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原创 为钱服务的互联网独角兽,打得是你死我活的流量战争。


2018-04-24 20:31:56 198

原创 极简の机器学习介绍

最近重拾机器学习(machine learning)的一些基本概念,希望可以用在bots或者数据分析上。理了一下思路,写一篇介绍机器学习介绍短文。机器学习是人工智能的一个分支,其目的是为了教会计算机“学习”的能力。所谓“学习”,就是将已知的数据,转换为经验,进而能提供预测或者支持决定。机器学习已经成为了很多其他数据分析、图像文字处理,乃至类人机器等应用的重要前提。最近最有名的例子便是打败人类棋

2017-07-01 15:42:43 318

转载 Top 6 Ethical Issues in Artificial Intelligence

ByJulia BossmannOptimizing logistics, detecting fraud, composing art, conducting research, providing translations: intelligent machine systems are transforming our lives for the better. As these

2017-06-11 11:57:45 974

原创 Story 32-33

32. Electronic MoneyWhen we talked about ecommerce, we mentioned the electronic payment. Exchanging money and goods online has some new challenges and new forms in the Internet economy. Goods are st

2017-06-04 15:39:44 364

原创 Story 29-31

29. E-CommerceOn Monday, 11th November, it was reported that one of the leading eCommerce websites sold out billions of dollars’ worth of products within hours. If we are counting in the freight cos

2017-06-04 15:37:05 326

原创 Story 27-28

27. Expose Your LocationEver since my mobile phone has the location services, it is turned off. For one reason, it is quite power consuming. But more importantly,it exposes user’s privacy. (Check yo

2017-06-04 15:32:15 297

原创 Story 24-26

24. Go Paperless and Go GreenWhen I was in college, we were given a fixed amount of budget every semester for printing. If that wasn't enough, one could purchase some more to increase the quota. I h

2017-06-04 15:26:42 342

原创 R语言初学

这个星期学习一点R语言。对于有matlab编程基础的人来说不难。一个星期只是学了一些R语言的基础。初步的体会如下:R语言在数据结构上比Matlab更灵活,但因为其灵活性,也导致了更容易data manipulation的时候搞混。R的作图似乎简单方便,各种package也比较强大。当然因为它是免费的,更是没啥好抱怨的。据说R的运行效率一般,对于大规模的数据量(并行算法)不适合。我还没有遇到

2017-05-28 19:24:27 736

原创 EXCEL Data Model 和DAX

最近自学到了一些Excel新技能:之前用excel,做个财务报表、画个图,最多也就弄个pivot table。感觉也就如此了。想要高端一点的,肯定是要转化成CSV,然后Import进SQL,做成table了,好像才能有一些复杂的数据操作。而学到了Data Model和DAX之后,这个概念颠覆了。先做一下简单的对比,感受一下SQL和EXCEL的异同之处。数据操作对比:SQL vs EXC

2017-05-21 13:13:28 3102

原创 Watch Out for Malicious Messages


2017-05-15 13:58:42 271

原创 Stories 20-23

20. Wearable ComputingThanks to Google Glass, rumoured Apple iWatch, the recent released Samsung Galaxy Gear, we are witnessing wearable computing entering mainstream. This is foreseen as the next

2017-05-07 15:24:57 293

原创 Stories 15-18

15. GNU and CopyleftTalking about free software reminds me a talk I went to when I was in school. It was by Richard Stallman, the founder of the GNU project which includes many necessary tools lik

2017-05-07 15:14:31 326

原创 Stories 11-14

11. Being watchedAfter talking about how to prevent being hacked in many previous issues, I have to confess: there is always a big brother watching you, inevitably.Any of your internet footpri

2017-05-07 15:10:16 314

原创 Stories 9-10

9. QR CodeQuick response code (known as QR code) is a kind of two-dimensional coding schemes. Similar to its ancestor bar code, it was designed for automotive industry mainly used to identify and tr

2017-05-07 15:06:13 264

原创 Stories 6-8

Story No.6 Screen namesPasswords are the most private asset of your internet portfolio, while usernames are very much public.  They are both valuable. As the human interaction gets more and more wir

2017-05-07 14:40:15 296

原创 Stories 1-5

2013年,应邀帮一个同学的公众号写的小专栏文章。Story No.1“Long long time ago, there lived a king”.  Many years later, I still remember this piece from the textbook that my English teacher asked us to recite aga

2017-05-07 14:33:49 297

原创 共享单车算不算共享经济


2017-05-03 13:21:58 3261

原创 Choices of the Gadgets

It is closing to the end of the Financial year. I am still running for ideas to spend my this-year's gadget allowance. Here is a shortlist.self-flying hover camera. (i am not a selfie fan; so st

2017-05-02 11:59:20 453

原创 记又一次Hackthon

最近几年来,或者说自从谷歌变成了业界学习榜样之一,大公司就喜欢搞一些“工作”外的项目活动,比如什么innovation day,hackthon之类的来体现自己的逼格和心胸。A hackathon (also known as a hack day, hackfest or codefest) is a design sprint-like event in whichcomputer

2017-04-30 08:31:30 3888

原创 开张

今天开张了几件事:Uploaded my first GitHub project. 虽然早就有了github账号,但是没有上传过一丝代码。但今次被迫用了,理由见下一条。感觉比bitbucket好用,但是免费的就必须开放,这是tradeoff么?Setup my first MVC web app on Azure. 原来想用Visual Studio直接连接,或者至少可以publis

2017-04-24 09:08:47 305



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