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转载 字节的高低位知识,Ascii,GB2312,UNICODE等编码的关系与来历


2014-08-08 19:42:02 861

原创 rpmbuild rpm package

860 rpmbuild --rebuild dante-1.4.0-1.rf.src.rpm 861 yum list |grep miniupnpc-devel 862 yum list |grep miniupnpc 863 pwd 864 dante-1.4.0 865 cd dante-1.4.0 866 ls 867 cd SPECS/

2014-08-05 14:39:48 621

翻译 设备文件 和 udev

mknod :创建设备文件的基本方式,必须知道该设备额

2014-07-11 14:27:02 514

转载 yum

http://www.cnblogs.com/mchina/archive/2013/01/04/2842275.html随笔-114 文章-0 评论-355 CentOS yum 源的配置与使用一、yum 简介  yum,是Yellow dog Updater, Modified 的简称,是杜克大学为了提高RPM 软件包安装性而开发的一种软

2014-04-18 14:47:55 829

翻译 file max file nr

Linux的/proc/sys/fs/file-max决定了当前内核可以打开的最大的文件句柄数。查看当前的值:cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max这个值在kernel的文档里是这样描述的:The value in file-max denotes the maximum number of file handles that theLinux kernel

2014-04-10 18:40:30 591

翻译 vi

:set nu:set nonu:100gg跳到最开始的地方G 尾处u 撤销上一步操作n 向下查找N 向上查找

2014-03-02 14:58:16 368

翻译 linux command sfdisk -s & hdparm -t /dev/sdb & tcpdump

[root@rhel5db1 ~]# sfdisk -s/dev/sda:  10485760/dev/sdb:  52428800/dev/sdc:  52428800total: 115343360 blocks[root@rhel5db1 ~]# [root@rhel5db1 ~]# [root@rhel5db1 ~]# [root@rhel5db1 ~]#

2014-03-02 14:15:41 847

翻译 tcpdump

tcpdumpAnother popular diagnostic tool is tcpdump. This utility will print, or dump, the TCP packer headers matching the criteria it is given. It has several options you may find useful. Some of the

2014-02-23 19:40:52 648

翻译 hardware CPU issue

One of the early complaints about Linux was hardware compatibility. If you were starting out with Linux 7 to 10 years ago, you would frequently encounter situations where your hardware simply was not

2014-02-22 12:18:35 997

翻译 Linux Backup use of dd

The Backup ProcessNo matter what operating system you are using, or what sort of database you are administering, it is absolutely necessary to back up the server frequently. There are many software

2014-02-22 11:36:53 582

翻译 Linux quotas

Hardware Related TasksLinux allows you to manage disk quotas, create backups, and manage storage devices through the use of commands, utilities, and scripting. Tasks including disk usage, backup pro

2014-02-22 11:23:59 702

翻译 mkswap

[root@hnl /]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=10241024+0 records in1024+0 records out1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 0.650588 s, 1.7 GB/s[root@hnl /]# mkswap /swapfilemkswap: /swapfile

2014-02-20 20:17:42 1300

翻译 /etc/fstab

[root@hnl ~]# cat /etc/fstab## /etc/fstab# Created by anaconda on Sun Jan 29 14:11:48 2012## Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'# See man pages fstab(5), fin

2014-02-20 18:41:36 511

翻译 Extracting Files from RPM Packages

Extracting Files from RPM PackagesSoftware installed on your computer may become damaged. If this happens, it's good to know that you can extract files from the packages and copy them to the origina

2014-02-20 15:49:57 730

翻译 multipath

/dev/mapper/mpath 是multipath 虚拟出来的多路径设备,我们应该使用这个设备。/dev/mpath/mpath是udev设备管理器创建的, 仅为了方便,不能用来挂载。/dev/dm-n 是软件内部自身使用的, 不能被软件以外使用, 不可挂载。简单来说, 就是我们应该使用/dev/mapper/下的设备符,对该设备即可disk进行分区, 或创建为pv。

2014-02-08 17:19:25 500

转载 Linux bonding


2014-02-08 11:26:06 608

翻译 controlfile dump 两种方法

SYS@sales 2014-02-05 20:41:32> oradebug setmypid;Statement processed.SYS@sales 2014-02-05 20:42:44> oradebug dump controlf 3;Statement processed.SYS@sales 2014-02-05 20:43:00> alter session se

2014-02-05 12:48:09 916

转载 linux table of contents

linuxTable of Contents1 linux1.1 proc filesystem1.1.1 /proc1.1.1.1 /proc/meminfo1.1.1.2 /proc/stat1.1.1.3 /proc/swaps1.1.1.4 /proc/cmdline1.1.1.5 /proc/uptime1.1.1.6 /proc/versio

2014-02-05 10:22:11 5099

翻译 ipcs

ipcs确定共享内存的使用情况,该命令用于输出系统中处于active状态的消息队列,共享内存段以及信号量的有关消息。[oracle@simpleit ~]$ ipcs  ------ Shared Memory Segments -------- key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     st

2014-01-21 11:14:46 623

翻译 闪回版本查询

JULIA@aux Dec 25 2013 01:30:47> SELECT versions_startscn, versions_starttime,versions_endscn, versions_endtime,versions_xid, versions_operation,name, phone FROM juliatest 2 VERSIONS BETWEEN TIMES

2013-12-24 17:37:04 574

翻译 修改表的列属性

JULIA@aux Dec 25 2013 00:22:57> select * from juliatest;NAME PHONE------------------------------ ----------zhuaihua 1.8576E+10zhuaihua1JULIA@aux Dec 25 2013 00:23:04> col phone f

2013-12-24 16:33:25 765

原创 flashback 技术

闪回数据库SYS@aux 22-DEC-13> select systimestamp from dual;SYSTIMESTAMP---------------------------------------------------------------------------22-DEC-13 PM +08:00SYS@aux 22-D

2013-12-22 13:59:45 446

翻译 netstat

列出linux系统中正在监听的网络服务netsat -tunl列出已连接的网络联机状态netstat -tunTIME_WAIT 等待该连接断开。

2013-12-09 14:49:26 349

翻译 系统资源

简单的说, max-file表示系统级别的能够打开的文件句柄的数量,man 5 proc, 找到file-max的解释:file-max中指定了系统范围内所有进程可打开的文件句柄的数量限制(系统级别, kernel-level). (The value in file-max denotes the maximum number of file handles that the

2013-12-03 16:45:42 492

翻译 sqlplus select ||

sqlplus user/pwd@database ENDset echo off; --命令不回显 set feedback off; --不显示已选择行数set colsep |;--设置列分割符set linesize 2500; --设置每行最大长度(补空格的) set pagesize 0; --设置不分页set heading off;

2013-12-03 12:42:43 817

转载 Shell去除空行

shell删除空行  2012-03-28 13:50:41|  分类:shell |  标签:shell  tips  |字号 订阅tr -s '\n' filepath 或者cat -s filepath #将多行空行合并成一行或者perl -00pe0 foo >barhttp://www.mawode.com/blog/bl

2013-11-28 17:02:23 497

转载 AWK

简介http://www.cnblogs.com/ggjucheng/archive/2013/01/13/2858470.html 原文awk是一个强大的文本分析工具,相对于grep的查找,sed的编辑,awk在其对数据分析并生成报告时,显得尤为强大。简单来说awk就是把文件逐行的读入,以空格为默认分隔符将每行切片,切开的部分再进行各种分析处理。awk有3个不同版本: awk、n

2013-11-25 13:25:29 345

转载 /etc/sysconfig/的文件


2013-11-22 13:50:52 690

翻译 数据库字符集

影响Oracle数据库字符集最重要的参数是NLS_LANG参数。它的格式如下: NLS_LANG = language_territory.charset 它有三个组成部分(语言、地域和字符集),每个成分控制了NLS子集的特性。其中: Language: 指定服务器消息的语言, 影响提示信息是中文还是英文Territory: 指定服务器的日期和数字格式,Charset:

2013-11-17 17:50:44 618

翻译 rpm

-ivh:安装显示安装进度--install--verbose--hash-Uvh:升级软件包--Update;-qpl:列出RPM软件包内的文件信息[Query Package list];-qpi:列出RPM软件包的描述信息[Query Package install package(s)];-qf:查找指定文件属于哪个RPM软件包[Query File];-Va:校验所有

2013-11-15 15:43:41 628

翻译 Performing Data Pump Exports and Imports

Performing Data Pump Exports and ImportsThe Data Pump Export utility loads row data from database tables, as well as object metadata, into dump file sets in a proprietary format that only the Data

2013-10-31 17:30:09 1136

翻译 Using the SQL*Loader Utility

Using the SQL*Loader UtilityThe SQL*Loader utility, which comes with the Oracle database server, is commonly used by DBAs to load external data into an Oracle database. SQL*Loader is an immensely

2013-10-31 15:51:29 987

翻译 阵列控制器

阵列控制器简介:阵列控制器用于磁盘阵列,是磁盘阵列的大脑,硬件组成包括CPU,高速缓存(Cache)以及光纤通道(FC),主要用来实现数据的存储转发以及整个阵列的管理,是系统主机与存储器件(磁盘柜)之间的“桥梁”。[1]阵列控制器类型:1)JBOD(Just Bundle of Disk),顾名思义,只是一捆磁盘而已,所以也被称为傻瓜盘阵。其内部无控制器及缓存,也没有其他手段提高效率及

2013-10-30 20:41:30 1163

转载 oracle用户权限

http://dbajun.iteye.com/blog/1353311.查看所有用户:  select * from dba_users;  select * from all_users;  select * from user_users;2.查看用户或角色系统权限(直接赋值给用户或角色的系统权限):  select * from dba_sys_privs;

2013-10-24 11:28:07 458

翻译 Creating the Recovery Catalog Schema

Creating the Recovery Catalog SchemaIn order to use the recovery catalog, you need to first create a recovery catalog schema. You can create this schema or user in an existing tablespace or in a new

2013-10-23 19:07:26 787

翻译 RMAN恢复

Typical Media Recovery ScenariosThe steps you take during a database recovery depend on the extent of the recovery and which of the files (datafiles, control files, online and archived redo logs) ar

2013-10-19 12:49:33 627

翻译 Backing Up the Control File

Backing Up the Control FileThe control file is critical for recovery, as it contains crucial information like database checkpoints and the datafile header checkpoints for the datafiles. A recovery i

2013-10-15 20:30:54 574

翻译 RMAN备份

The traditional user-managed backup method consists simply of using the operating system commands to copy the relevant files to a different location and/or to a tape device. With RMAN, you back up the

2013-10-15 19:58:50 1352

转载 Linux中查看CPU信息

cat /proc/cpuinfo中的信息processor       逻辑处理器的id。physical id    物理封装的处理器的id。core id        每个核心的id。cpu cores      位于相同物理封装的处理器中的内核数量。siblings       位于相同物理封装的处理器中的逻辑处理器的数量。  1 查看物理CPU的个数#cat /

2013-10-09 14:02:47 458


ASCII文件ASCII文件ASCII File),只含有用标准ASCII字符集编码的字符的数据和文本文件。文本文件(如字处理文件、批处理文件和源语言程序)通常都是ASCII文件,因为它们只含有字母、数字和常见的符号。信息在计算机上是用二进制表示的,这种表示法让人理解就很困难。因此计算机上都配有输入和输出设备,这些设备的主要目的就是,以一种人类可阅读的形式将信息在这些设备上显示出来供人阅读

2013-10-02 10:21:06 1165



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