
Release Notes

Release 3.1.0


  • Please recopy the jniwrap.dll to your system32 dir.
  • Most of the jars in the lib directory have been upgraded, so you will need to update your environment to use the new jars.

Design Changes:

  • Upgraded to JExplorer 1.7.4x
  • Changed the way Watij waits until the browser is ready so that the next call will process the wait. This fixes many browser closing and javascript timing issues. However if you are currently timing actions for performance monitoring you will need to call ie.waitUntilReady to get the full duration of the action. You could also stop the timer after the next call to ie or it’s elements.

IE Support:

  • Added support for handling dialogs ( alert, confirm, prompt, file download). Please take a look at the PopupsTest for examples on how to use the new api.
  • Added IEUtil.closeAllDialogs which will close all open dialogs on all browsers

Bug Fixes:

  • Running your tests from Eclipse is no longer an issue.

Release 3.0.2 (BETA)

Beta 3.0.2 Notes


  • With latest version, Eclipse compiler/runtime has a bug and Watij will not run in it. Any other compiler/runtime will work. TeamDev has been notified of the issue.
  • Please recopy the jniwrap.dll to your system32 dir.

Design Changes:

  • Upgraded to JExplorer 1.6
  • IE class delegates to IESupport which extends BrowserSupport (JExplorer)
  • It’s possible to use separate message loops for each browser instance...this is to enable modal dialog support.

IE Support:

  • Added support for Modal Dialogs (see ModalDialogTest)
  • Added IEUtil.closeAllBrowsers which will close all IE instances
  • Added IEUtil.browserCount which will return the number of open browsers

Element Support:

  • You can now chain finders together in one call. For example: ie.button(name(”button1”),value(”Button 1”),index(1)).click(); this will click the 2nd button on the page with the name “button1” and the value “Button 1”
  • There is a generic attribute and tag finder that will allow one to access any element on the page. For example: ie.htmlElement(tag(”MyTag”), attribute(”myattr”,”myvalue”)).click(); this will click the first element on the page that matches <MyTag myattr=”myvalue”/>

Bug fixes

  • Fixed child browser threading issues
  • Fixed browser initialization issues
  • Fixed issue where you have to call close() on child browsers that are closed via javascript

Release 3.0.1 (beta)

Beta 3.0.1 Notes

Design Changes:

  • New system property BROWSER_TIMEOUT can be configured. This property is the amount of time in seconds that watij should wait for a browser to be initialized.
  • Added ability to run single unit test. Example: launchAnt.bat run.single.test -DtestName= watij.NavigateTest
  • Added static import to beanshell.
  • Refactored IEController and IE to single class.
  • Refactored to bind all calls to OLEMessageLoop to increase stability.

Element Support:

  • Added ability to use “/i” construct as in perl for regular expressions inorder to do case insensitive searches.
  • Added ability to get/set screen mode to full screen or theatre mode.
  • Added ability to get/set top and left position of IE.
  • Added ability to get/set visible state of ie.
  • Added ability to capture only IE window.
  • Added additional waitWhileBusy lines in IE when iWebBrowser2 is being affected for stability.
  • Added additional waitUntilDocComplete lines in various element classes when actions are performed (click, set, dblclick, etc..) for stability.
  • Changed method of minimizing, maximizing, and restoring IE from using sendKeys to using Wnd object.
  • Changed method of closing IE browser to ensure RPC Server Unavilable error is not received.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed bug that prevented use of “/” in regex expression for finders.
  • Fixed typo for firing ONKEYDOWN and ONKEYUP.

Release 3.0 (beta)


We are releasing a beta of Watij that utilizes our new Java-to-Com bridge ComfyJ. We are no longer using Jacob and Jiffie. During this beta phase we will be updating Watij with api changes, and performance improvements.

  • Please copy jniwrap.dll to your system32 dir.
  • Include the following jars from the lib dir in your classpath: comfyj-2.1.jar, jniwrap-3.1.jar, watijcom.jar, and winpack-3.0.jar.

Design Changes:

  • Symbol and the symbols package has moved and been renamed to SymbolFactory and the finders package (import static watij.symbols.Symbol.* is now import static watij.finders.SymbolFactory.*)
  • There is a new FinderFactory that contains finders that you can use to find elements. This is an alternative to using symbols and will allow for custom finders. So instead of using ie.button(name,”button1”); you can now do the same with ie.button(name(”button1”));
  • You can create your own custom finders by implementing the Finder interface or extending the BaseFinder class. For example: ie.button(new MyButtonFinder()).click();
  • Symbol index is no longer supported, you can use ie.htmlElement(int index) instead

Element Support:

  • Initial table support (table, tablerow, tablecell, tablebody)
  • Initial support for bahavior tags (e.g. <x:y>)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed flash bug on collections

Release 2.2.3

IMPORTANT! We are releasing with the latest Jacob 1.10.1

  • This includes a new jacob.dll that you must (re)copy to your system32 folder or place in your java.library.path
  • There is also a new jacob.jar and jiffie.jar in the lib dir

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with http headers prepending null

Release 2.2.2

IE Support:

  • Additional Http Headers support (somewhat experimental method setAdditionalHttpHeaders(String) will cause every navigation to include the set http headers. Doesn’t work with frames - will cause frame navigation issues)

Element Support:

  • File Field support (input type=file)

Release 2.2.1

IE Support:

  • Access to native Document through method getOLEDocument()
  • Frame.title now returns the title for the frame

Element Support:

  • Html Form support

Unit Tests:

  • WatijTestCase now uses a global setup and teardown (unit tests run twice as fast)
  • WatijTestCase now uses a System property for finding the HTML_ROOT (you will need to add this to your IDE as a vm parameter)

Release 2.2

All indexes in Watij are now zero-based. Please update your existing one-based tests. IE Support:

  • Execute Javascript (you can now call ie.executeScript(String) to run your own custom javascript in IE)
  • Enhanced screenCapture (will automatically bring IE to front, maximize, do screenshot, and then restore)
  • Show (calling ie.show() will print out all html elements on IE in [JSON> http://www.json.org/] format)
  • Calling sendKeys on IE will automatically wait until IE is finished processing
  • Fixed IE.close bug where failures caused IE to hang
  • Improved childBrowser logic to wait on new child window (this ensures you don’t access a child window before the parent window has a handle to it)
  • Indexes to child browsers are now zero-based

Element Support:

  • Button tag (button finder supports /<button/> html syntax)
  • Get style on html element (e.g. ie.buttons(2).style())
  • Show (calling show() will print out the html element in [JSON> http://www.json.org/] format)

Element Collection Support:

  • Show (calling show() will print out all the html elements in the collection in [JSON> http://www.json.org/] format)
  • Indexes to html elements are now zero-based

Release 2.1

IE Support:

  • Dynamic sizing of IE (you can set the width and height)
  • Fixed sendKeys issue (added title, if no title supplied will use active IE‘s title)
  • Screen capture (default image is png, supports other formats as well: bmp, jpg, etc)
  • Restore (after calling maximize you can call restore to bring back to original size)

Element Support:

  • Flash for element (calling flash() will cause element to flicker on the page)
  • Flash for element collections (calling flash() on a collection will cause all elements to flicker on page at the same time)
  • Focus (calling focus() will put cursor on element)

Release 2.0

This landmark release of watij introduces frame support, iframes, and embedded elements. We also have spruced up http://watij.xwiki.com with a Basic User Guide. The Javadocs also now show unimplemented items by throwing a NotImplementedYetException. Check out the Release Notes for 2.0 for more info. Happy Testing!!

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