

NuPlayer for HTTP live streaming

HTTP Live Streaming is separated from Stagefright on the recent release, which is basically another light-weighted playback engine, except it only supports the fixed container and codecs format currently.
It seems that the author really prefers rewriting than refactoring:)

Unlike Awesomeplayer, NuPlayer is built upon Stagefright's foundation classes, and leverages the Looper/Handlers mechanism to handle requests asynchronously by queuing them in a message loop, so there are less mutex/lock in place.

  • NuPlayer::Source is the parser module. Actually its interface looks like a combination of MediaExtractor and MediaSource, and it also makes seekTo as an explicit API now.
  • NuPlayer::Decoder connects to ACodec for AVC decoding, and to DecoderWrapper for AAC decoding, which in turn wrapps AAC software decoder in the OpenMAX style. ACodec is functionally similar as OMXCodec in Stagefright, besides the application of State pattern and passing MediaBuffers around with messages.
  • NuPlayer::Render is responsible for rendering audio and also controls when to post video buffers back to NativeWindow for A/V sync.

RTSP in Stagefright (1)

RTSP support was added into Stagefright on GingerBread release:


  • A preliminary foundation module, provides a generic way to asynchronously handle commands and events/messages sequentially in the schedule thread. Each message has a target id, indicating its corresponding handler, which is then registered in a looper. A looper spawns a thread, and schedules registered handlers to process any messages posted to it.
  • ARTSPController acts as MediaExtractor for RTSP playback, which then delegates RTSP related stuff to ARTSPConnection, and payload parsing related to ARTPConnection/ARTPSource. ARTPSource leverages ARTPAssembler to re-assemble RTP packets to frames. AAMRAssembler, AH263Assembler, etc. all inherit from ARTPAssember according to the corresponding protocols. Buffers parsed are sent back via AMessage and queued in APacketSource, which acts as the MediaSource for downstream components.
  • There is also ARTPSession and ARTPWriter which re-uses the existing RTP protocol for VOIP(Gtalk?) solution.


A basic sequence diagram of setting up RTSP connection in Stagefright:

DRM integration in Stagefright

Google has pushed a change into AOSP which integrates DRM support into Stagefright recently:;a=commitdiff;h=d5770917a50a828cb4337c2a392b3e4a375624b9#patch12

Before we delve into the change, there are basically two types of DRM schemes:
1. All of the data was stored under a uniform encryption layer (which is defined as DecryptApiType::CONTAINER_BASED in drm framework currently);
2. Encrypted data is embedded within a plain-text container format, so it can be decrypted packet by packet, thus also applicable for progressive download and streaming.

The entire commit is mainly composed of the following parts:
1)Extension in DataSource interface:

+ // for DRM

+ virtual DecryptHandle* DrmInitialization(DrmManagerClient *client) {

+ return NULL;

+ }

+ virtual void getDrmInfo(DecryptHandle **handle, DrmManagerClient **client) {};

FileSource implements those APIs, where it communicates with DRM service to open a decryption session. For CONTAINER based protection (e.g. OMA DRM v1), FileSource intercepts readAt() function and return the decrypted data transparently to its client -- file parser, which is thereby ignorant of the underlying protection mechanism.

2)Extension in MediaExtractor interface:

+ // for DRM

+ virtual void setDrmFlag(bool flag) {};

+ virtual char* getDrmTrackInfo(size_t trackID, int *len) {

+ return NULL;

+ }

The above APIs are used to retrieve context data, such as Protection Scheme Information Box in mp4/3gp files, to properly initialize the corresponding DRM plugin.

3)DRMExtractor and the DRM format sniffer:
SniffDRM is registered to identify DRM-protected files and its original container format. As mentioned, for CONTAINER_BASED encryption, FileSource handles data decryption transparently for parsers. For the other scheme, which are encrypted with sample/NAL as the basic unit, DRMExtractor is created to wrap the original MediaExtractor, to decrypt data after reading each sample/NAL from the original extractor. In this way, DRM related stuff is separated from actual file parsers.
However, as DRM is usually an extension based on the underlying container format, so it may not be as easily decoupled from file parser when it comes to other protection schemes. For example, Microsoft's PIFF extension to ISO base media format requires IV for each sample, and details of sub-sample encryption info if applicable, etc. Besides, it also imposes duplicate logic in DRM service to recognize the original container format for non-CONTAINER_BASED encryption.

-changes in AwesomePlayer for rights management;
-changes in MPEG4Extractor to retrieve "sinf";


1. Native console app for video playback in Android

I spent some time for writing a native C++  app to test video in console, actually it seems to be much easier than I thought:) Below is the code snippet:


PS. I thought I should paint a hole above video surface as SurfaceView does, but it appears not necessary.


int main(int argc, char** argv)
LOGI("entering main...");
sp<ProcessState> proc = ProcessState::self();
MediaPlayer mediaplayer;
if(argc > 1)
LOGI("set datasource: %s", argv[1]);
LOGI("set datasource: /data/test.mp4");

LOGI("create SurfaceComposerClient");
int pid = getpid();
int nState = 0;
sp<SurfaceComposerClient> videoClient = new SurfaceComposerClient;

LOGI("create video surface");
sp<surface> videoSurface(videoClient->createSurface(pid, 0, 176, 144, PIXEL_FORMAT_OPAQUE, ISurfaceComposer::eFXSurfaceNormal|ISurfaceComposer::ePushBuffers));
//nState = videoSurface->setSize(176, 144);
//LOGI("videosurface->setSize, %d", nState);
//nState = videoSurface->setPosition(0, 0);
//LOGI("videosurface->setPosition, %d", nState);

//set toppest z-order
nState = videoSurface->setLayer(INT_MAX);
LOGI("videosurface->setLayer, %d", nState);
nState = videoSurface->show();
LOGI("videosurface->show, %d", nState);

LOGI("set video surface to player");

status_t retCode = mediaplayer.prepare();
if(retCode < 0)
LOGE("prepare failed: %d\n", retCode);
return -1;

for(int i=0; i < 10; i++)
LOGI("playing, i=%d\n", i);

//close binder fd, still need waiting for all binder threads exit?
return 0;

在使用Python来安装geopandas包时,由于geopandas依赖于几个其他的Python库(如GDAL, Fiona, Pyproj, Shapely等),因此安装过程可能需要一些额外的步骤。以下是一个基本的安装指南,适用于大多数用户: 使用pip安装 确保Python和pip已安装: 首先,确保你的计算机上已安装了Python和pip。pip是Python的包管理工具,用于安装和管理Python包。 安装依赖库: 由于geopandas依赖于GDAL, Fiona, Pyproj, Shapely等库,你可能需要先安装这些库。通常,你可以通过pip直接安装这些库,但有时候可能需要从其他源下载预编译的二进制包(wheel文件),特别是GDAL和Fiona,因为它们可能包含一些系统级的依赖。 bash pip install GDAL Fiona Pyproj Shapely 注意:在某些系统上,直接使用pip安装GDAL和Fiona可能会遇到问题,因为它们需要编译一些C/C++代码。如果遇到问题,你可以考虑使用conda(一个Python包、依赖和环境管理器)来安装这些库,或者从Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages这样的网站下载预编译的wheel文件。 安装geopandas: 在安装了所有依赖库之后,你可以使用pip来安装geopandas。 bash pip install geopandas 使用conda安装 如果你正在使用conda作为你的Python包管理器,那么安装geopandas和它的依赖可能会更简单一些。 创建一个新的conda环境(可选,但推荐): bash conda create -n geoenv python=3.x anaconda conda activate geoenv 其中3.x是你希望使用的Python版本。 安装geopandas: 使用conda-forge频道来安装geopandas,因为它提供了许多地理空间相关的包。 bash conda install -c conda-forge geopandas 这条命令会自动安装geopandas及其所有依赖。 注意事项 如果你在安装过程中遇到任何问题,比如编译错误或依赖问题,请检查你的Python版本和pip/conda的版本是否是最新的,或者尝试在不同的环境中安装。 某些库(如GDAL)可能需要额外的系统级依赖,如地理空间库(如PROJ和GEOS)。这些依赖可能需要单独安装,具体取决于你的操作系统。 如果你在Windows上遇到问题,并且pip安装失败,尝试从Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages网站下载相应的wheel文件,并使用pip进行安装。 脚本示例 虽然你的问题主要是关于如何安装geopandas,但如果你想要一个Python脚本来重命名文件夹下的文件,在原始名字前面加上字符串"geopandas",以下是一个简单的示例: python import os # 指定文件夹路径 folder_path = 'path/to/your/folder' # 遍历文件夹中的文件 for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): # 构造原始文件路径 old_file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, filename) # 构造新文件名 new_filename = 'geopandas_' + filename # 构造新文件路径 new_file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, new_filename) # 重命名文件 os.rename(old_file_path, new_file_path) print(f'Renamed "{filename}" to "{new_filename}"') 请确保将'path/to/your/folder'替换为你想要重命名文件的实际文件夹路径。




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