
VedioView是android API中一个已经封装完成的播放控件,该控件的源码中显示

文中代码无特殊解释都为VideoView 中源码

public class VideoView extends SurfaceView
        implements MediaPlayerControl, SubtitleController.Anchor {

... ...




    public interface MediaPlayerControl {
        void    start();
        void    pause();
        int     getDuration();
        int     getCurrentPosition();
        void    seekTo(int pos);
        boolean isPlaying();
        int     getBufferPercentage();
        boolean canPause();
        boolean canSeekBackward();
        boolean canSeekForward();

         * Get the audio session id for the player used by this VideoView. This can be used to
         * apply audio effects to the audio track of a video.
         * @return The audio session, or 0 if there was an error.
        int     getAudioSessionId();

</pre><pre name="code" class="java">
    public void start() {
        if (isInPlaybackState()) {
            mCurrentState = STATE_PLAYING;
        mTargetState = STATE_PLAYING;
//void pause();视频暂停,同样由<span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">MediaPlayer的实例暂停   @Override
    public void pause() {
        if (isInPlaybackState()) {
            if (mMediaPlayer.isPlaying()) {
                mCurrentState = STATE_PAUSED;
        mTargetState = STATE_PAUSED;


    public int getDuration() {
        if (isInPlaybackState()) {
            return mMediaPlayer.getDuration();

        return -1;


    public int getCurrentPosition() {
        if (isInPlaybackState()) {
            return mMediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition();
        return 0;

seekTo(int msec);进度跳转

    public void seekTo(int msec) {
        if (isInPlaybackState()) {
            mSeekWhenPrepared = 0;
        } else {
            mSeekWhenPrepared = msec;


    public boolean isPlaying() {
        return isInPlaybackState() && mMediaPlayer.isPlaying();


    public int getBufferPercentage() {
        if (mMediaPlayer != null) {
            return mCurrentBufferPercentage;
        return 0;
            mCurrentBufferPercentage = 0;
    private MediaPlayer.OnBufferingUpdateListener mBufferingUpdateListener =
        new MediaPlayer.OnBufferingUpdateListener() {
        public void onBufferingUpdate(MediaPlayer mp, int percent) {
            mCurrentBufferPercentage = percent;
那么可以看出mCurrentBufferPercentage是由MediaPlayer中的interface OnBufferingUpdateListener获得


     * Interface definition of a callback to be invoked indicating buffering
     * status of a media resource being streamed over the network.
    public interface OnBufferingUpdateListener
         * Called to update status in buffering a media stream received through
         * progressive HTTP download. The received buffering percentage
         * indicates how much of the content has been buffered or played.
         * For example a buffering update of 80 percent when half the content
         * has already been played indicates that the next 30 percent of the
         * content to play has been buffered.
         * @param mp      the MediaPlayer the update pertains to
         * @param percent the percentage (0-100) of the content
         *                that has been buffered or played thus far
        void onBufferingUpdate(MediaPlayer mp, int percent);

        boolean canPause();
        boolean canSeekBackward();
        boolean canSeekForward();

 MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener mPreparedListener = new MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener() {
        public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp) {
            mCurrentState = STATE_PREPARED;

            // Get the capabilities of the player for this stream
            Metadata data = mp.getMetadata(MediaPlayer.METADATA_ALL,

            if (data != null) {
                mCanPause = !data.has(Metadata.PAUSE_AVAILABLE)
                        || data.getBoolean(Metadata.PAUSE_AVAILABLE);
                mCanSeekBack = !data.has(Metadata.SEEK_BACKWARD_AVAILABLE)
                        || data.getBoolean(Metadata.SEEK_BACKWARD_AVAILABLE);
                mCanSeekForward = !data.has(Metadata.SEEK_FORWARD_AVAILABLE)
                        || data.getBoolean(Metadata.SEEK_FORWARD_AVAILABLE);
            } else {
                mCanPause = mCanSeekBack = mCanSeekForward = true;

由代码中看出,这些值是由Metadata中直接带有的属性Metadata的实列化是在MediaPlayer中的public Metadata getMetadata(final boolean update_only,
                                final boolean apply_filter)方法获得:一下代码为MediaPlayer中源码

     * @param update_only If true fetch only the set of metadata that have
     *                    changed since the last invocation of getMetadata.
     *                    The set is built using the unfiltered
     *                    notifications the native player sent to the
     *                    MediaPlayerService during that period of
     *                    time. If false, all the metadatas are considered.
     * @param apply_filter  If true, once the metadata set has been built based on
     *                     the value update_only, the current filter is applied.
     * @param reply[out] On return contains the serialized
     *                   metadata. Valid only if the call was successful.
     * @return The status code.
    private native final boolean native_getMetadata(boolean update_only,
                                                    boolean apply_filter,
                                                    Parcel reply);
     * Gets the media metadata.
     * @param update_only controls whether the full set of available
     * metadata is returned or just the set that changed since the
     * last call. See {@see #METADATA_UPDATE_ONLY} and {@see
     * #METADATA_ALL}.
     * @param apply_filter if true only metadata that matches the
     * filter is returned. See {@see #APPLY_METADATA_FILTER} and {@see
     * @return The metadata, possibly empty. null if an error occured.
     // FIXME: unhide.
     * {@hide}
    public Metadata getMetadata(final boolean update_only,
                                final boolean apply_filter) {
        Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();
        Metadata data = new Metadata();

        if (!native_getMetadata(update_only, apply_filter, reply)) {
            return null;

        // Metadata takes over the parcel, don't recycle it unless
        // there is an error.
        if (!data.parse(reply)) {
            return null;
        return data;




   Class to hold the media's metadata.  Metadata are used
   for human consumption and can be embedded in the media (e.g
   shoutcast) or available from an external source. The source can be
   local (e.g thumbnail stored in the DB) or remote.

   Metadata is like a Bundle. It is sparse and each key can occur at
   most once. The key is an integer and the value is the actual metadata.

   The caller is expected to know the type of the metadata and call
   the right get* method to fetch its value.
   @deprecated Use {@link MediaMetadata}.
@Deprecated public class Metadata
    // The metadata are keyed using integers rather than more heavy
    // weight strings. We considered using Bundle to ship the metadata
    // between the native layer and the java layer but dropped that
    // option since keeping in sync a native implementation of Bundle
    // and the java one would be too burdensome. Besides Bundle uses
    // String for its keys.
    // The key range [0 8192) is reserved for the system.
    // We manually serialize the data in Parcels. For large memory
    // blob (bitmaps, raw pictures) we use MemoryFile which allow the
    // client to make the data purge-able once it is done with it.

     * {@hide}
    public static final int ANY = 0;  // Never used for metadata returned, only for filtering.
                                      // Keep in sync with kAny in MediaPlayerService.cpp

    // Playback capabilities.
     * Indicate whether the media can be paused
    public static final int PAUSE_AVAILABLE         = 1; // Boolean
     * Indicate whether the media can be backward seeked
    public static final int SEEK_BACKWARD_AVAILABLE = 2; // Boolean
     * Indicate whether the media can be forward seeked
    public static final int SEEK_FORWARD_AVAILABLE  = 3; // Boolean
     * Indicate whether the media can be seeked
    public static final int SEEK_AVAILABLE          = 4; // Boolean

    // TODO: Should we use numbers compatible with the metadata retriever?
     * {@hide}

OK,现在确定了视频资源的是否可以暂停,拖动的值是哪里来的了. 此处JNI的分析会在下一篇文章中详细解释。


    public int getAudioSessionId() {
        if (mAudioSession == 0) {
            MediaPlayer foo = new MediaPlayer();
            mAudioSession = foo.getAudioSessionId();
        return mAudioSession;






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