


1. 要点概述

作者 Dan 在文中引用了一个读者来信,该读者在记忆代码知识时比较困难,问 Dan 有没有什么好的方法,比如记笔记之类的。

Dan 承认一开始接触编程的时候,也有这种记忆负担。他说道:

Programming is a “fractal” topic—you can keep drilling down deeper and deeper only to discover more and more complexity lurking under the surface.
编程是一个 “分形的” 话题,随着不停地深入钻研,你会发现隐藏于表面之下的是越来越多的复杂性。

对于此,Dan 有两个应对策略:

  • 策略一:公开发布关于编程的文章,有助于巩固知识

  • 策略二:在电脑上写简短的笔记
    Dan 用到了 SimpleNote 这个软件,同时也提到了 EverNote 和其他类似的笔记软件,它们都可以很好的完成这项任务。
    Dan 并没有在这种形式自由的速写笔记中花费很多时间,只要它们能支持全文本搜索即可。有时候他只是粘贴一段代码,然后在代码旁边放几个关键字,以便后期快速搜索。

2. 原文在此

Hey there,

Back when I was just getting started with programming, I couldn’t fathom how professional developers were able to keep all of the relevant information in their heads while coding.

Programming is a “fractal” topic—you can keep drilling down deeper and deeper only to discover more and more complexity lurking under the surface.

It’s hard to tell what’s important and what isn’t.

And things can start to feel overwhelming pretty fast…

It sounds like newsletter member Jon is feeling that same pressure right now.

He writes:

My biggest challenge is remembering all that I've learned (in terms of code). Do you keep notes of all the code bits/tricks that you learn? something to look back on?

P.S. I'm pretty much the person mentioned on your website, an intermediate Python programmer that isn't sure how to push to the next level. It seems like a lot of resources out there are dedicated to the absolute beginner.

Love your website!

I’ve been pondering this question for a while.

And what it comes down to is two “coping strategies” that I’ve developed over the years:

I found that writing publicly about programming topics really helps solidify my knowledge.

Writing a tutorial or a short article about some topic forces me to structure my thinking and ingrains the key points so that they’re easier to remember.

So many times I’ve gone back to tutorials I wrote on my website to refresh my memory.

And frankly, fear of embarrassment is a large part of why this technique works so well…

I still get a little tinge of fear in the back of my head every time I post a new article or YouTube video:

“What if I didn’t get this 100% right? What if someone calls me out on it? What if I’m not as smart as I like to think?” etc.

This is all “lizard brain” type stuff that I know doesn’t matter when I think about it rationally—but I think it helps me keep my edge and it helps me remember things.

The other thing that I do is I keep “shorthand” notes on my computer. I’m using an app/service called SimpleNote for that because it synchronizes with my phone, too.

But you could use a service like EverNote or your phone’s note taking app for the same purpose.

All you need is plain-text and good and fast full-text search for your notes.

I found that that’s the best way to locate information quickly.

Sometimes I’ll just copy and paste a code snippet and throw some “keywords” around it so I can find it again later.

Or I’ll put some links to relevant articles in there.

It’s a very free-form technique and I don’t invest a lot of time into taking these notes.

But I found they’re still very effective.

I think some people call this a “personal wiki.” But to me that would mean imposing a little more structure and taking the time to create proper hierarchies.

For my “shorthand” note taking system I like to keep it fast and lose and to rely on full-text search.

And it’s worked out well so far.

Happy Pythoning!

— Dan Bader

完成于 2019.1.14

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四年专业英语单词快速记忆经验,一年时间精心打造“编程语言快速记忆手册”,第一版的编程语言快速记忆手册,里面共收录了4345个和编程,计算机相关的英语单词,并给出了理解学单词里的,独特的英语单词快速记忆法。 让您快速掌握编程里面所涉及到的所有英语单词,不再为编程时有不认识的英语单词而苦恼,让您学习编程的速度提高十倍以上。 一、1472分钟的编程英语单词的,快速记忆法视频讲解教程; 二、276页的编程英语单词的,快速记忆法课堂笔记; 三、4345个编程英语单词的,快速记忆法逐一讲解(不断增加中); 四、四大基石,造就的编程英语单词的,快速记忆法基础; 五、18大类,62小类的英语单词发音组成系统,及其快速记忆方法; 六、一条通用的英语单词构造规律,瞬间让您记忆英语单词的速度加快十倍; 七、只要您有记忆不住的编程、计算机英语单词,都可以通过我们的网站http://bc.english-word.cn/平台提问,我们将及时给出快速记忆方法; 七、第一版共收录了4345个和编程,计算机相关的英语单词,还将不断收录新的编程语言英语单词,并永久免费升级。 编程语言快速记忆手册,主要是教会您快速记忆编程英语单词,计算机英语单词的一套教程,让您编程语言的学习速度加快十倍以上。 掌握编程语言英语单词,是学习好编程语言的基础,一个不懂编程语言英语单词的程序员,很难把编程语言学好。 编程就是:编程英语单词和算法的关系:编程英语单词是算法的基础; 是编程提高的关键。如果编程语言里面的所有英语单词你都不认识,那么很难想像你怎么可能学会编程语言。 特别是当看别人的源码或自己写源码时,会用到很多的英语单词来命名变量名称、类名称、字段名称等的,如果单词量达不到的话,会感觉很难理解,这样对以后的提高也不会有什么好处。 只要是掌握了这1000个以上的编程英语单词,那么学编程就会变得很容易。我们在这里总结了编程语言中常用到15类编程语言中的,编程英语单词4300多个,以后还会不断的增加,并给出了这些英语单词的快速记忆方法,“编程语言快速记忆手册”将助您十倍速的学习编程


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