Sunland is expected this month to the United States on specific issues

Sunland is expected this month to the United States on specific issues and litigation lawyers to communicate face to face, and this time the plaintiff and the defendant's lawyers are overtly, covertly rivalry. First, the plaintiff's lawyer accused the defense lawyer as one of the use of the Invitation to a Funeral of dollars. The defense lawyers said the motion before the holiday in his father, the plaintiff's allegations for the value of the trial court asking the judge to punish the plaintiff's attorney, sentenced the attorneys' fees, it is obvious drastic policy. Both lawyers are now making the seal roar Henzhao sword, also known as Chinatown, the Chinese American War. Sunland lawsuit individual voir dire, such as sexual assault case, Internet libel. 15 comments by Internet users on the Internet is also listed as defendants, it is Chinese media have openly questioned. Chinese media said in the comments, Sunland charged items to 21, and 15 additional defendants are 17 Internet users, because the post in the network, "published false statements, swearing, insulting the plaintiff himself and the people to support Sunland personal attacks. " Such a process seems to be the parties some hysterical, because some very strange problems: 1, China and the U. S. have not signed an extradition treaty between the judiciary, the prosecution of these Internet users do need to mobilize Interpol assistance it? 2, United States Court of data to investigate Internet users in China, relevant Chinese authorities have an obligation with it? 3, if not, the United States without authorization to obtain privacy of Internet users in China, be considered in violation of Chinese law? 4, only the "insult libel" case, involving parties are Chinese nationals, why should the U. S. Attorney to a third party to deal with? Also said that just because the media said in an interview a few words, simply because in the online publication of the different views, it is treated as one by one defendant, it is somewhat incredible. 15 network name in the end because of what kind of speech as the defendant, there is no formal information in court and the public to the media before the bad comments. But Sunland's lawsuit raises not a court but added that people in the Internet age may ignore the legal issues, and this is how freedom of speech in the maintenance of the public from harm and protection of personal reputation to find a balance between the issues. U. S. legal arguments on this issue and the legal practice for over 20 years of history, but also provide people with a large number of cases that can be referenced data. Sunland case because the litigation in the United States, so we must follow the laws of the United States to hear and decide. I am not a legal expert, this article talked about some of the cases if omissions or inaccuracies in, or ask advice of legal experts. In the U. S., media reports of a person's behavior, comments, users in the blog, microblogging in the comments, those comments are the object of legal protection, and what kind of remarks constitute libel it? Personal attacks, slander, abuse, etc. belong to the scope of libel, nature will not be protected by law. In the comments, the most important point of distinction is that a person belongs to comment on the remarks or that it is a fact that can be said that the difference between the two is sometimes difficult and made it clear. For example, a bad man, he is a thief. Comment before the sentence is, after a fact. If this person is not a thief, a thief who said he was equal to damage a person's reputation, it could constitute defamation. Sang Lan was in the case commented: "Xue Weisen are perpetrators. " Others say: "Sunland extortion. " These two words have not comment, but speaking the truth. Rape, extortion are crimes, when the court did not make a decision before someone found a lawsuit can easily lead to crime. If the end result is not guilty, Xue Weisen, Sunland can intercom such things held liable. People, especially celebrities past libel charges the object of most of the media, because people lack information dissemination channels. Now it's different, everyone is a reporter the Internet age, everyone can become a paparazzi. Network blog, microblogging, forums for the general public to provide comments and personal views unprecedented space. But if people's comments go beyond a certain limit, might hurt the person's reputation, so the network has become a libel lawsuit in the United States a remarkable phenomenon. Malicious slander others on the network may constitute libel, slander, once convicted, the defendant may have to compensate the plaintiff for thousands to tens of millions of dollars. Identification of libel is not difficult, as long as the defendant with four elements constitute a libel. These four elements are: the defendant did or wrote about the defamatory statements, defamatory statements on the Internet in the community and spread the defendant's false statements did, defamatory statements have a negative impact on the reputation of the plaintiff. If the plaintiff is a celebrity as movie stars, sports stars, have to add one, that is, the plaintiff must prove that defamatory statements really lies. Here we focus on the U. S. networks look at some of the features of defamation ruling, and how the laws protect people's freedom of expression and personal reputation.




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