Visual Assist v10.9.2508 Crack

Visual Assist,Filling Gaps in Visual Studio for C/C++ and C# Developers

Fast Navigation
Move about your code with newfound ease—to any file, method, symbol, or reference in your projects and solutions. Get anywhere from anywhere.

The navigation features of Visual Assist, like the other types of features, are entirely new to the IDE, improve built-in functionality, or in a few instances, apply only to older IDEs.

Develop games faster & easier in Visual Studio C++
Go beyond the limitations of Visual Studio with Visual Assist’s tailored features and support for Unreal Engine 4 & 5. Experience context-aware suggestions, snappy performance, and minimal loading time even in large game projects.

Read what our users say about us:::
Mark T.
Senior Software Engineer
"If I lose my hands I could type with my mouth. Take my VA and I'm done."
It doesn't write the code for me, but it provides the tools for me to write it faster and better. I'm getting to really like the VA Code Inspection and the Extract Method really helps.

Ryan V.
Game Director
"Visual Assist is absolutely essential."
Visual Assist is absolutely needed for professional programming in Visual Studio… The time saved through the use of these very basic things is quite incalculable to the point where there's just no reason for anyone to ever use Visual Studio without Visual Assist.

Enterprise Banking Developer
"Great software to code fast!"
I think VA does its core job best! Refactoring of code and which helps me tremendously with my projects. I can code faster and deliver faster. I think I am so addicted to the software that I cannot do without it even one day! And thats true!

Unreal Engine Developer
"Visual Assist is an absolute essential when it comes to working with large code bases."
Visual Assist drastically improves upon the built-in Intellisense system provided in Visual Studio. When using Visual Assist, I find that I spend much less time combing through Unreal Engine code as well as my own. The 'Search for Symbol' feature also allows filtering out engine code in order to quickly find symbols within my own code.

Victor I.
C++ Developer
"Good performance on large projects, handy for everyday workflow."
The most performant solution among several alternatives I've tried on a large project.

Saman K.
Animation Artist
"A real assistant."
Fewer errors, less googling, and less confusion. It provides what I expect from a modern IntelliSense.

What's New in Visual Assist
Great stuff happens all the time.
Check out what we've released recently in our steady stream of new features, support for IDE revisions, and important bug fixes.

Still want to download our previous releases?
General Release Build 2023.5 (2502)
Requires active software maintenance through general release date: 2023.09.07

NEW Support for custom precompiled header files to new intelligent Add Include logic.
VA 2023.4 is now available for public download! This release follows the cadence of alternating between big and small releases—largely influenced by the timing of important bug fixes or highly sought after requests.

This release’s highlights are two major bug fixes affecting Visual Studio’s solution startups and code inspections. In fact, this release has been expedited specifically to address these two issues. One was a regression in Visual Studio 2008 and 2005, and the second was introduced by a recent Visual Studio update—2022.17.7. Last time an issue was introduced with a point release of Visual Studio we were slower to react; we are specifically noting that we have a policy of swift resolution to these sorts of issues and this release is an example.

And a new feature has also been added: users can now set custom precompiled header files For added context, new projects in Visual Studio can come with precompiled header files. The main purpose of which is to prevent bottlenecks associated with having to compile with too many includes, especially in large projects.

Precompiled header files should be included first, and Visual Assist’s recently-added intelligent Add Include logic will now take that into account.

Overall, another compact release but should be beneficial to those who are power users of the aforementioned features.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed crash on solution load in Visual Studio 2008 and 2005.
Fixed issue where Code Inspections would not function correctly in Visual Studio 2022 17.7+

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