java thread programming 1.5 - Gracefully Stopping Threads

While one thread is running, another thread can interrupt it by invoking its corresponding Thread object’s interrupt() method:
public void interrupt()
This method simply sets a flag in the destination thread indicating that it has been interrupted and returns right away. It is possible that a SecurityException will be thrown by interrupt(), indicating that the thread requesting the interrupt does not have permission to interrupt the other thread. The security check is done by invoking the checkAccess() method on Thread, which in turn checks whether a SecurityManager has been installed, and if so, invokes its checkAccess(Thread) method. An in-depth exploration of security in Java is beyond the scope of this book, but you should note that some methods of Thread and ThreadGroup could throw SecurityExceptions.
You can check the interrupted status of any thread by invoking the isInterrupted() method on the Thread object:
public boolean isInterrupted()
This does not alter the status, but simply returns true if the thread has been interrupted and its interrupted flag has not yet been cleared.
You can use the Thread.interrupted() method to check (and implicitly reset to false) the interrupted status of the current thread:
public static boolean interrupted()
Because it is static, it cannot be invoked on a particular thread, but can only report the interrupted status of the thread that invoked it. This method returns true if the thread has been interrupted and its interrupted flag has not yet been cleared. Unlike isInterrupted(), it automatically resets the interrupted flag to false. Invoking Thread.interrupted() a second time would always return false unless the thread was reinterrupted. Listing 5.4 shows an example of how you can use Thread.interrupted().
Deprecated Methods suspend() and resume()
The Thread API contains two deprecated methods that are used to temporarily stop and later restart a thread:
public final void suspend()
public final void resume()
Methods and classes are deprecated by Sun Microsystems to indicate that developers should avoid using them. A deprecated method can still be used, but when the code is compiled, a warning is issued. Deprecation is used to indicate a method or class is obsolete or dangerous and may be removed from future releases of the JDK. Although you may still use deprecated methods, you should use them sparingly and only when absolutely necessary.
@Deprecation 表明此方法不推荐使用,在jdk将来版本可能会被剔出
The suspend() method is deprecated as of JDK 1.2 because if a thread is suspended at an inopportune time—such as when it is holding a lock for a shared resource—a deadlock condition may result. I explain and demonstrate deadlocks in Chapter 7, “Concurrent Access to Objects and Variables,” but let it suffice to say for now that a deadlock is a very bad thing and can cause a program to freeze up on a user. Even when locks are not involved, a thread might be suspended while in the middle of a long procedure that really should not be left in a partially completed state. The resume() method is deprecated because without any use of suspend(), it is not needed.
1、  当线程占有某些共享资源时,将其挂起,很容易造成死锁,
2、  当执行某些不能被部分完成的大操作时,线程可能会被挂起
Deprecated Method stop()
At times, one of the additional threads spawned in a multithreaded program is no longer needed, but it continues to execute statements—perhaps in an infinite loop. The Thread API includes a stop() method to abruptly terminate a thread’s execution:
public final void stop()
When this method is invoked on a thread, the thread immediately throws a java.lang.ThreadDeath error (a subclass of java.lang.Error, which itself is a subclass of java.lang.Throwable). This exception propagates up the method call stack, executing any finally clauses present and releasing any locks that are currently held. Ultimately, this exception causes run() to abruptly return, and the thread dies.
调用stop()方法时,线程会立刻抛出ThreadDeath error(java.lang.Error的子类,java.lang.Error本身是java.lang.Throwable的子类),线程会释放所有锁,run()立刻返回,线程死亡
The stop() method is deprecated as of JDK 1.2 because it can lead to corrupted data in objects. One problem is that when a thread is stopped abruptly, there is little opportunity to perform any cleanup work. Another problem is that when stop() is invoked on a thread, the thread releases all the locks it is currently holding. The locks are definitely being held for a good reason—probably to keep other threads from accessing data elements that are not yet in a consistent state. This sudden release of the locks may leave some data in some objects in an inconsistent state with no warning about the possible corruption. In many cases, there are other ways to have a thread return from run() in an orderly manner that leaves all objects in a consistent state.
1、  当一个线程被粗暴中止,可能还没有进行清除工作
2、  锁机制就是防止访问共同资源其他线程处于不连续状态,线程被stop之后,会释放其拥有所有锁,造成其它线程不连续
An Alternative to stop():变通方法
 * Created on 2005-7-8
 * Java Thread Programming - Paul Hyde
 * Copyright ? 1999 Sams Publishing
 * Jonathan Q. Bo 学习笔记
package org.tju.msnrl.jonathan.thread.chapter1;
 * @author Jonathan Q. Bo from TJU MSNRL
 * Enjoy Life with Sun!
public class AlternateStop implements Runnable {
    private Thread runThread;
       private volatile boolean stopRequest;
     * @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
    public void run() {
        this.runThread = Thread.currentThread();
        stopRequest = false;
        int counter = 0;
            System.out.println("running ... ... count = " + counter);
            }catch(InterruptedException e){
    public void stopThread(){
        this.stopRequest = true;
        if(this.runThread != null){
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AlternateStop at = new AlternateStop();
        Thread newThread = new Thread(at);
        }catch(InterruptedException e){
Daemon Threads
Threads that are marked as daemons stop in a whole new way. Daemon threads are used for background supporting tasks and are only needed while normal, nondaemon threads are still running. When the VM detects that the only remaining threads are daemon threads, it exits. If any nondaemon thread is still alive, the VM will not exit. Daemon threads provide a nice way of managing some sort of behind-the-scenes processing that is only necessary to support other nondaemon threads.
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