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原创 102. Unique Paths II

-63. Unique Paths II My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 67444 Total Submissions: 228395 Difficulty: Medium Follow up for “Unique Paths”:Now consider if some obstacles are added

2016-05-31 14:30:17 263

原创 101. Unique Paths

-62. Unique Paths My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 89668 Total Submissions: 244895 Difficulty: Medium A robot is located at the top-left corner of a m x n grid (marked ‘Start

2016-05-31 12:47:12 232

原创 python绘制封闭多边形

数据格式:(polygon.txt) 里面含有2个多边形,一行是一个点 0.085, 0.834, 0.024, 0.744, 0, 0.63, 0.024, 0.516, 0.085, 0.427, 0.5, 0.02, 0.675, 0.191, 0.795, 0.071, 0.815, 0.052, 0.835, 0.032, 0.84, 0.026, 0.844, 0

2016-05-30 22:59:25 11874

转载 LSM-tree 一种高效的索引数据结构

LSM-tree 一种高效的索引数据结构  论文 The Log-Structure Merge-Tree(LSM-tree)(http://www.google.com.my/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&ved=0CDoQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fciteseerx.ist.psu

2016-05-30 20:48:31 563

转载 证明:log(n!)与nlogn是等价无穷大

证明:log(n!)与nlogn是等价无穷大 分类: Mathematics(6) (log的底大于1即可)1、首先由Stirling's formula:也就是分子、分母是等价无穷大(n->oo)。2、再来证明log(n!) 与 nlogn是等价无穷大(n->oo):挺不可

2016-05-29 12:26:36 8423 1

转载 经典算法和数据结构(一) 优先级队列与堆排序

优先级队列与堆排序在很多应用中,我们通常需要按照优先级情况对待处理对象进行处理,比如首先处理优先级最高的对象,然后处理次高的对象。最简单的一个例子就是,在手机上玩游戏的时候,如果有来电,那么系统应该优先处理打进来的电话。在这种情况下,我们的数据结构应该提供两个最基本的操作,一个是返回最高优先级对象,一个是添加新的对象。这种数据结构就是优先级队列(Priority Queue

2016-05-28 17:43:46 1528

转载 经典算法和数据结构(四) 平衡查找树之B树

浅谈算法和数据结构: 十 平衡查找树之B树前面讲解了平衡查找树中的2-3树以及其实现红黑树。2-3树种,一个节点最多有2个key,而红黑树则使用染色的方式来标识这两个key。维基百科对B树的定义为“在计算机科学中,B树(B-tree)是一种树状数据结构,它能够存储数据、对其进行排序并允许以O(log n)的时间复杂度运行进行查找、顺序读取、插入和删除的数据结构。B树,概括来

2016-05-28 12:35:59 426

转载 经典算法和数据结构(三): 平衡查找树之红黑树

浅谈算法和数据结构: 九 平衡查找树之红黑树前面一篇文章介绍了2-3查找树,可以看到,2-3查找树能保证在插入元素之后能保持树的平衡状态,最坏情况下即所有的子节点都是2-node,树的高度为lgN,从而保证了最坏情况下的时间复杂度。但是2-3树实现起来比较复杂,本文介绍一种简单实现2-3树的数据结构,即红黑树(Red-Black Tree)定义红黑树的主要是像是

2016-05-28 12:31:41 359

原创 100. Implement Queue using Stacks

-232. Implement Queue using Stacks My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 44621 Total Submissions: 130935 Difficulty: Easy Implement the following operations of a queue using stack

2016-05-27 22:29:46 376

原创 99-Ugly Number II

-264. Ugly Number II Write a program to find the n-th ugly number.Ugly numbers are positive numbers whose prime factors only include 2, 3, 5. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 is the sequenc

2016-05-27 22:16:01 258

原创 98-Combination Sum II

-40. Combination Sum II My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 69805 Total Submissions: 250937 Difficulty: Medium Given a collection of candidate numbers (C) and a target number (T

2016-05-27 20:53:36 244

原创 97-Combination Sum

-39. Combination Sum My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 93154 Total Submissions: 298105 Difficulty: Medium Given a set of candidate numbers (C) and a target number (T), find al

2016-05-27 20:40:15 234

原创 96-Substring with Concatenation of All Words

-30. Substring with Concatenation of All Words My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 55346 Total Submissions: 264413 Difficulty: Hard You are given a string, s, and a list of word

2016-05-27 19:57:58 281

转载 2016百度春季笔试

4.23 10:00更新,编程题1的Python实现,仅供参考。源码见页尾4.23 20:35更新,编程题2的Python实现。源码见尾页百度的题还是非常偏重算法的,整体来讲难度比较高,尤其是编程题,下面附上原题:选择题

2016-05-27 15:45:17 390

转载 BAT网易经典题

8月15日,百度2道面试题:1、来自《编程之美》的概率题:一个桶里面有白球、黑球各100个,现在按下述规则取球:的    i 、每次从通里面拿出来两个球;    ii、如果取出的是两个同色的求,就再放入一个黑球;    ii、如果取出的是两个异色的求,就再放入一个白球。问:最后桶里面只剩下一个黑球的概率是多少?2、算法题:给你一个自然数N,求[6,N]之内的所有素数中,两两

2016-05-27 15:34:32 18687

原创 95-Rectangle Area

-223. Rectangle Area My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 37901 Total Submissions: 126073 Difficulty: Easy Find the total area covered by two rectilinear rectangles in a 2D plane

2016-05-27 14:05:36 286

原创 94. Bulls and Cows

-299. Bulls and Cows My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 29884 Total Submissions: 99659 Difficulty: Easy You are playing the following Bulls and Cows game with your friend: You

2016-05-27 13:20:02 234

原创 93. Number of 1 Bits

-191. Number of 1 Bits My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 93052 Total Submissions: 247813 Difficulty: Easy Write a function that takes an unsigned integer and returns the numbe

2016-05-27 12:48:53 222

原创 92-Integer Break

-343. Integer Break My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 11616 Total Submissions: 28637 Difficulty: Medium Given a positive integer n, break it into the sum of at least two posit

2016-05-27 12:31:32 258

原创 91. Intersection of Two Arrays

-350. Intersection of Two Arrays II My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 5040 Total Submissions: 12104 Difficulty: Easy Given two arrays, write a function to compute their inters

2016-05-26 22:57:01 302

原创 90. Intersection of Two Arrays

-349. Intersection of Two Arrays My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 9033 Total Submissions: 20023 Difficulty: Easy Given two arrays, write a function to compute their intersect

2016-05-26 21:03:54 315

原创 89-Ugly Number

-263. Ugly Number My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 58016 Total Submissions: 156829 Difficulty: Easy Write a program to check whether a given number is an ugly number.Ugly num

2016-05-26 20:40:12 213

原创 88-Product of Array

-238. Product of Array Except Self My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 46367 Total Submissions: 107341 Difficulty: Medium Given an array of n integers where n > 1, nums, return

2016-05-26 16:03:52 230

原创 87. Nim Game

-292. Nim Game My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 71375 Total Submissions: 134218 Difficulty: Easy You are playing the following Nim Game with your friend: There is a heap of s

2016-05-26 15:41:45 312

原创 86-Implement Stack

-225. Implement Stack using Queues My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 40138 Total Submissions: 131270 Difficulty: Easy Implement the following operations of a stack using queue

2016-05-26 12:58:42 210

原创 map,mulitmap,set,mulitset,unordered_map,unorderer_set

关联容器:map:key-value对set: 关键字即值(要求不重复的关键字)multi:允许重复关键字unordered: 不保持关键字按顺序存储 (哈希函数组织的)如:unordered_multi_map:允许重复关键字,元素无序保存的集合使用关键字类型的比较函数,如果你的元素类型是一个类的对象或者结构体对象,那么你就需要定义

2016-05-26 11:33:01 444

原创 85-Permutations II

class Solution {public: vector<vector<int>> permute(vector<int>& nums) { //int n=nums.size(); vector<vector<int>> res; sort(nums.begin(),nums.end()); do{

2016-05-25 11:59:18 233

原创 84. Permutations

–46. Permutations My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 101087 Total Submissions: 280282 Difficulty: Medium Given a collection of distinct numbers, return all possible permutation

2016-05-25 09:58:06 344

转载 Gprof性能分析工具


2016-05-25 09:09:22 793

转载 c++11中nullptr(与NULL的区别)

首先呢,要明白一点儿,NULL是一个无类型的东西,而且是一个宏。而宏这个东西,从C++诞生开始,就是C++之父嗤之以鼻的东西,他推崇尽量避免宏。而在他的FAQ中,也有相应的一个关于NULL与0的解释,也谈到了这一点儿。Stroustrup: C++ Style and Technique 在C++标准中,我们可以见到一个词语叫做null pointer constant,其实在C++11标准前,是

2016-05-24 17:35:47 17298

转载 C++11中的智能指针

C++ 智能指针shared-ptr,unique_ptr和weak-ptrC++11中的智能指针在C++11中有四种只能指针,auto_ptr,shared-ptr,unique_ptr和weak-ptr。其中auto_ptr有和多不足之处,在C++11中已经建议废弃使用。shared_ptr类智能指针也是模板。所以创建智能指针时要提供其指向的指针

2016-05-24 17:31:57 1293

转载 C++标准库bitset类型的存储方式

C++标准库bitset类型的存储方式 隔了好几天,今晚终于有空来到chinaunix发表下对bitset类型的看法,最近很累,但还是抽点时间来总结一下下。前几天对bitset有一个模糊的概念,对bitset对象里面的存储顺序不太清楚,于是写了一个小程序验证了一下,终于领悟到了这点小case。首先声明一个bitset对象:bitset bitvec;bits

2016-05-24 17:30:52 671

转载 大型网站架构系列:消息队列(二)

大型网站架构系列:消息队列(二)本文是大型网站架构系列:消息队列(二),主要分享JMS消息服务,常用消息中间件(Active MQ,Rabbit MQ,Zero MQ,Kafka)。【第二篇的内容大部分为网络资源的整理和汇总,供大家学习总结使用,最后有文章来源】本次分享大纲消息队列概述(见第一篇:大型网站架构系列:分布式消息队列(一))消息队列应用场景(见第一篇:大型网站架

2016-05-24 16:09:32 416

转载 大型网站架构系列:分布式消息队列(一)


2016-05-24 15:51:11 633

原创 设计模式之-单例实现

class Singleton{ private static Singleton GetInstance; private static readonly object syncRoot=new object(); private Singleton(){} public static Singleton GetInstance() { i

2016-05-24 13:28:05 260

转载 深入了解cookie

会话(Session)跟踪是Web程序中常用的技术,用来跟踪用户的整个会话。常用的会话跟踪技术是Cookie与Session。Cookie通过在客户端记录信息确定用户身份,Session通过在服务器端记录信息确定用户身份。本章将系统地讲述Cookie与Session机制,并比较说明什么时候不能用Cookie,什么时候不能用Session。1.1  Cookie机制

2016-05-24 10:45:32 1063

原创 83-Add Binary

-67. Add Binary My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 85904 Total Submissions: 309911 Difficulty: Easy Given two binary strings, return their sum (also a binary string).For exampl

2016-05-24 10:16:33 570

原创 82-Rotate List

-61. Rotate List My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 69769 Total Submissions: 303483 Difficulty: Medium Given a list, rotate the list to the right by k places, where k is non-ne

2016-05-24 09:32:23 296

原创 81-Next Permutation

-31. Next Permutation My Submissions QuestionEditorial Solution Total Accepted: 66747 Total Submissions: 250247 Difficulty: Medium Implement next permutation, which rearranges numbers into the lexico

2016-05-23 23:45:55 236

原创 关于函数适配器less< Type>以及bind1st和bind2nd的使用

标准库定义了一组算术,关系与逻辑对象类,另外还定义了一组函数适配器 在functional头文件中: plus< Type> minus< Type> negate< Type> not_equal_to< Type> logical_not< Type>….等等 包括算术、关系、逻辑对象类型sort(svec.begin(),svec.end(),greater< string>()

2016-05-23 22:45:53 591











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