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转载 todo list ~~ this is a greet problem


2014-02-05 07:11:33 729

原创 FWNX - two kinds of Yourself

FIRST, the excellent one 1. focus on the details and low-level staff; 2. improve the ability by every practicing 3. strong self - confidence ; 4. without shaking legs5. know the destinat

2013-12-30 04:39:12 842 1

原创 很多时候,别人的冷酷无情,源于你对自己的娇惯放纵


2013-12-28 12:23:23 644

原创 roman doesn't be built in one day; but several years ` but you have to build it hard for every day

我不要当学渣 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2013-12-08 09:31:43 818

原创 const c++

#include using namespace std;class A{public : int cc; const int iii(){ return 10; } void iiri() const { //cc = 100; }};int main(){ int a = 10; int *p1; p1 = &a; cout << "*p = " <<

2014-12-07 03:37:47 717

原创 jumper longest path --pending--

2014-11-10 12:38:29 788

转载 recursive function time complexity analysis

Big-Oh for Recursive Functions: Recurrence RelationsIt's not easy trying to determine the asymptotic complexity (using big-Oh) of recursive functions without an easy-to-use but underutilized tool. T

2014-10-29 11:47:19 1414 1

转载 DP extension Object

#include using namespace std;#include #include //#include "Source2.c"class Role{};class Isubject{public : virtual Role * GetExtension(string name){ return NULL; } virtual void addExtesni

2014-10-27 01:17:23 759

原创 电话 Num

#include #include using namespace std;// numsize = 3; e: 3 9 /* 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8*/bool inVecor(int k, vector excludeNum){ for (auto a : excludeNum){ if

2014-10-26 05:13:06 991

转载 dark corners of C++


2014-09-14 07:38:49 753

原创 Set Matrix zeroes

#include #include using namespace std;class Solution { public: void setZeroes(vector > &matrix) {// reference is needed; size_t colNum = matrix[0].size();//n size

2014-08-31 05:26:05 714

原创 for m*n*k unequal - col - multi array still works ; pick one from a1 a2 a3

#include #include #include using namespace std;void getShowdowlist(vector rwlst, vector &slst, int i){ int k = 0; while (i) { slst[k] = (i%rwlst[k]); i = i / rwlst[k]; k++; }}void get

2014-08-09 15:12:17 1231

原创 rolling array ; triangle; from end to beginning add ; No aftereffect

class Solution {public:    vector getRow(int k) {    vector vts;    if(k == 0){        vts.push_back(1);        return vts;    }    if(k == 1){        vts.push_back(1);        vts.

2014-07-31 02:41:10 890

原创 remove target element from arrary AC

class Solution {public: int removeElement(int A[], int n, int elem) { int i = 0; int num = 0; // suppose a general conditions; // and then apply for the specific c

2014-06-24 07:25:38 837

原创 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List =AC=

Given a sorted linked list, delete all duplicates such that each element appear only once.For example,Given 1->1->2, return 1->2.Given 1->1->2->3->3, return 1->2->3.

2014-06-20 15:04:50 758

原创 New - low - high boundary; kind of binary search

class Solution {public: int searchInsert(int A[], int n, int target) { int length = n; int mid = 0; int first = 0; while(length) { int

2014-06-19 04:47:57 1005

原创 link 2005 - static memeber

if one .h file has the static int member;then add this on every .cpp file which include this .h fileif you do not

2014-04-12 04:06:13 1044

原创 copy construct can up spread;

#include using namespace std;class t3{public:t3(){cout }t3(t3 &t22){cout }};class t2{int k;t3 t33;public:t2(){cout }/*t2(t2 &t22){cout }*/};

2014-04-05 12:47:06 845

原创 lower_bound upper bound 2

#include using namespace std;int my_lower_bound(int *array, int size, int key){ int first = 0, last = size - 1; int middle, pos = 0; //需要用pos记录第一个大于等于key的元素位置 while (first < last) { m

2014-03-30 02:52:36 935

原创 lower_bound upper bound

#include using namespace std;int my_lower_bound(int *array, int size, int key){ int first = 0, last = size - 1; int middle, pos = 0; //需要用pos记录第一个大于等于key的元素位置 while (first < last) { m

2014-03-30 02:40:26 1110 1

转载 sqlite


2014-03-24 13:34:00 858

原创 Search Insert Position - 2b 解法

class Solution {public:int getMid(int a, int b){ return (a + b) / 2;}int aux(int A[], int start, int end, int target){ int mid = getMid(start, end); if (start>end) { //if (start == end) //

2014-03-18 09:30:28 912

原创 create table


2014-03-11 05:25:53 835

原创 thought methods

1 = every word say out should be solid; 2 = tell them why;I can not identify because;I guess because;3 = put something unknown into the known questions 4 = exclude something through

2014-03-11 05:13:51 661

原创 ood midterm exam```

http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/aix/library/1212_lufang_c11new/ 1= overload and override;2 = cast style;3 = principles in the proj 1 2 3 4;4 = template specialization 5 = rtti;;enum;6

2014-03-03 11:35:11 921 2

原创 all kinds of containers

#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;int main(){ std::stack stk; std::vector vct; std::queue qq; std::list lst; std::map mp; for (int i = 0; i < 10;

2014-03-02 04:27:40 580

原创 CreateTable - sqlite

relation functions in sqlite::sqlite3AddColumncase 37: /* columnid ::= nm */{  sqlite3AddColumn(pParse,&yymsp[0].minor.yy0);  yygotominor.yy0 = yymsp[0].minor.yy0;}

2014-02-28 12:43:53 1048


Version 3.3.6源代码文件结构                                               ——整理:hustcat 2009-2-19文件名称大小byte备注API部分main.c35414SQLite Library的大部分接口

2014-02-26 08:53:36 1242

原创 wynx - Tree-traverse-review- all kinds of enjoy it !

#include #include using namespace std;struct node{ int data; struct node* left; struct node* right;}; node* newNode(int data){ node* node1 = new node; node1->data = data; node

2014-02-24 04:03:45 7690

原创 php 网站


2014-02-24 01:12:55 624

转载 ····大神


2014-02-18 23:20:17 628

翻译 wordpress


2014-02-13 14:55:26 615

原创 word break ii; trying - complete - no ac

class Solution {public: struct Node { string s; int end;// the last letter index in the s; stack stk; void AddChild(Node *p) { stk.push(p);

2014-02-09 13:33:18 917 2

转载 TOP

#include #include #include  /* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child   and a pointer to right child */struct node{    int data;    struct node* left;    struct node* r

2014-02-08 02:07:09 587

原创 Given a linked list, return the node where the cycle begins. If there is no cycle, return null.

/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { * int val; * ListNode *next; * ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {} * }; */class Solution {public: ListNode *de

2014-02-07 13:02:41 1675

原创 circle ``

/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { * int val; * ListNode *next; * ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {} * }; */class Solution {public: bool hasCycl

2014-02-07 04:16:27 843

转载 get the entry of the circle list;


2014-02-07 03:55:03 581

转载 algorithm and data structure

1 = tree1.1 pre order(HLR)implement :: non-recursive :: while(!stack.empty()){if(riht){right;}if(left){push(left);}}  1.2 post order(LRH){find the relation of pre and cur

2014-02-07 03:28:05 795

原创 Inorder - Tree - traverse - recursive and not recursive

#include #include using namespace std;struct node{ int data; struct node* left; struct node* right;}; node* newNode(int data){ node* node1 = new node; node1->data = data; node

2014-02-06 05:50:17 1131 2

原创 list-recorder pending

/** * Definition for singly-linked list. * struct ListNode { * int val; * ListNode *next; * ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {} * }; */class Solution {public: void reorder

2014-02-05 05:33:21 893



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