
        <!-- mybatis --> 

二.application.properties中数据源配置,使用 druid连接池

spring.datasource.url =jdbc:mysql:// 
spring.datasource.username = qumaiyao 
spring.datasource.password = xxxxxx
spring.datasource.type = com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource 
spring.datasource.driver-class-name = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver 
spring.datasource.filters = stat 
spring.datasource.maxActive = 20 
spring.datasource.initialSize = 1 
spring.datasource.maxWait = 60000 
spring.datasource.minIdle = 1 
spring.datasource.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 60000 
spring.datasource.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 300000 
spring.datasource.validationQuery = select 'x' 
spring.datasource.testWhileIdle = true 
spring.datasource.testOnBorrow = false 
spring.datasource.testOnReturn = false 
spring.datasource.poolPreparedStatements = true 
spring.datasource.maxOpenPreparedStatements = 20

package com.ehaoyao.payment; 

import java.sql.SQLException; 

import javax.sql.DataSource; 

import org.slf4j.Logger; 
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; 
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; 
import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean; 
import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.ServletRegistrationBean; 
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; 
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; 
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary; 

import com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource; 
import com.alibaba.druid.support.http.StatViewServlet; 
import com.alibaba.druid.support.http.WebStatFilter; 

public class DruidConfig { 
    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); 

    private String dbUrl; 

    private String username; 

    private String password; 

    private String driverClassName; 

    private int initialSize; 

    private int minIdle; 

    private int maxActive; 

    private int maxWait; 

    private int timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis; 

    private int minEvictableIdleTimeMillis; 

    private String validationQuery; 

    private boolean testWhileIdle; 

    private boolean testOnBorrow; 

    private boolean testOnReturn; 

    private boolean poolPreparedStatements; 

    private String filters; 

    public ServletRegistrationBean druidServlet() { 
        ServletRegistrationBean reg = new ServletRegistrationBean(); 
        reg.setServlet(new StatViewServlet()); 
        reg.addInitParameter("loginUsername", "druid"); 
        reg.addInitParameter("loginPassword", "jiajian123456"); 
        return reg; 
    public FilterRegistrationBean filterRegistrationBean() { 
        FilterRegistrationBean filterRegistrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean(); 
        filterRegistrationBean.setFilter(new WebStatFilter()); 
        filterRegistrationBean.addInitParameter("exclusions", "*.js,*.gif,*.jpg,*.png,*.css,*.ico,/druid/*"); 
        filterRegistrationBean.addInitParameter("profileEnable", "true"); 
        filterRegistrationBean.addInitParameter("principalCookieName", "USER_COOKIE"); 
        filterRegistrationBean.addInitParameter("principalSessionName", "USER_SESSION"); 
        return filterRegistrationBean; 

    public DataSource druidDataSource(){   
        DruidDataSource datasource = new DruidDataSource();   

        try {   
        } catch (SQLException e) {   
            logger.error("druid configuration initialization filter", e);   
        return datasource;   


package com.ehaoyao.payment; 

import javax.sql.DataSource; 

import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSessionFactory; 
import org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean; 
import org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate; 
import org.mybatis.spring.annotation.MapperScan; 
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; 
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; 
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceBuilder; 
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties; 
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; 
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; 
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary; 
import org.springframework.core.io.support.PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver; 
import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager; 

@MapperScan(basePackages = "com.ehaoyao.payment.dao", sqlSessionTemplateRef = "myBatisSqlSessionTemplate") 
public class DataSourceConfig { 

    private DataSource dataSource; 

//    @Bean(name = "myBatisDataSource") 
//    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource") 
//    @Primary 
//    public DataSource testDataSource() { 
//        //return DataSourceBuilder.create().build(); 
//    } 

    @Bean(name = "myBatisSqlSessionFactory") 
    public SqlSessionFactory testSqlSessionFactory() 
            throws Exception { 
        SqlSessionFactoryBean bean = new SqlSessionFactoryBean(); 
                new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResources("classpath:mapper/*.xml")); 
        return bean.getObject(); 

    @Bean(name = "myBatisTransactionManager") 
    public DataSourceTransactionManager testTransactionManager() { 
        return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource); 

    @Bean(name = "myBatisSqlSessionTemplate") 
    public SqlSessionTemplate testSqlSessionTemplate( 
            @Qualifier("myBatisSqlSessionFactory") SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory) throws Exception { 
        return new SqlSessionTemplate(sqlSessionFactory); 




<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"  
<mapper namespace="com.ehaoyao.payment.dao.OrdersDao"> 
    <resultMap type="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders" id="resultOrders"> 
        <id column="order_id" property="orderId" />  
        <result column="member_id" property="memberId" /> 
        <result column="status" property="status" /> 
        <result column="pharmacy_id" property="pharmacyId" /> 
        <result column="pharmacy_name" property="pharmacyName" /> 
        <result column="pharm_short_name" property="pharmShortName" /> 
        <result column="contactmobie" property="contactmobie" /> 
        <result column="ok_pharmacy" property="okPharmacy" /> 
        <result column="pay_status" property="payStatus" /> 
        <result column="is_delivery" property="isDelivery" /> 
        <result column="shipping_id" property="shippingId" /> 
        <result column="shipping" property="shipping" /> 
        <result column="payment" property="payment" /> 
        <result column="weight" property="weight" /> 
        <result column="captcha" property="captcha" /> 
        <result column="itemnum" property="itemnum" /> 
        <result column="delivery_time" property="deliveryTime" /> 
        <result column="createtime" property="createtime" /> 
        <result column="ship_name" property="shipName" /> 
        <result column="ship_area" property="shipArea" /> 
        <result column="province" property="province" /> 
        <result column="city" property="city" /> 
        <result column="country" property="country" /> 
        <result column="street" property="street" /> 
        <result column="ship_addr" property="shipAddr" /> 
        <result column="ship_zip" property="shipZip" />  
        <result column="ship_tel" property="shipTel" /> 
        <result column="ship_email" property="shipEmail" /> 
        <result column="ship_mobile" property="shipMobile" /> 
        <result column="ship_time" property="shipTime" /> 
        <result column="cost_item" property="costItem" /> 
        <result column="is_tax" property="isTax" /> 
        <result column="tax_company" property="taxCompany" /> 
        <result column="cost_freight" property="costFreight" /> 
        <result column="score_g" property="scoreG" /> 
        <result column="total_amount" property="totalAmount" /> 
        <result column="pmt_amount" property="pmtAmount" /> 
        <result column="final_amount" property="finalAmount" /> 
        <result column="memo" property="memo" /> 
        <result column="last_change_time" property="lastChangeTime" /> 
        <result column="orderType" property="orderType" /> 
        <result column="ordertypeName" property="ordertypeName" /> 
        <result column="statusIds" property="statusIds" /> 
        <result column="is_group" property="isGroup" /> 
        <result column="reason_text" property="reasonText" /> 
        <result column="is_retention" property="isRetention" /> 
        <result column="activity_id" property="activityId" /> 
        <result column="storeId" property="storeId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> 
        <result column="inviteCode" property="inviteCode" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> 
        <result column="returnId" property="returnId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> 
        <result column="returnStatus" property="returnStatus" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> 
        <result column="return_createTime" property="returnCreateTime" /> 
        <result column="return_createTimeStart" property="returnCreateTimeStart" />  
        <result column="return_createTimeEnd" property="returnCreateTimeEnd" /> 
        <result column="pharmacy_ids" property="pharmacyIds" /> 
         <result column="paymethod" property="paymethod" />  
         <result column="paymentCfg_id" property="paymentCfgId" /> 
        <result column="member_mac" property="memberMac" /> 
        <result column="discount_amount" property="discountAmount" /> 
        <result column="isupdateorder" property="isupdateorder" /> 
        <result column="lastsystime" property="lastsystime" />     
        <result column="isPrescription" property="isPrescription" />     
        <result column="gdXcoord" property="gdXcoord" />     
        <result column="gdYcoord" property="gdYcoord" />         
        <result column="rev_time" property="rev_time" />         
        <result column="courier_name" property="courier_name" />         
        <result column="rev_effect" property="rev_effect" />         
        <result column="effect_time" property="effect_time" />         
        <result column="finish_effict" property="finish_effict" />         
        <result column="courierMobile" property="courierMobile" /> 
        <result column="audit_memo" property="auditMemo"/> 
        <result column="pushTime" property="pushTime"/> 
        <result column="logistics_platype" property="logistics_platype"/> 
        <result column="thirdPlatform_order_id" property="thirdPlatform_order_id"/> 
        <result column="promote_code" property="promoCode"/> 


    <resultMap type="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderReturnExprot" id="resultReturnOrders"> 
        <id column="order_id" property="orderId" />  
        <result column="status" property="status" /> 
        <result column="pharm_short_name" property="pharmShortName" /> 
        <result column="contactMobie" property="contactmobie" /> 
        <result column="shipping" property="shipping" /> 
        <result column="ship_name" property="shipName" /> 
        <result column="ship_mobile" property="shipMobile" /> 
        <result column="total_amount" property="totalAmount" /> 
        <result column="returnId" property="returnId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> 
        <result column="returnStatus" property="returnStatus" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> 
        <result column="return_createTime" property="createTime" /> 
         <result column="paymethod" property="paymethod" />  
         <result column="orderType" property="orderType" /> 

    <resultMap type="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.ExpressOrderVO" 
        id="expressOrderResult" extends="com.ehaoyao.payment.dao.OrdersDao.resultOrders"> 
        <result column="chain_branch_id" property="chainBranchId" /> 
        <collection property="orderDetails" column="order_id" 
            select="com.ehaoyao.payment.dao.OrderItemsDao.selectPharmacyOrderDetailByOrderId" /> 

    <resultMap type="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.ErpOrderVo" 
        id="erpOrderResult" extends="com.ehaoyao.payment.dao.OrdersDao.resultOrders"> 
        <result column="chain_branch_id" property="chainBranchId" /> 
        <result column="promote_code" property="promoteCode" />     
        <result column="promCd" property="promCd" /> 
        <result column="systatus" property="systatus" /> 
        <result column="user_id" property="userId" /> 
        <result column="logistics_platype" property="logistics_platype"/> 
        <collection property="orderDetails" column="order_id" 
            select="com.ehaoyao.payment.dao.OrderItemsDao.selectPharmacyOrderDetailByOrderId" /> 

    <resultMap type="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders" id="resultOrdersActivity"> 
        <id column="order_id" property="orderId" /> 
        <result column="member_id" property="memberId" /> 
        <result column="status" property="status" /> 
        <result column="pharmacy_id" property="pharmacyId" /> 
        <result column="pharmacy_name" property="pharmacyName" /> 
        <result column="contactmobie" property="contactmobie" /> 
        <result column="ok_pharmacy" property="okPharmacy" /> 
        <result column="pay_status" property="payStatus" /> 
        <result column="is_delivery" property="isDelivery" /> 
        <result column="shipping_id" property="shippingId" /> 
        <result column="shipping" property="shipping" /> 
        <result column="payment" property="payment" /> 
        <result column="weight" property="weight" /> 
        <result column="captcha" property="captcha" /> 
        <result column="itemnum" property="itemnum" /> 
        <result column="delivery_time" property="deliveryTime" /> 
        <result column="createtime" property="createtime" /> 
        <result column="ship_name" property="shipName" /> 
        <result column="ship_area" property="shipArea" /> 
        <result column="province" property="province" /> 
        <result column="city" property="city" /> 
        <result column="country" property="country" /> 
        <result column="ship_addr" property="shipAddr" /> 
        <result column="ship_zip" property="shipZip" /> 
        <result column="ship_tel" property="shipTel" /> 
        <result column="ship_email" property="shipEmail" /> 
        <result column="ship_mobile" property="shipMobile" /> 
        <result column="cost_item" property="costItem" /> 
        <result column="is_tax" property="isTax" /> 
        <result column="tax_company" property="taxCompany" /> 
        <result column="cost_freight" property="costFreight" /> 
        <result column="score_g" property="scoreG" /> 
        <result column="total_amount" property="totalAmount" /> 
        <result column="pmt_amount" property="pmtAmount" /> 
        <result column="final_amount" property="finalAmount" /> 
        <result column="memo" property="memo" /> 
        <result column="last_change_time" property="lastChangeTime" /> 
        <result column="orderType" property="orderType" /> 
        <result column="statusIds" property="statusIds" /> 
        <result column="is_group" property="isGroup" /> 
        <result column="is_retention" property="isRetention" /> 
        <result column="activity_id" property="activityId" /> 
        <result column="member_mac" property="memberMac" /> 
        <result column="discount_amount" property="discountAmount" />  

<resultMap type="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderMaintenanceVO" id="resultOrderMaintenance"> 
        <result column="order_id" property="ordersId"/> 
        <result column="member_id" property="memberId"/> 
        <result column="status" property="status"/> 
        <result column="mailno" property="mailno"/> 
        <result column="pharmacy_id" property="pharmacyId"/> 
        <result column="couponsType" property="couponsType"/> 
        <result column="returnStatus" property="returnStatus"/> 
        <result column="activity_id" property="activityId"/> 
        <result column="member_mac" property="memberMac"/> 
        <result column="payment" property="payment"/> 
        <result column="pay_status" property="payStatus"/> 
        <result column="cost_freight" property="costFreight"/> 
        <result column="cost_item" property="costItem"/> 
        <result column="total_amount" property="totalAmount"/> 
        <result column="pmt_amount" property="pmtAmount"/> 
        <result column="discount_amount" property="discountAmount"/> 
        <result column="final_amount" property="finalAmount"/> 

    <sql id="Base_Column_List"> 
        ship_addr, ship_zip, ship_tel, ship_email,street, 

    <insert id="addOrders" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        INSERT INTO 
        #{orderId} ,#{memberId} ,#{status} ,#{pharmacyId} 
        ,#{pharmacyName},#{contactmobie},#{okPharmacy} ,#{payStatus} 
        ,#{isDelivery} ,#{deliveryTime}, 
        #{shippingId} ,#{shipping} 
        ,#{costFreight} ,#{payment} ,#{weight} ,#{captcha} ,#{itemnum} , 
            <when test="createtime != null and createtime != ''">#{createtime}</when> 
        #{shipName} ,#{shipArea},#{province},#{city},#{country},#{street}, 
        ,#{shipZip} ,#{shipTel} ,#{shipEmail} ,#{shipMobile} ,#{shipTime} , 
        ,#{isTax} ,#{taxCompany} ,#{scoreG} ,#{totalAmount} ,#{pmtAmount} 
        ,#{finalAmount} ,#{memo} , 
            <when test="lastChangeTime != null and lastChangeTime != ''">#{lastChangeTime}</when> 

    <select id="listPageOrders" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders" 
        <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 
        from o2o_orders o where 
        1=1 and deleteFlag!=1 and ( 
        <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="orders.statusIds" 
            open="" separator="or" close=""> 
            o.status =#{item} 
        <if test="orders.memberId != null and orders.memberId != 0"> 
            and o.member_id= #{orders.memberId} 
        <if test="orders.pharmacyId != null and orders.pharmacyId != ''"> 
            and o.pharmacy_id= #{orders.pharmacyId} 

        <if test="orders.isGroup == null"> 
            and o.is_group = 0 
        <if test="orders.isGroup!=null"> 
            and o.is_group=#{orders.isGroup} 
        order by createtime desc 

    <select id="listPageOrders3_0" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders" 
        <include refid="Base_Column_List" />, 
        from o2o_orders o 
        left join o2o_order_property op on op.order_id=o.order_id 
        1=1 and deleteFlag!=1 and ( 
        <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="orders.statusIds" 
            open="" separator="or" close=""> 
            o.status =#{item} 
        <if test="orders.memberId != null and orders.memberId != 0"> 
            and o.member_id= #{orders.memberId} 
        <if test="orders.pharmacyId != null and orders.pharmacyId != ''"> 
            and o.pharmacy_id= #{orders.pharmacyId} 

        <if test="orders.isGroup == null"> 
            and o.is_group = 0 
        <if test="orders.isGroup!=null"> 
            and o.is_group=#{orders.isGroup} 
        order by createtime desc 

    <select id="getTotalOrders" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders" 
        select count(order_id) 
        from o2o_orders o where 1=1 and deleteFlag!=1 
        <if test="memberId != null and memberId != 0"> 
            and o.member_id= #{memberId} 
        and ( 
        <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="statusIds" 
            open="" separator="or" close=""> 
            o.status =#{item} 
        <if test="pharmacyId != null and pharmacyId != ''"> 
            and o.pharmacy_id= #{pharmacyId} 
        <if test="isGroup!=null"> 
            and o.is_group=#{isGroup} 

    <select id="getOrderById" parameterType="String" resultMap="resultOrders"> 
        select 'true' as QUERYID,op.pharm_short_name,pro.memberAdds_gdXcoord gdXcoord,pro.memberAdds_gdYcoord gdYcoord, 
        <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 
        from o2o_orders o 
        inner JOIN o2o_pharmacy op on o.pharmacy_id=op.pharmacy_id 
        LEFT JOIN o2o_order_property pro ON pro.order_id = o.order_id 
        where o.order_id=#{orderId} 

    <select id="getOrderByIdAndUser" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders" 
        select 'true' as QUERYID, 
        <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 
        from o2o_orders o 
        where o.order_id=#{orderId} and 

    <update id="updateStatusByOrderId" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        update o2o_orders 
            <if test="status!=null"> 
                status= #{status}, 
            <if test="pharmacyId != null and pharmacyId != 0"> 
                pharmacy_id= #{pharmacyId}, 
            <if test="pharmacyName != null and pharmacyName != ''"> 
                pharmacy_name= #{pharmacyName}, 
            <if test="reasonText !=null and reasonText != ''"> 
                reason_text = #{reasonText}, 
            <if test="payStatus !=null and payStatus != ''"> 
                pay_status = #{payStatus}, 
            <if test="returnStatus !=null"> 
                returnStatus = #{returnStatus}, 
            <if test="memo !=null and memo != ''"> 
                memo = #{memo}, 
            <if test="deleteFlag !=null and deleteFlag != ''"> 
                deleteFlag = #{deleteFlag}, 
                <when test="lastChangeTime != null and lastChangeTime != ''">last_change_time=#{lastChangeTime},</when> 
        <if test="ostatus != null and ostatus!= ''"> 
            and status= #{ostatus} 
    <update id="updateShippingTypeByOrderId" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        update o2o_orders  
            <if test="shippingId != null and shippingId != ''"> 
                shipping_id= #{shippingId}, 
            <if test="shipping != null and shipping != ''"> 
                shipping= #{shipping}, 
            <if test="shipMobile != null and shipMobile != ''"> 
                ship_mobile= #{shipMobile}, 
            <if test="shipName != null and shipName != ''"> 
                ship_name= #{shipName}, 
                province= #{province}, 
                city= #{city}, 
                country= #{country}, 
                ship_addr= #{shipAddr}, 

    <!-- 获取某药店 驳回状态下的订单数目 --> 
    <select id="getRejectedOrderNum" parameterType="java.lang.Long" 
        select count(*) 
        from o2o_orders o 
        o.pharmacy_id=#{pharmacyId} and o.status=3 
        and o.is_group = 0 

    <!-- 获取所有 驳回状态下的订单数目 --> 
    <select id="getAllRejectedOrderNums" resultType="int"> 
        select count(*) 
        from o2o_orders o 
        where o.status=3 
        and o.is_group = 0 

    <select id="queryExpressOrder" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.EDIExpressOrderVO" 
        select a.*,s.syncstatus from( 
        select  o.order_id,o.pharmacy_id,o.status,o.shipping,o.captcha,o.itemnum,o.createtime,o.shipping_id,o.ship_name,o.member_id, 
        o.ship_area,o.is_retention,o.ship_addr, o.ship_zip,o. ship_tel, o.ship_email,o.ship_mobile,o.cost_item,o.is_tax,o.cost_freight,o.payment, 
        o.tax_company,o.total_amount,(o.pmt_amount+o.discount_amount) as pmt_amount,o.final_amount,o.memo,g.acttime as last_change_time, 
        case when (s.`value` > 0 and 5 > s.`value` ) THEN '好药师预购单' else s.`code` end as ordertypeName,o.pharmacy_name,o.contactmobie, 
        o.province,o.city,o.country,o.is_group,o.activity_id,o.reason_text,e.mailno ,p.external_id as storeId 
        from o2o_orders o,o2o_pharmacy p,o2o_express_success e,o2o_order_log g,o2o_sys_syscode s 
        where    o.pharmacy_id=p.pharmacy_id    and o.order_id=e.orderid and o.orderType = s.`value` and s.catalog = "OrderType" 
        and o.order_id=g.order_id  and g.behavior="完成"         
        <if test="externalId!=null and externalId != '' "> 
            and p.external_id=#{externalId} 
        <if test="chainBranchId !=null and chainBranchId != '' "> 
            and p.chain_branch_id=#{chainBranchId} 
            and o.status in(2,6) 
        <if test="shippingIds!=null"> 
            and o.shipping_id in 
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="shippingIds" open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        order by o.createtime desc 
        ) a left join o2o_order_sync_records s 
        on a.order_id = s.order_id where 
        and s.order_status = 2 
        <if test="syncStatus==null or syncStatus==''"> 
            and (s.syncstatus= -1 or s.syncstatus =0) 
        <if test="syncStatus!=null and syncStatus!=''"> 
            and s.syncstatus=#{syncStatus} 

    <!--自提单: 待处理未同步,待处理已同步但修改配送未同步,待处理已同步做了取消和驳回的定单状态变更后未同步 ;配送单:完单且未同步--> 
    <select id="listPagequeryExpressOrder2" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.EDIExpressOrderVO" resultMap="erpOrderResult"> 
        select a.* from( 
              (select  o.order_id,o.status,oac.user_id, 
                      h.order_status,h.syncstatus, MAX(h.synctime) as lastsystime, 
                      o.payment,o.createtime,case when o.shipping_id = 1 then 1 else 0 end as shipping_id, 
                      case when (s.`value` > 0 and 5 > s.`value` ) THEN '好药师预购单' else s.`code` end as ordertypeName, 
                      p.pharm_short_name as pharmacy_name,o.pharmacy_id,p.external_id as storeId,p.chain_branch_id,o.cost_item,o.total_amount,o.cost_freight, 
                      (o.pmt_amount+o.discount_amount) as pmt_amount,o.ship_name,o.ship_mobile,o.ship_addr,o.ship_area,o.logistics_platype, 
                       case when m.promote_code is null THEN om.inviteCode  
                               when m.promote_code='' THEN om.inviteCode  
                               else m.promote_code end as promote_code, 
                      case when r.order_status is null  THEN 0 else 1 end as isupdateorder 
              from  o2o_orders o  
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_order_sync_records h on o.order_id = h.order_id 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_pharmacy p on o.pharmacy_id=p.pharmacy_id 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_order_property m on  o.order_id = m.order_id  
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_sys_syscode s  on o.orderType = s.`value` and s.catalog = "OrderType" 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_members om on o.member_id = om.member_id 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_account oa on o.member_id = oa.linked_id 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_account_center oac on oa.id = oac.account_id 
                    LEFT JOIN (SELECT order_id,order_status,syncstatus from o2o_order_sync_records  where order_status = '500' or order_status = '501'   GROUP BY order_id) r 
                    on  o.order_id = r.order_id 
                    LEFT JOIN (SELECT order_id,order_status,syncstatus from o2o_order_sync_records  where order_status in (-1,0)  GROUP BY order_id) s 
                    on  o.order_id = s.order_id 
              where o.shipping_id = 1 and o.`status` in (-1,0) and (s.syncstatus != 1 or (s.syncstatus = 1 and r.order_status is not null and r.syncstatus != 1)) 
               GROUP BY o.order_id  
         union (select  o.order_id,o.status,oac.user_id, 
                      h.order_status,h.syncstatus, MAX(h.synctime) as lastsystime, 
                      o.payment,o.createtime,case when o.shipping_id = 1 then 1 else 0 end as shipping_id, 
                      case when (s.`value` > 0 and 5 > s.`value` ) THEN '好药师预购单' else s.`code` end as ordertypeName, 
                      p.pharm_short_name as pharmacy_name,o.pharmacy_id,p.external_id as storeId,p.chain_branch_id,o.cost_item,o.total_amount,o.cost_freight, 
                      (o.pmt_amount+o.discount_amount) as pmt_amount,o.ship_name,o.ship_mobile,o.ship_addr,o.ship_area,o.logistics_platype, 
                       case when m.promote_code is null THEN om.inviteCode  
                               when m.promote_code='' THEN om.inviteCode  
                               else m.promote_code end as promote_code, 
                      case when r.order_status is null  THEN 0 else 1 end as isupdateorder 
              from  o2o_orders o  
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_order_sync_records h on o.order_id = h.order_id 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_pharmacy p on o.pharmacy_id=p.pharmacy_id 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_order_property m on  o.order_id = m.order_id  
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_sys_syscode s  on o.orderType = s.`value` and s.catalog = "OrderType" 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_members om on o.member_id = om.member_id 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_account oa on o.member_id = oa.linked_id 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_account_center oac on oa.id = oac.account_id 
                    LEFT JOIN (SELECT order_id,order_status,syncstatus from o2o_order_sync_records  where order_status = '500' or order_status = '501'   GROUP BY order_id) r 
                    on  o.order_id = r.order_id 
                    LEFT JOIN (SELECT order_id,order_status,syncstatus from o2o_order_sync_records  where order_status in (-1,0)  GROUP BY order_id) s 
                    on  o.order_id = s.order_id 
                    LEFT JOIN (SELECT order_id,order_status,syncstatus from o2o_order_sync_records  where order_status in (3,5)  GROUP BY order_id) x  
                    on  o.order_id = x.order_id 
              where o.shipping_id = 1 and o.`status` in (3,5) and s.syncstatus = 1 and x.syncstatus != 1 
               GROUP BY o.order_id  
              (select  o.order_id,o.status,oac.user_id, 
                      h.order_status,h.syncstatus, MAX(h.synctime) as lastsystime, 
                      o.payment,o.createtime,case when o.shipping_id = 1 then 1 else 0 end as shipping_id, 
                      case when (s.`value` > 0 and 5 > s.`value` ) THEN '好药师预购单' else s.`code` end as ordertypeName, 
                      p.pharm_short_name as pharmacy_name,o.pharmacy_id,p.external_id as storeId,p.chain_branch_id,o.cost_item,o.total_amount,o.cost_freight, 
                      (o.pmt_amount+o.discount_amount) as pmt_amount,o.ship_name,o.ship_mobile,o.ship_addr,o.ship_area,o.logistics_platype, 
                       case when m.promote_code is null THEN om.inviteCode  
                               when m.promote_code='' THEN om.inviteCode  
                               else m.promote_code end as promote_code, 
                      case when r.order_status is null  THEN 0 else 1 end as isupdateorder 
              from  o2o_orders o  
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_order_sync_records h on o.order_id = h.order_id 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_pharmacy p on o.pharmacy_id=p.pharmacy_id 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_order_property m on  o.order_id = m.order_id  
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_sys_syscode s  on o.orderType = s.`value` and s.catalog = "OrderType" 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_members om on o.member_id = om.member_id 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_account oa on o.member_id = oa.linked_id 
                    LEFT JOIN o2o_account_center oac on oa.id = oac.account_id 
                    LEFT JOIN (SELECT order_id,order_status from o2o_order_sync_records  where order_status = '500' or order_status = '501'   GROUP BY order_id) r 
                    on  o.order_id = r.order_id 
              where h.syncstatus != 1  
               and o.shipping_id in (3,7) and (o.`status` = 2 or o.`status` = 6) 
               GROUP BY o.order_id  
        ) a where 1=1  
            <if test="vo.chainBranchIds != null "> 
                and a.chain_branch_id in  
                <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="vo.chainBranchIds" open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
       order by a.createtime desc 

    <select id="selectOrderByErpRules" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.EDIExpressOrderVO" 
        select a.* from( 
                select  o.order_id,o.status,oac.user_id, 
                  o.payment,o.createtime,case when o.shipping_id = 1 then 1 else 0 end as shipping_id, 
              case when (s.`value` > 0 and 5 > s.`value` ) THEN '好药师预购单' else s.`code` end as ordertypeName, 
              p.pharm_short_name as pharmacy_name,o.pharmacy_id,p.external_id as storeId,p.chain_branch_id,o.cost_item,o.total_amount,o.cost_freight, 
             (o.pmt_amount+o.discount_amount) as pmt_amount,o.ship_name,o.ship_mobile,o.ship_addr,o.ship_area, 
             case when m.promote_code is null THEN om.inviteCode  
                   when m.promote_code='' THEN om.inviteCode  
                   else m.promote_code end as promote_code,o.final_amount, 
             case when r.order_status is null  THEN 0 else 1 end as isupdateorder,h.systatus 
        from o2o_orders o  
           LEFT JOIN (SELECT a.order_id,COUNT(*) as b,case when MIN(a.syncstatus) &lt; 1 then 0 else 1 end as systatus  
                       from o2o_order_sync_records a GROUP BY a.order_id) h 
                on o.order_id = h.order_id 
           LEFT JOIN o2o_pharmacy p on o.pharmacy_id=p.pharmacy_id 
           LEFT JOIN o2o_order_property m on  o.order_id = m.order_id   
           LEFT JOIN o2o_sys_syscode s  on o.orderType = s.`value` and s.catalog = "OrderType" 
           LEFT JOIN o2o_members om on o.member_id = om.member_id 
           LEFT JOIN o2o_account oa on o.member_id = oa.linked_id 
           LEFT JOIN o2o_account_center oac on oa.id = oac.account_id 
           LEFT JOIN (SELECT order_id,order_status from o2o_order_sync_records  where order_status = '500' or order_status = '501'   GROUP BY order_id) r 
                   on  o.order_id = r.order_id 
        where 1=1 and o.shipping_id in (1,3,7) 
        <if test="externalId!=null and externalId != '' "> 
            and p.external_id=#{externalId} 
        <if test="chainBranchId !=null and chainBranchId != '' "> 
            and p.chain_branch_id=#{chainBranchId} 
            test="(start_date != null and start_date != '' ) and (end_date ==null or end_date =='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  o.createtime >= str_to_date(#{start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')    ]]> 

            test="(start_date == null or start_date == '' ) and (end_date !=null and end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  o.createtime <= str_to_date(#{end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 

            test="(start_date != null and start_date != '' ) and (end_date !=null and end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  o.createtime between str_to_date(#{start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') and  str_to_date(#{end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 
        <if test="orderId !=null and orderId !='' "> 
            and o.order_id =  #{orderId}             
        <if test="shipName !=null and shipName !='' "> 
            and o.ship_name = #{shipName}             
        <if test="shipMobile !=null and shipMobile !='' "> 
            and o.ship_mobile = #{shipMobile}         
        order by o.createtime desc 
         ) a 
         where 1=1  
        <if test="syncStatus !=null and syncStatus !='' "> 
            and a.systatus = #{syncStatus}         

    <resultMap type="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders" id="BaseResultMap"> 
        <id column="order_id" property="orderId" /> 
        <result column="member_id" property="memberId" /> 
        <result column="status" property="status" /> 
        <result column="pharmacy_id" property="pharmacyId" /> 
        <result column="pharmacy_name" property="pharmacyName" /> 
        <result column="contactmobie" property="contactmobie" /> 
        <result column="ok_pharmacy" property="okPharmacy" /> 
        <result column="pay_status" property="payStatus" /> 
        <result column="is_delivery" property="isDelivery" /> 
        <result column="shipping_id" property="shippingId" /> 
        <result column="shipping" property="shipping" /> 
        <result column="payment" property="payment" /> 
        <result column="weight" property="weight" /> 
        <result column="captcha" property="captcha" /> 
        <result column="itemnum" property="itemnum" /> 
        <result column="delivery_time" property="deliveryTime" /> 
        <result column="createtime" property="createtime" /> 
        <result column="ship_name" property="shipName" /> 
        <result column="ship_area" property="shipArea" /> 
        <result column="province" property="province" /> 
        <result column="city" property="city" /> 
        <result column="country" property="country" /> 
        <result column="ship_addr" property="shipAddr" /> 
        <result column="ship_zip" property="shipZip" /> 
        <result column="ship_tel" property="shipTel" /> 
        <result column="ship_email" property="shipEmail" /> 
        <result column="ship_mobile" property="shipMobile" /> 
        <result column="cost_item" property="costItem" /> 
        <result column="is_tax" property="isTax" /> 
        <result column="tax_company" property="taxCompany" /> 
        <result column="cost_freight" property="costFreight" /> 
        <result column="score_g" property="scoreG" /> 
        <result column="total_amount" property="totalAmount" /> 
        <result column="pmt_amount" property="pmtAmount" /> 
        <result column="final_amount" property="finalAmount" /> 
        <result column="pmtAount" property="pmtAount"/> 
        <result column="countAount" property="countAount"/> 
        <result column="discount_amount" property="discountAmount"/> 
        <result column="memo" property="memo" /> 
        <result column="last_change_time" property="lastChangeTime" /> 
        <result column="orderType" property="orderType" /> 
        <result column="ordertypeName" property="ordertypeName" /> 
        <result column="statusIds" property="statusIds" /> 
        <result column="is_group" property="isGroup" /> 
        <result column="activity_id" property="activityId" /> 
        <result column="returnStatus" property="returnStatus" /> 
        <result column="category_id" property="categoryId"/> 
        <result column="storeId" property="storeId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> 
        <result column="inviteCode" property="inviteCode" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> 
        <result column="isGift" property="isGift"/> 
        <result column="isGifts" property="isGifts"/> 
        <result column="member_mac" property="memberMac"/> 
        <result column="is_retention" property="isRetention"/> 
        <result column="couponsType" property="couponsType"/> 
        <result column="isupdateorder" property="isupdateorder"/> 
        <result column="reason_text" property="reasonText"/> 
        <collection property="orderDetails" column="order_id" 
            select="com.ehaoyao.payment.dao.OrderItemsDao.selectPharmacyOrderDetailByOrderId" /> 

    <resultMap type="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderVO" 
        id="BaseResultMapVO" extends="BaseResultMap"> 
        <result column="payTime" property="paymentTime" /> 

    <resultMap id="ResultOrderVO" type="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.PharmacyOrderVO" 
        <result column="name" property="memberName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> 
        <result column="shipping_name" property="shippingName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> 
        <result column="expressNo" property="expressNo"/> 
        <result column="expressType" property="expressType"/> 

    <!-- /** * resultMerchaindiseStoreVOMap 适用于按订单查询药品 * * @author Justin.Lan  
        * @date 2013-11-26 下午16:20:22 "src/main/java/com/qumaiyao/pharmacy/vo/MerchaindiseStoreVO.java"  
        */ --> 
    <resultMap type="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.MerchaindiseStoreVO" 
        <id column="order_id" property="orderId" /> 
        <result column="bn" property="bn" /> 
        <result column="pharmacy_id" property="pharmacyId" /> 
        <result column="nums" property="nums" /> 
        <result column="store" property="store" /> 
        <result column="occ_store" property="occ_store" /> 
        <result column="giftStore" property="giftStore" /> 
        <result column="occ_giftStore" property="occGiftStore" /> 
        <result column="isGift" property="isGift" /> 
        <result column="activity_id" property="activity_id" /> 
        <result column="deflatActivityId" property="deflatActivityId" /> 
        <result column="purchase_id" property="purchaseId" /> 

    <!--** * resultOrderMemeberPointVO 适用于会员积分操作 * * @author Justin.Lan * @date  
        2014-08-07 14:20:22 */ --> 
    <resultMap type="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderMemeberPointVO" 
        <id column="order_id" property="orderId" /> 
        <result column="status" property="status" /> 
        <result column="score_g" property="score_g" /> 
        <result column="member_id" property="member_id" /> 
        <result column="final_amount" property="finalAmount" /> 

    <!-- 根据订单编号查询信息 --> 
    <select id="selectOrderInfo" resultMap="ResultOrderVO" 
    select * from ( 
        select a.order_id, a.status, a.ship_name, a.ship_addr, 
        b.username, a.orderType,a.ship_tel,a.discount_amount, 
        a.cost_item, a.pmt_amount, (ifnull(a.discount_amount,0) +  ifnull(a.pmt_amount,0)) as pmtAount , a.cost_freight, 
        <![CDATA[if(ifnull(a.final_amount,0) < 0,0,a.final_amount) as countAount]]> 
        o2o_orders a, o2o_account b 
        where a.member_id = b.linked_id and 
        a.order_id = 
        and b.user_type = 0 
    ) aa 
    left join o2o_express_log bb on aa.order_id=bb.orderId group by aa.order_id 

    <select id="selectByPrimaryKey" resultMap="BaseResultMap" 
        <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 
        from o2o_orders o 
        where order_id = #{orderId,jdbcType=VARCHAR} 

    <select id="selectOrderById" resultMap="BaseResultMap" 
        select (select p.external_id from o2o_pharmacy p where 
        p.pharmacy_id = a.pharmacy_id) as 
        a.cost_item,a.is_tax,a.tax_company,a.total_amount,(a.pmt_amount+a.discount_amount) as pmt_amount,a.final_amount,a.memo,a.cost_freight,a.shipping_id,a.is_delivery,a.delivery_time,a.is_group, 
        case when m.order_status is null then 0 else 1  end as isupdateorder, 
        case when (s.`value` > 0 and 5 > s.`value` ) THEN '好药师预购单' else s.`code` end as ordertypeName 
        ,e.total_mailno as mailno ,(select sum(t.nums) from o2o_order_items t 
        where t.order_id = a.order_id) as goodsNums from (select 
        a.*,m.inviteCode from o2o_orders a left join o2o_members m on 
        a.member_id = m.member_id) a left join o2o_express_success e on 
        a.order_id = e.orderid 
        LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT order_id,order_status from o2o_order_sync_records  where (order_status = '500' or order_status = '501') and syncstatus != '1') m on a.order_id = m.order_id 
        LEFT JOIN (select * from o2o_sys_syscode where catalog = "OrderType") s  on a.orderType = s.`value`  
        where a.order_id = #{order_id,jdbcType=VARCHAR} 
    <!-- /** * selectMedStoreByOrderId 适用于按订单ID查询药店药品库存 * * @author Justin.Lan  
        * @date 2014-08-07 10:20:22 */ --> 
    <select id="selectMedStoreByOrderId" parameterType="String" 
        as goods_id from o2o_orders a 
        inner join o2o_order_items b on 
        a.order_id =b.order_id 
        left join o2o_pharmacy_goods c on a.pharmacy_id 
        = c.pharmacy_id and 
        where a.order_id = 
    <!-- /** * selectOrderPointByOrderId 适用于按订单ID查询订单积分 * * @author Justin.Lan  
        * @date 2014-08-07 10:20:22 */ --> 
    <select id="selectOrderPointByOrderId" parameterType="String" 
        select a.order_id,status,score_g,member_id,final_amount from 
        o2o_orders a 
        where a.order_id = #{orderId,jdbcType=VARCHAR} 

    <!-- /** * selectPharmacyIdByOrderId 根据订单查询药店ID * * @author Justin.Lan *  
        @date 2014-08-07 10:20:22 */ --> 
    <select id="selectPharmacyIdByOrderId" resultType="java.lang.Long" 
        select pharmacy_id from o2o_orders where order_id = 

    <!-- /** * selectBeginOrdersCount适用于统计为初始状态或配货的-1,0 订单数 * * @author Justin.Lan  
        * @date 2014-08-01 下午15:24:29 */ --> 
    <select id="selectBeginOrdersCount" parameterType="java.lang.Long" 
        select count(order_id) from o2o_orders a 
        where 1=1 
        a.status = -1  
        and ( 
        (a.shipping = '客户自提' or a.shipping = '到店自提') 
        (<![CDATA[TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,(DATE_FORMAT(a.createtime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i')),(DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i')))<= 1 ]]>) 
        (a.shipping != '客户自提' and a.shipping != '到店自提') 
        and a.pharmacy_id = 
        and a.is_group = 0 

    <!-- /** * selectPickingOrdersCount适用于统计客户自提订单数 * * @author Justin.Lan *  
        @date 2014-08-01 下午15:24:29 */ --> 
    <select id="selectPickingOrdersCount" parameterType="java.lang.Long" 
        select count(order_id) from o2o_orders a 
        where 1=1 
        a.status = 1 and (a.shipping ='客户自提' or a.shipping = '到店自提') 
        and a.pharmacy_id = 
        and a.is_group = 0 

    <!-- /** * selectDiliveryOrders适用于统计药店配送订单数 * * @author Justin.Lan * @date  
        2014-08-01 下午15:24:29 */ --> 
    <select id="selectDiliveryOrdersCount" parameterType="java.lang.Long" 
        select count(order_id) from o2o_orders a 
        where 1=1 
        a.status = 1 and a.shipping_id in (3,6,7) 
        and a.pharmacy_id = 
        and a.is_group = 0 

    <!-- /** * listPageOrderByPharmacy适用于药店订单查询(支持分页) * * @author Justin.Lan  
        * @date 2014-04-26 上午09:31:22 */ --> 
    <select id="listPageOrderByPharmacy" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders" 
        select GROUP_CONCAT(i.isGift ORDER BY i.isGift ASC) as isGifts,pharmacy_id,a.order_id,status,shipping,itemnum,createtime, 
        as operation,a.couponsType,a.discount_amount,(ifnull(a.discount_amount,0) +  ifnull(a.pmt_amount,0)) as pmtAount from o2o_orders a 
        left join o2o_order_items i on i.order_id=a.order_id 
        where 1=1 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGift ==1"> 
        and a.order_id in (select order_id from o2o_order_items where isGift=1) 
         <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGift ==2"> 
        and a.order_id not in (select order_id from o2o_order_items where isGift=1) 
            test="pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId != null and pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId != 0 "> 
            and a.pharmacy_id = #{pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderId != null and pharmacyOrder.orderId != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.order_id like   CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.orderId}, '%') ]]> 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shipName != null and pharmacyOrder.shipName != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.ship_name like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.shipName}, '%') ]]> 
            test="pharmacyOrder.shipMobile != null and pharmacyOrder.shipMobile != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.ship_mobile like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.shipMobile}, '%') ]]> 
            test="pharmacyOrder.orderType != null and pharmacyOrder.orderType != 0 "> 
            and a.orderType = #{pharmacyOrder.orderType} 
        <if test="(pharmacyOrder.couponsType != null and pharmacyOrder.couponsType != '')"> 
            <![CDATA[and a.couponsType like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.couponsType}, '%')]]> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.status != null and pharmacyOrder.status &gt; 0 "> 
            and a.status = #{pharmacyOrder.status} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.status != null and pharmacyOrder.status  &lt; 0 "> 
            and (a.status = -1 or a.status = 0) 
            test="pharmacyOrder.payment ==2"> 
            and a.payment = 0 
            test="pharmacyOrder.payment ==1  "> 
            and a.payment = 1 
            test="pharmacyOrder.shippingId != null and pharmacyOrder.shippingId != 0 "> 
            and a.shipping_id  IN(3,6,7)  

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shipping != null and pharmacyOrder.shipping != '' "> 
                <when test="pharmacyOrder.shipping == '药店配送' "> 
                        <![CDATA[and a.shipping != '客户自提' and a.shipping != '到店自提']]> 
                <when test="pharmacyOrder.shipping == '药急送' "> 
                        and a.shipping = '药急送' 
                <when test="pharmacyOrder.shipping == '隔日达' "> 
                        and a.shipping = '隔日达' 
                <when test="pharmacyOrder.shipping == '夜间送' "> 
                        and a.shipping = '夜间送' 
                    and (a.shipping = #{pharmacyOrder.shipping} or a.shipping = '到店自提') 


        <if test="pharmacyOrder.keywords != null and pharmacyOrder.keywords!= ''"> 

             <![CDATA[and (a.ship_name like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%')  or  a.ship_mobile like  CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%')   or  a.order_id like  CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%') )  ]]> 


            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date != null and pharmacyOrder.start_date != '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date ==null or pharmacyOrder.end_date =='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime >= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')    ]]> 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date == null or pharmacyOrder.start_date == '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date !=null and pharmacyOrder.end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime <= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date != null and pharmacyOrder.start_date != '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date !=null and pharmacyOrder.end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime between str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') and  str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGroup == null"> 
            and a.is_group = 0 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGroup!=null"> 
            and a.is_group=#{pharmacyOrder.isGroup} 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.ordersIds!=null"> 
            and a.order_id in 
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="pharmacyOrder.ordersIds" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="1==1"> 
            GROUP BY order_id 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderBy != null and pharmacyOrder.orderBy != '' "> 
            order by ${pharmacyOrder.orderBy} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.sort != null and pharmacyOrder.sort != '' "> 

    <!-- 查询药店订单,不含明细 --> 
    <select id="listPageOrderByPharmacy2" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.ExpressOrderVO" 
        a.cost_item,a.is_tax,a.tax_company,a.total_amount,(a.pmt_amount+a.discount_amount) as pmt_amount,a.final_amount,a.memo,a.cost_freight,a.shipping_id,a.is_delivery,a.delivery_time,a.is_group, 
        case when m.order_status is null then 0 else 1  end as isupdateorder, 
        case when (s.`value` > 0 and 5 > s.`value` ) THEN '好药师预购单' else s.`code` end as ordertypeName 
        ,e.total_mailno as mailno,(select sum(t.nums) from o2o_order_items t 
        where t.order_id = a.order_id) as goodsNums from 
        (select a.* 
        ,p.external_id as storeId ,p.category_id,p.chain_branch_id as chainBranchId from (select a.*,m.inviteCode 
        from o2o_orders a,o2o_members m where a.member_id = m.member_id 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.status != null and pharmacyOrder.status !=-2"> 
            and a.status = #{pharmacyOrder.status} 
        <!-- 如果要点传-2(未付款)则不查询任何结果(目前status无-3) --> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.status ==-2"> 
            and a.status ==-3 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.status==null or pharmacyOrder.status == ''"> 
            and a.status !=-2 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.payment != null"> 
            and a.payment = #{pharmacyOrder.payment} 
            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date != null and pharmacyOrder.start_date != '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date ==null or pharmacyOrder.end_date =='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime >= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')    ]]> 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date == null or pharmacyOrder.start_date == '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date !=null and pharmacyOrder.end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime <= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date != null and pharmacyOrder.start_date != '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date !=null and pharmacyOrder.end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime between str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') and  str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 

        ) a 
        left join o2o_pharmacy p on p.pharmacy_id = a.pharmacy_id ) a left 
        join o2o_express_success e on a.order_id = e.orderid 
        LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT order_id,order_status from o2o_order_sync_records  where (order_status = '500' or order_status = '501')and syncstatus != '1') m on a.order_id = m.order_id 
        LEFT JOIN (select * from o2o_sys_syscode where catalog = "OrderType") s  on a.orderType = s.`value`     
        where 1=1 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.inviteCode== 1"> 
            and (a.inviteCode is not null and a.inviteCode !=' ') 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.payment != null"> 
            and a.payment = #{pharmacyOrder.payment} 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.chainBranchId !=null and pharmacyOrder.chainBranchId != '' "> 
            and a.chainBranchId=#{pharmacyOrder.chainBranchId} 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.storeId!=null and pharmacyOrder.storeId != '' "> 
            and a.storeId=#{pharmacyOrder.storeId} 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.inviteCode== 2"> 
            and (a.inviteCode is null or a.inviteCode =' ') 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isRetention != null"> 
            and a.is_retention = #{pharmacyOrder.isRetention} 
            test="pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId != null and pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId != 0 "> 
            and a.pharmacy_id = #{pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderIdArray!= null"> 
            and a.order_id in 
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="pharmacyOrder.orderIdArray" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderId != null and pharmacyOrder.orderId!=''"> 
            and a.order_id like '%${pharmacyOrder.orderId}%' 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.categoryId != null"> 
            and a.category_id = #{pharmacyOrder.categoryId} 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shipName != null and pharmacyOrder.shipName != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.ship_name like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.shipName}, '%') ]]> 
            test="pharmacyOrder.shipMobile != null and pharmacyOrder.shipMobile != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.ship_mobile like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.shipMobile}, '%') ]]> 
<!--         <if 
            test="pharmacyOrder.orderType != null and pharmacyOrder.orderType != 0 "> 
            and a.orderType = #{pharmacyOrder.orderType} 
        </if> --> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderTypeArray!= null"> 
            and a.orderType in 
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="pharmacyOrder.orderTypeArray" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.status != null  and pharmacyOrder.status !=-2"> 
            and a.status = #{pharmacyOrder.status} 
        <!-- 如果要点传-2(未付款)则不查询任何结果(目前status无-3) --> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.status ==-2"> 
            and a.status ==-3 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.status==null or pharmacyOrder.status == ''"> 
            and a.status !=-2 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.mailnoArray!=null"> 
            and e.total_mailno in 
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="pharmacyOrder.mailnoArray" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.mailno != null and pharmacyOrder.mailno !=''"> 
            and e.total_mailno like '%${pharmacyOrder.mailno}%' 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shippingIds!=null"> 
            and a.shipping_id in 
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="pharmacyOrder.shippingIds" open="(" separator="," close=")"> 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shipping != null and pharmacyOrder.shipping != '' "> 
                <when test="pharmacyOrder.shipping == '药店配送' "> 
                        <![CDATA[and a.shipping != '客户自提']]> 
                    and a.shipping = #{pharmacyOrder.shipping} 


        <if test="pharmacyOrder.keywords != null and pharmacyOrder.keywords!= ''"> 

             <![CDATA[and (a.ship_name like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%')  or  a.ship_mobile like  CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%')   or  a.order_id like  CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%') )  ]]> 


            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date != null and pharmacyOrder.start_date != '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date ==null or pharmacyOrder.end_date =='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime >= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')    ]]> 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date == null or pharmacyOrder.start_date == '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date !=null and pharmacyOrder.end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime <= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date != null and pharmacyOrder.start_date != '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date !=null and pharmacyOrder.end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime between str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') and  str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGroup!=null"> 
            and a.is_group=#{pharmacyOrder.isGroup} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderBy != null and pharmacyOrder.orderBy != '' "> 
         order by ${pharmacyOrder.orderBy} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.sort != null and pharmacyOrder.sort != '' "> 


    <!-- /** * listPageOrderByPharmacyAndOprationTime适用于药店已守成订单查询(支持分页) */ --> 
    <select id="listPageOrderByPharmacyAndOprationTime" 
        parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> 
        select  a.returnStatus,a.pharmacy_id,GROUP_CONCAT(i.isGift ORDER BY i.isGift ASC) AS isGifts,a.order_id,status,shipping,itemnum,createtime, 
        as operation, c.acttime as finishOrderTime,op.category_id,a.couponsType,a.discount_amount,(ifnull(a.discount_amount,0) +  ifnull(a.pmt_amount,0)) as pmtAount 
        from o2o_orders a inner join 
        o2o_order_log c on a.order_id = c.order_id 
        LEFT JOIN o2o_order_items i ON i.order_id = a.order_id 
        inner join o2o_pharmacy op on op.pharmacy_id = a.pharmacy_id 
        where 1=1 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGift==1"> 
           and a.order_id in (select order_id from o2o_order_items where isGift=1) 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGift==2"> 
           and a.order_id in (select order_id from o2o_order_items where isGift=1) 
            test="pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId != null and pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId != 0 "> 
            and a.pharmacy_id = #{pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderId != null and pharmacyOrder.orderId != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.order_id like   CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.orderId}, '%') ]]> 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shipName != null and pharmacyOrder.shipName != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.ship_name like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.shipName}, '%') ]]> 

            test="pharmacyOrder.orderType != null and pharmacyOrder.orderType != 0 "> 
            and a.orderType = #{pharmacyOrder.orderType} 
        <if test="(pharmacyOrder.couponsType != null and pharmacyOrder.couponsType != '')"> 
            <![CDATA[and a.couponsType like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.couponsType}, '%')]]> 
            test="pharmacyOrder.status != null and pharmacyOrder.status != 0  and pharmacyOrder.status != 2"> 
            and a.status = #{pharmacyOrder.status} 

            test="pharmacyOrder.status != null and pharmacyOrder.status != 0  and pharmacyOrder.status = 2"> 
            and (a.status = #{pharmacyOrder.status} or a.status = 6) 
            test="pharmacyOrder.shippingId != null and pharmacyOrder.shippingId != 0 "> 
            and a.shipping_id = #{pharmacyOrder.shippingId} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shipping != null and pharmacyOrder.shipping != '' "> 
                <when test="pharmacyOrder.shipping == '药店配送' "> 
                        <![CDATA[and a.shipping != '客户自提' and a.shipping != '到店自提']]> 
                    and (a.shipping = #{pharmacyOrder.shipping} or a.shipping = '到店自提') 


            test="pharmacyOrder.payment ==2"> 
            and a.payment = 0 
            test="pharmacyOrder.payment ==1  "> 
            and a.payment = 1 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.keywords != null and pharmacyOrder.keywords!= ''">          
             <![CDATA[and (a.ship_name like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%')  or  a.ship_mobile like  CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%')   or  a.order_id like  CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%') )  ]]> 


        <if test="pharmacyOrder.behavior != null and pharmacyOrder.behavior != '' "> 
            and c.behavior = #{pharmacyOrder.behavior} 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date != null and pharmacyOrder.start_date != '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date ==null or pharmacyOrder.end_date =='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime >= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')    ]]> 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date == null or pharmacyOrder.start_date == '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date !=null and pharmacyOrder.end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime <= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 
            test="(pharmacyOrder.createBeginTime != null and pharmacyOrder.createBeginTime != '' )  ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime >= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.createBeginTime},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 
            test="(pharmacyOrder.createEndTime != null and pharmacyOrder.createEndTime != '' )  ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime <= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.createEndTime},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 
            test="(pharmacyOrder.acttimeBeginTime != null and pharmacyOrder.acttimeBeginTime != '' )  ">  
                <![CDATA[and  c.acttime >= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.acttimeBeginTime},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 
            test="(pharmacyOrder.acttimeEndTime != null and pharmacyOrder.acttimeEndTime != '' )  ">  
                <![CDATA[and  c.acttime <= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.acttimeEndTime},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGroup == null"> 
            and a.is_group = 0 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGroup!=null"> 
            and a.is_group=#{pharmacyOrder.isGroup} 
        <if test="1==1"> 
            GROUP BY order_id 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderBy != null and pharmacyOrder.orderBy != '' "> 
            order by ${pharmacyOrder.orderBy} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.sort != null and pharmacyOrder.sort != '' "> 


    <select id="listPageOrderByPharmacyAddFinishOrderTime" 
        parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> 
        select a.pharmacy_id,a.order_id,status,shipping,itemnum,createtime, 
        as operation, 
        c.acttime as finishOrderTime from o2o_orders a 
        inner join 
        o2o_order_log c on a.order_id = c.order_id and c.behavior = '完成' 
            test="pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId != null and pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId != 0 "> 
            and a.pharmacy_id = #{pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderId != null and pharmacyOrder.orderId != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.order_id like   CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.orderId}, '%') ]]> 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shipName != null and pharmacyOrder.shipName != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.ship_name like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.shipName}, '%') ]]> 

            test="pharmacyOrder.orderType != null and pharmacyOrder.orderType != 0 "> 
            and a.orderType = #{pharmacyOrder.orderType} 

            test="pharmacyOrder.status != null and pharmacyOrder.status != 0  and pharmacyOrder.status != 2"> 
            and a.status = #{pharmacyOrder.status} 

            test="pharmacyOrder.status != null and pharmacyOrder.status != 0  and pharmacyOrder.status = 2"> 
            and (a.status = #{pharmacyOrder.status} or a.status = 6) 

            test="pharmacyOrder.shippingId != null and pharmacyOrder.shippingId != 0 "> 
            and a.shipping_id = #{pharmacyOrder.shippingId} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shipping != null and pharmacyOrder.shipping != '' "> 
            and a.shipping = #{pharmacyOrder.shipping} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.keywords != null and pharmacyOrder.keywords!= ''"> 

            and (a.ship_name like '%'||#{pharmacyOrder.keywords}'%' or 
            like '%'||#{pharmacyOrder.keywords}'%' or a.order_id like 
            '%'||#{pharmacyOrder.keywords}'%' ) 


            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date != null and pharmacyOrder.start_date != '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date ==null or pharmacyOrder.end_date =='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime >= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')    ]]> 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date == null or pharmacyOrder.start_date == '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date !=null and pharmacyOrder.end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime <= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date != null and pharmacyOrder.start_date != '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date !=null and pharmacyOrder.end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime between str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') and  str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGroup == null"> 
            and a.is_group = 0 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGroup!=null"> 
            and a.is_group=#{pharmacyOrder.isGroup} 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.ordersIds!=null"> 
            and a.order_id in 
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="pharmacyOrder.ordersIds" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGroup!=null"> 
            and a.is_group=#{pharmacyOrder.isGroup} 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderBy != null and pharmacyOrder.orderBy != '' "> 
            order by ${pharmacyOrder.orderBy} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.sort != null and pharmacyOrder.sort != '' "> 

    <select id="listPageCloseOrderByPharmacy" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders" 
      <![CDATA[select * from ( 
        select pharmacy_id,GROUP_CONCAT(i.isGift ORDER BY i.isGift ASC) as isGifts,a.order_id,status,shipping,a.payment,itemnum,createtime,orderType 
        captcha,status as operation ,'' as behavior from o2o_orders a  
         left join o2o_order_items i on i.order_id=a.order_id 
     where status >3 and status <6]]> 
            test="pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId != null and pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId != 0 "> 
            and a.pharmacy_id = #{pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId} 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGroup == null"> 
            and a.is_group = 0 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGroup!=null"> 
            and a.is_group=#{pharmacyOrder.isGroup} 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.ordersIds!=null"> 
            and a.order_id in 
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="pharmacyOrder.ordersIds" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shipping != null and pharmacyOrder.shipping != '' "> 
                <when test="pharmacyOrder.shipping == '药店配送' "> 
                        <![CDATA[and a.shipping != '客户自提' and a.shipping != '到店自提']]> 
                    and (a.shipping = #{pharmacyOrder.shipping} or a.shipping = '到店自提') 

        <if test="1==1"> 
        GROUP BY order_id 
    <![CDATA[    union  
        select l.pharmacy_id,GROUP_CONCAT(i.isGift ORDER BY i.isGift ASC) as isGifts,l.order_id,status,shipping,a.payment,itemnum,createtime,orderType 
        captcha,status as operation ,l.behavior from o2o_orders a  
        inner join  o2o_order_log l on l.order_id=a.order_id 
         left join o2o_order_items i on i.order_id=a.order_id 
         where l.behavior='驳回'   and l.order_id=#{pharmacyOrder.pharmacyId} GROUP BY order_id) a where 1=1]]> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGift==1"> 
           and a.order_id in (select order_id from o2o_order_items where isGift=1) 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGift==2"> 
            and a.order_id in (select order_id from o2o_order_items where isGift=1) 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderId != null and pharmacyOrder.orderId != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.order_id like   CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.orderId}, '%') ]]> 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shipName != null and pharmacyOrder.shipName != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.ship_name like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.shipName}, '%') ]]> 

            test="pharmacyOrder.orderType != null and pharmacyOrder.orderType != 0 "> 
            and a.orderType = #{pharmacyOrder.orderType} 
        <if test="(pharmacyOrder.couponsType != null and pharmacyOrder.couponsType != '')"> 
            <![CDATA[and a.couponsType like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.couponsType}, '%')]]> 
            test="pharmacyOrder.payment ==2"> 
            and a.payment = 0 
            test="pharmacyOrder.payment ==1  "> 
            and a.payment = 1 

            test="pharmacyOrder.closedStatus !=null and  pharmacyOrder.closedStatus != ''"> 
            and a.status = #{pharmacyOrder.closedStatus} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.keywords != null and pharmacyOrder.keywords!= ''"> 

             <![CDATA[and (a.ship_name like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%')  or  a.ship_mobile like  CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%')   or  a.order_id like  CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%') )  ]]> 


            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date != null and pharmacyOrder.start_date != '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date ==null or pharmacyOrder.end_date =='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime >= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')    ]]> 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date == null or pharmacyOrder.start_date == '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date !=null and pharmacyOrder.end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime <= str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date != null and pharmacyOrder.start_date != '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date !=null and pharmacyOrder.end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime between str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') and  str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.ordersIds!=null"> 
            and a.order_id in 
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="pharmacyOrder.ordersIds" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderBy != null and pharmacyOrder.orderBy != '' "> 
            order by ${pharmacyOrder.orderBy} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.sort != null and pharmacyOrder.sort != '' "> 

    <!-- 药店订单高级搜索 --> 
    <select id="listPageOrderBySeach" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders" 
        select pharmacy_id,order_id,status,shipping,itemnum,createtime, 
        as operation from o2o_orders a 
        where 1=1 
            test="pharmacyOrder.pharmacy_id != null and pharmacyOrder.pharmacy_id != 0 "> 
            and a.pharmacy_id = #{pharmacyOrder.pharmacy_id} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderId != null and pharmacyOrder.orderId != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.order_id like   CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.orderId}, '%') ]]> 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shipName != null and pharmacyOrder.shipName != '' "> 
                   <![CDATA[and a.ship_name like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.shipName}, '%') ]]> 

            test="pharmacyOrder.orderType != null and pharmacyOrder.orderType != 0 "> 
            and a.orderType = #{pharmacyOrder.orderType} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.status != null"> 
            and a.status = #{pharmacyOrder.status} 

            test="pharmacyOrder.shippingId != null and pharmacyOrder.shippingId != 0 "> 
            and a.shipping_id = #{pharmacyOrder.shippingId} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.shipping != null and pharmacyOrder.shipping != '' "> 
            and a.shipping = #{pharmacyOrder.shipping} 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.keywords != null and pharmacyOrder.keywords!= ''"> 

             <![CDATA[and (a.ship_name like CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%')  or  a.ship_mobile like  CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%')   or  a.order_id like  CONCAT('%', #{pharmacyOrder.keywords}, '%') )  ]]> 

            test="(pharmacyOrder.start_date != null and pharmacyOrder.start_date != '' ) and (pharmacyOrder.end_date !=null and pharmacyOrder.end_date !='' ) ">  
                <![CDATA[and  a.createtime between str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.start_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') and  str_to_date(#{pharmacyOrder.end_date},'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')]]> 

        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGroup == null"> 
            and a.is_group = 0 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.isGroup!=null"> 
            and a.is_group=#{pharmacyOrder.isGroup} 
        <if test="pharmacyOrder.orderBy!=null and pharmacyOrder.sort!=null"> 
            order by #{pharmacyOrder.orderBy} #{pharmacyOrder.sort} 

    <delete id="deleteByPrimaryKey" parameterType="java.lang.Long"> 
        delete from 
        where order_id = #{order_id,jdbcType=BIGINT} 

    <update id="updateByPrimaryKeySelective" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        update o2o_orders 
            <if test="memberId != null"> 
                member_id = #{memberId,jdbcType=BIGINT}, 
            <if test="status != null"> 
                status = #{status,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
            <if test="pharmacyId != null"> 
                pharmacy_id = #{pharmacyId,jdbcType=BIGINT}, 
            <if test="okPharmacy != null"> 
                ok_pharmacy = #{okPharmacy,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
            <if test="payStatus != null"> 
                pay_status = #{payStatus,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
            <if test="isDelivery != null"> 
                is_delivery = #{isDelivery,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
            <if test="shippingId != null"> 
                shipping_id = #{shippingId,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
            <if test="shipping != null"> 
                shipping = #{shipping,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, 
            <if test="payment != null"> 
                payment = #{payment,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
            <if test="weight != null"> 
                weight = #{weight,jdbcType=DECIMAL}, 
            <if test="captcha != null"> 
                captcha = #{captcha,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, 
            <if test="itemnum != null"> 
                itemnum = #{itemnum,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
            <if test="deliveryTime != null"> 
                delivery_time = #{deliveryTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, 
            <if test="createtime != null"> 
                createtime = #{createtime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, 
            <if test="shipName != null"> 
                ship_name = #{shipName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, 
            <if test="shipArea != null"> 
                ship_area = #{shipArea,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, 
            <if test="shipAddr != null"> 
                ship_addr = #{shipAddr,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, 
            <if test="shipZip != null"> 
                ship_zip = #{shipZip,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, 
            <if test="shipTel != null"> 
                ship_tel = #{shipTel,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, 
            <if test="shipEmail != null"> 
                ship_email = #{shipEmail,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, 
            <if test="shipMobile != null"> 
                ship_mobile = #{shipMobile,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, 
            <if test="costItem != null"> 
                cost_item = #{costItem,jdbcType=DECIMAL}, 
            <if test="isTax != null"> 
                is_tax = #{isTax,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
            <if test="taxCompany != null"> 
                tax_company = #{taxCompany,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, 
            <if test="costFreight != null"> 
                cost_freight = #{costFreight,jdbcType=DECIMAL}, 
            <if test="scoreG != null"> 
                score_g = #{scoreG,jdbcType=DECIMAL}, 
            <if test="totalAmount != null"> 
                total_amount = #{totalAmount,jdbcType=DECIMAL}, 
            <if test="pmtAmount != null"> 
                pmt_amount = #{pmtAmount,jdbcType=DECIMAL}, 
            <if test="finalAmount != null"> 
                final_amount = #{finalAmount,jdbcType=DECIMAL}, 
            <if test="memo != null"> 
                memo = #{memo,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, 
            <if test="lastChangeTime != null"> 
                last_change_time = #{lastChangeTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, 
            <if test="orderType != null"> 
                orderType = #{orderType,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
            <if test="isNight != null"> 
            <if test="nightTime != null"> 
             <if test="isRetention != null" > 
                    is_retention = #{isRetention}, 
              <if test="isPrescription!=null"> 
                  isPrescription = #{isPrescription},  
        where order_id = #{orderId,jdbcType=VARCHAR} 

    <!-- /** * updateOrderStatus 更新订单状态 * * @author Justin.Lan * @date 2014-07-09  
        下午15:20:22 */ --> 
    <update id="updateOrderStatus" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        update o2o_orders 
            <if test="status !=null "> 
                    <when test="status == -1 "> 
                        status = -1,last_change_time=sysdate() 
                    <when test="status == 0 "> 
                        status = 0,last_change_time=sysdate() 
                    <when test="status == 1 "> 
                        status = 1,last_change_time=sysdate() 
                    <when test="status == 2 "> 
                        status = 2,last_change_time=sysdate() 
                    <when test="status == 3 "> 
                        status = 3,last_change_time=sysdate() 
                    <when test="status == 4 "> 
                        status = 4,last_change_time=sysdate() 
                    <when test="status == 5 "> 
                        status = 5,last_change_time=sysdate() 

        where order_id = #{orderId} 
        <if test="status !=null "> 
                <when test="status == -1 "> 
                    and (status =-1 or status = 0 or status = 1 or 
                    status = 3) 
                <when test="status == 0 "> 
                    and status = -1 
                <when test="status == 1 "> 
                    and (status = 0 or status =-1) 
                <when test="status == 2 "> 
                    and status = 1 
                <when test="status == 3 "> 
                    and (status =-1 or status = 0 or status = 1) 
                <when test="status == 4 "> 
                    and status = 1 
                <when test="status == 5 "> 
                    and (status = -1 or status = 0 or status = 3) 



    <!-- /** * updateMedStore 更新药店药品库存 * * @author Justin.Lan * @date 2014-08-07  
        10:20:22 */ --> 
    <update id="updateMedStore" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.MerchaindiseStoreVO"> 
        update o2o_pharmacy_goods 
            <if test="order_status !=null and order_status !='' "> 
                    <when test="order_status == 2 "> 
                        store = store - #{nums},occ_store = occ_store - 
                        #{nums},buy_count= buy_count + #{nums} 
                    <when test="order_status == 3 "> 
                        occ_store = occ_store - #{nums} 
                    <when test="order_status == 4 "> 
                        occ_store = occ_store - #{nums} 
                    <when test="order_status == 5 "> 
                        occ_store = occ_store - #{nums} 

        where pharmacy_id=#{pharmacy_id} and bn =#{bn} 

    <!-- /** * updateActiveMedStore 更新团购药品库存 * * @author Justin.Lan * @date  
        2014-08-08 11:20:22 */ --> 
    <update id="updateActivityMedStore" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.MerchaindiseStoreVO"> 
        update o2o_activity_buying 
            <if test="nums !=null and nums !='' "> 
                store = store + #{nums}, 
        where activity_id=#{activity_id} 

    <!-- /** * updateMemberPoint 更新会员积分 * * @author Justin.Lan * @date 2014-08-07  
        11:20:22 */ --> 
    <update id="updateMemberPoint" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderMemeberPointVO"> 
        update o2o_members m ,o2o_account a 
            <if test="score_g !=null "> 
                m.point = point + #{score_g}, 
            <if test="finalAmount !=null "> 
                m.experience = experience + #{finalAmount}, 
        where m.member_id = #{member_id} 
        and m.member_id=a.linked_id 

    <!-- /** * insertPointHistory 插入会员历史积记录 * * @author Justin.Lan * @date 2014-08-08  
        11:20:22 */ --> 
    <insert id="insertPointHistory" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderMemeberPointVO"> 
        insert into 
        (#{member_id,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{score_g,jdbcType=DECIMAL}, 

    <!-- 根据会员 id 查找订单(即:查询某个用户所有已完成的订单) --> 
    <select id="getOrdersByMemberId" parameterType="java.lang.Long" 
        select 'true' as QUERYID, 
        <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 
        from o2o_orders o 
        where member_id = #{memberId} and (status = 2 or 
        status = 6) 

    <!-- 根据会员 id 查找订单(即:查询某个用户所有在派送的订单) --> 
    <select id="getOrdersByMemberIdps" parameterType="java.lang.Long" 
        select * 
        from o2o_orders o 
        where member_id = #{memberId} and status = 1 and deleteFlag!=1 

    <!-- 根据会员 id,药店ID,商品ID查询订单中此商品的购买数量--> 
    <select id="getGoodsNumById" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.MerchaindiseStoreVO" 
        select ifnull(sum(s.nums),0) from o2o_orders o left join o2o_order_items s on  
        o.order_id=s.order_id and o.`status` not  in ('5')  and s.isGift=0 where 1 =1 and find_in_set(o.pharmacy_id,  
        (select  ifnull(group_concat(c.pharm_id),0)  from o2o_promotion_purchase a 
        inner join o2o_promotion_scene b on a.scene_id=b.scene_id 
        inner join o2o_promotion_pharm_store c on a.purchase_id=c.activity_id and c.activity_type=5 
        where <![CDATA[b.purchase_begin_time<=now() and b.purchase_end_time>=now() and b.status=1 
          and c.freebie_id=#{goods_id} and a.scene_id=#{sceneId})) 
        and s.product_id=#{goods_id} and o.createtime >= #{purchaseBeginTime} and o.createtime < #{purchaseEndTime}]]> 
        <if test="(memberId != null and memberMac == null)"> 
        and o.member_id= #{memberId} 
        <if test="(memberId == null and memberMac != null)"> 
        and  o.member_mac=#{memberMac} 
        <if test="(memberId != null and memberMac != null)"> 
        and (o.member_id= #{memberId} or o.member_mac=#{memberMac}) 

    <select id="selectExpressOrder" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.EDIExpressOrderVO" 
        select a.is_retention,a.inviteCode,a.external_id as 
        ,a.total_mailno as mailno ,s.syncstatus,(select sum(t.nums) from 
        o2o_order_items t where t.order_id = a.order_id) as goodsNums from ( 
        select o.* ,e.total_mailno,m.inviteCode,p.external_id from o2o_orders 
        o,o2o_pharmacy p,o2o_express_success e,o2o_members m where 
        and o.order_id=e.orderid and 
        <if test="externalId!=null and externalId != '' "> 
            and p.external_id=#{externalId} 
        <if test="chainBranchId !=null and chainBranchId != '' "> 
            and p.chain_branch_id=#{chainBranchId} 
        <if test="orderStatus != null"> 
            and o.status = #{orderStatus} 
        <if test="shippingId!=null"> 
            and o.shipping_id=#{shippingId} 
        ) a left join o2o_order_sync_records s 
        on a.order_id = s.order_id where 
        and s.order_status = 2 
        <if test="syncStatus==null or syncStatus==''"> 
            and (s.syncstatus= -1 or s.syncstatus =0) 
        <if test="syncStatus!=null and syncStatus!=''"> 
            and s.syncstatus=#{syncStatus} 
    <select id="getNightOrderByTime" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderVO" 
        <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 
        from o2o_orders t where 1=1 and t.status in(-1,0,1,3) 
        <if test="isRetention!=null"> 
            and t.is_retention=#{isRetention} 
        <if test="shippingId!=null"> 
            and t.shipping_id = #{shippingId} 
        <if test="beginTime!=null"> 
            and t.createtime >='${beginTime}' 
        <if test="endTime!=null"> 
            and t.createtime &lt;'${endTime}' 


    <update id="updateOrderNightTime" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        update o2o_orders 

            <if test="isNight != null"> 
            <if test="nightTime != null"> 
        where order_id = #{orderId,jdbcType=VARCHAR} 


    <select id="getUnevaluateOrdersDayAgo1" resultMap="resultOrders"> 
        select o.order_id, o.member_id, o.pharmacy_id, ol.acttime as 
        from o2o_orders o, o2o_order_log ol  
            where o.status = #{status} and o.order_id = ol.order_id and ol.behavior = '完成' and 
                    (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ol.acttime)) >= #{day} * 24 * 60 * 60 

    <!-- 需要退款订单 --> 
    <select id="listPageReturnOrder"  resultMap="resultOrders"> 
        select oor.createTime as return_createTime,oor.returnId,o.returnStatus,o.order_id,o.`status`,o.shipping, 
        FROM (select o.*,CASE  
        WHEN t.groupId is null THEN o.order_id 
        ELSE t.groupId 
        END as groupId 
        from o2o_orders o left join (select  g.groupId,t.*  from o2o_orders t ,o2o_orders_group  g where find_in_set(t.order_id, orderIds) ) t  
        on o.order_id = t.order_id WHERE o.pay_status=1 and o.payment=1 and o.returnStatus=0 and o.orderType!=13 and o.orderType!=16  
        <if test="record.orderId != null "> 
            and o.order_id like CONCAT('%', #{record.orderId},'%') 

        <if test="record.shipMobile != null and record.shipMobile != '' "> 
            and o.ship_mobile  like CONCAT('%', #{record.shipMobile},'%') 
        <if test="record.orderStatus != null"> 
            and o.status in  
            <foreach item="statusItem" index="index" collection="record.orderStatus" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="record.pharmacyIds != null"> 
            and o.pharmacy_id in  
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="record.pharmacyIds" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="record.shippingIds != null"> 
            and o.shipping_id in  
            <foreach item="shippingItem" index="index" collection="record.shippingIds" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 

        ) o  
        inner JOIN o2o_pharmacy op on o.pharmacy_id=op.pharmacy_id 
        LEFT JOIN o2o_order_return oor ON o.order_id=oor.orderId  
        INNER JOIN o2o_payments oop ON o.groupId=oop.order_id 
        LEFT JOIN o2o_order_property p ON o.order_id = p.order_id 
        WHERE o.pay_status=1 and o.payment=1 and o.returnStatus=0 

        <if test="record.orderId != null "> 
            and o.order_id like CONCAT('%', #{record.orderId},'%') 

        <if test="record.shipMobile != null and record.shipMobile != '' "> 
            and o.ship_mobile  like CONCAT('%', #{record.shipMobile},'%') 
        <if test="record.orderStatus != null"> 
            and o.status in  
            <foreach item="statusItem" index="index" collection="record.orderStatus" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="record.pharmacyIds != null"> 
            and o.pharmacy_id in  
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="record.pharmacyIds" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="record.shippingIds != null"> 
            and o.shipping_id in  
            <foreach item="shippingItem" index="index" collection="record.shippingIds" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="record.logistics_platype != null"> 
            and o.logistics_platype=#{record.logistics_platype}  
        order by return_createTime desc 
    <!-- 退款订单查询 --> 
    <select id="listPageReturnOrderList"  resultMap="resultOrders"> 
        select oor.createTime as return_createTime,oor.returnId,o.returnStatus,o.order_id,o.`status`,o.shipping,o.orderType,o.payment, 
        FROM (select o.*,CASE  
        WHEN t.groupId is null THEN o.order_id 
        ELSE t.groupId 
        END as groupId 
        from o2o_orders o left join (select  g.groupId,t.*  from o2o_orders t ,o2o_orders_group  g where find_in_set(t.order_id, orderIds) ) t  
        on o.order_id = t.order_id WHERE o.returnStatus!=-1 
        <if test="record.orderId != null "> 
            and o.order_id like CONCAT('%', #{record.orderId},'%') 
        <if test="record.returnStatus !=null"> 
            and o.returnStatus=#{record.returnStatus} 
        <if test="record.shipMobile != null and record.shipMobile != '' "> 
            and o.ship_mobile  like CONCAT('%', #{record.shipMobile},'%') 
        <if test="record.status != null"> 
            <if test="record.status!=7">and o.status =#{record.status} 

        <if test="record.pharmacyIds != null"> 
            and o.pharmacy_id in  
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="record.pharmacyIds" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="record.shippingId != null"> 
            and o.shipping_id =#{record.shippingId} 
        ) o  
        inner JOIN o2o_pharmacy op on o.pharmacy_id=op.pharmacy_id 
        LEFT JOIN o2o_order_return oor ON o.order_id=oor.orderId  
        left JOIN o2o_payments oop ON o.groupId=oop.order_id 
        LEFT JOIN o2o_order_property p ON o.order_id = p.order_id 
        WHERE  o.returnStatus!=-1 
         <if test="record.paymentCfgId != null"> 
            <if test="record.paymentCfgId==1">and oop.paymentCfg_id in (1,4,7) 
            <if test="record.paymentCfgId==2">and oop.paymentCfg_id in (2,5,8) 
                and o.orderType not in (6,7,8,11,13) 
            <if test="record.paymentCfgId==0">and oop.paymentCfg_id is null 
            <if test="record.paymentCfgId==6">and o.orderType = 6 
            <if test="record.paymentCfgId==7">and o.orderType = 7 
            <if test="record.paymentCfgId==11">and o.orderType =11 
            <if test="record.paymentCfgId==13">and o.orderType = 13 
         <if test="record.returnCreateTimeStart != null and record.returnCreateTimeStart != ''" > 
            and (oor.createTime &gt; #{record.returnCreateTimeStart} or oor.createTime is null) 
        <if test="record.returnCreateTimeEnd != null and record.returnCreateTimeEnd != ''" > 
            and (oor.createTime &lt; date_add(#{record.returnCreateTimeEnd}, INTERVAL 1 day)   or oor.createTime is null) 
         <if test="record.returnCreateTimeEnd==null and record.returnCreateTimeStart==null"> 
             and (MONTH(oor.createTime)=MONTH(NOW()) and year(oor.createTime)=year(now()) or oor.createTime is null) 

        <if test="record.orderId != null "> 
            and o.order_id like CONCAT('%', #{record.orderId},'%') 
        <if test="record.returnStatus !=null"> 
            and o.returnStatus=#{record.returnStatus} 
        <if test="record.returnId != null  and record.returnId != ''"> 
            and oor.returnId like CONCAT('%', #{record.returnId} ,'%') 
        <if test="record.shipMobile != null and record.shipMobile != '' "> 
            and o.ship_mobile  like CONCAT('%', #{record.shipMobile},'%') 
        <if test="record.status != null"> 
            <if test="record.status!=7">and o.status =#{record.status} 
            <if test="record.status==7">and o.status=2 or o.status=6 
        <if test="record.pharmacyIds != null"> 
            and o.pharmacy_id in  
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="record.pharmacyIds" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="record.shippingId != null"> 
            and o.shipping_id =#{record.shippingId} 
        group by o.order_id 
        order by o.returnStatus,return_createTime desc 

     <!-- 退款订单查询结果导出excel --> 
    <select id="ReturnOrderListExport"  resultMap="resultReturnOrders"> 
        select oor.createTime as return_createTime,oor.returnId,o.returnStatus,o.order_id,o.`status`,o.shipping,o.orderType, 
        FROM (select o.*,CASE  
        WHEN t.groupId is null THEN o.order_id 
        ELSE t.groupId 
        END as groupId 
        from o2o_orders o left join (select  g.groupId,t.*  from o2o_orders t ,o2o_orders_group  g where find_in_set(t.order_id, orderIds) ) t  
        on o.order_id = t.order_id WHERE o.returnStatus!=-1 
        <if test="record.orderId != null "> 
            and o.order_id like CONCAT('%', #{record.orderId},'%') 
        <if test="record.returnStatus !=null"> 
            and o.returnStatus=#{record.returnStatus} 
        <if test="record.shipMobile != null and record.shipMobile != '' "> 
            and o.ship_mobile  like CONCAT('%', #{record.shipMobile},'%') 
        <if test="record.status != null"> 
            <if test="record.status!=7">and o.status =#{record.status} 

        <if test="record.pharmacyIds != null"> 
            and o.pharmacy_id in  
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="record.pharmacyIds" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="record.shippingId != null"> 
            and o.shipping_id =#{record.shippingId} 
        ) o  
        inner JOIN o2o_pharmacy op on o.pharmacy_id=op.pharmacy_id 
        LEFT JOIN o2o_order_return oor ON o.order_id=oor.orderId  
        left JOIN o2o_payments oop ON o.groupId=oop.order_id 
        WHERE  o.returnStatus!=-1 
         <if test="record.paymentCfgId != null"> 
            <if test="record.paymentCfgId==1">and oop.paymentCfg_id in (1,4,7) 
            <if test="record.paymentCfgId==2">and oop.paymentCfg_id in (2,5,8) 
            <if test="record.paymentCfgId==0">and oop.paymentCfg_id is null 
            <if test="record.paymentCfgId==6">and o.orderType = 6 
            <if test="record.paymentCfgId==7">and o.orderType = 7 
         <if test="record.returnCreateTimeStart != null and record.returnCreateTimeStart != ''" > 
            and (oor.createTime &gt; #{record.returnCreateTimeStart} or oor.createTime is null) 
        <if test="record.returnCreateTimeEnd != null and record.returnCreateTimeEnd != ''" > 
            and (oor.createTime &lt; date_add(#{record.returnCreateTimeEnd}, INTERVAL 1 day)   or oor.createTime is null) 
         <if test="record.returnCreateTimeEnd==null and record.returnCreateTimeStart==null"> 
             and (MONTH(oor.createTime)=MONTH(NOW()) and year(oor.createTime)=year(now()) or oor.createTime is null) 

        <if test="record.orderId != null "> 
            and o.order_id like CONCAT('%', #{record.orderId},'%') 
        <if test="record.returnStatus !=null"> 
            and o.returnStatus=#{record.returnStatus} 
        <if test="record.returnId != null  and record.returnId != ''"> 
            and oor.returnId like CONCAT('%', #{record.returnId} ,'%') 
        <if test="record.shipMobile != null and record.shipMobile != '' "> 
            and o.ship_mobile  like CONCAT('%', #{record.shipMobile},'%') 
        <if test="record.status != null"> 
            <if test="record.status!=7">and o.status =#{record.status} 
            <if test="record.status==7">and o.status=2 or o.status=6 
        <if test="record.pharmacyIds != null"> 
            and o.pharmacy_id in  
            <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="record.pharmacyIds" 
                open="(" separator="," close=")"> 
        <if test="record.shippingId != null"> 
            and o.shipping_id =#{record.shippingId} 
        order by o.returnStatus,return_createTime desc 
      <!-- 申请退款 -->  
     <update id="submitReturn" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        update o2o_orders o 
            <if test="returnStatus !=null "> 
                o.returnStatus = #{returnStatus}, 
            <if test="reasonText !=null"> 
                o.reason_text =#{reasonText} 
        where order_id=#{orderId} 

    <select id="selectOrderByreturnId" resultMap="resultOrders" parameterType="String"> 
        select o.*,oor.returnId,oor.returnStatus,oor.createTime return_createTime,op.pharm_short_name 
        from o2o_orders o left join o2o_order_return oor on o.order_id=oor.orderId 
        inner JOIN o2o_pharmacy op on o.pharmacy_id=op.pharmacy_id 
        where 1=1 
        <if test="returnId!=null">and oor.returnId=#{returnId}</if> 

    <update id="updateReason" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        update o2o_orders  
            <if test="reasonText !=null "> 
                reason_text = #{reasonText}, 
                reason_id= #{reasonId}, 
        where order_id=#{orderId} 

    <select id="getReadyOrders" 
        <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 
        FROM o2o_orders o where o.createtime between date_add(curdate(), interval -7 day) and curdate()+1 
 and o.payment=1 and o.pay_status=0 and o.`status`=-2 ORDER BY o.createtime desc 
    <select id="getOrdersForB2C" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderVO" 
        select a.pharmacy_id,a.order_id,status,shipping,captcha,itemnum,a.createtime,shipping_id,ship_name,a.member_id,pay_status,returnStatus, 
        ship_addr, ship_zip, ship_tel, ship_email,street, 
        b.payTime,a.isPrescription ,a.discount_amount 
        from o2o_orders  a 
        left join o2o_payments  b on a.order_id = b.order_id 
        where last_change_time &gt;= #{b2cStartTime} 
        and status = #{status} 
        and shipping_id in (6,9)  
        and (pay_status = 1 or (pay_status = 0 and payment = 0)) 
        limit #{start},#{limit} 
    <select id="getOrdersCountForB2C" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderVO" 
        from o2o_orders   
        where last_change_time &gt;= #{b2cStartTime} 
        and status = #{status} 
        and shipping_id  in (6,9)  
        and (pay_status = 1 or (pay_status = 0 and payment = 0)) 

    <update id="updateByPrimaryKeyForB2C" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        update o2o_orders 
            status = #{status,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
        where order_id = #{orderId,jdbcType=VARCHAR} 

    <update id="batchUpdateByPrimaryKeyForB2C" parameterType="java.lang.String"> 
        update o2o_orders set status = 2 
        where order_id in 
        <foreach item="orderIds" index="index" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")"> 

    <update id="updateOrderShipping" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        update o2o_orders  
            <if test="shippingId != null and shippingId != ''"> 
                shipping_id= #{shippingId}, 
            <if test="shipping != null and shipping != ''"> 
                shipping= #{shipping}, 

    <!-- 根据订单和订单明细信息查找订单列表 --> 
    <select id="getOrdersForPurchase" resultMap="resultOrders"> 
        select oo.member_id, oo.member_mac, ooi.nums as itemnum 
        from o2o_orders oo INNER JOIN o2o_order_items ooi  
            ON ( 
            <if test="orders.memberId != null and orders.memberMac != null"> 
                (oo.member_id = #{orders.memberId} or oo.member_mac = #{orders.memberMac}) and  
            <if test="orders.memberId != null and orders.memberMac == null">  
                oo.member_id = #{orders.memberId} and  
            <if test="orders.memberId == null and orders.memberMac != null">  
                oo.member_mac = #{orders.memberMac} and  
            oo.couponsType = 4 and <![CDATA[oo.`status` <> 5]]> and oo.pharmacy_id = #{orders.pharmacyId} 
            and ooi.product_id = #{orderItems.productId} and ooi.purchase_id = #{orderItems.purchaseId}  
            and ooi.isGift = 0 and ooi.order_id = oo.order_id) 

    <select id="SynPrescriptionOrdersStatus" resultMap="resultOrders"> 
        select 'true' as QUERYID,op.pharm_short_name,pro.gdXcoord,pro.gdYcoord, 
        <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 
        from o2o_orders o 
        inner JOIN o2o_pharmacy op on o.pharmacy_id=op.pharmacy_id 
        LEFT JOIN o2o_order_property pro ON pro.order_id = o.order_id 
        where isPrescription = 1 and o.status=-3 and op.pharm_flag != 2 

    <!-- 根据多个订单Id查询查询订单的状态和id --> 
    <select id="selectOrdersByOrdersId" resultMap="resultOrderMaintenance"> 
        select o.member_id,o.orderType,o.returnStatus,o.member_mac,o.pay_status, 
            ,o.pharmacy_id,e.`status` as expressStatus,e.mailno,e.total_mailno from  
        (select member_id,returnStatus,orderType,payment,pay_status,cost_freight,cost_item,total_amount,pmt_amount,discount_amount,final_amount,member_mac,activity_id,couponsType,pharmacy_id,order_id,`status` from o2o_orders  
            order_id in 
         <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="orderIds" open="(" separator="," close=")">   
        )o left join o2o_express_success e on o.order_id = e.orderid 

    <update id="updateStatusByOrderIdPrescription" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        update o2o_orders 
            <if test="status!=null"> 
                status= #{status}, 
            <if test="pharmacyId != null and pharmacyId != 0"> 
                pharmacy_id= #{pharmacyId}, 
            <if test="pharmacyName != null and pharmacyName != ''"> 
                pharmacy_name= #{pharmacyName}, 
            <if test="reasonText !=null and reasonText != ''"> 
                reason_text = #{reasonText}, 
            <if test="payStatus !=null and payStatus != ''"> 
                pay_status = #{payStatus}, 
            <if test="returnStatus !=null and returnStatus != ''"> 
                returnStatus = #{returnStatus}, 
            <if test="memo !=null and memo != ''"> 
                memo = #{memo}, 
                <when test="lastChangeTime != null and lastChangeTime != ''">last_change_time=#{lastChangeTime},</when> 

    <!-- jiewang 物流中修改接单时间,接单时效,配送时效、完单时效 --> 
    <update id="updateOrderDeliveryTime" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        update o2o_orders 
            <if test="status != null"> 
                status = #{status,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
            <if test="deliveryTime != null  and deliveryTime != ''"> 
            <if test="courier_name !=null  and courier_name != ''"> 
                courier_name= #{courier_name}, 
            <if test="rev_time !=null  and rev_time != ''"> 
            <if test="rev_effect !=null  and rev_effect != ''"> 
                rev_effect= #{rev_effect}, 
            <if test="effect_time !=null  and effect_time != ''"> 
                effect_time= #{effect_time}, 
            <if test="finish_effict !=null and finish_effict != ''"> 
                finish_effict= #{finish_effict}, 
            <if test="courierMobile !=null and courierMobile != ''"> 
                courierMobile= #{courierMobile}, 
            <if test="pushTime !=null and pushTime != ''"> 
                pushTime= #{pushTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, 
            <if test="logistics_platype != null"> 
                logistics_platype= #{logistics_platype,jdbcType=INTEGER} 
    <update id="changeOrder" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        update o2o_orders 
            <if test="status != null"> 
                status = #{status,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
            <if test="payment != null"> 
                payment = #{payment,jdbcType=INTEGER}, 
        where order_id = #{orderId,jdbcType=VARCHAR} 
    <!-- 未处理订单 --> 
    <select id="synMissOrdersToLogistics" resultMap="resultOrders"> 
        select order_id,status,createtime,shipping_id 

        from o2o_orders  

        where  status =-1 and shipping_id in (3,7)  
    <select id="getAllThirOrders" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> 
        select count(*) from o2o_orders where member_id=#{memberId} and orderType in (6,7,8,11,13) and status=2 

    <select id="getOrderByThirdPlatformOrderId" parameterType="String" resultMap="resultOrders"> 
        select 'true' as QUERYID,pro.memberAdds_gdXcoord gdXcoord,pro.memberAdds_gdYcoord gdYcoord, 
        <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 
        from o2o_orders o 
        LEFT JOIN o2o_order_property pro ON pro.order_id = o.order_id 
        where pro.thirdPlatform_order_id=#{thirdPlatformOrderId} 
    <select id="getZbOrders" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultMap="resultOrders"> 
        select order_id,`status`,orderType,logistics_platype,pharmacy_id from o2o_orders where orderType=11  
        and logistics_platype=3 and status=-1 and REV_TIME &lt;=#{endTime} and REV_TIME &gt;#{beginTime} and REV_TIME !='' 
    <update id="updateMdsDeli" parameterType="java.lang.String"> 
        update o2o_orders set logistics_platype=0 where order_id=#{orderId} 
    <insert id="addThirdOrders" parameterType="com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders"> 
        INSERT INTO 
        #{orderId} ,#{memberId} ,#{status} ,#{pharmacyId} 
        ,#{pharmacyName},#{contactmobie},#{okPharmacy} ,#{payStatus} 
        ,#{isDelivery} ,#{deliveryTime}, 
        #{shippingId} ,#{shipping} 
        ,#{costFreight} ,#{payment} ,#{weight} ,#{captcha} ,#{itemnum} , 
            <when test="createtime != null and createtime != ''">#{createtime}</when> 
        #{shipName} ,#{shipArea},#{province},#{city},#{country}, 
        ,#{shipZip} ,#{shipTel} ,#{shipEmail} ,#{shipMobile} ,#{shipTime} , 
        ,#{isTax} ,#{taxCompany} ,#{scoreG} ,#{totalAmount} ,#{pmtAmount} 
        ,#{finalAmount} ,#{memo} , 
            <when test="lastChangeTime != null and lastChangeTime != ''">#{lastChangeTime}</when> 

    <select id="getOrdersList" resultMap="BaseResultMap" 
        <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 
        from o2o_orders o 
            1 = 1  
              <if test="orderId != null" > 
                and order_id = #{orderId} 
              <if test="status != null" > 
                and status = #{status} 
              <if test="pharmacyId != null and pharmacyId != 0" > 
                and pharmacy_id = #{pharmacyId} 
              <if test="pharmacyName != null" > 
                and pharmacy_name = #{pharmacyName} 
              <if test="contactmobie != null" > 
                and contactMobie = #{contactmobie} 
              <if test="shippingId != null and shippingId != 0"> 
                and shipping_id = #{shippingId} 
              <if test="shipping != null" > 
                and shipping = #{shipping} 
              <if test="province != null" > 
                and province = #{province} 
              <if test="city != null" > 
                and city = #{city} 
              <if test="country != null" > 
                and country = #{country} 
              <if test="courier_name != null" > 
                and COURIER_NAME = #{courier_name} 
              <if test="courierMobile != null" > 
                and courierMobile = #{courierMobile} 


package com.ehaoyao.payment.dao; 

import java.util.List; 

import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param; 
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; 

import com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Pagination; 
import com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.ExpressOrderVO; 
import com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.EDIExpressOrderVO; 
import com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.ErpOrderVo; 
import com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderItems; 
import com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderMaintenanceVO; 
import com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderReturnExprot; 
import com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderVO; 
import com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.Orders; 
import com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.MerchaindiseStoreVO; 
import com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.OrderMemeberPointVO; 
import com.ehaoyao.payment.entity.PharmacyOrderVO; 

 * 类OrdersDao.java的实现描述:订单的DAO层 
 * @author 孙勇军 2014-5-30 下午5:04:04 
public interface OrdersDao extends MybatisMapper { 

     * 获取订单列表 
     * @param orders 
     * @param pagination 
     * @return 
    public List<Orders> listPageOrders(@Param("orders") Orders orders, @Param("pagination") Pagination pagination); 

     * 获取订单列表 
     * @param orders 
     * @param pagination 
     * @return 
    public List<Orders> listPageOrders3_0(@Param("orders") Orders orders, @Param("pagination") Pagination pagination); 

     * 获取订单总数(用户登录后的订单总数显示) 
     * @param orders 
     * @param pagination 
     * @return 
    public int getTotalOrders(Orders orders); 

     * 根据订单Id修改订单状态 
     * @param orderId 
     * @return 
    public int updateStatusByOrderId(Orders orders); 

    // 修改咨询单状态 
    public int updateStatusByOrderIdPrescription(Orders orders); 

     * 添加订单 
     * @param orders 
     * @return 
    public int addOrders(Orders orders); 

     * 通过订单Id获取订单 
     * @param orders 
     * @return 
    public Orders getOrderById(String ordersId); 

     * 获取某药店 驳回状态下的订单数目 
     * @param pharmacyId 
     * @return 
    public int getRejectedOrderNum(Long pharmacyId); 

     * 获取所有 驳回状态下的订单数目 
     * @return 
    public int getAllRejectedOrderNums(); 

    public Orders getOrderByIdAndUser(Orders orders); 

    List<ExpressOrderVO> queryExpressOrder(EDIExpressOrderVO vo); 

     * 连锁ERP获取未同步订单 
     * @param xml 
     * @return 
    public List<ErpOrderVo> listPagequeryExpressOrder2(@Param("vo") EDIExpressOrderVO vo, 
                                                       @Param("pagination") Pagination pagination); 

     * 连锁ERP查询订单 
     * @param xml 
     * @return 
    public List<ErpOrderVo> selectOrderByErpRules(EDIExpressOrderVO vo); 

    List<Orders> listPageOrderByPharmacy(@Param(value = "pharmacyOrder") Orders pharmacyOrder, 
                                         @Param(value = "pagination") Pagination pagination); 

     * 查询不包含订单明细 
     * @param pharmacyOrder 
     * @param pagination 
     * @return 
    List<Orders> listPageOrderByPharmacy2(@Param(value = "pharmacyOrder") ExpressOrderVO pharmacyOrder, 
                                          @Param(value = "pagination") Pagination pagination); 

    List<Orders> listPageCloseOrderByPharmacy(@Param(value = "pharmacyOrder") Orders pharmacyOrder, 
                                              @Param(value = "pagination") Pagination pagination); 

    int deleteByPrimaryKey(Long order_id); 

    Orders selectByPrimaryKey(String order_id); 

    Orders selectOrderById(String order_id); 

    int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(Orders record); 

    int updateOrderStatus(Orders record); 

    int updateOrderNightTime(Orders record); 

     * 根据订单编号查询信息 
     * @param orderId 
     * @return 
    List<PharmacyOrderVO> selectOrderInfo(String orderId); 

    List<Orders> listPageOrderByPharmacyAddFinishOrderTime(@Param(value = "pharmacyOrder") Orders pharmacyOrder, 
                                                           @Param(value = "pagination") Pagination pagination); 

    List<Orders> listPageOrderByPharmacyAndOprationTime(@Param(value = "pharmacyOrder") Orders pharmacyOrder, 
                                                        @Param(value = "pagination") Pagination pagination); 

    List<Orders> listPageOrderBySeach(@Param(value = "pharmacyOrder") Orders pharmacyOrder, 
                                      @Param(value = "pagination") Pagination pagination); 

    Integer selectBeginOrdersCount(Long pharmacyId); 

    Integer selectPickingOrdersCount(Long pharmacyId); 

    Integer selectDiliveryOrdersCount(Long pharmacyId); 

    // 更新药店药品库存 
    void updateMedStore(MerchaindiseStoreVO merchaindiseStoreVO); 

    // 根据订单ID查询药品库存 
    List<MerchaindiseStoreVO> selectMedStoreByOrderId(String orderId); 

    // 更新团购或其它活动的商品库存 
    void updateActivityMedStore(MerchaindiseStoreVO merchaindiseStoreVO); 

    // 查询订单对应的会员可积分数 
    OrderMemeberPointVO selectOrderPointByOrderId(String order_id); 

    // 更新会员积分 
    void updateMemberPoint(OrderMemeberPointVO orderMemeberPointVO); 

    // 插入会员历史积记录 
    void insertPointHistory(OrderMemeberPointVO orderMemeberPointVO); 

    // 根据订单查询药店ID 
    Long selectPharmacyIdByOrderId(String order_id); 

     * 通过ID修改配送方式 
     * @param orderId 
     * @return 
    public int updateShippingTypeByOrderId(Orders orders); 

     * 根据会员 id 查找订单(即:查询某个用户所有已完成的订单)【改:type有值且为all则查全部订单】 
     * @param memberId 
     * @return 
    public List<Orders> getOrdersByMemberId(@Param("memberId") Long memberId, @Param("type") String type); 

     * 根据会员 id 查找订单(即:查询某个用户所有在派送的订单) 
     * @param memberId 
     * @return 
    public List<Orders> getOrdersByMemberIdps(@Param("memberId") Long memberId); 

     * 查询滞留订单 
     * @param orderVO 
     * @return 
    public List<Orders> getNightOrderByTime(OrderVO orderVO); 

     * 查询状态为 status(-1 -- 6)且 已存在 day 天了的订单列表 
     * @param status // 订单状态 
     * @param day // 天数 
     * @return 
    public List<Orders> getUnevaluateOrdersDayAgo1(@Param("status") Long status, @Param("day") Long day); 

     * 查询已线上支付的已取消和已拒收的订单列表 
    public List<Orders> listPageReturnOrder(@Param("record") Orders record, @Param("pagination") Pagination pagination); 

     * 查询已线上支付的已取消和已拒收的订单列表 
    public List<Orders> listPageReturnOrderList(@Param("record") Orders record, 
                                                @Param("pagination") Pagination pagination); 

     * 查询已线上支付的已取消和已拒收的订单列表导出 
    public List<OrderReturnExprot> ReturnOrderListExport(@Param("record") Orders record); 

     * 根据退款单号查询订单 
    public Orders selectOrderByreturnId(@Param("returnId") String returnId); 

    public void updateReason(Orders orders); 

     * 获取订单列表 
    public List<Orders> getReadyOrders(); 

     * 申请退款 
    public void submitReturn(Orders orders); 

    public List<OrderVO> getOrdersForB2C(OrderVO o); 

    public Integer getOrdersCountForB2C(OrderVO o); 

    int updateByPrimaryKeyForB2C(Orders record); 

    int batchUpdateByPrimaryKeyForB2C(String[] orderIds); 

    public Integer updateOrderShipping(Orders orders); 

    // 根据会员 id,药店ID,商品ID查询订单中此商品的购买数量 
    // List<MerchaindiseStoreVO> getGoodsNumById(MerchaindiseStoreVO merchaindiseStoreVO); 
    public Integer getGoodsNumById(MerchaindiseStoreVO merchaindiseStoreVO); 

     * 根据订单和订单明细信息查找订单列表 
     * @param orders 
     * @param orderItems 
     * @return 
    public List<Orders> getOrdersForPurchase(@Param("orders") Orders orders, @Param("orderItems") OrderItems orderItems); 

     * 根据多个订单编号查询出订单的状态和运单号 
     * @param orderIds 
     * @return 
    List<OrderMaintenanceVO> selectOrdersByOrdersId(@Param("orderIds") String[] orderIds); 

    // 定时器,查询出所有状态为-3的订单(-3表示处方药订单) 
    public List<Orders> SynPrescriptionOrdersStatus(); 

     * @author jiewang 修改配送时间及订单状态 
    int updateOrderDeliveryTime(Orders record); 

     * 修改订单为线下支付接口 
     * @param record 
     * @return 
    int changeOrder(Orders record); 

     * 未处理订单 
     * @return 
    public List<Orders> synMissOrdersToLogistics(); 

     * 通过memberId查询三方订单个数 
    int getAllThirOrders(@Param("memberId") Long memberId); 

     * 通过三方平台订单id 查询订单 
     * @param thirdPlatformOrderId 
     * @return 
    public List<Orders> getOrderByThirdPlatformOrderId(String thirdPlatformOrderId); 

     * 根据时间筛选京东到家众包未配送的查询出来 
    public List<Orders> getZbOrders(@Param("beginTime") String beginTime, @Param("endTime") String endTime); 

     * 把修改众包配送自配送 
    int updateMdsDeli(@Param("orderId") String orderId); 

     * 添加三方订单 
     * @param orders 
     * @return 
    public int addThirdOrders(Orders orders); 

     * 查询订单列表 
     * @param orders 
     * @return 
    public List<Orders> getOrdersList(Orders orders); 





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


