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原创 访问Ubuntu14.04远程桌面

1. 打开启动器左上角的程序搜索器。2. 输入"desktop sharing",单击桌面共享。3. 按照下图进行配置。这里为了方便没有选择输密码。关闭后在桌面右上角会显示远程图标。 4. 系统设置 > 用户账户。解锁,打开自动登录。5.  安装远程桌面组件打开终端运行命令:sudo apt-get install x

2016-10-09 17:09:00 569

转载 Android 分区

boot 分区一般的嵌入式Linux的设备中.bootloader,内核,根文件系统被分为三个不同分区。在Android做得比较复杂,从这个手机分区和来看,这里boot分区是把内核和ramdisk file的根文件系统打包在一起了,是编译生成boot.img来烧录的。 如果没有这个分区,手机通常无法启动到安卓系统。只有必要的时候,才去通过Recovery软件擦除(format)这个分区

2016-09-22 16:14:57 457

原创 如何在 virtualbox中安装windows

How to instal windows in virtualboxTable of contentsHow to instal windows in virtualboxTo install the VBox in Ubuntu and setup Windows7 inside the VBox virtual machine, we need below steps.C

2016-09-22 16:08:32 835

转载 ltp交叉编译测试

ltp交叉编译测试预备工作:为android加入busybox工具我们可以通过两种方式进入Android的console:1. 直接执行命令emulator -shell;2. 在启动emulator后,通过命令adb shell进入。之后我们就可以 使用一些linux下常用的命令了,如ls,cat等。然而Android自带的toolbox(位于/system/bi

2016-09-22 16:01:00 895

转载 ubuntu14.04 rsync配置

Rsync(remote synchronize) 是一个远程数据同步工具,可以使用“Rsync算法”同步本地和远程主机之间的文件。Rsync的好处是只同步两个文件不同的部分,相同的部分不在传递。类似于增量备份,这使的在服务器传递备份文件或者同步文件,比起scp工具要省好多时间。OS:        ubuntu server 14.04server:

2016-09-22 15:54:24 2930 1

原创 初学者必备:C++经典入门详细教程

下面的是学C++时要注意的。  1.把C++当成一门新的语言学习(和C没啥关系!真的。);  2.看《Thinking In C++》,不要看《C++变成死相》;  3.看《The C++ Programming Language》和《Inside The C++ Object  Model》,不要因为他们很难而我们自己是初学者所以就不看;  4.不要被VC、BCB、BC、MC、TC等词汇所迷惑—

2009-04-08 19:56:00 4391 32

转载 矩阵理解3

  这两篇文章发表于去年的4月。在第二部分结束的时候,我说:       “矩阵不仅可以作为线性变换的描述,而且可以作为一组基的描述。而 作为变换的矩阵,不但可以把线性空间中的一个点给变换到另一个点去,而且也能够把线性空间中的一个坐标系(基)表换到另一个坐标系(基)去。而且,变换点 与变换坐标系,具有异曲同工的效果。线性代数里最有趣的奥妙,就蕴含在其中。理解了这些内容,线性代数里很多定理和规则

2009-04-08 15:01:00 866 1

转载 矩阵理解2


2009-04-08 14:59:00 1001

转载 矩阵理解


2009-04-08 14:50:00 792 2
















J2EE 设计开发编程指南

Expert One-on-One J2EE Design & Development 中文版


J2EE 设计开发编程指南

Expert One-on-One J2EE Design & Development 中文版



Expert One-on-One J2EE Design & Development 中文版



Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (中文版)


Expert One-on-One J2EE Design & Development\Expert One-on-One J2EE Design & Development.part4

Drawing on the author's experience of designing successful high-volume J2EE applications and salvaging failing projects, this text guides you through the complexity of the J2EE services and APIs to enable you to build the simplest possible solution.


Expert One-on-One J2EE Design & Development\Expert One-on-One J2EE Design & Development.part3

Drawing on the author's experience of designing successful high-volume J2EE applications and salvaging failing projects, this text guides you through the complexity of the J2EE services and APIs to enable you to build the simplest possible solution.


Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development_part2

Drawing on the author's experience of designing successful high-volume J2EE applications and salvaging failing projects, this text guides you through the complexity of the J2EE services and APIs to enable you to build the simplest possible solution.


Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development_part1

Drawing on the author's experience of designing successful high-volume J2EE applications and salvaging failing projects, this text guides you through the complexity of the J2EE services and APIs to enable you to build the simplest possible solution.



We wrote this book because reflection inspires us. It produces solutions so elegant that they elicit the same sense of wonderment that we often felt as children. It is this inspiration that has driven both of us in our study and practice of reflective programming over the last ten years.



We wrote this book because reflection inspires us. It produces solutions so elegant that they elicit the same sense of wonderment that we often felt as children. It is this inspiration that has driven both of us in our study and practice of reflective programming over the last ten years.


Agile Java Crafting Code with Test Driven Development_part3

"The most practical, productive, and enjoyable book on programming I've read. Results Driven." Steve Bartolin, President and CEO, The Broadmoor


Agile Java Crafting Code with Test Driven Development_part2

"The most practical, productive, and enjoyable book on programming I've read. Results Driven." Steve Bartolin, President and CEO, The Broadmoor


Agile Java Crafting Code with Test-Driven Development_part1

"The most practical, productive, and enjoyable book on programming I've read. Results Driven." Steve Bartolin, President and CEO, The Broadmoor



The Extreme Programming (XP) methodology enables you to build and test enterprise systems quickly without sacrificing quality. In the last few years, open source developers have created or significantly improved a host of Java XP tools, from XDoclet, Maven, AntHill, and Eclipse to Ant, JUnit, and Cactus. This practical, code-intensive guide shows you how to put these tools to work and capitalize on the benefits of Extreme Programming. Using an example pet store application, our expert Java developers demonstrate how to harness the latest versions of Ant and XDoclet for automated building and continuous integration. They then explain how to automate the testing process using JUnit, Cactus, and other tools, and to enhance project management and continuous integration through Maven and AntHill. Finally, they show you how to work with XP tools in the new Eclipse IDE. Complete with real-world advice on how to implement the principles and practices of effective developers, this book delivers everything you need to harness the power of Extreme Programming in your own projects. What you will learn from this book How to automate the building of J2EE apps and components with Ant and XDoclet Techniques for automating Java testing JUnit Procedures for automating servlet, JSP, and other J2EE testing using Cactus Ways to automate Swing testing with Jemmy, JFCUnit, and Abbot How to manage projects using Maven Techniques for automating continuous integration with AntHill and Cruise Control How to harness plugins for JUnit, Cactus, and Ant in the Eclipse IDE Ways to implement Extreme Programming best practices



The Extreme Programming (XP) methodology enables you to build and test enterprise systems quickly without sacrificing quality. In the last few years, open source developers have created or significantly improved a host of Java XP tools, from XDoclet, Maven, AntHill, and Eclipse to Ant, JUnit, and Cactus. This practical, code-intensive guide shows you how to put these tools to work and capitalize on the benefits of Extreme Programming. Using an example pet store application, our expert Java developers demonstrate how to harness the latest versions of Ant and XDoclet for automated building and continuous integration. They then explain how to automate the testing process using JUnit, Cactus, and other tools, and to enhance project management and continuous integration through Maven and AntHill. Finally, they show you how to work with XP tools in the new Eclipse IDE. Complete with real-world advice on how to implement the principles and practices of effective developers, this book delivers everything you need to harness the power of Extreme Programming in your own projects. What you will learn from this book How to automate the building of J2EE apps and components with Ant and XDoclet Techniques for automating Java testing JUnit Procedures for automating servlet, JSP, and other J2EE testing using Cactus Ways to automate Swing testing with Jemmy, JFCUnit, and Abbot How to manage projects using Maven Techniques for automating continuous integration with AntHill and Cruise Control How to harness plugins for JUnit, Cactus, and Ant in the Eclipse IDE Ways to implement Extreme Programming best practices


Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming (JAVA经典书籍英文版)_part2

The Extreme Programming (XP) methodology enables you to build and test enterprise systems quickly without sacrificing quality. In the last few years, open source developers have created or significantly improved a host of Java XP tools, from XDoclet, Maven, AntHill, and Eclipse to Ant, JUnit, and Cactus. This practical, code-intensive guide shows you how to put these tools to work and capitalize on the benefits of Extreme Programming. Using an example pet store application, our expert Java developers demonstrate how to harness the latest versions of Ant and XDoclet for automated building and continuous integration. They then explain how to automate the testing process using JUnit, Cactus, and other tools, and to enhance project management and continuous integration through Maven and AntHill. Finally, they show you how to work with XP tools in the new Eclipse IDE. Complete with real-world advice on how to implement the principles and practices of effective developers, this book delivers everything you need to harness the power of Extreme Programming in your own projects. What you will learn from this book How to automate the building of J2EE apps and components with Ant and XDoclet Techniques for automating Java testing JUnit Procedures for automating servlet, JSP, and other J2EE testing using Cactus Ways to automate Swing testing with Jemmy, JFCUnit, and Abbot How to manage projects using Maven Techniques for automating continuous integration with AntHill and Cruise Control How to harness plugins for JUnit, Cactus, and Ant in the Eclipse IDE Ways to implement Extreme Programming best practices


Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming (JAVA经典书籍英文版)_part1

The Extreme Programming (XP) methodology enables you to build and test enterprise systems quickly without sacrificing quality. In the last few years, open source developers have created or significantly improved a host of Java XP tools, from XDoclet, Maven, AntHill, and Eclipse to Ant, JUnit, and Cactus. This practical, code-intensive guide shows you how to put these tools to work and capitalize on the benefits of Extreme Programming. Using an example pet store application, our expert Java developers demonstrate how to harness the latest versions of Ant and XDoclet for automated building and continuous integration. They then explain how to automate the testing process using JUnit, Cactus, and other tools, and to enhance project management and continuous integration through Maven and AntHill. Finally, they show you how to work with XP tools in the new Eclipse IDE. Complete with real-world advice on how to implement the principles and practices of effective developers, this book delivers everything you need to harness the power of Extreme Programming in your own projects. What you will learn from this book How to automate the building of J2EE apps and components with Ant and XDoclet Techniques for automating Java testing JUnit Procedures for automating servlet, JSP, and other J2EE testing using Cactus Ways to automate Swing testing with Jemmy, JFCUnit, and Abbot How to manage projects using Maven Techniques for automating continuous integration with AntHill and Cruise Control How to harness plugins for JUnit, Cactus, and Ant in the Eclipse IDE Ways to implement Extreme Programming best practices


SUN 公司核心技术丛书--effective java(中文版)_part1



Core Java™ 2 Volume I - Fundamentals, Seventh Edition

As with the previous editions of this book, we still target serious programmers who want to put Java to work on real projects. We still guarantee no nervous text or dancing tooth-shaped characters. We think of you, our reader, as a programmer with a solid background in a programming language. But you do not need to know C++ or object-oriented programming. Based on the responses we have received to the earlier editions of this book, we remain confident that experienced Visual Basic, C, or COBOL programmers will have no trouble with this book. (You don't even need any experience in building graphical user interfaces for Windows, UNIX, or the Macintosh.)



本书详细介绍如何在个人电脑上安装配置Caldera和Red Hat两种发行版本的Linux操作系统,并能帮助用户解决安装和配置过程中出现的各种问题。本书既能指导你进行基本的安装步骤,也能指导你定制独具特色的Linux 操作系统。通过本书的学习,你会成为一个Linux 操作系统的安装专家,并能使配置的机器完全按自己的意愿工作。



本书详细介绍如何在个人电脑上安装配置Caldera和Red Hat两种发行版本的Linux操作系统,并能帮助用户解决安装和配置过程中出现的各种问题。本书既能指导你进行基本的安装步骤,也能指导你定制独具特色的Linux 操作系统。通过本书的学习,你会成为一个Linux 操作系统的安装专家,并能使配置的机器完全按自己的意愿工作。



本书详细介绍如何在个人电脑上安装配置Caldera和Red Hat两种发行版本的Linux操作系统,并能帮助用户解决安装和配置过程中出现的各种问题。本书既能指导你进行基本的安装步骤,也能指导你定制独具特色的Linux 操作系统。通过本书的学习,你会成为一个Linux 操作系统的安装专家,并能使配置的机器完全按自己的意愿工作。


linux 系统管理白皮书

本书同时收录了Linux领域两位领导人物的作品—相当于“Linux 文档项目”的一个印刷版本,展示了Linux 核心概念及其基本结构。对于面向所有主流Linux子系统的支持与管理任务,本书都进行了恰到好处的讲解。涵盖的主题包括文件系统、目录、引导和关机、打印、网络兼容性、网络应用、网络登录、安全、用户账号、数据备份等等。此外,还针对TCP/IP网络、电子邮件、硬件问题以及网络的管理与配置,进行了专门讨论。






ARMv6 对高级DSP 和SIMD 的支持



深入淺出MFC 是㆒本介紹MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)程式設計技術的書籍。 對於Windows 應用軟體的開發感到興趣,並欲使用Visual C++ 整合環境的視覺開發工 具,以MFC 為程式基礎的㆟,都可以從此書獲得最根本最重要的知識與實例。



深入淺出MFC 是㆒本介紹MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)程式設計技術的書籍。 對於Windows 應用軟體的開發感到興趣,並欲使用Visual C++ 整合環境的視覺開發工 具,以MFC 為程式基礎的㆟,都可以從此書獲得最根本最重要的知識與實例。



深入淺出MFC 是㆒本介紹MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)程式設計技術的書籍。 對於Windows 應用軟體的開發感到興趣,並欲使用Visual C++ 整合環境的視覺開發工 具,以MFC 為程式基礎的㆟,都可以從此書獲得最根本最重要的知識與實例。



深入淺出MFC 是㆒本介紹MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)程式設計技術的書籍。 對於Windows 應用軟體的開發感到興趣,並欲使用Visual C++ 整合環境的視覺開發工 具,以MFC 為程式基礎的㆟,都可以從此書獲得最根本最重要的知識與實例。



深入淺出MFC 是㆒本介紹MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)程式設計技術的書籍。 對於Windows 應用軟體的開發感到興趣,並欲使用Visual C++ 整合環境的視覺開發工 具,以MFC 為程式基礎的㆟,都可以從此書獲得最根本最重要的知識與實例。



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