linkkitapp log for debug

??媮b瘚鯵甞A殜?I俌穵⊿?毩榨覡j『揔旳?%OC?旳?丸殽楗矤摿:氁M?)偛c*]懸?h?涵乼疹詹伇偘C?殎曭'挷?栙aぺ柂 +占)A?,捼€&娾 ?'右皪?Wifi init success!!
mode : sta(ec:fa:bc:1f:28:f3)
add if0
trace should have cli to control!!!
[000010]<V> aos framework init.
state: 0 -> 2 (b0)
state: 2 -> 3 (0)
state: 3 -> 5 (10)
add 0
aid 5
pm open phy_2,type:2 0 0

connected with CMCC-NyDV, channel 13
dhcp client start...
[WiFi] event 1
[WiFi] event 4
Same seed found -774967296
Same seed found -1549934592
Same seed found 1970065408
Same seed found 1195098112
Same seed found 420130816
[003520]<V> wifi_service_event config.ssid CMCC-NyDV
[003530]<D> Send List Max-Count:      16
[003530]<D> Observe Server Max-Count: 16
[003530]<D> Observe Client Max-Count: 16
[003530]<D> Resource Max-Count:       32
[003530]<D> MultiCast Address:
[003530]<D> Send/Recv Wait time:      2000ms
[003540]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[003540]<D> path: sys,len=3
[003540]<D> path: awss,len=4
[003540]<D> path: event,len=5
[003540]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[003550]<D> path: notify,len=6
[003550]<D> Add message id 1 len 315 to the list
[003550]<D> *********Message Info**********
[003550]<D> Version     : 1
[003550]<D> Code        : 0x2
[003550]<D> Type        : 0x1
[003550]<D> Msgid       : 1
[003550]<D> Option      : 6
[003550]<D> Payload Len : 272
[003550]<D> Token Len   : 4
[003550]<D> Token       : 04030201
[003560]<D> Remote      :
[003560]<D> ********************************
[0;32mlinkkit_main@line471:    sample execution time: 1 minutes
[0m[0;32mlinkkit_main@line472:    get tsl from cloud
[0mlog_cls constructed @3fff2368
slist_cls constructed @3fff2348
slist_cls constructed @3fff2408
slist_cls constructed @3fff2448
slist_cls constructed @3fff2488
slist_cls constructed @3fff24c8
slist_cls constructed @3fff2508
cm_msg_info_cls constructed @3fff8778
dm_cm_impl_cls constructed @3fff2548
slist(callback list) insert node,size:1
[inf] iotx_device_info_init(40): device_info created successfully!
[dbg] iotx_device_info_set(50): start to set device info!
[dbg] iotx_device_info_set(64): device_info set successfully!
[dbg] guider_print_dev_guider_info(248): ....................................................
[dbg] guider_print_dev_guider_info(249):           ProductKey : a1wPbk25xNg
[dbg] guider_print_dev_guider_info(250):           DeviceName : shendeng1
[dbg] guider_print_dev_guider_info(251):             DeviceID : a1wPbk25xNg.shendeng1
[dbg] guider_print_dev_guider_info(253): ....................................................
[dbg] guider_print_dev_guider_info(254):        PartnerID Buf : ,partner_id=AliOSThings
[dbg] guider_print_dev_guider_info(255):         ModuleID Buf : ,module_id=GeneralID
[dbg] guider_print_dev_guider_info(256):           Guider URL : 
[dbg] guider_print_dev_guider_info(258):       Guider SecMode : 2 (TLS + Direct)
[dbg] guider_print_dev_guider_info(260):     Guider Timestamp : 2524608000000
[dbg] guider_print_dev_guider_info(261): ....................................................
[dbg] guider_print_dev_guider_info(267): ....................................................
[dbg] guider_print_conn_info(225): -----------------------------------------
[dbg] guider_print_conn_info(226):             Host :
[dbg] guider_print_conn_info(227):             Port : 1883
[dbg] guider_print_conn_info(230):         ClientID : a1wPbk25xNg.shendeng1|securemode=2,timestamp=2524608000000,signmethod=hmacsha1,gw=0,partner_id=AliOSThings,module_id=GeneralID|
[dbg] guider_print_conn_info(232):       TLS PubKey : 0x40203eec ('-----BEGIN CERTI ...')
[dbg] guider_print_conn_info(235): -----------------------------------------
[inf] IOT_CM_Init(117): cm context initialize
[0;33mlinked_list_insert@line101    :linked list(cm event cb list) insert node@3fff2688,size:1
[0m[inf] iotx_mc_init(1709): MQTT init success!
[inf] _ssl_client_init(176): Loading the CA root certificate ...
cert. version     : 3
serial number     : 04:00:00:00:00:01:15:4B:5A:C3:94
issued  on        : 0000-00-00 00:00:00
expires on        : 0000-00-00 00:00:00
RSA key size      : 2048 bits
[inf] _ssl_parse_crt(144): crt content:185
[inf] _ssl_client_init(184):  ok (0 skipped)
[inf] _TLSConnectNetwork(340): Connecting to /
[dbg] worker_thread(211): 
Wifi connected.
[003730]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[003730]<D> path: sys,len=3
[003730]<D> path: awss,len=4
[003730]<D> path: event,len=5
[003730]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[003730]<D> path: notify,len=6
[003730]<D> Add message id 2 len 315 to the list[inf] _TLSConnectNetwork(357):   . Setting up the SSL/TLS structure...
[inf] _TLSConnectNetwork(367):  ok
[inf] _TLSConnectNetwork(402): Performing the SSL/TLS handshake...

[003740]<D> *********Message Info**********
[003740]<D> Version     : 1
[003740]<D> Code        : 0x2
[003740]<D> Type        : 0x1
[003750]<D> Msgid       : 2
[003750]<D> Option      : 6
[003750]<D> Payload Len : 272
[003750]<D> Token Len   : 4
[003750]<D> Token       : 05030201
[003760]<D> Remote      :
[003760]<D> ********************************
[004390]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[004390]<D> path: sys,len=3
[004390]<D> path: awss,len=4
[004390]<D> path: event,len=5
[004390]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[004390]<D> path: notify,len=6
[004400]<D> Add message id 3 len 315 to the list
[004400]<D> *********Message Info**********
[004400]<D> Version     : 1
[004400]<D> Code        : 0x2
[004400]<D> Type        : 0x1
[004400]<D> Msgid       : 3
[004400]<D> Option      : 6
[004400]<D> Payload Len : 272
[004400]<D> Token Len   : 4
[004400]<D> Token       : 06030201
[004400]<D> Remote      :
[004400]<D> ********************************
[004710]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[004710]<D> path: sys,len=3
[004710]<D> path: awss,len=4
[004710]<D> path: event,len=5
[004710]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[004710]<D> path: notify,len=6
[004720]<D> Add message id 4 len 315 to the list
[004720]<D> *********Message Info**********
[004720]<D> Version     : 1
[004720]<D> Code        : 0x2
[004720]<D> Type        : 0x1
[004720]<D> Msgid       : 4
[004720]<D> Option      : 6
[004720]<D> Payload Len : 272
[004720]<D> Token Len   : 4
[004720]<D> Token       : 07030201
[004720]<D> Remote      :
[004720]<D> ********************************
[inf] _TLSConnectNetwork(410):  ok
[inf] _TLSConnectNetwork(414):   . Verifying peer X.509 certificate..
[inf] _real_confirm(93): certificate verification result: 0x00
[inf] iotx_mc_connect(2074): mqtt connect success!
[dbg] iotx_mc_report_mid(2308): MID Report: started in MQTT
[dbg] iotx_mc_report_mid(2325): MID Report: json data = '{"id":"a1wPbk25xNg_shendeng1_mid","params":{"_sys_device_mid":"GeneralID","_sys_device_pid":"AliOSThings"}}'
[dbg] iotx_mc_report_mid(2341): MID Report: topic name = '/sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/status/update'
[dbg] iotx_mc_report_mid(2358): MID Report: finished, IOT_MQTT_Publish() = 0
[0;33mlinked_list_insert@line101    :linked list(cm connectivity list) insert node@3fff8ba8,size:2
[0m[inf] IOT_ALCS_Construct(305): IOT_ALCS_Construct enter
[inf] iotx_alcs_adapter_init(218): iotx_alcs_adapter_init
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/lan/prefix/get_reply!
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/lan/prefix/update!
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/lan/blacklist/update!
[inf] alcs_mqtt_prefixkey_update(330): start alcs_prefixkey_update

[inf] __alcs_mqtt_kv_get(60): ALCS KV Get, Key: prefix
[inf] __alcs_mqtt_kv_get(60): ALCS KV Get, Key: deviceSecret
[inf] alcs_mqtt_prefixkey_update(334): The prefix is  , deviceSecret is 
[inf] __alcs_mqtt_kv_get(60): ALCS KV Get, Key: blacklist
[inf] alcs_mqtt_blacklist_update(310): The blacklist is 
[err] alcs_prefixkey_get(366): ALCS Prefix Get, Topic: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/lan/prefix/get, Payload: {"id":"0","version":"1.0","params":"{}","method":"thing.lan.prefix.get"}

dm_cm_impl_regist: uri: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/enable
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/enable!
[dbg] dm_cm_impl_regist(110): ret = IOT_CM_Register() = 0

dm_cm_impl_regist: uri: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/delete
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/delete!
[dbg] dm_cm_impl_regist(110): ret = IOT_CM_Register() = 0

dm_cm_impl_regist: uri: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/disable
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/disable!
[dbg] dm_cm_impl_regist(110): ret = IOT_CM_Register() = 0

dm_cm_impl_regist: uri: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/dsltemplate/get_reply
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/dsltemplate/get_reply!
[dbg] dm_cm_impl_regist(110): ret = IOT_CM_Register() = 0

dm_cm_impl_regist: uri: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/model/down_raw
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/model/down_raw!
[dbg] dm_cm_impl_regist(110): ret = IOT_CM_Register() = 0

dm_cm_impl_regist: uri: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/model/up_raw_reply
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/model/up_raw_reply!
[dbg] dm_cm_impl_regist(110): ret = IOT_CM_Register() = 0

slist(cm message info param list) cleared

request params:

[inf] iotx_cm_parse_message(1181): payload length = 86
[dbg] dm_cm_impl_send(176): ret = IOT_CM_Send() = 0

slist(cm message info param list) cleared

submit an item to queue @3fffaca8.

event 0(cloud connected)

dm_cm_impl_add_service: uri: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/enable
[inf] IOT_ALCS_Register_Resource(526): alcs register resource, uri:/sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/enable
[dbg] dm_cm_impl_add_service(205): ret = IOT_CM_Add_Service() = 0

dm_cm_impl_add_service: uri: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/delete
[inf] IOT_ALCS_Register_Resource(526): alcs register resource, uri:/sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/delete
[dbg] dm_cm_impl_add_service(205): ret = IOT_CM_Add_Service() = 0

dm_cm_impl_add_service: uri: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/disable
[inf] IOT_ALCS_Register_Resource(526): alcs register resource, uri:/sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/disable
[dbg] dm_cm_impl_add_service(205): ret = IOT_CM_Add_Service() = 0

submit an item to queue @3fffae00.

event 3(local connected)
[dbg] dm_cm_impl_init(62): ret = IOT_CM_Init() = 0

dm_cm_impl_add_service: uri: /dev/core/service/dev
[inf] IOT_ALCS_Register_Resource(526): alcs register resource, uri:/dev/core/service/dev
[dbg] dm_cm_impl_add_service(205): ret = IOT_CM_Add_Service() = 0

dm_thg_mng_cls constructed @3fff8608
dm_impl_cls constructed @3fff2388
[004980]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[004980]<D> path: sys,len=3
[005000]<D> path: awss,len=4
[005000]<D> path: event,len=5
[005000]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[005000]<D> path: notify,len=6
[005000]<D> Add message id 5 len 315 to the list
[005010]<D> *********Message Info**********
[005010]<D> Version     : 1
[005010]<D> Code        : 0x2
[005010]<D> Type        : 0x1
[005010]<D> Msgid       : 5
[005010]<D> Option      : 6
[005010]<D> Payload Len : 272
[005010]<D> Token Len   : 4
[005020]<D> Token       : 08030201
[005020]<D> Remote      :
[005020]<D> ********************************
[dbg] iotx_mc_cycle(1271): PUBACK
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(190): event_type 9
[dbg] iotx_mc_cycle(1280): SUBACK
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(190): event_type 3
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(224): subscribe success, packet-id=3
[dbg] iotx_mc_cycle(1280): SUBACK
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(190): event_type 3
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(224): subscribe success, packet-id=6
[inf] iotx_cm_cloud_conn_response_callback(112): rsp_type 1

[inf] dm_cm_event_handler(289): register result:    result: 0(success)    URI: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/delete    

event 20(register result)
[dbg] iotx_mc_cycle(1280): SUBACK
[err] iotx_mc_handle_recv_SUBACK(1031): There is a identical topic and related handle in list!
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(190): event_type 3
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(224): subscribe success, packet-id=7
[inf] iotx_cm_cloud_conn_response_callback(112): rsp_type 1

[inf] dm_cm_event_handler(289): register result:    result: 0(success)    URI: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/disable    

event 20(register result)
[0;32mon_connect@line93:    cloud is connected
[0m[0;32mon_connect@line93:    local is connected
[0m[dbg] iotx_mc_cycle(1280): SUBACK
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(190): event_type 3
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(224): subscribe success, packet-id=1
[dbg] iotx_mc_cycle(1280): SUBACK
[err] iotx_mc_handle_recv_SUBACK(1031): There is a identical topic and related handle in list!
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(190): event_type 3
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(224): subscribe success, packet-id=5
[inf] iotx_cm_cloud_conn_response_callback(112): rsp_type 1

[inf] dm_cm_event_handler(289): register result:    result: 0(success)    URI: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/enable    

event 20(register result)
[dbg] iotx_mc_cycle(1280): SUBACK
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(190): event_type 3
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(224): subscribe success, packet-id=2
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /ota/device/upgrade/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1!
[005120]<V> cur str=1.3.1
[005120]<V> os ver=

[005120]<V> mac=ec.fa.bc.1f.28.f3

[005120]<V> random =9eb82ed2

[005130]<V> -----------------

[005130]<V> after aos_get_version_info output:

[005130]<V> 01030100429CD6C9ECFABC1F28F300000000000011233140429CD6C9FCDA8C5F28F3000010203040

[005130]<V> -----------------

--- public topic=/sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/deviceinfo/update ,payload={"id":1,"version":"1.0","params":[{"attrKey":"SYS_ALIOS_ACTIVATION","attrValue":"01030100429CD6C9ECFABC1F28F300000000000011233140429CD6C9FCDA8C5F28F3000010203040"}],"method":"thing.deviceinfo.update"}
[005140]<V> cloud_service_event 4
[005140]<V> user sub and pub here
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/awss/enrollee/checkin!
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/awss/enrollee/found_reply!
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/cipher/get_reply!
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/awss/enrollee/match_reply!
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/reset_reply!
[inf] iotx_mc_subscribe(1399): mqtt subscribe success,topic = /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/awss/device/switchap!
[005210]<V> cloud_service_event 4
[005210]<V> user sub and pub here
[dbg] iotx_mc_cycle(1280): SUBACK
[err] iotx_mc_handle_recv_SUBACK(1031): There is a identical topic and related handle in list!
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(190): event_type 3
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(224): subscribe success, packet-id=9
[inf] iotx_cm_cloud_conn_response_callback(112): rsp_type 1

[inf] dm_cm_event_handler(289): register result:    result: 0(success)    URI: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/model/down_raw    

event 20(register result)
[dbg] iotx_mc_cycle(1280): SUBACK
[err] iotx_mc_handle_recv_SUBACK(1031): There is a identical topic and related handle in list!
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(190): event_type 3
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(224): subscribe success, packet-id=8
[inf] iotx_cm_cloud_conn_response_callback(112): rsp_type 1

[inf] dm_cm_event_handler(289): register result:    result: 0(success)    URI: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/dsltemplate/get_reply    

event 20(register result)
[dbg] iotx_mc_cycle(1288): PUBLISH
[dbg] iotx_mc_handle_recv_PUBLISH(1122): delivering msg ...
[dbg] iotx_mc_deliver_message(877): topic be matched
[inf] __alcs_mqtt_subscribe_callback(87): Receivce Message, Topic: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/lan/prefix/get_reply
[inf] __alcs_mqtt_kv_set(51): ALCS KV Set, Key: prefix, Val: G7QBQMAt","productKey":"a1wPbk25xNg","deviceName":"shendeng1"},"id":"0","message":"success","method":"thing.lan.prefix.get","version":"1.0"}, Len: 8
[inf] __alcs_mqtt_kv_set(51): ALCS KV Set, Key: deviceSecret, Val: o7az8nSTF5uR8gDY9OdUKYqUSzGnVI6I","prefix":"G7QBQMAt","productKey":"a1wPbk25xNg","deviceName":"shendeng1"},"id":"0","message":"success","method":"thing.lan.prefix.get","version":"1.0"}, Len: 32
[dbg] iotx_mc_cycle(1280): SUBACK
[err] iotx_mc_handle_recv_SUBACK(1031): There is a identical topic and related handle in list!
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(190): event_type 3
[inf] iotx_cloud_conn_mqtt_event_handle(224): subscribe success, packet-id=10
[inf] iotx_cm_cloud_conn_response_callback(112): rsp_type 1

[inf] dm_cm_event_handler(289): register result:    result: 0(success)    URI: /sys/a1wPbk25xNg/shendeng1/thing/model/up_raw_reply    

event 20(register result)
[inf] _network_ssl_read(459): ssl recv error: code = -29184, err_str = '%'
[dbg] iotx_mc_read_packet(751): mqtt read error, rc=-1
[dbg] iotx_mc_cycle(1250): readPacket error,result = -1
[005710]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[005710]<D> path: sys,len=3
[005710]<D> path: awss,len=4
[005710]<D> path: event,len=5
[005710]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[005710]<D> path: notify,len=6
[005720]<D> Add message id 6 len 315 to the list
[005720]<D> *********Message Info**********
[005720]<D> Version     : 1
[005720]<D> Code        : 0x2
[005720]<D> Type        : 0x1
[005720]<D> Msgid       : 6
[005720]<D> Option      : 6
[005720]<D> Payload Len : 272
[005720]<D> Token Len   : 4
[005720]<D> Token       : 09030201
[005720]<D> Remote      :
[005720]<D> ********************************
[006330]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[006330]<D> path: sys,len=3
[006330]<D> path: awss,len=4
[006330]<D> path: event,len=5
[006330]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[006330]<D> path: notify,len=6
[006340]<D> Add message id 7 len 315 to the list
[006340]<D> *********Message Info**********
[006340]<D> Version     : 1
[006340]<D> Code        : 0x2
[006340]<D> Type        : 0x1
[006340]<D> Msgid       : 7
[006340]<D> Option      : 6
[006340]<D> Payload Len : 272
[006340]<D> Token Len   : 4
[006350]<D> Token       : 0A030201
[006350]<D> Remote      :
[006350]<D> ********************************
[007050]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[007050]<D> path: sys,len=3
[007050]<D> path: awss,len=4
[007050]<D> path: event,len=5
[007050]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[007050]<D> path: notify,len=6
[007050]<D> Add message id 8 len 315 to the list
[007060]<D> *********Message Info**********
[007060]<D> Version     : 1
[007060]<D> Code        : 0x2
[007060]<D> Type        : 0x1
[007060]<D> Msgid       : 8
[007060]<D> Option      : 6
[007060]<D> Payload Len : 272
[007060]<D> Token Len   : 4
[007060]<D> Token       : 0B030201
[007060]<D> Remote      :
[007070]<D> ********************************
[007870]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[007870]<D> path: sys,len=3
[007870]<D> path: awss,len=4
[007870]<D> path: event,len=5
[007870]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[007880]<D> path: notify,len=6
[007880]<D> Add message id 9 len 315 to the list
[007880]<D> *********Message Info**********
[007880]<D> Version     : 1
[007880]<D> Code        : 0x2
[007890]<D> Type        : 0x1
[007890]<D> Msgid       : 9
[007890]<D> Option      : 6
[007890]<D> Payload Len : 272
[007890]<D> Token Len   : 4
[007890]<D> Token       : 0C030201
[007890]<D> Remote      :
[007890]<D> ********************************
[008790]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[008790]<D> path: sys,len=3
[008790]<D> path: awss,len=4
[008790]<D> path: event,len=5
[008790]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[008790]<D> path: notify,len=6
[008800]<D> Add message id 10 len 316 to the list
[008800]<D> *********Message Info**********
[008800]<D> Version     : 1
[008800]<D> Code        : 0x2
[008800]<D> Type        : 0x1
[008800]<D> Msgid       : 10
[008800]<D> Option      : 6
[008800]<D> Payload Len : 273
[008800]<D> Token Len   : 4
[008800]<D> Token       : 0D030201
[008800]<D> Remote      :
[008800]<D> ********************************
[009810]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[009810]<D> path: sys,len=3
[009810]<D> path: awss,len=4
[009810]<D> path: event,len=5
[009810]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[009810]<D> path: notify,len=6
[009820]<D> Add message id 11 len 316 to the list
[009820]<D> *********Message Info**********
[009820]<D> Version     : 1
[009830]<D> Code        : 0x2
[009830]<D> Type        : 0x1
[009830]<D> Msgid       : 11
[009830]<D> Option      : 6
[009830]<D> Payload Len : 273
[009830]<D> Token Len   : 4
[009830]<D> Token       : 0E030201
[009830]<D> Remote      :
[009830]<D> ********************************
[010930]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[010930]<D> path: sys,len=3
[010930]<D> path: awss,len=4
[010930]<D> path: event,len=5
[010930]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[010930]<D> path: notify,len=6
[010940]<D> Add message id 12 len 316 to the list
[010940]<D> *********Message Info**********
[010940]<D> Version     : 1
[010940]<D> Code        : 0x2
[010940]<D> Type        : 0x1
[010940]<D> Msgid       : 12
[010940]<D> Option      : 6
[010940]<D> Payload Len : 273
[010940]<D> Token Len   : 4
[010940]<D> Token       : 0F030201
[010940]<D> Remote      :
[010940]<D> ********************************
[012150]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[012150]<D> path: sys,len=3
[012150]<D> path: awss,len=4
[012150]<D> path: event,len=5
[012150]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[012150]<D> path: notify,len=6
[012160]<D> Add message id 13 len 316 to the list
[012160]<D> *********Message Info**********
[012160]<D> Version     : 1
[012160]<D> Code        : 0x2
[012160]<D> Type        : 0x1
[012160]<D> Msgid       : 13
[012160]<D> Option      : 6
[012160]<D> Payload Len : 273
[012160]<D> Token Len   : 4
[012160]<D> Token       : 10030201
[012160]<D> Remote      :
[012160]<D> ********************************
[013470]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[013470]<D> path: sys,len=3
[013470]<D> path: awss,len=4
[013470]<D> path: event,len=5
[013470]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[013470]<D> path: notify,len=6
[013470]<D> Add message id 14 len 316 to the list
[013480]<D> *********Message Info**********
[013480]<D> Version     : 1
[013480]<D> Code        : 0x2
[013480]<D> Type        : 0x1
[013480]<D> Msgid       : 14
[013480]<D> Option      : 6
[013480]<D> Payload Len : 273
[013480]<D> Token Len   : 4
[013480]<D> Token       : 11030201
[013480]<D> Remote      :
[013480]<D> ********************************
[014880]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[014880]<D> path: sys,len=3
[014880]<D> path: awss,len=4
[014880]<D> path: event,len=5
[014880]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[014880]<D> path: notify,len=6
[014880]<D> Add message id 15 len 316 to the list
[014890]<D> *********Message Info**********
[014890]<D> Version     : 1
[014890]<D> Code        : 0x2
[014890]<D> Type        : 0x1
[014890]<D> Msgid       : 15
[014890]<D> Option      : 6
[014890]<D> Payload Len : 273
[014890]<D> Token Len   : 4
[014890]<D> Token       : 12030201
[014890]<D> Remote      :
[014890]<D> ********************************
[016400]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[016400]<D> path: sys,len=3
[016400]<D> path: awss,len=4
[016400]<D> path: event,len=5
[016400]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[016400]<D> path: notify,len=6
[016400]<D> Add message id 16 len 316 to the list
[016410]<D> *********Message Info**********
[016410]<D> Version     : 1
[016410]<D> Code        : 0x2
[016410]<D> Type        : 0x1
[016410]<D> Msgid       : 16
[016410]<D> Option      : 6
[016410]<D> Payload Len : 273
[016410]<D> Token Len   : 4
[016410]<D> Token       : 13030201
[016410]<D> Remote      :
[016410]<D> ********************************
[018020]<D> The uri is /sys/awss/event/connectap/notify
[018020]<D> path: sys,len=3
[018020]<D> path: awss,len=4
[018020]<D> path: event,len=5
[018020]<D> path: connectap,len=9
[018020]<D> path: notify,len=6
[018030]<D> Add message id 17 len 316 to the list
[018030]<D> *********Message Info**********
[018030]<D> Version     : 1
[018030]<D> Code        : 0x2
[018030]<D> Type        : 0x1
[018030]<D> Msgid       : 17
[018030]<D> Option      : 6
[018030]<D> Payload Len : 273
[018030]<D> Token Len   : 4
[018030]<D> Token       : 14030201
[018030]<D> Remote      :
[018030]<D> ********************************





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