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原创 搭建产品帮助中心工具(完全免费)

帮助中心是为客户提供的自助资源,涵盖有关您的产品、最佳实践、工作流程和故障排除的最重要和最新的信息。牵牛帮助中心为您的客户提供即时帮助。您以前可能听过这句话:一切都始于优质的客户服务。⁣⁣除非您打造出完美的产品 ,否则您的客户总会有疑问。他们希望在最需要的时候立即获得帮助。没有电子邮件,没有聊天,没有烦人的等待答复。完整且最新的知识库必须成为客户支持不可或缺的一部分。

2023-11-15 14:27:33 217

原创 IBM Websphere培训——问题诊断方法

1.安装IBM Support Assistant(ISA):     ISA是IBM提供的一个免费的的,独立的工作平台,具有如下优势:     (1).以模块插件形式增强IBM软件产品的功能。     (2).节约查找IBM相关产品,支持和培训资源时间。     (3).企业客户可以将遇到的无法解决的问题提交给...

2012-06-03 10:56:43 219

原创 ORACLE查询每个表占用空间大小

SELECT 'select sum(bytes) FROM dba_segments WHERE owner ='|| '"TESTBAR"'||' AND segment_type ='|| '"TABLE"'||' AND segment_name = "'|| table_name||'" ;'  from user_tables;    错误的,对于oracle而言,双引号...

2012-05-30 17:20:13 863

原创 netstat命令查看端口是否占用

Windows:       C:> netstat -ano可以查出pid AIX:    #netstat –Aan | grep 8083   # rmsock f100060000484b98 tcpcb Linux:   #nets...

2012-04-13 11:22:06 145

原创 调用DFS创建文档报 type dm_literal_expr failed

调用DFS时报如下错误:[DM_SESSION_W_FETCH_FAILED]warning:  "Fetch of object with handle 530311f28000090a and type dm_literal_expr failed."    at com.broadtext.services.FileService.ucfUploa...

2012-03-18 16:06:02 190

原创 Assign multiple groups as performer of activity using code in workflow

I determine the groups dynamically  and I used a process variable with a repeating attribute to hold the multiple group names or user names and set the performer as Some users from a group: $com...

2012-02-03 17:02:39 114

原创 content server

当使用的composer修改属性的相关约束条件,比如是否为空,是否能搜索等,安装后不生效的情况下,可以采用单独刷新某个类型字黄的方法。flush,c,ddcache,type_nameflush,c,persistentcache publish_dd,c,zh,type_name,attr1,TRUEpublish_dd,c,en,type_name,attr1,TRUE ...

2012-02-02 15:23:34 448

原创 dfc session Monitor

You can enable logging on the session related classes, and you can also turn on resource diagnostics to track down unreleased sessions. 1. Enable resource logging in dfc.properties add t...

2012-01-31 10:53:49 194

原创 DFC Session Management Srinivas Jakkula

摘要:这个文档从application出发,介绍DFC Session Management的使用细节 DFC Session 和 Session Manager总揽  DFC Session 赋予指定用户访问指定repository的权利。这意味着一个DFC Session 负责一个客户端与 repository连接的凭证。一个 Sessio对象就是一个I...

2012-01-19 14:02:28 153

原创 Documentum

查询所有需要在属性页要显示的属性 select r_object_id, attribute_name from dm_display_configwhere r_object_id in (select display_config from dm_scope_config where any scope_value = 'webtop' and r_object_id in...

2012-01-04 18:35:29 153

原创 query attribute map dictionary

select map_display_string, map_data_string from dm_nls_dd_info where label_text ='<label Text>' and parent_id in (select r_object_id from dm_aggr_domain where type_name='<type name>' and...

2011-12-28 13:15:23 152

原创 Invoking UCF in custom import component

1)I have made some changes in the component defination. This instantiated ucf session when component is initialized.<ucfrequired><events><!-- only one supported right now --...

2011-12-28 13:09:38 124

原创 When open tasklist form, it pops up exception casued by [DM_SESSION_E_SETUP_ROLE

SymptomsAn error has occurred. DfException:: THREAD: http-28080-2; MSG: ; ERRORCODE: ff; NEXT: null After closing this window, press the Refresh or Reload button on your browser to continue. ...

2011-12-28 13:05:22 243

原创 dfc trace performance anaysis

1)设置dfc.properties enable dfc trace dfc.tracing.enable=truedfc.tracing.verbose=truedfc.tracing.max_stack_depth=0dfc.tracing.include_rpcs=truedfc.tracing.mode=compactdfc.tracing.include_ses...

2011-09-14 09:57:34 153

原创 JavaEE ear包类加载器机制解析

在介绍EAR包的类加载器机制之前,我们需要了解一下JavaEE中都有哪些类型的包。一 JavaEE 包的类型在J2EE中,有ejb-jar包,war包,rar包,car包,ear包,其中经常会用到ejb-jar包,war包,以及ear包,下面分别说明。1 EJB Jar 包 (.jar) 1.1 作用Ejb jar是EJB模块,主要用于实现业逻辑。 1.2 描述...

2011-06-02 18:05:52 167

原创 Tuning the Performance of documentum UCF Content Transfer

In Documentum applications, the speed at which users can retrieve or add content to the system plays a big part in the overall end user experience. Network latency and bandwidth restrictions, physical...

2011-05-27 09:12:04 209

原创 MySQLdump增量备份、完全备份与恢复

◆恢复完全备份MySQL -u root -p < backup_sunday_1_PM.sql◆恢复增量备份MySQLbinlog MySQL-bin.000002 … | MySQL -u root -p注意此次恢复过程亦会写入日志文件,如果数据量很大,建议先关闭日志功能◆--compatible=name它告诉 MySQLdump,导出的数据将和哪种数据库或哪个旧...

2011-05-13 18:01:56 113

原创 bat文件语法与技巧(batch file or batch program)

[b]bat(batch file or batch program)文件语法与技巧[/b] 首先:批处理文件就是一个文本文件,这个文本文件的每一行都是一条DOS命令 其次:批处理文件是一种简单的程序,可以用if,goto控制流程,for来循环执行一条命令 再次:一个编好的批处理文件相当于一个DOS的外部命令,也就是说,只要你把ba...

2011-04-25 11:07:51 668

原创 Add or delete a custom attribute

1)alter type drop PUBLISH2)alter type add String(100) PUBLISH3)restart the server & the client

2011-03-22 10:43:43 97

原创 Some basic guidelines for setting the J2EE Application Server JVM memory

Please refer to WDK/Webtop deployment guide (version 6.5 sp1/sp2) and the recommended parameters should be applicable to WDK-based application versions 5.3x and 6.x.Note see the section on "Setting ...

2011-03-21 14:40:25 158

原创 type attribute label is not localized

you will have to clear cache and publish the data dictionary before accessing the webtop fir that attribute.dmbasic -f dd_populate.ebs -e LoadDataDictionary -- aix17 dmadmin dmadmin data_dictionar...

2011-03-09 16:41:23 151

原创 Brava相关文档


2011-03-08 20:15:21 127

原创 Acs is enabled or not(test code)

[quote]/********************************************************************** * TestACS - verifies ACS functionality * Checks acs server map, dm_acs_config* Then executes a rea...

2011-03-08 20:03:59 151

原创 Tuning the Performance of UCF Content Transfer

Tuning the Performance of UCF Content Transfer ID: esg100749 Use Count: 51 Date Created: 10/29/2008 ...

2011-03-07 17:04:33 150

原创 无法保存preset

错误图见附件。解决方法: 确认dmc_wdk_presets_acl 的owner 是否为repository owner,如果不是,修改过来。

2010-11-15 16:56:54 138

原创 was 缓存位置

在websphere中修改了jsp后,有时会出现修改的jsp没有起作用,特别是改变了某jsp的样式后,在页面中没看到效果,这主要就是由于websphere中缓存的缘故,这就要清除WebSphere中jsp缓存WAS 缓存位置:/wasapp/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/temp/aix17Node01/server1...

2010-11-11 09:05:10 2320


[url]http://www.bluefishgroup.com/library/2003/dump-and-load-a-docbase/[/url]December 21, 2003 - Article by Richard RansA brief introduction to the concepts of Documentum’s dump and load feature...

2010-11-05 09:50:30 126

原创 jobs Window Interval parameter

"The Window Interval.When you restart a server, the tools scheduled to run while the server was shut down will not necessarily run immediately. Some tools have a default window on eitherside of th...

2010-10-29 10:05:15 101

原创 DFC own Administrator permission

1.add user to dm_superusers_dynamic role and set role's dynamicdfSession.addDynamicGroup("dm_superusers_dynamic");//write you custom code here dfSession.removeDynamicGroup("dm_superusers_dynam...

2010-10-27 14:54:00 109

原创 install webtop.dar error

com.emc.ide.installer.InstallException: ACL 'dmc_wdk_presets_acl' not accessible to installation user Causethe case of the repository owner account did not match the docbase name (i.e. Doc...

2010-10-17 15:25:37 129

原创 move the Preset from one repository to another

The steps below are a workaround that can be used:  1.    Archive the Presets from the /Resources/Registry/Presets/Webtop/Preset Packages folder in source repository. For example: Crea...

2010-10-17 15:22:26 109

原创 日志路径

Job Logs:$Documentum\dba\log\&lt;Repository Id in Hex&gt;\agentexec\&lt;JobId&gt; AgentExec Log:$Documentum\dba\log\&lt;Repository Id in Hex&gt;\agentexec\agentexec.log...

2010-09-27 21:22:41 113

原创 删除一个lifeCycle

There are four steps1) identify whther any sysobjects are attached to the lifecycleselect * from dm_sysobject(all) where r_policy_id = '460186d080230dc5'2) if any results from above query, ...

2010-09-26 10:48:24 174


the related error occurs when a object is saved. DFC checks the i_vstamp attribute of the object you previously obtained with dfSession.getObject() and the current i_vstamp value of the object in ...

2010-08-25 17:51:55 159

原创 确认文件存放路径

1.查看file_system_path DQL //r_object_idselect r_object_id from dm_document where object_name = 'test.docx'; //storage_idselect storage_id,data_ticket  from dmr_content where any parent_id  ...

2010-08-10 16:16:48 184

原创 Kerberos简介

转载于:http://idior.cnblogs.com/archive/2006/03/20/354027.html Kerberos协议:Kerberos协议主要用于计算机网络的身份鉴别(Authentication), 其特点是用户只需输入一次身份验证信息就可以凭借此验证获得的票据(ticket-granting ticket)访问多个服务,即...

2010-07-29 10:06:08 86

原创 Linux- 使环境变量马上生效的命令

在 Linux 管理中,常有需要修改根目录下 .bash_profile 文件,更改环境变量的情况,文件修改后,一般的做法是重新登录,或者重新启动机器,不知道大家是怎么做的,反正我以前是用前面的两个办法中的一个,感觉很不方便。现在发现了一个命令: source .bash_profile 在修改好 .bash_profile 文件后,直接运行这个命令,就可以直接让环境变量的修改生效了。...

2010-07-05 08:44:08 1009

原创 java 桌面应用安装部署

转载http://www.blogjava.net/huliqing/archive/2008/04/18/193907.html 对于作Java桌面应用来说,比较烦人的就是安装部署问题,客户端是否安装有jre、jre版本问题、jre去哪下载、如何用jre启动你的Java应用?不要说刚接触电脑的人,就算是比较熟悉电脑,如果没有接触过Java,面对一个Java应用,如何在Windows下...

2010-06-30 09:12:06 219

原创 手工安装UCF

java -cp "d:\ucfinit.jar" com.documentum.ucf.client.install.TestInstall "" "/wdk/contentXfer/ucf.installer.config.xml"

2010-06-09 10:19:32 653

原创 windows 2003 下oracle从10.2.0.1升级到10.2.0.4

由于安装documentum 6.5sp2需要oracle的版本最低为10.2.0.4,目前好像没有oracle10.2.0.4的直接安装版,所以只能采取升级10.2.0.1的办法来实现。操作步骤:1.完全安装10.2.0.12.安装完成后,停止所有的oracle服务,可以通过停止oracle 的window services或者使用以下命令emct...

2010-06-02 15:13:11 303





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