii and
      other measurements, to better fit to model sizes.
    - Improved user experience for purchase and license activation process. Introduced use
      of serial numbers.
    - Improved user experience in environment with OpenGL drivers with versions lower than
      supported (2.1). Now an explicit message is displayed explaining root-cause and providing
      recommendations instead of crash in the past.
    - Improved user experience when exporting polygonal representations to files requiring
      B-Rep format by providing more explicit warning message and requesting user's confirmation
      to proceed.
    - Improved user experience of importing assemblies with part(s) which may fail to import.
      Instead of cancellation the import process will now continue and all successful parts
      will be imported.
    - Added support of isometric/perspective view on Android.
    - Improved display of product structure view on Android phones, especially with lower
    - Fixed issue that previously caused bluetooth malfunction on Samsung devices.
    - Fixed issue with permissions granted to Android app.

    - Enabled functioning on Linux servers that do not have pre-installed OpenGL packages.
    - Enabled custom triangulation settings via a settings file.

    - Added support of Java by providing complete API aligned with public C++ and C# API.
      Ported selected C++ examples to Java.
    - Added API to create 3D models using extrusion and rotation (in ModelAlgo_TopoPrimitives).
    - Added new example demonstrating creation of OpenGL-based 3D viewer (using Qt library and
      QML, Qt Meta Language).
    - Reduced file sizes when storing model in native CAD Exchanger format (XML and binary).
    - Aligned behavior of SetName() and SetAppearance() methods. The former will now remove
      internal attributes thereby reducing memory footprint.
    - Improved portability by ensuring compilation on gcc5 and gcc6. However these compilers
      are not officially supported yet.

    IGES format:
    - Improved import of product structure by creating individual parts for root MSBO (Manifold
      Solid B-Rep Objects, type 186) instead of bodies inside a single part.
    - Fixed import of colors attached to faces (type 510) inside MSBO (type 186) or
      shells (type 514).
    - Improved robustness of the IGES reader to read incompliant files containing Copious Data
      (type 106) entities.
    - Improved recognition of transformation matrices close to identity (e.g. due to round-off
      errors) and correct applying to geometries during import.

    OBJ format:
    - Improved recognition of objects during import. On specific files previous implementation
      could create excessive number of parts (up to 450K on a sample file) resulting in huge
      display time and memory footprint.
    - Simplified model created during import by re-assigning appearance appearances (materials,
      colors, textures, etc) to parts from triangle sets inside polygonal representations in
      the case of equal settings.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Extended support to Parasolid version 29.1.

    Rhino format:
    - Fixed trimming of face surfaces which previously could become untrimmed in resulting
      .3dm files during export.

    STEP format:
    - Added user-defined option to select B-Rep representation type, which should be imported
      (Auto, All or specific: Advanced B-Rep, Manifold- and Non-Manifold-Surface, Edge-Based
    - Significantly improved performance of parsing STEP files (up to 3x on selected
      medium-to-large test files).
    - Improved handling of specific edge curves which previously could be sampled with too
      small steps leading to effectively infinite loops and potential memory leaks which
      could result in huge memory footprint.
    - Added support of CATIA-specific geometric validation properties in import.

    VRML format:
    - Added import of names of the product structure entities.
    - Improved robustness of the VRML reader when reading incompliant VRML files with
      Transform entities.

CAD Exchanger 3.3.0, March 2017

    - Added preview of PMI (Product and Manufacturing Information) support. Supported scope
      includes graphical PMI elements (notes, dimensions, reference geometries, coordinate
      systems and others) when importing JT files.
    - Added preview of measurement support. Supported scope includes coordinates, lengths
      and distances between B-Rep entities (vertices, edges, faces, etc).
    - Added support of textures display for formats that support textures (currently OBJ,
      Rhino, VRML).
    - Redesigned placement and display of properties by more efficient use of screen estate,
      especially when working with large models.
    - Adjusted GUI elements and layout to better comply with updated 'Universal' style
    - Further improved font display, icons scaling and other visual appearances when
      working with monitors of different resolutions, up to 4K.
    - Fixed various issues with graphical elements (the news channel widget on the start
      page, scrollbars, etc).
    - Fixed navigation over subshapes in parts with B-Rep representations in the Product
      Structure panel, what previously might lead to modifying an underlying model and
      incorrect data when exporting to native format.
    - Fixed issue with the Windows installation package that could previously prevent
      upgrading installed older version.

    - Added full-fledged support of C# by providing complete C# API aligned with public
      C++ API. C# examples have been rewritten to use streamlined C# API instead of (now
      dropped) C++/CLI bridge.
    - Extended public API for more flexible and effective layer support. Layers can now be
      attached to scene graph elements and sub-shapes of B-Rep representations. Association
      between elements and layers can be traversed using any of them.
    - Extended low-level geometric primitive API (point, boxes, vector) for more convenient
    - Added support of parsing files located at custom file storages (e.g. cloud)
      by introducing an additional overload of Base_Reader::ReadFile() that accepts
      custom stream provider factory.
    - Added computation of minimum bounding boxes, not necessarily axis aligned.
    - Intel TBB version has been upgraded to version 2017. Customer applications using both
      CAD Exchanger and TBB should use either TBB version 2017 or any newer one.
    - Base_ReaderParameters::DelayedConversion() has been exposed into public API to
      enable user control over delayed conversion for importers which support it.
    - Enhanced logging mechanism to root-cause license activation errors.

    Multiple formats:
    - Added support of textures when importing OBJ, Rhino and VRML files.
    - Fixed export of revolution surfaces for several formats. In certain cases it could
      produce self-overlapping surfaces (e.g. when surface of revolution was defined on
      a full circle).

    IGES format:
    - Introduced major revamp of IGES importer and exporter. New converters are based on
      core CAD Exchanger architecture leveraging scalable parallelism. Other advantages
      include significantly improved work with assemblies by preserving their structures
      both for import and export.
    - IGES exporter now uses IGES B-Rep entites (Manifold Solid BRep, Type 186) to preserve
      topological connectivity information.

    OBJ format:
    - Added progress status support in OBJ exporter.
    - Added cancellation support in OBJ importer.
    - Improved import of files containing objects from multiple groups scattered throughout
      the file. Previously this could result in excessive number of root parts.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Fixed import of attributes (colors, names, user-defined properties, etc) when a file
      has inconsistent linking between attribute definition entities.
    - Fixed import of user-defined properties when respective attribute's content is
      defined not in a first attribute field.

    Rhino format:
    - Improved export by storing more accurate surface parametric domains (this in particular
      impacted surfaces of revolution and extrusion).

    STEP format:
    - Added user-defined option to select target B-Rep representation type (Advanced
      B-Rep, Manifold- and Non-Manifold-Surface, Edge-Based Wireframe shape representations).
    - Fixed import of periodic B-Splines for some cases.
    - Improved determinism (i.e. getting exact same result for the same input data) when
      importing and exporting files working in parallel multi-threaded mode.
    - Fixed export of open shells with attached colors.

    VRML format:
    - Added import of VRML files written in VRML v2/1997 format.
    - Added user-defined option to save a view point with the help of ViewPoint node.

    - Fixed issue in computational meshers which affected sheet bodies containing
      individual faces or shells of single faces. The issue was in returning entire
      body mesh (instead of per face) for such individual faces or shells.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Improved import of TRIMMED_CURVES on INTERSECTION curves and SP_CURVE's on periodic
      surfaces leading to better accuracy and quality of the resulting geometry.

CAD Exchanger 3.2.3, November 2016

    - Added functionality to set/modify names, colors and opacity to parts, assemblies
      and B-Rep subshapes.
    - Added display of user-defined properties attached to parts, assemblies and
      B-Rep subshapes.
    - Added a switch between perspective and isometric views.
    - Added a news channel to the Start page.
    - Restored bounding box display on Android.
    - Fixed sporadic crash when selecting element in product structure view with expanded
      bounding box.
    - Fixed message 'Your license has expired' remained after successful commercial license
    - Fixed sporadic issue with non-working 'fit all' button on Android.
    - Adjusted various display element sizes depending on monitor resolution.

    - Added common functionality to select which representations (B-Rep and/or polygonal)
      and which LOD's (levels of details) to export into the base class Base_WriterParameters.
      This applies to formats supporting respective elements (e.g. JT, STEP, Rhino).

    ACIS format:
    - Added import of user-defined properties.

    JT format:
    - Fixed import of rational p-curves in JT B-Rep data segments.
    - Fixed import of regions referring to empty shells in JT B-Rep data segments.
    - Fixed import of JT B-Rep or Wireframe representations attached to root parts with
      units different from millimeters or belonging to assembly with different units.
    - Fixed import of rational B-Spline surfaces in JT B-Rep data segment in JT10 files.
    - Improved decoding data encoded with Move-to-Front codec.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Added import of user-defined properties.
    - Improved determinism (reproducibility of the resulting B-Rep) when importing Parasolid files.

    Rhino format:
    - Enabled support of Unicode filenames in export.
    - Fixed potential memory leak in export.
    - Improved export of B-spline surfaces.

    STEP format:
    - STEP importer V2 will now assign colors to parts instead of B-Rep bodies.

    X3D and VRML formats:
    - In exporter, restored addition of appearance with default materials to the polygonal
      representations which did not have own appearances.
    - Added a user-defined parameter to enable saving a viewpoint in a file.

CAD Exchanger 3.2.2, October 2016

    - Added support of binary format when saving polygonal representations in native
      CAD Exchanger XML format. This significantly reduces resulting file size and reduces
      read/write times.
    - Improved persistence of B-Rep representations in native CAD Exchanger formats (both
      XML and binary). This significantly reduces resulting file size and read/write times.
    - Optimized import of colors and materials by maximing reuse of unique attributes instead
      of creating copies, what allows to reduce memory footprint especially when reading
      larger ACIS, Parasolid, IGES, JT and other files with numerous equal attributes.
    - Reduced memory footprint and prevented potential crash when export of large meshes might
      cause memory reallocations.

    - Improved handling of empty (sub-)assemblies which previously show an infinite loading
      icon and sometimes prevented successful export.
    - Improved performance when displaying large B-Rep files with multiple faces, in particular
      when switching between polygonal and B-Rep representations.
    - Fixed display of start page on 4K and Retina monitors.
    - Fixed issue with access permissions which must be explicitly requested on Android 6.
      Previously this prevented user access to SD card and prevented export or import from
      user-defined locations.
    - Fixed infinite loop that might potentially occur when displaying models with part(s)
      instanced multiple times with enabled parallelism.

    - Extended API to apply transformations to curves and surfaces.
    - Extended API to compute U parameters from point on elementary curves and UV points
      from point on elementary surfaces.
    - Extended API to add subshapes to parent shapes (edges to wires, wires to faces,
      faces to shells and shells to solids).

    ACIS format:
    - Enabled recognition of file units during import. This resolves previous limitation of
      ignoring file units and conversion all coordinates as if they were in millimeters.

    JT format:
    - Fixed recognition of units when importing assemblies with heterogeneous units assigned to
      sub-assemblies and/or parts.
    - Reduced memory footprint growth during import what allows to read larger JT files more
    - Enabled parsing of user-defined property elements.
    - Fixed parsing of point and polyline set elements in JT10 files.
    - Enabled parsing of not recognized element types in order to be able to parse the rest of
      the file contents.
    - Improved parsing of data encoded with arithmetic codec in JT10 files.
    - Improved support of data segments late loading by reducing memory footprint while
      retaining references to data segments which have not been loaded yet.
    - Fixed import of JT files with LSG (logical scene graph) containing transformations attached
      to nested partition nodes (i.e. corresponding to external references).

    OBJ format:
    - Improved exporter to take into account appearance settings (colors or materials) attached
      to B-Rep subshapes or polygonal representations.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Added support of Parasolid versions up to v28.1 by importer and exporter.
    - Improved robustness of Parasolid importer to invalid edge p-curves by trying harder to
      fit p-curves to edge vertices.
    - Improved import of edges on periodic intersection curves using blend_bound surfaces,
      with edge vertices not aligned with curve ends.

    STEP format:
    - Improved recognition of assemblies components names.
    - Set version 2 as default version of the STEP importer.

    STL format:
    - Enabled support of files containing multiple parts.
    - Improved performance of parsing text and binary files.

CAD Exchanger 3.2.1, July 2016

    - Added support of export of models containing only polygonal representations to formats
      requiring B-Rep representations (e.g. STL, or JT or Rhino only with polygonal
      representations to IGES, STEP, ACIS or Parasolid). In this case, B-Rep representations
      are auto-generated using planar triangular faces.
    - Support of Linux 32 bit configuration has been discontinued.

    - Improved performance of import and display of larger assemblies due to more efficient use
      of parallelism.
    - Fixed support of Retina display on MacOS.
    - Fixed display of B-Rep representations when colors are attached to bodies.

    - Added API to work more efficiently with shape orientation (ModelData_Shape::Oriented(),
      ::Reversed(), ::IsSame(), ::IsEqual()) and curve orientation (ModelData_Curve::Reversed(),
    - Added API to distinguish outer and inner face wires (ModelData_Face::OuterWire()).
    - When converting XDE documents to CAD Exchanger model, auto-generated instance names that
      existed in the original document (in the form "=>[0:1:1:...]") are now ignored to avoid
      possible user confusion.
    - Fixed converting XDE documents containing nested compounds as parts with attributes
      attached to subcompounds.
    - Fixed converting XDE documents containing instances (as assembly children) referring
      to other instances (as top-level shapes).
    - Fixed data race on Linux (in gcc C++ run-time library) when reading native CAD Exchanger
      files containing multiple parts.

    ACIS format:
    - Fixed parsing of netsur (net_spl_sur) subtype written in format version 26.
    - Added support of progress status in parsing and formatting phases to report progress and
      support cancellation when working with larger files.
    - Fixed export of colors attached to subshapes inside B-Rep representation.

    JT format:
    - Significantly improved performance of import of JT 10 files containing data encoded with
      Move-To-Front codec.
    - Fixed parsing of various specific configurations in PMI, JT B-Rep and Shape LOD data
    - Added support of parsing lights.
    - Added support of specifying units of ShapeLOD data segments when exporting.

    OBJ format:
    - Improved robustness when reading files that may contain missing names of groups and objects.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Added support of progress status in parsing phase to report progress and support
      cancellation when working with larger files.
    - Added export of instance names.
    - Fixed export of models containing empty instances (which do not refer to part or assembly).
    - Fixed export of models containing parts with existing empty B-Rep representations.
    - Fixed export of colors assigned to bodies (not their subshapes) which previously were lost.

    STEP format:
    - Fixed import of assemblies with bodies attached directly to them.

    STL format:
    - Significantly improved performance of reading text STL files on Windows.

CAD Exchanger 3.2, May 2016

    - Added import and export of a new format - Rhino/OpenNURBS version 1 to 5.

    - Revamped UI, including new layout, enhanced visualization settings and user experience.
    - Improved visual representation when sectioning solid bodies in B-Rep models by
      providing solid filling at the section plane.
    - Restored exploration of B-Rep representations in the product structure view. Solid and
      sheet bodies are explored down to the faces, wireframe and acorn bodies - to the first
      level children.
    - Added support of importing files by drag-n-drop to the 3D view.
    - Added support of multiple section planes (up to three).
    - Added support of multiple selection of elements in the product structure view.
    - Added support of multiple polygonal representations, retrieved from the file (for
      instance, JT) or creating new ones with the help of meshers.
    - Added direct manipulation of part representations - creation of polygonal and removal.
    - Added support of network license management on Mac OS X.

    - Added support of settings specified in the command line.

    - Updated documentation with details on entity mapping supported by each converter.
    - Added support of Visual Studio 2015.
    - Added C# examples.

    Multiple formats (ACIS, Parasolid, JT, etc):
    - Fixed import of edges lying on closed but not periodic curves when an edge takes a portion
      of a curve and has end vertex exactly matching the curve boundary.

    ACIS format:
    - Added support of ACIS versions up to R26 by importer and exporter.
    - Enhanced import of attributes by favoring color to materials when both attributes are
      attached to entities.
    - Fixed writing range of offset surfaces lying on B-Spline surfaces. Fixed import of offset
      surfaces with incorrect range written by earlier versions of CAD Exchanger.
    - Fixed export of faces lying on elementary surfaces with left-handed axis.

    BRep format:
    - Added support of breaking topology sharing between bodies during import to
      ensure correctness of the model.

    JT format:
    - Added initial support for reading JT10 files.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Improved import of intersection curves with very uneven chart points distribution.
    - Fixed parsing of binary-encoded files with strings containing escape characters.
    - Added support of writing strings containing escape characters into text-encoded files.

    VRML format:
    - Fixed export of wireframe bodies by using the IndexedLineSet type instead of former
      LineSet to ensure better compliance with the VRML format specification.

    STEP format:
    - Introduced new version of the STEP importer (requires explicit activation in GUI and SDK,
      i.e. an old version is used by default). Major improvements introduced by the new STEP importer:
       - significantly improved performance (especially on multi-core systems due to parallelism);
       - introduced support of tessellated (polygonal) representations;
       - improved handling of parts with multiple bodies;
       - enabled deferred conversion to support gradual loading and displaying thereby improving
         user experience.
    - Added support of Unicode file names in importer and exporter.

    IGES format:
    - Added support of Unicode file names in importer and exporter.

    Visualization meshers:
    - When invoking the visualization mesher with MergeFaceSets option set to false the algorithm will
      no longer attempt to merge nodes of each individual triangle set generated for each B-Rep. This
      results in improved performance and better compliance with the option intent.
    - Added support of retrieving UV-coordinates of mesh nodes. Refer to User's Guide on
      ModelAlgo_BRepMesherParameters::GetUVCoordinates() and the modelexplorer example for details.

CAD Exchanger 3.1.2, Feb 2016

    - Added support of displaying centroid information in validation property panel for B-Rep
    - Added protection for situations of running out-of-memory when working with large models on
      32 bit platforms.
    - Fixed applying of visualization mesher settings (chordal and angular deviations) to
      B-Rep models.

    Multiple formats (ACIS, Parasolid, JT, etc):
    - Fixed import of seam-edges with pcurves having different ranges.
    - Fixed import of edges lying on iso-curves on periodic elementary surfaces (toroidal,
      cylindrical, etc).
    - Fixed creation of polygonal representation when any B-Rep face could not be triangulated,
      when merge of individual triangle sets was activated (in GUI with "Merge triangle sets in
      sheet or solid bodies" option, in SDK using ModelAlgo_BRepMesherParameters::MergeFaceSets()).

    IGES format:
    - Fixed issues that sporadically showed up when exporting faces lying on periodic surfaces and
      taking full surface domain by the parameter the surface is periodic in.

    JT format:
    - Improved export of non-manifold meshes (with edges shared by more than two triangles).

    ACIS format:
    - Fixed parsing of blendsupsur subtypes written in SAB files of format version 12 or older.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Added support of Parasolid versions up to v28 by importer and exporter.
    - Fixed import of transformation matrices containing scale factor.

CAD Exchanger 3.1.1, Dec 2015

    - Added fit-to-area operation.
    - Added support of displaying validation properties (volume and surface area), and
      triangles count.
    - Restored support of screenshot saving.
    - Enabled smooth 3D view fit in various operations: fit all, fit-to-area, standard views
    - Fixed bounding box computations for assemblies when showing/hiding children.
    - Fixed recognition of the Pro version on Android.
    - Fixed behavior of X/Y/Z buttons defining position of a sectioning plane.
    - Fixed zooming behavior when using multi-touch pad on laptop.
    - Fixed lines display in 3D view in various scenarios (bounding box, selection, etc). Previously
      the lines previously could be sporadically drawn as dotted instead of solid.
    - Reduced minimum width of the product structure widget enabling more efficient use of a 3D
      view area.
    - Removed background flickering during application start up.

    - Added computation of surface area for polygonal representation.
    - Fixed generation of polygonal representation from B-Rep one which has appearances attached
      to solid in a solid body or to shells in a multi-shell sheet body.

    ACIS format:
    - Enhanced import of ralling ball surfaces when a surface has a V-range slightly misaligned
      with B-Spline path's knots. The same improvement also applies to Parasolid BLENDED_EDGE
    - Improved import of closed edges on closed p-curves but not marked as periodic.
    - Improved import of edge on p-curves when edge vertices are close to (but not exactly match)
      p-curve ends.

    OBJ format:
    - Added protection against a case of exporting a part without provided representations.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Added protection for a case when children in complex entities (e.g. ATTRIBUTE's fields) refer
      to entities not existing in the file.
    - Improved computing pcurve ranges during import, e.g. when handling closed trimmed pcurves
      on periodic basis curves.
    - Improved import of intersection curves defined via intersection of elementary surfaces.
    - Improved import of closed intersection curves lying on blend_bound surfaces.
    - Improved import of closed edges on closed p-curves but not marked as periodic.
    - Improved import of edge on p-curves when edge vertices are close to (but not exactly match)
      p-curve ends.

CAD Exchanger 3.1.0, Nov 2015

    - Added import and export of a new format - Wavefront OBJ.
    - Fixed import of ACIS, Parasolid, JT and other formats containing B-Rep representations
      when an attribute (e.g. name or color) is associated to an edge or a face which is
      split into multiple entities.

    - Deprecated IGESXDE_* and STEPXDE_* classes and CadExIGESXDE and CadExSTEPXDE libraries.
      API and libraries have been kept to preserve source and binary compatibility. However users'
      applications should be updated to use IGES_* and STEP_* counterparts and CadExIGES and
      CadExSTEP libraries. Respectively, the dependency chain of the libraries have been updated.
      Users' applications distribution should now include wider lists of libraries - refer to
      CAD Exchanger SDK User's Guide Appendix.
    - Fixed a bug preventing correct setting of absolute chordal deviation value in

    - Restored support of computational meshers in GUI.
    - Significantly improved performance of first display of polygonal mesh representations of 3D
      models with B-Rep representation (i.e. imported from IGES, STEP, ACIS, Parasolid, JT with
    - Fixed highlighting of the selected part or assembly which has been shown again after
      being hidden.
    - Fixed support of UNC network file names in file import dialog box.
    - Fixed wireframe mode display of colored polygonal meshes which sometimes could be shown
      without a color.

    ACIS format:
    - Added support of .sab (Save As Binary) files generated by Autodesk Shape Manager (ASM)
      and Open Design Alliance ACIS Builder.
    - Significantly improved performance and reduced memory footprint of the parser and
    - Added support of parsing memory buffers containing SAT or SAB file contents what enables
      support of 3D body sections by external DXF and DWG parsers.
    - Made more strict parsing of entity type and subtypes what ensures stronger compliance
      with the ACIS file format specification.
    - Added recognition of curve and surface sub-types used by ASM:
      proj_int_cur, spring_int_cur, surf_int_cur,
      loft_spl_sur, off_spl_sur, pipe_spl_sur, srf_srf_v_bl_spl_sur, sum_spl_sur, VBL_SURF.
    - Added recognition of surface sub-type crvcrvblndsur (crv_crv_v_bl_spl_sur).
    - Fixed parsing curve and surface sub-type sweepsur (sweep_spl_sur),
      offsetintcur (offset_int_cur).
    - Fixed import of closed co-edges with p-curves on periodic surfaces and vertices not
      aligned with p-curve boundaries, when p-curve forms a closed but not periodic 3D curve
      (i.e. tangents at first and last points are different).

CAD Exchanger 3.0.1, Aug 2015

    - Added splash screen during start up time.

    ACIS format:
    - Fixed import of parcur curves lying on surfaces of revolution (cones, spheres, etc).
    - Added import of circles using colinear normal and major_radius axes (support is limited
      to cases when curve parametrization is not required).
    - Added support for helix curve.
    - Added recognition of curve and surface sub-types used by ASM (Autodesk Shape Manager):
      exact_int_cur, int_int_cur, helix_int_cur, exp_par_cur, offset_int_cur, par_int_cur,
      exact_spl_sur, cyl_spl_sur, helix_spl_line, rb_blend_spl_sur, rot_spl_sur,
      sweep_spl_sur, sweep_sur. However helix_spl_line surface will not be converted to
      resulting B-Spline surface.
    - Improved import of closed (periodic) B-Spline curves with periodicity flag incorrectly
      set to open.
    - Fixed import of closed co-edges with p-curves on periodic surfaces and vertices not
      aligned with p-curve boundaries.
    - Removed redundant warning on periodic flag set on p-curves on periodic surfaces (which
      is valid for ACIS, even if not for other modeling kernels).

    JT format:
    - Fixed import of entities with transformation matrices with determinant not equal to one.
    - Added layers support in import and export using LAYERFILTER and REFSET properties (see
      JT_ReaderParameters::LayerConversionType and JT_WriterParameters::LayerConversionType).

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Fixed resetting the SameRange edge flag when importing tolerant edges with different
      p-curve ranges.
    - Fixed import of edges on periodic intersection curves using blend_bound surfaces, with
      vertices not aligned with surface period.
    - Improved import of edges on intersection curves using blend_bound surfaces when intersection
      curve goes beyond the domain of blend (such cases occur in real-world files even if they
      should not be allowed per Parasolid requirements).
    - Fixed import of large files with multiple surfaces and/or curves shared by faces and/or

     VRML format:
     - Added export of lineset, pointset, line properties and fill properties.
     - Restored functionality to save file in meters as required by the VRML specification
       (version 3.0 used millimeters after internal polygonal mesh model was changed to use

     X3D format:
     - Restored functionality to save file in meters as required by the VRML specification
       (version 3.0 used millimeters after internal polygonal mesh model was changed to use

CAD Exchanger 3.0.0, Jul 2015

    - Added support for generating polyline and polypoint sets for free wireframe and acorn
      bodies by ModelAlgo_BRepMesher.
    - Fixed thread-safety when accessing representations of shared parts when using delayed
    - Fixed computation of bounding boxes for parts with B-Rep representations which have
      internal shapes with emdedded transformation matrices.

    - Added switch to toggle normal of a clipping plane.
    - Restored support of visualization mesher settings (see Options dialog box).

CAD Exchanger 3.0.0 Beta, Jun 2015

    - Added new data model which provides API for access to assembly structure, attributes,
      properties, multiple representations (B-Rep, polygonal), multi-LOD (Level Of Details),
    - Added mechanism to handle system exception and signals (see Base_SEHOwner).
    - Added __CADEX_OVERRIDE_ATTRIBUTE macro used instead of C++11 keyword override.
    - Added Base_UTF16String to hold a string of UTF16 Unicode chars.
    - Introduced parallism into the algorithm of verification and correcting B-Reps during
      importing from ACIS, Parasolid and JT.

    - Visualization mesher by default now merges individual triangle sets resulting from
      B-Rep faces belonging to a shell. To enable previous default behavior (without merge)
      ModelAlgo_BRepMesherParameters::MergeFaceSets() should be set to false.
    - Visualization mesher now always computes normals for triangle sets. Previous parameter
      [ModelAlgo_BRepMesherParameters::]SaveNormals() has been removed and may be added to the
      exporters (X3D and VRML) in the future.

    - Updated 3D view light settings to better display materials.

    ACIS format:
    - Enabled support of all available ACIS versions up to R25.
    - Enabled export of the models with shared topological entities across bodies.
      Previously the exporter refused to export such models.
    - Enabled determinism of the exporter - the same input model will now produce
      the same resulting file when running in non-parallel mode.
    - Streamlined file contents produced by the exporter: single ACIS body will be
      created for each individual solid, sheet, wireframe and accorn source body.
      Multiple lumps will no longer be created within each ACIS body.
    - Added support of surface sub-type rulesur.
    - Fixed import of coedges having pcurves on faces which share surface with other faces.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Enabled support of assembly structure by the exporter. Now the data model is
      mapped to the hierarchy of assemblies, instances and parts.
    - Added support of Parasolid partition files.
    - Improved performance of export by execution in parallel threads on multi-core
    - Enabled export of the models with shared topological entities across bodies.
      Previously the exporter refused to export such models.
    - Enabled determinism of the exporter - the same input model will now produce
      the same resulting file when running in non-parallel mode.
    - Improved assigning of unique entity node id's by the exporter.
    - Improved performance of writing Parasolid files by execution in parallel threads
      on multi-core systems.
    - Improved import of intersection curves limiting blended edge (rolling ball) surfaces.
    - Improved import of periodic intersection curves taking full period.
    - Improved recognition of closed intersection curves during import.
    - Fixed import of halfedges having pcurves on faces which share surface with other faces.
    - Fixed export of rational B-Spline p-curves.
    - Fixed computation of edge and vertex tolerances during export.
    - Fixed potential data race when exporting models with transformation matrices attached
      to subshapes.

    - Added import of JT 8.x files
    - Added support for Reference Sets and SUBNODE components in import and export.
    - Added protection against cases when JT files may contain invalid values for vertex
      normals (such NaN or INF).
    - Fixed parsing of material attributes encoded using respective data bit flags.
    - Improved recognition of PMI elements during parsing.
    - Fixed parsing of files with orphan property atom elements.
    - Improved parsing of files with external references sharing the same file.
    - Improved parsing of files with broken external references.
    - Improved processing of assemblies which use mixed units in nested assemblies and parts.
    - Improved parsing of data encoded with two probability context tables.
    - Enabled parsing of files containing texture coordinates.
    - Fixed parsing of files using null codec.
    - Fixed parsing of files with incomplete TOC (Table Of Contents) entries.
    - Fixed parsing of files not using ZLib compression in data segments which do support
      ZLib compression.
    - Improved robustness on parsing files with broken internal data integrity.
    - Improved export of multi-body parts when polygonal representation is computed on
      the fly.
    - Added protection for writing external files when the output directory name conflicts
      with existing file name.

CAD Exchanger 2.5.3, Dec 2014

    - Added support of Visual Studio 2013. Discontinued support of Visual Studio 2008.
    - Added support of operation cancellation (see Base_ProgressStatus).
    - Extended Netgen support - added support of 3D volume mesh generation, bounding
      conditions, and export to CAE formats (Abaqus, Fluent, OpenFOAM).

    ACIS format:
    - Added support of Autodesk-specific color attributes.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Fixed export of shapes containing edges which share the same 3D curve and refer
      to tolerant vertices.

    JT format:
    - Enabled support for non-manifold meshes, as well as meshes with incorrect triangles
      orientation and degenerated edges.

    STEP format:
    - Added protection for edges referring to null curves

CAD Exchanger 2.5.2, Aug 2014

    ACIS format:
    - Fixed setting closure and periodicity flags when exporting curves converted
      to B-Splines.

    JT format:
    - Added support of arithmetic codec when exporting. This allowed to reduce the
      size of the generated JT files.
    - Fixed export of assemblies with part names containing characters illegal for
      file names (e.g. \ / < > ? , etc).

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Experimental support of Parasolid version 26.1 and 27 by the importer.
    - Performance improvements in the exporter.
    - Fixed setting closure and periodicity flags when exporting curves converted
      to B-Splines.
    - Fixed export of edge curves when exporting edges with tolerant vertices.
    - Improved setting of the vertex and edge tolerances when exporting.
    - C0 pcurves, curves and surfaces are now converted to G1-continuous when
    - Changed behavior of the exporter when processing non-manifold topology (e.g.
      when an edge is shared by 3 or more wires or faces). Instead of a creating an
      invalid entity structure the exporter will now drop some or all faces referring
      to those shared edges.
    - Fixed export of tolerant edges in very large models which previously might
      result in stack overflow.
    - Fixed export and import of closed sheet bodies.
    - Fixed export of invalid disconnected solids - they are now exported as sheet
      bodies with issuing respective failure message.

CAD Exchanger 2.5.1, May 2014

    - Restored functioning on Windows XP (even if it is not officially supported)
      broken by version 2.5.0

    ACIS format:
    - Improved consistency with ACIS format by using ATTRIB_XACIS_NAME attribute
      name when exporting entity names.
    - Improved consistency with ACIS format by recognizing only ATTRIB_XACIS_NAME
      and name attribute names when importing entity names.

    JT format:
    - Improved mapping of product structure to JT LSG (logical scene graph): single
      parts are mapped to JT parts, single assembly are mapped to JT assembly
      without extra LSG node.
    - Added support of external files (monolithic, perpart, fully shattered).
    - Added user-defined parameter to influence behavior of saving files with
      distinct names of instances and parts/assemblies they refer (to satisfy
      limitations of Solid Edge).
    - Added saving of mesher parameters (chordal and angular tolerances) when
      computing a faceted representation on the fly.
    - Performance improvements in the exporter.

    Parasolid format (also affects JT format):
    - Added support of Parasolid version 26.
    - Fixed potential data race when multiple edges share common curve.
    - The exporter now embeds schema types when saving to schemas greater than
      Parasolid base schema 13006. This improves interoperability with
      Parasolid-based applications when using Parasolid or JT formats (e.g.
      Siemens NX, etc).
    - Fixed export of tolerant edges lying on elementary surfaces with left-handed
    - Improved importing INTERSECTION curves lying on flat cones, which
      previously might produce wrong results.
    - Fixed parsing binary files which may contain double which represent invalid values
      (e.g. NAN).
    - Performance improvements in the exporter.

    Computational meshers:
    - Suppressed Netgen's test output, which previously could contaminate standard
      output streams (std::cout and std::cerr) and a file named test.out.

    - Fixed Model Explorer view: removed duplication of a root entity's child if the
      root entity itself is an instance and not a part or an assembly (this may often
      happen when reading ACIS files).
    - Model Explorer view now displays names of assemblies or parts, if the instance
      which refers to the part or assembly does not have a name itself.

    - On 32 bit platforms, the SDK is now built with SSE2 target to ensure better
      consistency of computational results with the 64 platforms (especially on Linux),
      and to retrieve some performance gain.
    - On Linux, the SDK is now built with gcc 4.4 and links with libc 2.12.
    - Logger now outputs hexadecimal codes for unprintable characters.

CAD Exchanger 2.5.0, Feb 2014

    - When merging IndexedFaceSets (e.g. when exporting to X3D, VRML or JT formats)
      normal coordinates are now compared with the precision of 1e-6, what may lead to
      reduced number of unique normals. This reduces the model size without impact on
      visualization properties.
    - Added support for Unicode file names (except for IGES and STEP)
    - Added support for Windows 8

    - Added support for Visual Studio 2012

    Visualization mesher:
    - Fixed potential data race during meshing a multi-root model when roots had
      shared edges.

    ACIS format:
    - Enabled support of all available ACIS versions up to R24.
    - Fixed saving topological entities into ACIS format version 10 and greater.
    - Improved saving attributes into ACIS format version 16 and greater.
    - Added support of surface sub-types: subsur, tubesur.
    - Added support of degenerate_curve.
    - Fixed import of offset surfaces with the reversed flag.
    - Fixed import of materials stored in ACIS format version 8 and greater.
    - Fixed import of sweep surfaces stored in ACIS format version 12, 17 and greater.
    - Fixed import and export of offset surfaces in ACIS format version 13 and greater.
    - Fixed import of offset curves stored in ACIS format version 17 and greater.
    - Fixed import of blend surfaces stored in ACIS format version 3 and earlier.
    - Fixed import of spline curves containing summary tight approximation.

    IGES format:
    - Fixed import and export of Tabulated Cylinders (type 122).

    STEP format:
    - Fixed import of surfaces of revolution on ellipses.

    Parasolid, JT formats:
    - Improved importing INTERSECTION curves lying on elementary surfaces, which
      previously might fail to compute.

    STL, VRML formats:
    - Added support for using C++ streams in API (i.e. STL_Reader,
      STL_Writer, VRML_Writer)

    Computational meshers:
    - Fixed case of complex edges which previously required too many sample points and
     could lead to running out of allocated memory.
    - Improved meshing of some complex surfaces which previously could fail due to
      incorrect surface area approximation.

CAD Exchanger 2.4.3, Dec 2013

    ACIS format:
    - Fixed import of files containing zero-length strings.

    JT format:
    - Fixed export of colors, now both diffuse and ambient component of the material
      attribute are set.
    - Added support of units tagged as "Unknown".
    - Fixed import of empty LODs.
    - Added saving area of face, line and point sets for better compliance to the JT
    - Improved saving of partition and root entity names for better compliance to JT
      sample files.

    Parasolid format:
    - Added support of Parasolid version 25.
    - When exporting, edges can now be saved as tolerant edges depending on the source
      value of their tolerance. Parameter selection is added into SDK and GUI.
    - Fixed export of offset surfaces and surfaces of extrusion which previously may
      result in incomplete Parasolid entity structures.
    - Fixed export of surfaces of revolution (setting proper sense flag).
    - Fixed writing file header when target schema is 9 or lower.
    - Fixed processing of undefined values in loopback scenarios (parsing a file and
      writing it back).
    - Improved importing INTERSECTION curves which correspond to very long parabolas or
    - Fixed parametrization of BLENDED_EDGE surfaces taking into account mutual
      orientation of a spine curve and support elements.
    - Improved import of BLENDED_EDGE surfaces when a support curve is oriented
      opposite to a spine curve.
    - Fixed import of BLENDED_EDGE surfaces when intersection of support surfaces
      cannot be computed.

    - Added X3DShape_LineProperties, X3DShape_FillProperties classes.

    - Fixed Model Explorer (a tree view widget) to display names of instances, not
      of parts or assemblies instances refer to. This allows to better distinguish
      individual instances in complex assemblies.
    - Export dialog now by default provides a name of the last imported file.
    - If the GUI executable has been invoked with file names as extra parameters then
      the files are opened into a new document. This allows to associate CAD Exchanger
      GUI with file name extensions on Windows.

CAD Exchanger 2.4.2, Jul 2013
    JT format:
    - Reduced memory footprint when importing or exporting a JT file.
    - Fixed export of meshes containing vertices with valences greater than 64.
    - Fixed export of compound B-Reps which previously could result in multi-LODs
      (Level of Details) entities instead of multiple components inside a single LOD.
    - Fixed export of part with names and with composite B-Rep representations.

    ACIS format:
    - Added support of crvsrfblendsur blend surface sub-type.
    - Added support of var_rad_const variable radius type.
    - Added support of blendsupcos blend surface support type.
    - Added support of variable radius blend surfaces with supports defined via spring
    - Improved import of sumsur surfaces using straight lines as v-curve.

    Parasolid format:
    - Improved import of offset surfaces with singularities.
    - Improved import of offset surfaces on swept surfaces.
    - Improved performance of import by execution in parallel threads on multi-core
    - Fixed import of parametric curves defined as rational B-Splines.
    - Improved import of trimmed curves without explicitly defined trimming parameters.
    - Improved import of rolling ball surfaces with spine curve defined beyond the
      support surfaces.

    ACIS, Parasolid formats:
    - Reworked export of empty name attributes: empty strings are now ignored.
    - Improved import of offset surfaces on C0-continous swept surfaces. The
      algorithm now tries harder to increase continuity of the basis surface.
    - Offset surfaces are now exported as native offset surfaces, not as B-Spline

    X3D, VRML formats:
    - Normal vectors are now written with single (not double) precision.

    - Suppressed output into standard output stream during conversions.
    - Added X3DBase_NodeVisitor and X3DCore_X3DNode::Accept() to implement a visitor
      pattern for the scene graph. The meshing example has been updated to use a
    - X3DGeometry3D_IndexedFaceSet now uses normals with single precision (float)
    - Base_String has been located into a separate file Base_String.hxx and now
      completely hides STL-based implementation to avoid potential issues due to
      STL-incompatibility issues between CAD Exchanger and customers' build

CAD Exchanger 2.4.1, Mar 2013
    ACIS format:
    - Improved import of pipesur entities with u0 curve going beyond the spine curve.

    IGES format:
    - Fixed import of nested assemblies which previously could result in lost colors
      attached to subshapes.

    JT format (Beta):
    - Added support of a few other LSG attribute types in the importer.
    - Improved export of XDE data models: maintains structure and relationship
      between assemblies, instances and parts.
    - Improved export of XDE data models: colors associated with entire parts
      or instances are now converted into material attributes of the JT
      entities (using diffuse color).
    - Fixed import of transformations: corrected processing of transformations
      when a part is defined in non-millimeters and when transformations are
      attached to elements other than instances (what happens extremely rarely).
    - Added support of exporter options: whether to save B-Rep and tessellated
      representations in SDK and GUI.

    Parasolid, JT formats:
    - Improved import of offset surfaces on C0-continous B-Spline surfaces. The
      algorithm now tries harder to increase continuity of the basis surface.

    - Added support of progress status, including new Qt-based example
    - Added support of logging for debug purposes.
    - Added X3DGeometry3D_IndexedFaceSetBuilder, X3DRendering_LineSetBuilder and
      X3DRendering_PointSetBuilder as helper classes to construct indexed face
      set, line set and point set entities respectively.
    - Added mesh granularity (coarse, medium, fine) as a parameter for visualization
    - Added Base_EnvironmentChecker class and __CADEX_CHECK_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT macro
      for detecting possible inconsistencies between user's and CAD Exchanger build
      environments (compiler version, compilation mode) what facilitates triaging
      errors caused by this.

    - Added possibility to choose between predefined and custom mesh granularity
      for the triangulation settings in the Tools/Options/Triangulation menu.

CAD Exchanger 2.4.0, Nov 2012
    JT format (Beta):
    - Fixed export of material attributes with set alpha channel.
    - Improved performance of export by using coarse meshing by default.
    - Improved performance of export by execution in parallel threads on multi-core

    X3D, VRML, JT formats:
    - Improved merging of tiny indexed face sets.

    - Added angular deflection parameter to Base_Mesher to control mesh quality.
    - Parameters of Base_Mesher base class have been grouped into a nested structure
      Base_Mesher::Parameters. Warning: this change breaks source compatibility.
    - Fixed algorithm of merging face sets to correctly process cases when number
      of unique normals exceeds number of unique vertices for face sets already
      containing normal index vector.
    - Constructors, destructor and assignment operators of Base_String made
      out-of-line to avoid a Linux-specific issue with global symbols injected by
      gcc implementation of basic_string, which previously might lead to sporadic

CAD Exchanger 2.4.0 Beta 5, Oct 2012
    JT format (Beta):
    - Fixed Bitlength2 encoder when storing vectors of INT_MIN values.
    - Fixed disassembler of float numbers into integers used in exporter.
    - JT exporter now generates and writes mesh (tessellated) representations for B-Rep
      making files saved by CAD Exchanger viweable by 3rd-party JT viewers which only
      support tessellated representations.

    - New experimental methods added to X3DGeometry3D_IndexedFaceSet to access mesh data
      more conveniently.
    - When merging face sets during creation of a mesh model from B-Rep, individual
      B-Rep faces (e.g. resulting from IGES Trimmed Surface entities) are now processed.
      This ensures consistency with behavior of single face shells.
    - Exposed API to own memory allocator (Base_Allocator.hxx, still in cadex::internal
      namespace) to reduce allocations outside of it, and thereby to reduce overall
      memory footprint.

CAD Exchanger 2.4.0 Beta 4, Oct 2012
    ACIS format:
    - Fixed import of cones lying on ellipses with major-to-minor ratio almost 1. (e.g.
      due to rounding errors in sending system).

    JT format (Beta):
    - Significantly improved performance of parsing JT files.

    Computational meshers:
    - Fixed file handle leak in Netgen which previously could result in failure to write
      any file after meshing a complex model.
    - Fixed Netgen mesher to try harder to process a model if it could not be meshed
      during a first attempt.
    - Reduced verbosity of debug messages.
    - Significantly reduced memory footprint when using the Netgen mesher.
    - Added more fine-grain update of the progress indicator when using the Netgen mesher.

    - Added method X3DGeometry3D_IndexedFaceSet::OnlyTrianglesSupported() to check if
      X3DGeometry3D_IndexedFaceSet can only support triangles (currently the case) to
      prepare for future extension for arbitrary polygonal faces.
    - When merging face sets during creation of a mesh model from B-Rep, really coincident
      vertices are now replaced with a single vertex removing duplicates. Normals are
      converted into using NormalIndex() field to enable support of different normals for
      shared vertices. This is also used in X3D and VRML exporters.

    X3D and VRML formats:
    - Changed behavior of merging faces when exporting. See the SDK section above for

CAD Exchanger 2.3.3, Aug 2012
    JT format (Beta):
    - Fixed export and import of empty shapes.

CAD Exchanger 2.4.0 Beta 3, Jul 2012
    - Progress bar now gets updated more frequently during IGES and STEP import
      operations thereby better reflecting progress during longer imports. This also
      can take effect during ACIS and Parasolid imports, when there is only one root
    - The triangulation configuration widget now allows to set absolute value for the
      visualization mesh, and also shows the relative value of the specified deflection.
    - License can now be activated directly via GUI.

    - More details in the Developer's Guide on measurement units and parameters of
      the Netgen meshing algorithm.
    - BaseXDE_DocModel now can return an underlying XDE document.

    IGES format:
    - Fixed import of Boundary entity containing Composite Curve of multiple segments
      for both model space and parametric space curves.
    - Fixed import of almost closed Circular Arc entity.

    Parasolid format:
    - Added support for a target version of the Parasolid kernel. Versions up to 24 are
      supported. Corresponding control also added to GUI.

    JT format (Beta):
    - Changed default ZLib compression level to 1 (i.e. the fastest) in exporter.
    - Fixed export of B-Rep models.

CAD Exchanger 2.4.0 Beta 2, Jun 2012
    JT format (Beta):
    - Added JT format exporter.

CAD Exchanger 2.3.2, Jun 2012
    JT format (Beta):
    - Added import of Wireframe Rep elements.
    - Fixed import of JT B-Rep element's trival pcurves on surfaces with range
      different than [0,1;0,1].
    - Fixed import of Part nodes to support conversion of multiple B-Rep elements.
    - Added support for JT B-Rep element pcurves with the trivial box loop type.
    - Fixed import of degenerated JT B-Rep elements that may have no geometrical or
      topological data.
    - Fixed parsing of entities with specific configurations (e.g. JT B-Rep element
      containing CAD Tag Data, rational NURBS without explicit weights, etc).
    - Added support for units other than millimeters for JT B-Rep and Wireframe Rep

    Parasolid and JT formats:
    - Improved accuracy of importing intersection curves by reconstructing them via
      intersection of the parent analytical surfaces.

    ACIS format:
    - Fixed parsing of rolling ball surfaces for ACIS-SAT files of version 13.

    ACIS, Parasolid, and JT formats:
    - Improved import of files with pcurves with ranges different from ones of 3d curves,
      and when 3d curve ends are quite far from the pcurve's restored via surface.
    - Improved import of co-edges (or half-edges) by not relying on same parametrization
      assumption between pcurve(s) and 3D curve, and attempting to adjust pcurve if
      deviation between the curves is too large.
    - Improved continuity of imported rolling ball surfaces taking into account
      continuity of the spine curve only and ignoring possible C0-continuity of the
      support curves.
    - Improved robustness and performance of importing rolling ball surfaces.

    - Fixed a leak which occured when a BaseXDE_DocModel object was created with default
    - BaseXDE_DocModel::Roots() now skips the root shapes which have attached
      transformations and refer to the shapes which have attached invisible layer.

CAD Exchanger 2.4 Beta, Apr 2012
    JT format:
    - Added initial support of JT read support as a Beta feature. Scope includes
      XT B-Rep and JT B-Rep elements.

    - Improved consistency between visualization and computational meshers:
      - assembly structures are now preserved when using computational meshers;
      - normals can now be stored when using computational meshers;
      - shells' faces with attached transformations now always apply these
        transformations to coordinates;
      - materials with the same attributes are now always shared, not cloned.
    - Improved performance of computational meshers due to reusing results of meshed
      assembly component instances.
    - Meshers now always favor assembly structure, what may lead to loss of colors
      attached to different component instances (or sub-shapes thereof) due to
      limitation of the X3D format data model (used to represent a mesh model).

    ACIS and Parasolid formats:
    - Importers now try harder to upgrade C0-continous surfaces underlying offset
      surfaces to C1-continuity (previously swept surfaces on C0-curves always
      failed). C1-continuity of underlying surfaces is a requirement of CAD Exchanger
      geometrical model.

    Parasolid format:
    - Fixed import of SWEPT_SURF surfaces lying on reversed profiles. Applied similar
      fix to SPUN_SURF anticipating the same convention to be used by Parasolid, even
      if no such files have been encountered so far (among 1100+ files).

    - Added Base_Version.hxx to take into account SDK versions in conditional
    - Removed unused Base_Settings values
    - Slight extension of X3DCore_X3DNode subclasses to create X3D scene graph nodes
      by cloning existing nodes (used internally).

CAD Exchanger 2.3.1, Feb 2012
    - Fixed triangulation of particular types of NURBS surfaces with singularities,
      which previously could result in a crash or wrong triangulation.
    - Fixed particular case of NURBS p-curves which might appear when importing
      ACIS, Parasolid, or STEP faces on closed surfaces without a seam-edge.
    - Fixed excessively strict check that previously prevented export of an entire
      document to ACIS or Parasolid, even if the incompliant sub-shape was checked-off
      in the tree view.
    - Removed debug output when running examples on Linux.
    - Added demonstration of using normals in the meshing example.
    IGES format:
    - Added methods to IGES_Reader (SDK API) to specify processing of blank entities.
    STL format:
    - Fixed export of several nested compounds with attached transformations, which
      previously resulted in writing wrong point coordinates.
    Parasolid format:
    - Added support of importing edges which have both 3D curve and parametric space
      curve (p-curve), to be able to read (extremely rare) files which do not comply
      with Parasolid-XT specification.

CAD Exchanger 2.3, Dec 2011
    - Added support for 64bit.
    - Linux binaries are now built with glibc 2.5 enabling support of broader set of
    IGES format:
    - Fixed export to IGES version >= 5.1 when using IGES solid/shell/faces entities.
    STEP format:
    - Fixed export to files with units other than millimeters.
    ACIS format:
    - Fixed import of sweepsur type stored in SAT format version 13 and older.

CAD Exchanger 2.3 Beta3, Oct 2011
    Computational Meshers:
    - Added support of non-manifold shapes sharing faces between various components
     of composite shapes (e.g. Compounds/Groups).
    - Added support for Visual Studio 2010.
    - Extended Base_Mesher API to accept a user-defined deflection parameter, which
      impact on visualization mesh precision.
    - Added detailed documentation and GNU Makefiles for examples.
    - Refactored examples to be more focused on primary demonstrated functionality.
    - Changed directory structure - debug libraries are now placed separately (into
      libd and bind directories).

CAD Exchanger 2.3 Beta 2, Aug 2011
    - Added support of computational meshing algorithms Mefisto and Netgen.
    IGES format:
    - Fixed regression that might cause loss of Bounded Surface entities (IGES type 143).
    STL format:
    - Fixed import of ascii files which previously could result in data loss.
    VRML format:
    - Added possibility to export Mesh models in GUI and CLI.
    X3D format:
    - Added possibility to export Mesh models in GUI and CLI.
    Netgen mesher:
    - Added more parameters (mesh granularity, segments-per-edge, etc).
    - Fixed memory leak.

CAD Exchanger 2.3 Beta, Aug 2011
    Parasolid format:
    - Added protection against color component values exceeding allowed range (may happen
      due to rounding errors when using binary format).
    - Added initial support of meshing algorithms Mefisto and Netgen to build computational
      mesh (in addition to visualization mesh).

CAD Exchanger 2.2.2, Jun 2011
    ACIS format:
    - Fixed import of cones with scaling coefficient stored in SAT version prior to ACIS 4.0.
    - Fixed import of lemon-like toroidal surfaces.
    BRep format:
    - Fixed exporter to correctly write file header.
    Parasolid format:
    - Fixed export of special configuration of swept surfaces (when basis curve is
      defined with explicit trimming).
    - Fixed export of solid bodies with voids.
    - Fixed import of lemon-like toroidal surfaces.
    STL format:
    - Fixed export of surface models containing empty groups, which previously might crash.
    VRML format:
    - Characters in node names not compliant with the VRML specification are now replaced
      with underscore ('_', ascii code x5F) during export.
    - X3DBase_SFString now uses std::string to represent a UTF-8 string to match the X3D
      specification (ISO19775).

CAD Exchanger 2.2.1, May 2011
    IGES format:
    - Fixed export of extruded surfaces with boundary edges having transformation matrices.
    - Fixed import of files containing blank entities. They are now really ignored if the
      check-box "Skip blank entities" is checked in GUI.
    Parasolid format:
    - Fixed import of large binary files with entity rank numbers exceeding 32767 which
      have specific encoding rules.
    VRML format:
    - Added support of names.
    X3D format:
    - Added support of names.
    - Fixed memory leak in texture mapping when working with multiple document windows.
    - Added protection against a possible crash when using a mouse wheel to zoom in large
    - Added support of std::istream, std::ostream objects into API of base classes Base_Reader
      and Base_Writer. New syntax is currently supported by ACIS, Parasolid and BRep

CAD Exchanger 2.2, Apr 2011
    Parasolid format:
    - Added support of neutral binary format (.x_b and .xmt_bin file name extensions) in
      importer and exporter.
    ACIS-SAT format:
    - Improved import of spline curves by creating more accurate 3D representation from
      2D (parametric curve) and surface, ignoring tolerance specified in a file if needed.
    - Improved robustness of export of edge p-curves - resulting p-curve ignores edge
      range if it exceeds natural range of original p-curve.
    X3D and VRML format:
    - Improved export of sub-shapes with transformations - Transform entities are now
      explicitly created and sub-shapes are shared instead of creating individual
      instances of IndexedFaceSet entities with transformed coordinates. This
      significantly reduces file size in the case of assemblies.
    - Improved export of colors - sub-shapes with the same color now share an Appearance
      entity instance instead of copying it.
    - Added CadExBRepMesh library that encapsulates a triangulation algorithm.
    - Discontinued support of Visual Studio 2005.

CAD Exchanger 2.1, Mar 2011
    ACIS-SAT format:
    - Fixed import of reversed edges on reversed B-Spline curves.
    - Fixed import of partner co-edges belonging to faces on a shared surface.
    - Color and name attributes attached to not topological entities (surfaces, curves, etc)
      are now safely ignored.
    Parasolid-XT format:
    - Added support for BLENDED_EDGE surfaces with cliff bound defined as a line not going
      through the spine's tube.
    - Added support for BLENDED_EDGE surfaces with spine curve defined as infinite line.
    - Fixed import of BLENDED_EDGE surfaces with spine curve with reversed orientation.
    - Fixed import of INTERSECTION curves with scale parameter different from default.
    - Importer can now reverse pcurves incorrectly oriented with respect to owning

CAD Exchanger 2.1 Beta, Feb 2011
    - Entity names are now displayed in the Model Explorer view.
    - Changed navigation in 3D view - zoom in/out and rotation are now performed with a
      middle mouse button and a wheel. Added navigation help widget.
    - Hidden shapes are now always ignored when exporting to any format (thus removing
      previous limitations of IGES, STEP, ACIS and other formats).
    - Added "All supported types (*.*)" filter to the file import dialog box.
    - File export dialog box now allows to specify case-sensitive filename extensions without
      appending prescribed ones (e.g. myfile.STEP instead of myfile.STEP.stp in the past).
    - Both file and 3D view export dialog boxes now enforce the target format and filename
      extension as defined by selected filter type.
    - Base_ShapeMesher and BaseXDE_Mesher now scale the coordinates down to meters when
      converting shape and XDE models to mesh (which must be in meters per the X3D spec).
    - Root shapes of the XDE model attached to invisible layer(s) are now ignored when
      exporting to IGES, STEP, ACIS and when converting to mesh model by BaseXDE_Mesher.
    - Base class Base_Writer now has the IsValid() method to verify if the model complies
      with the destination format. Static methods ACIS_Writer::IsValid() and
      Para_Writer::IsValid() renamed to CheckValid().
    Parasolid-XT format:
    - Added Parasolid-XT export. Scope includes geometry, topology and attributes (colors
      and names).
    - Improved import of particular cases of BLENDED_EDGE defined on elementary surfaces
      (cylindrical, etc).
    ACIS-SAT format:
    - Respective surfaces of revolution are now recognized and encoded as cylinders.
    - Improved thread-safety in exporter: fixed potential data race in the case of shared
      underlying geometry (which normally never happens).
    - Bezier surfaces are now directly converted to B-Splines without possible
    VRML format:
    - Added support of colors.
    - META section strings now may contain non-ASCII characters.
    - Added user-defined option to merge IndexedFaceSets resulting from one shell.
    X3D format:
    - Added support of colors.
    - Added support of saving face normals (controled by user option) to enable smooth shading
      display in 3rd-party viewers.
    - Added user-defined options to save author and company names via GUI (to be consistent
      with other formats)
    - Added user-defined option to merge IndexedFaceSets resulting from one shell.

CAD Exchanger 2.0.2, Nov 2010
    ACIS-SAT format:
    - Fixed writing of coedge entities when exporting to ACIS-SAT format v2.
    Parasolid-XT format:
    - During import, file units are now interpreted as meters (to match Parasolid
    - Added support of name attributes.
    - Added toolbar to enable providing immediate feedback, notification about new releases,
      connection errors, etc.
    - Error message is now issued when trying to export a document without surface models
      to IGES, STEP, or other format except STL.
    - Fixed saving screenshots on Windows Vista and above.

CAD Exchanger 2.0.2 Beta 2, Nov 2010
    Parasolid-XT format:
    - Fixed import of transformation matrices.
    - Added support of colors.
    ACIS-SAT format:
    - Fixed import and export of B-Splines with multiplicities of boundary knots less than a
    - P-curves are now trimmed to match an edge's range during export, to ensure more
      robust reading by 3rd-party importers.
    - Ranges for edges on periodic curves and corresponding p-curves are now specified in
      ACIS conventions (e.g. [-PI,PI] instead of former [0, 2*PI] for ellipses).
    - If a closed face (e.g. with seam-edge) lies on a cylindrical surface and their ranges
      are not aligned, then a surface is now rotated during export (to have ranges aligned).
      This is to ensure more robust reading by 3rd-party importers.

CAD Exchanger 2.0.2 Beta, Oct 2010
    Parasolid-XT format:
    - Added Parasolid-XT import. Current scope includes geometry only. For additional
      limitations refer to Release Notes.
    ACIS-SAT format:
    - More robust approximation of Bezier and Offset surfaces with B-Splines before export to

CAD Exchanger 2.0.1, Sep 2010
    - Added protection against empty (sub-)shapes when converting to mesh formats (STL, VRML,
    GUI and CLI:
    - Added exceptions handling what allows to continue application functioning.
    - New library CadExAlgo that encapsulates algorithms shared by ACIS, Parasolid and other
    ACIS-SAT format:
    - More reliable processing of faces that share the same underlying surface.
    - More reliable processing of faces with seam-edges (i.e. shared twice by the same face).
    - Added support of ellipses with major radius less than minor.
    - Improved thread-safety of importer.
    STL format:
    - GUI and CLI: Faces without underlying triangulation are now silently ignored instead of
      crashing the application.

CAD Exchanger 2.0, Jun 2010
    - Added support of new format X3D.
    - Extended support of multi-threading on multi-core systems.
    - Added support for MacOS and Linux.
    - Substantially redesigned API to offer more structured and explicit set of classes (each
      supported format now has explicit reader and writer classes).
    - Added mesh data model based on X3D format (ISO19775) and converter from shape to mesh
    - Added XDE-based data model that wraps Open CASCADE XDE/OCAF; added readers and writers
      in ACIS, BRep, IGES and STEP to convert to/from XDE data model.
    - Added API for user-defined settings (see cadex::Base_Settings).
    - Visual Studio 2005 binaries now depend on RTM'ed version of Visual Studio (8.0.50608.0).
      Thus, there is no need to pre-install VS2005 SP1 run-time redistributables.
    - Added SDK Developer's Guide and Installation Guide - see ./doc/html/index.html.
    - Added several examples demonstrating conversion using SDK.
    - Enabled automatic linking with SDK libraries when compiling on Windows.
    - Added support of transformations associated with subshapes into mesher, to prevent
      crashes that previously may happen during export to X3D, VRML or STL.
    ACIS-SAT format:
    - Enabled multi-threaded conversion on multi-core systems
    - Fixed parsing of rbblnsur (rolling ball blend) surfaces for SAT format versions
    - Added support of free vertices (not belonging to edges) into exporter.
    - Increased robustness to corner cases - empty (sub)shapes, Open CASCADE shapes with
      internal or external orientation.
    - Added support of torii with zero uv-direction into importer.
    - Added support of edges shared by more than 2 faces into exporter.
    - Added support of name attributes into importer and exporter.
    - Fixed export of colors and names from XDE assemblies.
    - Changed ACIS_AttrWriter API to not depend on Open CASCADE.
    - Dynamic library renamed from ACISOCC to CadExACIS for consistency with other formats.
    STL format:
    - SDK now produces smaller ASCII files due to more compact form of the vertex and normals
    - GUI: Fixed bug of writing incorrect number triangles when exporting surface models into
      binary STL format.
    VRML format:
    - Fixed bug of potential memory corruption that could lead to a crash.
    X3D format:
    - Added as new format. Currently has export only (see X3D_Writer).
    - Fixed regression in RC1 that prevented app start on systems without Visual Studio 2005
      RTM run-time.

Beta Update 2 Public (build 423), Jan 2010
    - Added Command Line Interface (CLI) mode which enables translation in batch mode. Start
      'CAD Exchanger Command Prompt' from the Start menu or invoke 'ExchangerConv.exe --help'
      to get usage details.
    - Added CAD Exchanger Software Development Kit (SDK) which enables integration of CAD
      Exchanger software libraries into customer applications. For details please contact
    - Improved performance of computation of surface model triangulations; this affects import,
      changing display modes and changing triangulation precision operations. Additional gain
      can be received on multi-core systems due to execution in parallel threads.
    - Slightly improved visual settings for more stylish appearance of 3D models.
    - Added export of 3D view contents to PNG and BMP formats.
    - Added option to apply multi-threading for computation-intensive algorithms (currently
      affects triangulation computation only).
    ACIS-SAT format:
    - Added support of colors to import and export.
    - Exporter now has a user-defined option to specify target ACIS format version (from 2.0
      to 20.0)

Beta Update 2 Invitational (build 371), Dec 2009
    ACIS-SAT format:
    - Added support for transformations with reflection, shear and scaling.
    - Added support for variable radius blend surfaces with round_chamfer and rotated_ellipse
      radius types.
    - Added processing of blend support of the blendsupzro type.
    - Improved processing of coedges using pcurves sub-ranges and/or when 3d curve and pcurve
      use different parametrization ranges

Beta Update 2 Invitational (build 359), Nov 2009
    - Fixed a bug of losing gradient background in 3D view after closing a
      neighbor document
    - Improved performance of importers and exporters.
    - ACIS-SAT: added ACIS-SAT import and export. Current scope includes geometry
      only. For additional limitations refer to Release Notes.
    - STL: fixed bug in writing binary files which prevented correct reading by
      some STL viewers.

Beta Update 1, Jul 2009
    - New display mode - triangulation. Displays underlying triangulation of
      surface models; equivalent to wireframe mode for mesh models.
    - Ability to change precision of the surface models triangulation. This
      parameter affects visualization quality and conversion of the surface
      models into mesh formats (such as STL, VRML, etc)
    - VRML 2.0 (1997) export is now supported. Current scope includes
      geometry only.
    - BRep importer now always ignores stored triangulation and uses
      user-defined value of the triangulation precision.
    - BRep and STL exporters now do not export hidden models (i.e. unchecked
      in the Model Explorer). IGES and STEP exporters still export them.
    - Automatic checking for updates. User will be automatically notified when
      new product releases become available.
    - Skipping invisible (blank) entities when importing IGES files at user's

Beta, Apr 2009
    - Initial release

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