Interactive cost reporting with Amazon QuickSight

Good afternoon, everyone. Today we are here to talk about the fascinating topic of cost. I'm sure every customer here cares about cost, whether you are a start up, an enterprise, or anything in between.

I'm Rohit Pajari, Senior Manager of Product Management at QuickSight. Joining me, I have my colleagues, Ban and Yuri Go Bob.

Hi, everyone. My name is Bowen Wang. I'm part of the AWS Billing and Cost Management product team as their Principal Product Marketing Manager. In my role, I enjoy talking to many customers just like you and thank you for sharing your feedback. It really helps myself, the engineering team, and product team to improve our solutions to better serve your needs.

Hi, everyone. My name is Yuri Riot. I'm Principal Technical Account Manager at AWS and I'm also one of the founders and leads of Cloud Intelligence Dashboards project, which is based on QuickSight. And I'm also working with Enterprise Support customers to help them in their FinOps journeys and helping them to optimize pretty much every aspect of their AWS and their workloads at AWS.

Alright, to kick things off, here's the agenda:

  • We're gonna first kick off with explaining and highlighting a few themes and common challenges that customers face with respect to managing their AWS cost.
  • We'll also talk about what's new and more importantly how that fits into the existing cost management family of services.
  • We'll describe how QuickSight is helping organizations become more cost aware.
  • We also have a demo that will run through and explain some of the key use cases and also showcase how you can customize the experience to really suit your organization's needs.

So with that, let's get started.

When we talk to customers about the top challenges they're facing, with regards to managing AWS cost, we hear three things:

  1. My engineering teams are super busy. How do I get them to take action? How do I empower them to take action?

  2. This is more from the business users - How do I get to the unit economics? How do I reach the holy grail of expressing my business cost in unit cost terms?

  3. How do I go about creating cloud financial awareness across my organization? Which means how do I improve cross functional collaboration across the team, institute charge back and show back, and make cost efficiency as a shared goal across the organization.

Now, when we unpack these questions and pain points, we see a few teams that are the core of these challenges.

The first one is bringing financial awareness to variable spend is key to running cost efficiently on AWS. And this is more about the customers who are moving their workloads to AWS. When we think about cloud, we don't think about that as a destination, we think about cloud as a mental model. And when you are moving your applications to a cloud, you're almost going through a mental model shift.

The cloud spend is so dynamic that it changes on a daily basis. You have your teams that are provisioning resources, spinning down resources, whenever they feel, whenever they want. The cloud is really enabling this rapid experimentation and deployment model where you want to have the visibility on a daily scale or as close to real time as possible.

And the fact of the matter is that cloud gives you the speed and agility to move fast, but it expects you to monitor and optimize your spend. And cost optimization for growing organizations, if you're launching new experiences, if you are updating your applications, is not a one time effort, you are in continuous pursuit of optimizing your costs, extracting efficiency from the cloud operation. And to do that, you need the right tool, you need the right level of measurement to track the spend over time.

So that's the first thing we see from customers who are starting to migrate and embrace this model of cloud.

When we talk to customers and more specifically the technical organizations, what we find is engineering teams end up spending more than they need if they don't have the right level of visibility. In fact, engineering teams sometimes have incentives to provision additional headroom capacity to account for potential scaling issues down the road. They are focused on things such as system uptime, they're focused on things like delivery, but cost isn't usually one of their key concerns.

And what we also find is the engineering teams are working across multiple projects. They're pressed for time, they're wrangling multiple priorities. So when we spoke to them, what we learned is engineering teams really want visibility to pinpoint specific areas of applications that if optimized can deliver significant amount of cost savings with as minimum engineering effort as possible.

And to do that, cost is a very important data set, but it's not sufficient, you need to bring in information such as performance metrics, your application traffic, and overlay that alongside cost data to be able to find the hot spots in your spend.

Now, when they go to the business users, they have a different lens. They talk about it's not just an infrastructure conversation. How do we tie this to the overall business value?

Now, as you can see with cost data, you need the ability to both zoom in as well as zoom out depending on the role you play within your organization.

So as an example, when we talk to a fintech company that provides a platform upon which other financial institutions can build, and they also provide a suite of APIs for them, they want to be able to estimate the cost of per API call expressed in cloud terms.

Similarly, some customers want to estimate the cost of acquiring each customer expressed again in terms of cloud spend. So to be able to answer these questions again, the business has to take the cost information, blend that with revenue information, with application usage, your monthly active users, your transaction volumes, and these are diverse data sets in your organizations that are sitting across different silos.

So you almost need a connective tissue, a tool that can fuse all these insights together so you can effectively answer these questions. And more importantly, when we speak with business users, business users typically don't have access to the AWS console. They are used to operating in business friendly interfaces such as dashboards and reports and they consume reports on a daily or even on a weekly basis.

So now we have to think about in the light of all these patterns and themes, what could we do differently?

So we spoke with FinOps practitioners and what we realized is that many organizations do not have dedicated FinOps teams until they get to a certain level of spend. Many finance practitioners are in fact wearing multiple different hats.

So we went back to the drawing board and we thought, what could we do differently to allow FinOps practitioners to be able to provision out of the box insights, but also allow them to share that across the organization in a secure manner?

So we are happy to announce today, you can provision Cost and Usage dashboards directly from your AWS Billing and Cost Management console as a fully managed experience. And with Cost and Usage dashboards, you will get a ton of insights out of the box that can address some of the common use cases that we've seen across thousands of customers.

In addition, you can create a copy of this dashboard so you can customize different visuals, add additional data sets and make these dashboards truly your own.

And to do that, of course, before even we go there, these dashboards are powered by Amazon QuickSight. So to those who are new to QuickSight, QuickSight is a unified business intelligence service that you can use within AWS to create interactive dashboards, reports. You can also create data driven stories and narratives that you can take to your quarterly business reviews.

And QuickSight comes with robust SDKs and APIs that you can use to integrate into your wikis or internal portals or even external applications. We give you the hooks to customize the look and feel so the dashboards truly infuse and match your brand.

And we give you all the apps and tools to be able to instrument and orchestrate your CI/CD workflows, so QuickSight can behave and operate as an integral part of your application.

And we are also launching, and in fact have launched, some of the generative BI capabilities that you can use to discover insights by simply expressing your questions in natural language and using simple prompts to create data driven narratives.

And more importantly, QuickSight is based on serverless architecture. What that really means for you is you build it once and you can effortlessly scale across hundreds of thousands of customers with fast performance. And there is no additional charge for you to pay for that additional scaling.

With QuickSight within the dashboards, you can apply role level security and column level security to control the access and the visibility of who gets to see what in the dashboard. And you can control that both at the user as well as at the group level.

And like any AWS service, QuickSight comes as pay-as-you-go. So you only pay for what you use. There are no hidden costs for you to scale or share these dashboards across your organization.

And to help provision the Cost and Usage dashboard, we have reimagined the data export experience. To talk more about that experience and explain how that fits into the rest of the cost management family of services, I'd like to invite Bowen to the stage to take us through that.

Bowen: Thank you, Rohit. The Cost and Usage dashboard really gives you that single pane view, right? You can understand your organization's cost and usage and the savings all in one place. And if you're interested to understand the cost and usage associated with specific product families such as compute, storage, database, data transfer, you will be able to do that as well and we will talk more about what you can do with this dashboard later in the session.

So now you have this new Cost and Usage dashboard, right? And you incorporate this dashboard into your day to day cloud operations. So with this new dashboard, you'll be able to provide new insights for your stakeholders so they will be able to make better decisions, for example, setting up better cost governance policies or understand if there are any cost optimization opportunities for me.

But no matter where you are, whether you are operating fully in a cloud native environment or if you are currently operating in a hybrid environment, many times you'll get questions from your stakeholders like "Can I lower my AWS bill?"

The easy answer to that is yes, you can, you can use less resources, but we all know that's not a reality, right? As your business grows, as your customer demands increase, so does your cloud resource usage.

So our goal is to make sure that you can develop and build whatever you want on AWS, but we can try to keep your unit cost down. Just like Rohit mentioned, when you tie AWS spend with the business driver metrics, that is the time when you evaluate your cost in a context, instead of just comparing dollar by dollar, month over month.

And to do that, when you associate your cloud spend with business driver metrics, you get things such as cost per business transaction. And you will be able to then measure whether you are architecting in the most cost efficient way.

So how can you really drive down your unit cost? Well, at a high level, you're looking at two steps, sometimes they come together - you either optimize how you are utilizing AWS in terms of resources or you're optimizing how you're purchasing from AWS to get more discounts.

For the first layer, when you optimize your cloud resource usage, you can terminate idle resources, right size your architecture, finding the right resources, the right size for applications. You can set up things such as budget alerts to make sure that you detect unnecessary spend.

Or you can see if there's an opportunity for you to migrate to a serverless architecture for savings associated with purchase options. You can take a look at a workload, especially based on your historical spend pattern, to see if Savings Plans or Reserved Instances is a good fit for that workload.

But for you to be aware of all of those cost optimization opportunities, it can be a lot. That is why the AWS Cost Financial Management solution is here to help.

So many of you probably are very familiar with a lot of the services displayed on this screen. And as Rohit mentioned, it really requires a change in internal awareness and cultural change and a partnership between finance and technology in order to adapt to this dynamic nature of cloud resource usage, right?

But we also know the success of cloud financial management relies on clean, timely cost reporting, right? And that clean cost reporting starts with a clean data foundation, right?

How you label your resources with resource tags that can be activated as cost allocation tags in Cost Management console. How you use things such as cost categories to set up rules so we can allocate your costs better with the right metadata. It determines how your stakeholders will be able to interpret the cost reporting at the end of the day.

And that cost reporting can be displayed within the console using things such as AWS Cost Explorer, right? You can use different grouping options and filtering options to zoom into a specific cost and usage within a certain dimension.

Or you can use our newly launched AWS Billing and Cost Management data exports. You can control the column selection, row filtering in your actual data exports. It can deliver that to Amazon S3.

And for those of you who charge or show back your AWS spend to end customers and users, you can use AWS Budgets Billing Conductor, right? With AWS Budgets Billing Conductor, you'll be able to structure a set of accounts based on their financial relationship and be able to configure your performer billing views that does not change the relationship between AWS and yourself, but actually gives you a way to configure the billing rate based on your chargeback logic.

And when you're ready to forecast your AWS spend, right, try to understand what's my next quarter, next year's investment going to be, you can use the Pricing Calculator to factor in variables from your business driver activities or use the built in forecasting capabilities that, for example, Cost Explorer has based on historical patterns.

And speaking of historical patterns, AWS does monitor your usage, right? And it provides you with recommendations that can optimize not only resource usage but also purchase strategies.

For example, AWS Compute Optimizer gives you the right sizing recommendations. And Cost Explorer does provide you with Savings Plans and RI recommendations. And with the recent launch with the Savings Plan utilization graph, you can actually visualize the estimated savings, the utilization, and coverage rate for the recommendation for Savings Plans.

"So you can see how aggressive or conservative you wanna adjust for actual presentation. So now you may have questions like moment, it looks like you have so many options. I can report on my a w spending and usage. Which one should I use? Where should I start with? So the easy answer is you start with the billing and the cost management console. Um you probably have heard we've just launched a unified bill and cost management console, right?

Once they log into the unified billing cost management console, it's a quick overview of the different highlights and alerts and recommendations. So you can just, you know, grab a cup of coffee and understand what should i focus on today, right?

Um and then the next step is if you're ready, let me zoom into the different service and the resources. That's where you use aws cost explorer. So cost explorer is an out of the box native visualization tool. You'll be able to use different groupings and filters to zoom into a specific dimension. You can also display historical data, right? We also just launched a 38 months of historical data. You'll be able to quickly spot the month over month, quarter, over quarter and year, over year up to three year within cost explorer, right?

And also we just launch a resource um level data. So this way you will be able to just zoom into the most granular data possible in cost explorer to understand your cost drivers and cost anomalies.

Um and in terms of data exports, if you were fops guru or if you were a data engineer, you really want to roll up your sleeves to analyze those data in details, you can export the data, you can control the data schema by using sql interface or console selections and output those data into amazon s3 bucket. Will you be able to either um integrate with amazon athena for interactive query or upload the files to amazon redshift for storage and analysis or integrate with quick site for visualization.

So speaking of visualizing cost and the usage in quicksight, some of you might have already deployed the cloud intelligence dashboard and may have questions about so. But what's the difference between the dashboard you guys just announced today versus the rest of the cloud intelligence dashboard?

Well, the easy answer to that is think of this way the cost in the usage dashboard powered by amazon quick site we just launched today is inspired by kos dashboard, which is one of the many cloud intelligence dashboard we have today, but gives you this interactive dashboard without you worrying about creating data flow or managing these underlying infrastructure assessors, amazon athena use or a school to talk more about this difference between um this dashboard and the c i ds. We're gonna have ignite ui the author of c id to talk about that.

Thank you bowen question. Usage dartboard inspired by kudos dartboard. But let me explain what does it mean in practice constant usage dashboard is built on top of summary view, which is one of the data sets in kudos and it provides aggregated visibility and summary overview over your constant usage with daily granularity.

So in constant usage dashboards, you can find the majority of the visuals from kudos, which actually based on this summary view data set. However, at the same time, unlike in kudos in constant usage dashboards, there are no uh resource level visibility or hourly visuals.

But at the same time, because it's possible to provision constant usage dashboard from straight from aws console, it becomes a very simple and easy entry point for ops practitioners to bring this data to quicksight and visualize and analyze in b i two. So we want actually you to be able to bring this data as early as possible in your pins journey.

And then with the time when you get used to this concept where you more confident and familiar with the using of quick site. And if you like to dive deeper into resource level details or visibility from other aws services and recommendations, you still can deploy qudus dashboard or cloud intelligence dashboards as an open source solution in well architected labs.

Let's take a look under the hood of constant usage dashboard. It leverages a wes data expert and its new capability to deliver not just the raw constant usage data to s3 bucket but pre aggregated data or a summary view, which is built just right with exact schema, which is needed for dashboard visualizations.

So we might see that the next stage is amazon quick site directly integrates with s3 and visualize the data without need for to make any preprocessing or post processing of this data or any etl job on your side to make data ready to be visualized. It, minimize the amount of components used in this chain and allows you to get your dashboard ready to be used in a matter of a couple of clicks because we leverage amazon quick site here for the dashboard and constant usage data visualization.

Now you can share the dashboard with pretty much any stakeholder in your organization by leveraging native q site capabilities like integration with identity center or sharing via email or integration with iem. Now, stakeholders do not actually need even to log into aws console. They can use b i tool for their cost and usage reporting.

And as bowen mentioned before, it's very often that some of the stakeholders needs to bring their own data sources like business metrics like organizational structure to actually join with costing usage data to fulfill their requirements related to cost reporting and cost tracking.

So now by leveraging quick site integrations with different data sources like data warehouses, relational databases or s3, these stakeholders can bring this data into quick site and join with the summary view data set to actually combine their business metrics with constant usage data to calculate unit cost or cost per customer or cost per transaction depending on their business domain.

And then they can create analysis in quick site out of the dashboard and customize pretty much any aspect of it or extend and build on top and create visuals and wits which actually leverage this combined data set question.

Usage. Dashboard provides many insights and visuals to drive you to the most important parts of your spend and usage. For example, you can find all savings and discounts in a single place and effective savings rate calculated for you to actually be able to track how effectively you leveraging some kind of discounts or uh different purchase options like selling plans, reserved instances or reduced rate of pricing options like sport.

You also can find their interactive month over month trends which allow you quickly in a matter of a couple of clicks go into the most moving parts of your spending usage between different months. There are many visuals or tabs in these dashboards which allow you to uncover the complex parts like data transfer cost and which are presented in a very easy to understand format like with break down by different data transfer typess with the ability to stand the key drivers and generators for data transfer.

And of course, one of the most important use cases here is that you can create a copy of this dashboard and extend it and build your budgets and your visuals which can satisfy all the requirements of your stakeholders and the just to adjust to the needs of your business goals.

I think you all want to see how it all works in action. So i want to invite bowen to actually show us how to provision this dashboard, right from building console.

Thank you, you. Ok. Um i just mentioned that we recently launched the unified bill and cost management console homepage, right? This console home page comes with this landing page where you can see different widgets of um cost summaries and lts, et cetera. And to the left, there's a slight navigation where we've consolidated and group different billing and the cost management tools by use case such as billing payments and cost analysis.

So data exports is currently categorized under cost analysis. What you do is click on data exports. Ok. We will see if this still allows me to refresh. Ok. All right. Um ok. So this is a little glitch. We didn't prepare this. Um awesome. So we'll start again. We'll go back to billion and cost management console page and find data exports.

So on this page, um we mentioned earlier that data exports gives you the ability to create recurring data exports that can send to amazon s3 bucket. Um in the same time you can create cost and the usage dashboard to do this. You have two ways either you can click on this orange button create or you scroll down to this widget window where it says cost and the usage dashboard powered by quicksight. When you click on that, you will be redirected to a new landing page where you will then provide a few information to this landing page.

The first thing to do is give your dashboard and name. So we named this dashboard november 27th, the next thing is we mentioned, this allows you to deploy a quicks site dashboard right, directly from your bill cost management console. So you do need to let them know what is your quicks site user name. If you do not remember, just like me, click on this shortcut link that will direct you to your quicks site homepage. And then here at the right hand corner, there's a little guy here you click on this and then click on again. You'll be able to find your quick site user name.

Let's come back to that copy and paste. The default region for this dashboard is us east. You have the opportunity to um edit based on your actual needs. So the next two sections you cannot really edit because this cost and usage dashboard is a prebuilt um template, but you can click on this drop down and just understand what information in terms of the column, selections from your cost and usage report. Also known as k. You can also understand the delivery options in terms of the file type and the overriding policies.

Um moving on to the storage for you to provide your amazon s3 bucket name, you click on configure, you can either create a brand new bucket, making sure the name is globally unique. Um for this live demo purposes, we have previously create a bucket cost the dashboard november 27. And there's another thing to make sure you can provide consent to overwrite your amazon s3 bucket policy.

So we do that um service role. So this is gives amazon quick site the right to access the data stored in amazon s3 bucket. You can either use your existing service role or in just demonstration purposes. We use this default service role and that is it.

Let's create depending on how big your curve file size is. Give me one sec. Ok? Yes, this is important for us to organize the objects in your s3 bucket. You do need to have a s3 prefix. Let's put um constant usage here. This should do it. It may take a few minutes but it will redirect us back to the data export home page where you can see all the previous cost and usage dashboard. You've created um any exports so good.

This is the dashboard we just created, you can check the status, right. If it's ready, it will show as healthy. But you can take a look at all the key information associated with this dashboard by clicking on the name. You can take a look at this quick site id, the edition of your quick site, making sure it's enterprise edition. Um all the columns included from your cost and usage report and that's it.

Um let's go back to this one to make sure we have data ready for the next stage demonstration. Uh we have previously created this dashboard and you can see that there's an option for you to open this dashboard in quicks site and to kind of showcase to you what information you can get from this new dashboard. You really welcome on stage.

Thanks, bowen. All right. So now we provision this dashboard and it usually takes up to 24 hours for data to be delivered and backfield backfield for previous seven months. So when you open dashboard straight away, you might see no data, but if you come back later, you will see the data populated.

So as someone who wants to now dive deeper into aws spending use usage, what i want to start with is actually exploring some insights and recommendations which are available on the dashboard. So i go to this building summary tab and here i can find high level details over my spending usage over a couple of previous months by the most popular regions, my total savings and discounts which i get some information about the amount of services which i'm using and the amount of linked accounts you can also find here a breakdown of your invoice sp or un blended cost and advertise spend per your aws linked account.

And what i mentioned before, you can find here, visualizations which show your total savings and discounts or effective savings rate. So you could see how effectively you're leveraging or how much you are saving by using different uh savings and discount options like sport, uh reserved instances and saving plans or other things like bundle discounts with ability to break down of where are you saving and on what

Now i want to dive deeper into insides of my spend. I go to month, over month trends tab which has a lot of visuals which help me to focus on the things which are changing from month to month. For example, here, this insight uh from quick site dashboard shows me automatically that my dynamic gp spent increased by 51%. Let's have a look what drives this change, what uh makes this increase actually uh over over last month.

So here i have a couple of tables which show me the trends from month to month for a wes services and for a wes accounts, i can sort by difference month over month by absolute value of difference or by percentage. In my case, i sort it by month over month difference in dollars. And now i can interactively select any of the services in my case dynamic db

And then all of the visuals on the steps are filtered based on my selection. I can do the same trick with my accounts and I can sort by increase of uh monthly difference and I can now identify the account in which this increase happened.

I can dive deeper and select the account. And if I scroll down here, I can see other dimensions which now focused on dynam a db for this particular account like spend by product family spend by region and some difference between the different regions if you have them up to visibility overspend by api operation.

So here we are, I can see that the key driver of increase of my dynamic gb spent was increase of committed throughput. So in a matter of a couple of clicks, I managed to dive deeper into uh first of all, which services are changing to which accounts the difference happens in up to api operation.

Now let's go to the databases in database summary. t we provide a lot of different insights for spending usage for databases here. You can select the different database services like r ds, elastic cache, neptune and others. But what i want to focus, for example, in this case on elastic cache and r ds, so i can select them here and i have different visualizations which show me breakdown of my database is spent by product family or by database engine like for r ds, it would be post sql, mysql and others.

And then very interesting visuals here are related to reserved instances coverage with databases. You can cover different dimensions of your uh spend and usage. For example, you can cover your database engine region and database type. So overall you can track how much of your database spend is covered by reserved instances. But you also can see a different dimensions here which are covered by arise for up to 95% but some of them are not covered at all.

So now, interactively, I can select any of those dimensions and I could see the hour uh the daily usage by instance, hours or normalized instance hours here. And if I scroll down, I can see the daily cost of them. So it allows me actually to see the both dimensions, the usage and the price over history over time.

So now I could see that I'm using constantly this dimension of my database band and it's not covered by arise. So maybe it's a good idea to cover it.

There is last thing which I wanted to show you here is the data transfer summary tab the data transfer is usually challenging to reason about and it requires some additional efforts to understand what type of data transfer falls to inter or where i'm spending on region to region data transfer or region to internet. There is a lot of hidden things or very hard to track um things.

So here in data transfer tab, you have a visual which shows you break down by data transfer type. So usually you can see what what amount of you're spending to interac data transfer, what amount you're spending for region to region, region to v pm, et cetera.

Again, interactively, you can click on any bar here and the rest of the visuals will be rendered based on your selection. So for example, i want to dive deeper into inter a data transfer. Now we can see daily amount of traffic generated uh between availability zones with breakdown by the services we generated it.

I can see some usage and cost with amount of uh data transferred over a couple of previous months. And uh the the cost which this data transfer triggered and then i can go deeper into spent per a wes account here and they can focus now on particular account with data transfer and see the daily patterns within that particular account.

So if i if i select any of accounts, the visuals here on the right shows me daily spent per different api operations. So i could see how elastic i am and how my data transfer patterns look like.

There are many other tabs here for different services which you can explore. But on introduction page, you can find some other use cases which we want to show you. So you can share this dashboard within your organization. You can build own visualizations and customize it. You can implement role level security and allow people to see the data only which they own in the dashboard or as i mentioned before, you can go to advanced use cases later on and explore cloud intelligence dashboards by following this link here for advanced use cases and deploy solution to get more insight and visibility.

The last thing which i want to show before passing board to rohit is i want to enable someone else in my organization to use this interactive spending usage. So i want to share the dashboard with rohit now and i'm clicking on, share access and add a new user. I'm sharing with rohit as a viewer. I can also change him to be a co owner of this dashboard to be able to even modify it. And i allow him to save as the dashboard as analysis so he can create his own visuals and own own midgets based on this out of the box dashboard. And once i've saved, uh once i've shared access with the rocket, i can go back to my dashboard and then rocket can log in to quicksight and see exactly these visuals and can customize them based to his needs. Bye.

Imagine that i have logged into quick site and i see this view over here and one of one of the first things that you would notice is i have a save as icon, i can save this dashboard and i can provide analysis name. It could be a one. And once i save this as analysis, what you would find is now, i have an editable version of this dashboard, what we call as analysis ready for you to customize it.

In this example, i'm playing a role of a business user. I lack access to aws console. So my window into cost data is through this dashboard and with the ability to save the dashboard, i can now start manipulating some of these visuals change rearrange or even create my own ones as my, my, my questions, my questions arise.

So in this instance, i have gone ahead and i have created an analysis here that we can take a look right away. Um as we saw the purpose of the dashboard that we gave you, there are really two ways you can think about it. One is that how can you hit the ground running with out of the box visibility, so you can address those use cases. The broader goal for us to provide you this dashboard is to enable you to start asking questions and discover insights so you can make your own decisions and that's what we're gonna do here.

So in this instance, i looked at all these tabs, these are great, they address my use cases. But i'm curious, i'd like to learn more about my cost. So what i can do is i can come in and i can start by looking at some of these tabs here. In this instance, i'm going to go ahead and create a new sheet.

All right, as you could see that i have given an option. Shall i create interactive sheet or pageant report for the demo purposes? We're gonna go ahead and create the interactive sheet. I click add and let's close these panes here so we can gain some real estate.

At this point of time, i can see all the columns on the left that came with the data exports. Uh now you can simply go in here up top, click on build visuals and start asking questions. So quicksight is smart enough to parse the data set and give you the starter questions to ask that you can see in the suggested list here. But i can also ask my own questions.

So i would like to go ahead and say first is i want to find out my cost by region and maybe chart type. So as you can see, i'm starting to type in fragments just to get me started. I can see i have gotten some visual here, but i'd like to maybe fine tune this even further.

Well, instead of having a la a bar chart, i wanna have this visualized in a sanki chart. So i have formulated an even deeper um question here that you could see and i can si can sense that there are uh regions and different usage types. So let's go ahead and add this to the analysis here and quickly you'll see that i have the most amount of spend coming from us east. One.

The next thing i want to do is i'd like to go ahead again to my visual builder and say, i want to understand the cost by, let's say product family. And immediately you can see that i have a visual here with top 100 products selected and i can see storage is where i'm, i'm spending some amount of dollars. But i'd like to pin this to a specific region.

So i can go ahead and say in us east one region and i don't have to precision type each character quicks site is smart enough to know the casing. So it appropriately understands your intent and selects the right column to give you the right visual. So now i have all my product families distributed by their cost.

I can go ahead add this to the analysis. Well, as soon as i see this visual, it makes me realize as a business user a couple of months ago, we did some cost optimization and storage was the area where we spent a lot of time. So now i'd like to kind of drill down a bit into some of the s3 costs so i can come in here and say, all right. Now show me my amazon s3 cause by usage date. And i'd like to also see that in a weekly format.

Now you can see i have a line chart here that tells me my weekly usage. I also have this insight icon that i can click here and it shows me what was my spend for the week? Which weeks, which, which weeks were the highest, which were the lowest weeks, the growth rate and so on and so forth.

I can also turn on forecast. Now it gives me some level of forecasting into my data set. I can go ahead add this to the analysis and the last thing i want to do here. I'd like to also go ahead and say i want to now understand my amazon has three costs by operation.

So i could see like how my costs are spread across different api calls. Is it the core storage, et cetera, et cetera? But and i'd like to visualize this using, let's say maybe a pie chart. Now we have a visual, let's add the analysis and close these windows here.

So we could see by using simple natural language, i was able to create a dashboard. At this point of time, i can go ahead and rename the sheet as my custom sheet and then go ahead and publish that as a new dashboard. And once that dashboard is published, it's available to you to use in your own custom ways. You can also share this forward with your peers and stakeholders so they can look at these views and start making their own their own discoveries as well.

So as you can see, we looked at the end to end experience, we started with the data exports page where we were able to create the dashboard just by supplying a few details and re landed with a dashboard with ton of insights with lots of use cases. There, there was zero engineering effort involved from you. As a practitioner, you didn't have to provision athena views, no glue crawlers, no data pipelines. We did all the undifferentiated heavy lifting for you to get to the dashboard.

The second thing we did is we didn't just simply land you in a blank canvas where you had to scratch your head and start asking questions. We gave you a set of insights to begin with so you could be productive right away. But then we also gave you the ability to make a copy of that and make it your own. So you can start to bring in additional data sources by connecting those data sets with your different fields and create the cost insights which speak to the unit cost definitions that we mentioned before.

I'd like to say thank you. We have this dashboard available starting today. I'm going to take a pause here, take a picture. This will take you to a blog which describes all that we mentioned as well as the appropriate links for you to get this provisioned. We also have other workshops and deep dives and sessions to talk even more about quick sites capabilities. So please do check them out and we thank you for your participation.

Please don't forget to complete the survey in this app and um enjoy your re invent. Thank you. Thank you for joining us.

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