





2、增加了Workflow Group,可以把相关Workflow放在一起。

3、部分Node功能增强,如Java Snippet等

4、增加了一些新的Node,如Time Series Node组,提供了10种处理日期时间的Node



Changelog v2.1.1

Changes from v2.1.0 to v2.1.1


  • Enh 2101: Extending the Time Difference node to use a fixed time or the execution time instead of a second column
  • Enh 2102: DayofYear in DateFieldExtractor node
  • Enh 2094: DateAndTimeCell to implement StringValue and use ISO standard in String representation
  • Enh 2107: Column Filter node with selection option Enforce Inclusion / Exclusion option
  • Enh 2106: BatchExecutor should stop on errors during workflow loading
  • Enh 2098: Undo/Redo to be first elements in "Edit" menu and to be available in context menu

Bug Fixes

  • Bug 2096: Conditional Boxplot cannot handle class labels with leading or trailing spaces
  • Bug 2097: Conditional Boxplot ignores domain
  • Bug 2076: Statistics node shows wrong co-occurrences count
  • Bug 2092: ExtTool (ssh) does not wait for remote job to finish
  • Bug 2022: Views occasionally freeze GUI (e.g. Color Manager color chooser)
  • Bug 2078: Row ID node with potential memory leak (when huge numbers of rows are processed >10mio)
  • Bug 2069 Histogram does not check available columns if the input data changes
  • Bug 2104 Webservice node does not report number of failed rows in node message (if any)
  • Bug 2103 Webservice nodes need to upgrade to CXF 2.2.5 (fixes timeout problem)

Changelog v2.1.0

Changes from v2.0.3 to v2.1.0
New Nodes

  • Set of PCA nodes (PCA, PCA Compute, PCA Apply)
  • New Statistics Node with median and co-occurrences count
  • Unpivoting node
  • Double To Int node
  • HiLite Collector node
  • R and Weka model Reader/Writer nodes
  • Distance Matrix Reader/Writer + Calculate nodes
  • k-medoids node
  • Set of hierarchical clustering nodes (Hierarchical Clustering, Apply, and
  • libSVM integration
  • Rule Visualization node
  • Timeseries support and nodes part of KNIME product
  • Row splitter node (row filter with 2nd outport)
  • Webservice client (available on KNIME labs )
  • Image processing nodes (aslo available on KNIME labs )

New Features

  • Support for Workflow Groups
  • Workflow Meta-Infos
  • Undo/Redo functionality
  • Support for external application view (no Swing-NodeViews)
  • Find & Find Next in Interactive Table and Table output view
  • Variables Button for some controls in selected nodes (e.g. k-means)
  • Java Snippet with Array-Support
  • Finalized PMML support (producer&consumer) for Decision Tree Learner & Predictor
  • Asynchronous table writing
  • Product with export/import wizard for preferences
  • Workflow variables (in expert mode)
  • Outport view tab to inspect flow variables (in expert mode)
  • Control the execution of a workflow from within the workflow projects view

Bugfixes and Enhancements

  • Bug 1239: FileReader column delimiter not committed
  • Bug 1288: Preference page should not overwrite manually set env variables (maxThreads, e.g.)
  • Enh 1309: Hilite Filter node does not show progress
  • Enh 1388: Review some (learner) nodes which allow a filtering of the input columns
  • Enh 1403: Sorter should allow sorting by row key
  • Enh 1419: ColumnFilterPanel should provide checkbox to keep all columns selected when the input changes
  • Enh 1441: Category in Node Repository need cleanup (too many nodes in one category)
  • Enh 1521: Linear and Polynominal Regression node should use all num. columns
  • Enh 1564: Cross validation needs stratified sampling
  • Enh 1579: StringToNumber node needs option to convert to integers
  • Enh 1598: Support for external application views (not KNIME views)
  • Enh 1604: Workflows should be annotable (user comments)
  • Enh 1607: Data Output/Table View should be searchable (Ctrl-F)
  • Enh 1616: Writer nodes should prevent unintentional overwrite (as option in dialog)
  • Enh 1632: Import workflow - "copy workflow" should be enabled by default
  • Bug 1637: GroupBy node does not take changing column type into account
  • Enh 1638: Need Workflow meta information with wf-creation/modification time stamp
  • Bug 1647: Many2One node fails when column already exists
  • Enh 1649: Database Reader and Writer node should support timestamp, date and time fields
  • Bug 1658: Java Snippet Node accepts empty strings for new column names
  • Bug 1668: Master key dialog's text fields are enabled but they shouldn't
  • Enh 1671: Scorer Node should output quality metrics
  • Bug 1681: Dialog showing workflow loading errors is confusing
  • Bug 1691: Definition of new category before 'IO' leads to strange effects
  • Bug 1698: Can't reset meta node unless all contained nodes are executed
  • Enh 1702: Output table of the GroupBy node should retain original row order
  • Bug 1738: Problems with MySQL and Database Reader node
  • Enh 1746: New Statistics node with median and co-occurrences count
  • Enh 1747: GroupBy node aggregation without group column
  • Bug 1749: ThreadPool creates too many threads under stress
  • Bug 1758: Loop end stays queued if executed but not properly connected (two start nodes)
  • Bug 1774: Concatenate node needs HiLiteTranslator
  • Enh 1776: KNIME should not redirect (at least not rely on it)
  • Enh 1777: Using long sequence of exec.createJoinedTable() is not practical
  • Bug 1780: Node icon does not show icon/background during deletion
  • Enh 1796: Naive Bayes needs Laplace Corrector and Threshold for nominal values
  • Bug 1809: Sorter ignores memory settings on output table
  • Bug 1817: Renaming workflow brings up the "closed" icon in the project navigator
  • Bug 1828: R Predictor default script without data.frame RDATA
  • Bug 1834: Line Plot node does not update colors
  • Enh 1836: The name/description wizard should say "Custom name" instead of "User name"
  • Bug 1840: CSV Writer: write header check boxes don't work as expected
  • Enh 1847: Masterkey prompt should have different layout when querying password
  • Bug 1849: Weka DecisionTable throws NotSerializableException
  • Bug 1854: Closing the WorkflowEditor sometimes causes NullPointerException
  • Bug 1857: WorkflowManager occasionally drops node directories upon save
  • Enh 1863: CSV Writer does not append file extension automatically
  • Bug 1872: ScopeVariable Settings "knime..." are not loaded when edited via button.
  • Bug 1880: Regexp split node ignores non-capturing groups and throws NPE
  • Bug 1884: Closing sub flow editor brings up "save" prompt
  • Enh 1891: Database Query node support for table alias
  • Bug 1892: Database Query node SQL query not generated correctly
  • Enh 1896: NodeModel should not create warning if table has no columns
  • Bug 1897: Pivot node is not configurable without double-value column
  • Bug 1914: FileUtil#zipDir creates ZipEntry names with backslashes
  • Bug 1922: Portview should be restored and set to front if already open
  • Bug 1924: Renamed workflow project does not change name in workflow.knime
  • Bug 1925: SDF type identification problem
  • Enh 1936: PDF and HTML Writer need "Overwrite OK" option
  • Bug 1939: DataType: Invalid preferred value class: StringValue
  • Bug 1952: Canceling loop (in meta node) causes IllegalStateException
  • Bug 1954: GroupBy node looses user settings when re-connected to new input
  • Enh 1955: ColumnFilterPanel needs better layout
  • Bug 1959: FlowVariables (constants in particular) are duplicated when node contains two input ports
  • Bug 1966: Node snaps to left upper corner when dragged onto workbench
  • Bug 1976: Too many splash extension icons (>8) ruin the splash screen
  • Bug 1979: R node doesn't delete stderr file from previous run
  • Bug 1993: SD reader says "Could not extract properties: null" in dialog
  • Bug 1995: Oracle driver does not work (NPE)
  • Bug 1996: NPE in Joiner (or Sorter) when joining with empty table
  • Bug 2001: Database Looping node does not replace placeholder correctly during configure
  • Bug 2003: SWTException when closing KNIME
  • Enh 2010: Open View action (in toolbar) opens default views of all nodes in workflow
  • Bug 2017: DialogComponentPasswordField does not commit during edit
  • Enh 2023: BatchExecutor to support "-workflow.variable" command line argument
  • Bug 2038: Correlation View not revertable using "View >> Use Colors"
  • Bug 2039: CollectionCellFactory to have more flexible API (not constrained to but <? extends DataCell>)
  • Bug 2040: ResultSet streaming problems with mySQL
  • Enh 2043: Joiner needs adjustable row id suffix
  • 0
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