2015113022PM-How to make a local database upto the latest FA datamodels and packages

NOTICE: You should know what you are doing before you run the following commands. Otherwise, all previously applied backend FA data models and packages would be wiped out with the unwanted latest datamodel/code from ADE.
1) You will need to make sure you are in ADE view before you run the scripts.
2) Create the following two scripts in your local directory.

Here are the scripts to create a full manifest file for the latest FA datamodels and packages from ADE:

prefix=`echo "$SRCHOME"/`
find $SRCHOME/fusionapps/ic/components/ -name "*.sequence" > $HOME/latest_datamodels_temp.txt
find $SRCHOME/fusionapps/ic/components/ -name "*.table" >> $HOME/latest_datamodels_temp.txt
find $SRCHOME/fusionapps/ic/components/ -name "*.view" >> $HOME/latest_datamodels_temp.txt
find $SRCHOME/fusionapps/ic/ -name "*SD.xml" > $HOME/latest_sd_temp.txt
find $SRCHOME/fusionapps/ic/ -iname "*.pkh" > $HOME/latest_packages_temp.txt
find $SRCHOME/fusionapps/ic/ -iname "*.pkb" >> $HOME/latest_packages_temp.txt

sed 's:'$prefix'::' < $HOME/latest_datamodels_temp.txt > $HOME/latest_datamodels.manifest
rm $HOME/latest_datamodels_temp.txt

sed 's:'$prefix'::' < $HOME/latest_sd_temp.txt > $HOME/latest_sd.manifest
rm $HOME/latest_sd_temp.txt

sed 's:'$prefix'::' < $HOME/latest_packages_temp.txt > $HOME/latest_packages.manifest
rm $HOME/latest_packages_temp.txt


3) Apply FPR using the newly created manifest files:

latest_packages.manifest and latest_datamodels.manifest


fpr -envsid ahl_dit -requestmode applyfiles -source FUSIONAPPS_11. -m $HOME/latest_datamodels.manifest
fpr -envsid ahl_dit -requestmode applyfiles -source FUSIONAPPS_11. -m $HOME/latest_sd.manifest
fpr -envsid ahl_dit -requestmode applyfiles -source FUSIONAPPS_11. -m $HOME/latest_packages.manifest

Check your FPR requests in http://fre.us.oracle.com:7777/cgi-bin/fprScheduler?scope=env&req=home

and ensure that they are completed successfully.

4) Also - Make sure to run the following script to verify that all plsql packages are VALID.

select object_name, status
,to_char(last_ddl_time,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') last_ddl_time
from dba_objects
where owner='FUSION'
and (object_name like 'FA%'
or object_name like 'UT_FA%')
and status = 'INVALID'

If there's no returned row, that means 'No Invalid objects found' and you are good to GO!

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To convert a DOCX file with images and tables to an HTML file using docx4j, you can modify the previous code example as follows: ```java import org.docx4j.Docx4J; import org.docx4j.convert.out.HTMLSettings; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage; import org.docx4j.utils.ResourceUtils; public class DocxToHtmlConverter { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Load the DOCX file WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = Docx4J.load(new File("input.docx")); // Setup HTML conversion options HTMLSettings htmlSettings = Docx4J.createHTMLSettings(); htmlSettings.setWmlPackage(wordMLPackage); // Specify the image path to embed images in the HTML String imageFilePath = "images/"; htmlSettings.setImageDirPath(imageFilePath); htmlSettings.setImageTargetUri(imageFilePath); // Convert the DOCX to HTML String htmlOutput = Docx4J.toHTML(htmlSettings, wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart()); // Save the HTML output to a file FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File("output.html"), htmlOutput, "UTF-8"); // Save embedded images to disk ResourceUtils.saveResources(wordMLPackage, imageFilePath); } } ``` In this modified code: 1. Specify the image directory path using `setImageDirPath()`. In this example, it is set to "images/". 2. Set the image target URI using `setImageTargetUri()` to ensure that the correct image path is referenced in the generated HTML. 3. After converting to HTML, save the embedded images to disk using `ResourceUtils.saveResources()` method. Make sure to replace "input.docx" with the path to your actual input DOCX file and "output.html" with the desired output HTML file path. When running this code, the resulting HTML file will contain the converted content from the DOCX file, including images and tables. The images will be saved in the specified image directory path.




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