Using the Flex Compilers Flex编译器的使用 第二部分

关于 component 编译器

你可以用component编译器来生成swc文件(from component source files and other asset files such as images and style sheets.)swc文件是一个archive of Flex components and other assets.For more information about SWC files, see About SWC files.

在某些方面,component编译器同application编译器类似The application compiler produces a SWF file from one or more MXML and ActionScript files; the component compiler produces a SWC file from its input files.swc文件是一个包含swf(library.swf),assets files,和catalog.xml文件. 



 SWC files also contain the namespace information that describe the contents of the SWC file. For more information about component libraries, see About SWC files.

Run-time Shared libraries :RSLs are external shared assets that can be separately downloaded and cached on the client. These shared assets are loaded by any number of applications at run time. For more information on RSLs, see Using Runtime Shared Libraries.

Themes.Themes are a combination of graphical and programmatic skins, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). You use themes to define the look and feel of a Flex application. For more information on themes, see Using Styles and Themes in Adobe Flex 3 Developer Guide.


Flex Builder Library Project compiler. 

Flex Builder uses the component compiler when you create a Library Project. (The application compiler is used for Flex Projects and ActionScript Projects). For more information, see Using the Flex Builder component compiler.

The compc command-line compiler. 

You open the compc compiler from the command line to create a SWC file. For more information, see Using the compc component compiler.

The component compiler has many of the same options as the application compilers, as described in About the application compiler options. The component compiler has additional options as described in About the component compiler options.

Like the application compiler, you can use the load-config option to point the component compiler to a configuration file, rather than specify command-line options or set the options in the Flex Library Compiler dialog box.

When you compile a SWC file, store the new file in a location that is not the same as the source files. If both sets of files are accessible by Flex when you compile your application, unexpected behavior can occur. 

The SWC files that are produced by the component compilers do not require an HTML wrapper because they are used as themes, RSLs, or component libraries that are input to other compilers to create Flex applications. You never deploy a SWC file that users can request directly.

Using the Flex Builder component compiler

You use the component compiler in Flex Builder to create SWC files. You do this by setting up a Flex Library Project using the New Library Project command. You add MXML and ActionScript components, style sheets, SWF files, and other assets to the project.

To open the Flex Builder component compiler, select Project > Build Project for your Flex Library Project.

You edit the compiler settings by using the settings on the Project > Properties > Flex Library Compiler dialog box. Using the Additional Compiler Arguments field in this dialog box, you can set compiler options as if you were using the command-line compiler. For information about the syntax for setting options in the Flex Library Compiler dialog box, see About the command-line compilers.

You can set the value of some options using the GUI controls. To set the resource options in the Flex Library Build Path dialog box, select Project > Properties > Flex Library Build Path.

Flex Builder does not expose a default configuration file to set compiler options but you can create your own and pass it to the compiler with the load-config option. For more information on setting compiler options with configuration files, see About configuration files.

Using the compc component compiler

You use the compc command-line compiler to compile SWC files from MXML, ActionScript, and other source files such as style sheets, images, and SWF files.

You can open the compc compiler as a shell script and executable file for use on Windows and UNIX systems. It is in the flex_install_dir/bin directory in Flex SDK.

To use the compc compiler, you should understand how to pass options and use configuration files. For more information, see About the command-line compilers.

The syntax of the compc compiler is as follows:

compc [options] -include-classes class [...]

The default option for compc is include-classes. At least one of the "include-" options is required.

To see a list of supported options for compc, you can use the help list option, as the following example shows:

compc -help list

The compc compiler uses the default compiler settings in the flex-config.xml file. Like the application compiler, you can change these settings or use another custom configuration file. Unlike the application compiler, however, the component compiler does not support the use of default configuration files.

You cannot use the compc compiler to create a SWC file from a FLA file or other file created in the Adobe® Flash® authoring environment.

You can also open the compc compiler with the java command on the command line. For more information, see Invoking the command-line compilers with Java.


You use the mxmlc and compc command-line compilers to compile your MXML and AS files into SWF and SWC files. You can use the utilities to precompile Flex applications that you want to deploy on another server or to automate compilation in a testing environment.

To use the command-line compilers, you must have a Java run-time environment in your system path.

For Flex SDK, the command-line compilers are located in the flex_install_dir/bin directory. For Flex Builder, the compilers are located in the flex_builder_install_dir/sdks/sdk_version/bin directory.


数据治理是确保数据准确性、可靠性、安全性、可用性和完整性的体系和框架。它定义了组织内部如何使用、存储、保护和共享数据的规则和流程。数据治理的重要性随着数字化转型的加速而日益凸显,它能够提高决策效率、增强业务竞争力、降低风险,并促进业务创新。有效的数据治理体系可以确保数据在采集、存储、处理、共享和保护等环节的合规性和有效性。 数据质量管理是数据治理中的关键环节,它涉及数据质量评估、数据清洗、标准化和监控。高质量的数据能够提升业务决策的准确性,优化业务流程,并挖掘潜在的商业价值。随着大数据和人工智能技术的发展,数据质量管理在确保数据准确性和可靠性方面的作用愈发重要。企业需要建立完善的数据质量管理和校验机制,并通过数据清洗和标准化提高数据质量。 数据安全与隐私保护是数据治理中的另一个重要领域。随着数据量的快速增长和互联网技术的迅速发展,数据安全与隐私保护面临前所未有的挑战。企业需要加强数据安全与隐私保护的法律法规和技术手段,采用数据加密、脱敏和备份恢复等技术手段,以及加强培训和教育,提高安全意识和技能水平。 数据流程管理与监控是确保数据质量、提高数据利用率、保护数据安全的重要环节。有效的数据流程管理可以确保数据流程的合规性和高效性,而实时监控则有助于及时发现并解决潜在问题。企业需要设计合理的数据流程架构,制定详细的数据管理流程规范,并运用数据审计和可视化技术手段进行监控。 数据资产管理是将数据视为组织的重要资产,通过有效的管理和利用,为组织带来经济价值。数据资产管理涵盖数据的整个生命周期,包括数据的创建、存储、处理、共享、使用和保护。它面临的挑战包括数据量的快速增长、数据类型的多样化和数据更新的迅速性。组织需要建立完善的数据管理体系,提高数据处理和分析能力,以应对这些挑战。同时,数据资产的分类与评估、共享与使用规范也是数据资产管理的重要组成部分,需要制定合理的标准和规范,确保数据共享的安全性和隐私保护,以及建立合理的利益分配和权益保障机制。




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