Cisco IPPhone XML 技术文档

本文档详细介绍了Cisco IP Phone的各种XML对象,包括CiscoIPPhoneMenu、CiscoIPPhoneText、CiscoIPPhoneInput等,用于创建电话菜单、显示文本、输入表单等功能。每个对象的定义、属性和使用示例都有所涵盖,帮助开发者自定义IP电话的界面和交互。

• CiscoIPPhoneMenu

• CiscoIPPhoneText

• CiscoIPPhoneInput

• CiscoIPPhoneDirectory

• CiscoIPPhoneImage

• CiscoIPPhoneImageFile

• CiscoIPPhoneGraphicMenu

• CiscoIPPhoneGraphicFileMenu

• CiscoIPPhoneIconMenu

• CiscoIPPhoneIconFileMenu

• CiscoIPPhoneStatus

• CiscoIPPhoneStatusFile

• CiscoIPPhoneExecute

• CiscoIPPhoneResponse

• CiscoIPPhoneError




A menu on the phone comprises a list of text items, one per line. Users choose

individual menu items by using the same mechanisms that are used for built-in

menus in the phone as described in “Overview”.




<Title>Title text goes here</Title>

<Prompt>Prompt text goes here</Prompt>


<Name>The name of each menu item</Name>

<URL>The URL associated with the menu item</URL>



<Position>Numerical position of the soft key</Position>

<Name> Name of the soft key</Name>

<URL>URL of soft key</URL>



Note : The Name field under the <MenuItem> supports a maximum of 64 characters. This field can also accept two carriage returns to allow the MenuItem name to span three lines on the display.

The XML format allows you to specify a title and prompt that are used for the entire menu, followed by a sequence of MenuItem objects. Cisco IP Phones allow a maximum of 100 MenuItems. Each MenuItem includes a Name and an associated URL. When a menu is loaded, the phone behaves the same as for built-in phone menus. The user navigates through the list of menu items and eventually chooses one by using either the Select softkey or the DTMF keys. After the user chooses a menu option, the phone generates an HTTP request for the page with the URL or executes the uniform resource identifiers (URIs) that are associated with the menu item.



<Title>Message List</Title>

<Prompt>Two Messages</Prompt>


<Name>Message One</Name>




<Name>Message Two</Name>









<Position>1</Position> // If you choose one that is the first softkey buttons (from left to right),Can have up to five button.




The CiscoIPPhoneText XML object displays ordinary 8-bit ASCII text on the phone display. The <Text> message must not contain any control characters, except for carriage returns, line feeds, and tabs. The Cisco IP Phone firmware controls all other pagination and wordwrap issues.




<Title>Title text goes here</Title>

<Prompt>The prompt text goes here</Prompt>

<Text>The text to be displayed as the message body goes here</Text>


<Position>Numerical position of the soft key</Position>

<Name> Name of the soft key</Name>

<URL>URL of soft key</URL>



Two optional fields can appear in the XML message:

The first optional field, Title, defines text that displays at the top of the display page. If a Title is not specified, the Name field of the last chosen MenuItem displays in the Title field.

The second optional field, Prompt, defines text that displays at the bottom of the display page. If a Prompt is not specified, Cisco CallManager clears the prompt area of the display pane.

Many XML objects that are described in this document also have Title and

Prompt fields. These fields normally behave identically to behavior described in

this section.

Note : Non-XML Text: This document only describes the supported CiscoIPPhone XML objects. You can also deliver plain text via HTTP. Pages that are delivered as MIME type text/html behave exactly the same as XML pages of type CiscoIPPhoneText. One important difference is that you cannot include a title or prompt.

Note : Keypad navigation: Cisco IP Phones allow navigation to a specific line in a menu by pressing numeric DTMF keys. When a menu is on the display, the number for selecting the menu is on the left.

When normal text displays, the numbers do not display on the left side of the screen, but the navigation capability still exists. So, a carefully written text service display can take advantage of this capability.



<Text>This object has one softkey named "Custom"</Text>










When a Cisco IP Phone receives an XML object of type CiscoIPPhoneInput, it

constructs an input form and displays it. The user then enters data into each input

item and sends the parameters to the target URL. Figure 2-1 shows a sample

display that is receiving input from a user.




<Title>Directory title goes here</Title>

<Prompt>Prompt text goes here</Prompt>

<URL>The target URL for the completed input goes here</URL>


<DisplayName>Name of the input field to display</DisplayName>

<QueryStringParam>The parameter to be added to the target


<DefaultValue>The default display name</DefaultValue>

<InputFlags>The flag specifying the type of allowable




The Title and Prompt tags in the object delimit text are used in the same way as the identical fields in the other CiscoIPPhone XML objects. The URL tag delimits the URL to which the input results are sent. The actual HTTP request sent to this server specifies the URL with a list of parameters that are

appended to it as a query string. The parameters include Name/Value pairs, one for each input item.

Note CiscoIPPhoneInput objects do not use the HTTP POST method.

The InputItem tag delimits each item in the list. The number of InputItems must not exceed five. Each input item includes a DisplayName, which is the prompt that is written to the display for that particular item. Each item also has a QueryStringParam, which is the name of the parameter that is appended to the URL when it is sent out after input is complete. Each input item can also use the

DefaultValue tag to set the default value to be displayed.The final attribute for each input item comprises a set of InputFlags. The following table describes the input types that are currently defined.




Plain ASCII textuse the DTMF keypad to enter text that consists of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.


Telephone numberenter only DTMF digits for this field. The acceptable input includes numbers, #, and *.


Numericenter numbers as the only acceptable input.


Equationenter numbers and special math symbols.


Uppercaseenter uppercase letters as the only acceptable input.


Lowercaseenter lowercase letters as the only acceptable input.


Password fieldenter individual characters using the standard keypad-repeat entry mode. The system automatically converts accepted characters into an asterisk, keeping the entered value private.


Note P specifies the only InputFlag that works as a modifier. For example, specify a value of "AP" in the InputFlag field to use plain ASCII as the input type and to mask the input as a password by using an asterisk (*).


During text entry, Cisco IP Phones display softkeys to assist users with text entry.Users can navigate between fields with the vertical scroll button that is used to navigate menus, and so on.












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