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原创 java中的数组与集合的排序

java中的数组与集合的排序两种需要排序的对象:数组和集合1、集合java.util.Collections类提供了排序方法sort();static voidsort(List list)           Sorts the specified list into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elemen

2005-11-29 11:21:00 3951

转载 Fixing AJAX: XMLHttpRequest

  Livids Paranoid - nerds substance - Fixing AJAX: XMLHttpRequest   Fixing AJAX: XMLHttpRequesthttp://www.xml.com/pub/a/2005/11/09/fixing-ajax-xmlhttprequest-considered-harmful.htmlAJAX applications

2005-11-27 12:04:00 1000

转载 一个用于J2EE应用程序的Backbase Ajax前端

  动态HTML技术已经出现了多年。最近,Google的最新Web应用程序GMail、Google Suggests和Google Maps,在前端页面中重新引入了基于标准的DHTML开发模型。Google证明了,DHTML开发模型能够让开发人员创建具有可视化吸引力和高度交互式的Rich Internet Application(丰富网络应用程序,RIA)。  Adaptive Path公司的Je

2005-11-27 11:59:00 1829

转载 Ajax简介

  作为J2EE开发人员,我们似乎经常关注“后端机制(backend mechanics)”。我们通常会忘记,J2EE的主要成功之处在Web应用程序方面;许多原因使得人们喜欢利用Web开发应用程序,但主要还是因为其易于部署的特点允许站点以尽可能低的成本拥有上百万的用户。遗憾的是,在过去几年中,我们在后端投入了太多的时间,而在使我们的Web用户界面对用户自然和响应灵敏方面却投入不足。  本文介绍一种

2005-11-27 11:55:00 708

转载 A Simpler Ajax Path

本文引用自 http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2005/05/19/xmlhttprequest.htmlby Matthew Eernisse05/19/2005 I began working with web applications back in the bad old days, when making an application behave l

2005-11-27 11:52:00 2375

转载 Ajax Mistakes

huge amount of UI problems as well as server side state problems and server load problems. I’ve compiled a list of the many mistakes developers using Ajax often make.Here’s the original post on my blo

2005-11-27 11:45:00 1012

转载 Fixing the Back Button and Enabling Bookmarking for AJAX Apps

by Mike Stenhousepublished 13 June 2005The problemEveryones favourite AJAX technology app is Google Maps. Google have done a stunning job... But when I came to try to bookmark a page and I had to hun

2005-11-27 11:43:00 1386

转载 Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications

by Jesse James GarrettFebruary 18, 2005If anything about current interaction design can be called “glamorous,” it’s creating Web applications. After all, when was the last time you heard someone rave

2005-11-27 11:40:00 1052

转载 AJAX Patterns: Design Patterns for AJAX Usability

I’ve been putting together some AJAX design patterns.Update (May 15, 2005): I’ve set up AJAXPatterns.org to keep working on these patterns. I’ve also cleaned up a couple of things here, although all f

2005-11-27 11:38:00 1412

转载 AJAX and scripting Web services with E4X, Part 2

Get a further introduction to E4X in the second part of this two-part article. E4X, ECMAScript for XML, a simple extension to JavaScript that makes XML scripting very simple. In Part 1, we demonstrate

2005-11-27 11:35:00 1437

转载 AJAX and scripting Web services with E4X, Part 1

Get an introduction to ECMAScript for XML (E4X), a simple extension to JavaScript that makes XML scripting very simple. In this paper, the authors demonstrate a Web programming model called Asynchrono

2005-11-27 11:33:00 1506

转载 AJAX:Getting Started

AJAX:Getting StartedFrom MDCMain Page > AJAX > Getting StartedThis article guides you through the AJAX basics and gives you two simple hands-on examples to get you started. Contents[hide]1 Whats AJAX

2005-11-27 11:28:00 1055

转载 AJAX基础教程

这篇文章将带您浏览整个AJAX的基本概貌,并展示两个简单的例子让您轻松上路.   什么是 AJAX?   AJAX (异步 JavaScript 和 XML) 是个新产生的术语,专为描述JavaScript的两项强大性能.这两项性能在多年来一直被网络开发者所忽略,直到最近Gmail, Google suggest和google Maps的横空出世才使人们开始意识到其重要性.   这两项被忽视的性能

2005-11-27 11:26:00 670

转载 操纵java数组

如果你做过很多java程序,你可能对java集合类很熟悉,例如Vector和ArrayList。你可以创建一个集合并向其中增加元素:    List lst = new ArrayList();    lst.add(new Integer(37));在这个特殊的范例中,一个整型值37用于构造一个Integer封装类对象,然后那个对象被加入到列表。这个简单的范例展示集合的一个基础-他们用于操纵一列

2005-11-27 11:15:00 818

Spring in Practice (非扫描清晰英文版)

Spring in Practice (非扫描清晰英文版)。非常实用,必读!


Distributed Computing Principle,Algorithms and Systems 清晰非扫描版

Distributed Computing Principle,Algorithms and Systems,清晰非扫描版


J2EE Web Service

J2EE Web Service. scdjws认证教材。


Head First Servlet & JSP

Head First Servlet & JSP, 经典教程,适用于SCWCD,我就是用这本书98%通过认证。本人注释版,非扫描。



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