在刷oracle当前等待事件情况的时候,偶尔看到这个叫 buffer exterminate的等待事件,之前没有见到过,便查找下相关资料整理一下。在刷oracle当前等待事件情况的时候,偶尔看到这个叫
This wait event usually occurs when you have tried to dynamically resize a component of the SGA such as the buffer cache.
The "buffer exterminate" waits can only happen if part of the buffer cache is being dynamically shrunk and a session wants access to a data block that resides in a db cache buffer within a granule chosen to be freed. After the buffer is freed (removed from buffer cache hash chain, LRU chain, etc.), one of the waiting sessions can then reload that block into one of the remaining db cache granules, and everyone else eventually finds the new buffer address for the data block via hash lookup.
You can check the following views to see if any recent SGA Component resize operations have taken place :