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原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-022

Examine the following command:ALTER SYSTEM SET enable_ddl_logging=FALSE;Which statement is true?A. None of the data definition language (DDL) statements are logged in the trace file. B. Only D

2016-03-29 17:18:46 866

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-021

Which three functions are performed by the SQL Tuning Advisor? A. Building and implementing SQL profiles B. Recommending the optimization of materialized views C. Checking query objects for mi

2016-03-29 17:05:51 950

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-020

You are administering a database stored in Automatic Storage management (ASM). Thefiles are stored in the DATA disk group. You execute the following command:SQL > ALTER DISKGROUP data ADD ALIAS ‘+

2016-03-29 16:51:01 749

转载 postgresql 查看数据库,表,索引,表空间以及大小

转载自博客http://blog.51yip.com/pgsql/1525.html1,查看数据库playboy=> \l //\加上字母l,相当于mysql的,mysql> show databases; List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding-----

2016-03-28 15:47:12 24061 1

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-019

Your multitenant container database (CDB) is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. Youconnect to the CDB RMAN.Examine the following command and its output:You execute the following command:RMAN > BACK

2016-03-23 17:31:54 571

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-018

You database is running an ARCHIVELOG mode.The following parameter are set in your database instance:LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = arch+%t_%r.arcLOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 = 'LOCATION = /disk1/archive'DB_RECOV

2016-03-23 17:09:47 705

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-017

Examine the following steps of privilege analysis for checking and revoking excessive,unused privileges granted to users:1. Create a policy to capture the privilege used by a user for privilege anal

2016-03-23 16:56:48 613

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-016

The tnsnames.ora file has an entry for the service alias ORCL as follows:The TNS ping command executes successfully when tested with ORCL; however, from thesame OS user session, you are not able

2016-03-23 16:35:28 873

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-015

In your multitenant container database (CDB) containing pluggable databases (PDB), userscomplain about performance degradation.How does real-time Automatic database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) check

2016-03-23 15:54:13 966

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-014

You plan to use the In Database Archiving feature of Oracle Database 12c, and store rowsthat are inactive for over three months, in Hybrid Columnar Compressed (HCC) format.Which three storage opti

2016-03-23 13:15:38 722

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-012

What are three purposes of the RMAN “FROM” clause? A. to support PUSH-based active database duplication B. to support synchronization of a standby database with the primary database in a Dataenv

2016-03-22 09:06:21 1500

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-013

You notice that the performance of your production 24/7 Oracle database significantlydegraded. Sometimes you are not able to connect to the instance because it hangs. Youdo not want to restart the

2016-03-21 17:24:51 1069

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-005

You are administering a database stored in Automatic Storage Management (ASM). Youuse RMAN to back up the database and the MD_BACKUP command to back up the ASMmetadata regularly. You lost an ASM d

2016-03-21 15:02:28 1132

原创 ASMCMD-9487: 'md῟backup' cannot be run with 'sysasm' privilege

我们在进行磁盘组备份的时候ASMCMD-9487: 'md῟backup' cannot be run with 'sysasm' privilege解决方法:修改$ORACLE_HOME/bin下面的oracle的权限为6751修改$GRID_HOME/bin下面的oracle的权限为6751这个时候我们再执行命令ASMCMD> md_backup /ho

2016-03-21 10:52:29 3417

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-011

Which three are true about the large pool for an Oracle database instance that supportsshared server connections?A. Allocates memory for RMAN backup and restore operationsB. Allocates memory for

2016-03-17 14:37:54 902

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-010

In order to exploit some new storage tiers that have been provisioned by a storageadministrator, the partitions of a large heap table must be moved to other tablespaces inyour Oracle 12c database?

2016-03-17 14:26:17 700

原创 PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf 文件解析以及忘记密码的处理方法

pg_hba.conf是客户端认证配置文件,定义如何认证客户端。下面是常用的pg_hba.conf配置:# TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections onlylocal   all

2016-03-15 19:13:40 6275

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-009

Which three are direct benefits of the multiprocess, multithreaded architecture of OracleDatabase 12c when it is enabled?A. Reduced logical I/OB. Reduced virtual memory utilizationC. Improved

2016-03-15 12:19:56 1081

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-008

Your multitenant container (CDB) containing three pluggable databases (PDBs) is runningin ARCHIVELOG mode. You find that the SYSAUX tablespace is corrupted in the rootcontainer.The steps to reco

2016-03-15 11:38:22 694

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-007

Which Oracle Database component is audited by default if the unified Auditing option isenabled?A. Oracle Data PumpB. Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN)C. Oracle Label SecurityD. Oracle Database

2016-03-15 11:21:03 734

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-006

Your multitenant container database, CDB1, is running in ARCHIVELOG mode and hastwo pluggable databases, HR_PDB and ACCOUNTS_PDB. An RMAN backup exists forthe database.You issue the command to o

2016-03-15 09:47:54 765

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-004

Which statement is true about Oracle Net Listener?A. It acts as the listening endpoint for the Oracle database instance for all local and nonlocaluser connections.B. A single listener can servic

2016-03-14 16:01:52 773

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-003

Which two statements are true about the use of the procedures listed in thev$sysaux_occupants.move_procedure column?A. The procedure may be used for some components to relocate component data to t

2016-03-14 16:00:56 1099

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-002

Examine the following commands for redefining a table with Virtual Private Database (VPD)policies:Which two statements are true about redefining the table?A. All the triggers for the table a

2016-03-14 12:05:22 1418

原创 12C-OCP升级1z-060-001

1.Your multitenant container (CDB) contains two pluggable databases (PDB), HR_PDB andACCOUNTS_PDB, both of which use the CDB tablespace. The temp file is calledtemp01.tmp.A user issues a query o

2016-03-14 02:59:40 949

原创 ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

我们在PG数据库,关闭了事务的自动提交的情况下,会经常的遇到这样的问题ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block为什么会造成了这样的问题,原因是Postgres数据库中,同一事务中如果某次数据库操作中出错的话,那这个事务以后的数据库都会出错。我们举个很

2016-03-14 01:27:58 42047 2

原创 Postgresql 事务的提交与回滚

用过oracle或mysql的人都知道在sqlplus或mysql中,做一个dml语句,如果发现做错了,还可以rollback;掉,但在PostgreSQL的psql中,如果执行一个dml,没有先运行begin;的话,一执行完就马上提交了,不能回滚,这样容易导致误操作的发生,有没有什么办法避免这个风险呢?当然有,在psql中默认是打开自动提交的,我们可以关闭自动提交,方法如下:设置\set A

2016-03-14 01:23:07 19922 2

原创 如何看懂Postgres的执行计划

如何看懂Postgres的执行计划test=# insert into test select id from (select generate_series(1,10000000))ids(id);INSERT 0 10000000Time: 39656.016 mstest=# select * from test where id=1; id ---- 1(1 row)

2016-03-14 00:58:51 12273 1

原创 Postgresql 分区表测试

--创建父表drop table  num_master;create table num_master (id int not null primary key); --创建生成分区表的函数create or replace function create_partition_table () returns void as $$declare i int;dec

2016-03-13 21:56:50 674

原创 使用pg_rman软件来实现postgresql数据库的备份恢复

使用pg_rman来进行备份恢复pg_rman的安装软件pg_rman-1.2.11-1.pg93.rhel6.x86_64.rpm在安装这个rpm的时候,有一个依赖包需要我们去额外下载的[09:33:24 root()@enmorep soft]# rpm -ivh pg_rman-1.2.11-1.pg94.rhel6.x86_64.rpmerror: Failed dep

2016-03-12 11:40:06 2579

原创 查看Postgresql的连接状况,以及如何的去kill掉pg的连接

查看Postgresql的连接状况,以及如何的去kill掉pg的连接 我们如果要杀掉远程的连接,首先第一步我们需要去查询出我们的数据库究竟有哪些连接,我们通过下面的视图 select * from pg_stat_activity;结果集会显示出当前连接的数据库名,用户,IP地址,连接开始时间,查询的语句等。 这里的pg_stat_activity其实是一个视图,它的定义可

2016-03-11 12:05:03 8459

原创 Postgresql 流复制同步模式

Postgresql 流复制同步模式这里配基于同步复制的Hot-Standby 就非常容易了,简单的来讲基于第6个教程只需要修改两个地方:编辑 postgresql.conf 以支持 WAL archiving:wal_level = archivearchive_mode = onarchive_command = 'cp %p /home/postgres/ar

2016-03-11 11:13:17 6591

原创 使用ora2pg完成从oracle到postgresql的迁移工作


2016-03-10 15:03:17 9179

原创 postgresql 9.3.1数据库流复制

postgresql 9.3.1数据库流复制主库创建流复制用户CREATE USER repuser replication LOGIN CONNECTION LIMIT 5 ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '123456';在主库设置过滤,允许备库的相关的访问pg_hba.confhost replication repuser 10.211.55

2016-03-02 17:42:44 1163

原创 postgresql 9.3.1 编译安装

postgresql 9.3.1 编译安装1 编译、安装tar -xvf postgresql-9.3.1.tar cd postgresql-9.3.1./configuremakemake install 2 创建用户及组groupadd postgresuseradd -g postgres postgrespasswd postgres3 环境设置 mkdi

2016-03-02 15:58:34 734

原创 postgres 备库遇到 FATAL: the database system is starting up问题

postgres 备库遇到 FATAL: the database system is starting up问题[06:46:00 postgres()@kiwi data]$ psqlpsql: FATAL: the database system is starting up解决办法:修改备库的postgresql.conf参数文件hot_standby = on

2016-03-02 11:09:44 6872





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