
1. 编写程序用来要求用户录入国际电话区号,然后在数组country_codes中查找它(见16.3节)。如果找到对应的区号,程序需要显示相应的国家名称,否则显示出错消息。

#include <stdio.h>

#define ARRAY_LEN(x) ((int) (sizeof((x)) / sizeof((x)[0])))

const struct {
    char *country;
    int code;
} country_codes[] =
    {{"Argentina",            54}, {"Bangladesh",     889},
     {"Brazil",               55}, {"Burma (Myanmar)", 95},
     {"China",                86}, {"Colombia",        57},
     {"Congo, Dem. Rep. of", 243}, {"Egypt",           20},
     {"Ethiopia",            251}, {"France",          33},
     {"Germany",              49}, {"India",           91},
     {"Indonesia",            62}, {"Iran",            98},
     {"Italy",                39}, {"Japan",           81},
     {"Mexico",               52}, {"Nigeria",        234},
     {"Pakistan",             92}, {"Philippines",     63},
     {"Poland",               48}, {"Russia",           7},
     {"South Africa",         27}, {"South Korea",     82},
     {"Spain",                34}, {"Sudan",          249},
     {"Thailand",             66}, {"Turkey",          90},
     {"Ukraine",             380}, {"United Kingdom",  44},
     {"United States",         1}, {"Vietnam",         84}};

int main(void) {

    int code, i;

    printf("Enter an international dialing code: ");
    scanf("%d", &code);

    for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(country_codes); i++) {
        if (country_codes[i].code == code) {
            printf("%d is the code for %s.\n", code, country_codes[i].country);
            return 0;

    printf("Error: %d is not a valid country code.\n", code);
    return 0;

2. 修改16.3节的inventory.c程序,使p(显示)操作可以按零件编号的顺序显示零件。


#include <stdio.h>
#include "inventory.h"
#include "readline.h"
#include "quicksort.h"

int num_parts = 0;

int find_part(int number);
void insert(void);
void search(void);
void update(void);
void print(void);

 * main: Prompts the user to enter an operation code, then calls a function to
 *       perform the requested action. Repeats until the user enters the command
 *       'q'. Prints an error message if the user enters an illegal code.
int main(void) {
    char code;
    for (;;) {
        printf("Enter operation code: ");
        scanf(" %c", &code);
        while (getchar() != '\n')
        switch(code) {
            case 'i': insert();
            case 's': search();
            case 'u': update();
            case 'p': print();
            case 'q': return 0;
            default:  printf("Illegal code\n");

 * find_part: Looks up a part number in the inventory array. Returns the array
 *            index if the part number is found; otherwise returns -1.
int find_part(int number) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
        if (inventory[i].number == number)
            return i;
    return -1;

 * insert: Prompts the user for information about a new part and then inserts
 *         the part into the database. Prints an error message and returns
 *         prematurely if the part already exists or the database is full.
void insert(void) {
    int part_number;

    if (num_parts == MAX_PARTS) {
        printf("Database is full; can't add more parts.\n");
    printf("Enter part number: ");
    scanf("%d", &part_number);

    if (find_part(part_number) >= 0) {
        printf("Part already exists.\n");

    inventory[num_parts].number = part_number;
    printf("Enter part name: ");
    read_line(inventory[num_parts].name, NAME_LEN);
    printf("Enter quantity on hand: ");
    scanf("%d", &inventory[num_parts].on_hand);

 * search: Prompts the user to enter a part number, then looks up the part in
 *         the database. If the part exists, prints the name and quantity on
 *         hand; if not, prints an error message.
void search(void) {
    int i, number;

    printf("Enter part number: ");
    scanf("%d", &number);
    i = find_part(number);
    if (i >= 0) {
        printf("Part name: %s\n", inventory[i].name);
        printf("Quantity on hand: %d\n", inventory[i].on_hand);
    } else
        printf("Part not found.\n");

 * update: Prompts the user to enter a part number. Prints an error message if
 *         the part doesn't exist; otherwise, prompts the user to enter change
 *         in quantity on hand and updates the database.
void update(void) {
    int i, number, change;

    printf("Enter part number: ");
    scanf("%d", &number);
    i = find_part(number);
    if (i >= 0) {
        printf("Enter change in quantity on hand: ");
        scanf("%d", &change);
        inventory[i].on_hand += change;
    } else
        printf("Part not found.\n");

 * print: Prints a listing of all parts in the database, showing the part
 *        number, part name and quantity on hand. Parts are printed, sorted by
 *        their part number.
void print(void) {
    int i;

    quicksort(inventory, 0, num_parts-1);

    printf("Part Number   Part Name                  "
           "Quantity on Hand\n");
    for (i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
        printf("%7d     %-25s%11d\n", 
               inventory[i].number, inventory[i].name, inventory[i].on_hand);



#define NAME_LEN 25
#define MAX_PARTS 100

struct part {
    int number;
    char name[NAME_LEN+1];
    int on_hand;
} inventory[MAX_PARTS];



#include "quicksort.h"

void quicksort(struct part a[], int low, int high) {

    int middle;

    if (low >= high) return;
    middle = split(a, low, high);
    quicksort(a, low, middle - 1);
    quicksort(a, middle + 1, high);

int split(struct part a[], int low, int high) {

    struct part part_element = a[low];

    for (;;) {
        while (low < high && part_element.number <= a[high].number)
        if (low >= high) break;
        a[low++] = a[high];

        while (low < high && a[low].number <= part_element.number)
        if (low >= high) break;
        a[high--] = a[low];
    a[high] = part_element;
    return high;


/* quicksort, edited for struct part */


#include "inventory.h"

void quicksort(struct part a[], int low, int high);
int split(struct part a[], int low, int high);



#include <ctype.h> /* isspace */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "readline.h"

int read_line(char str[], int n) {
    int c, i = 0;

    while (isspace(c = getchar()))
    while (c != '\n' && c != EOF) {
        if (i < n)
            str[i++] = c;
        c = getchar();
    str[i] = '\0';
    return i;


#ifndef READLINE_H
#define READLINE_H

/* read_line: Skips leading whitespace characters, then reads the remainder of
 *            the input line and stores it in str. Truncates the line if its
 *            length exceeds n. Returns the number of characters stores.
int read_line(char str[], int n);


3. 修改16.3节的inventory.c程序,使inventory和num_parts局部于main函数。


#include <stdio.h>
#include "inventory.h"
#include "readline.h"
#include "quicksort.h"

int find_part(const struct part inventory[], int num_parts, int number);
void insert(struct part inventory[], int *num_parts);
void search(const struct part inventory[], int num_parts);
void update(struct part inventory[], int num_parts);
void print(struct part inventory[], int num_parts);

 * main: Prompts the user to enter an operation code, then calls a function to
 *       perform the requested action. Repeats until the user enters the command
 *       'q'. Prints an error message if the user enters an illegal code.
int main(void) {

    int num_parts = 0;
    struct part inventory[MAX_PARTS];
    char code;

    for (;;) {
        printf("Enter operation code: ");
        scanf(" %c", &code);
        while (getchar() != '\n')
        switch(code) {
            case 'i': insert(inventory, &num_parts);
            case 's': search(inventory, num_parts);
            case 'u': update(inventory, num_parts);
            case 'p': print(inventory, num_parts);
            case 'q': return 0;
            default:  printf("Illegal code\n");

 * find_part: Looks up a part number in the inventory array. Returns the array
 *            index if the part number is found; otherwise returns -1.
int find_part(const struct part inventory[], int num_parts, int number) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
        if (inventory[i].number == number)
            return i;
    return -1;

 * insert: Prompts the user for information about a new part and then inserts
 *         the part into the database. Prints an error message and returns
 *         prematurely if the part already exists or the database is full.
void insert(struct part inventory[], int *num_parts) {
    int part_number;

    if (*num_parts == MAX_PARTS) {
        printf("Database is full; can't add more parts.\n");
    printf("Enter part number: ");
    scanf("%d", &part_number);
    if (find_part(inventory, *num_parts, part_number) >= 0) {
        printf("Part already exists.\n");

    inventory[*num_parts].number = part_number;
    printf("Enter part name: ");
    read_line(inventory[*num_parts].name, NAME_LEN);
    printf("Enter quantity on hand: ");
    scanf("%d", &inventory[*num_parts].on_hand);

 * search: Prompts the user to enter a part number, then looks up the part in
 *         the database. If the part exists, prints the name and quantity on
 *         hand; if not, prints an error message.
void search(const struct part inventory[], int num_parts) {
    int i, number;

    printf("Enter part number: ");
    scanf("%d", &number);
    i = find_part(inventory, num_parts, number);
    if (i >= 0) {
        printf("Part name: %s\n", inventory[i].name);
        printf("Quantity on hand: %d\n", inventory[i].on_hand);
    } else
        printf("Part not found.\n");

 * update: Prompts the user to enter a part number. Prints an error message if
 *         the part doesn't exist; otherwise, prompts the user to enter change
 *         in quantity on hand and updates the database.
void update(struct part inventory[], int num_parts) {
    int i, number, change;

    printf("Enter part number: ");
    scanf("%d", &number);
    i = find_part(inventory, num_parts, number);
    if (i >= 0) {
        printf("Enter change in quantity on hand: ");
        scanf("%d", &change);
        inventory[i].on_hand += change;
    } else
        printf("Part not found.\n");

 * print: Prints a listing of all parts in the database, showing the part
 *        number, part name and quantity on hand. Parts are printed, sorted by
 *        their part number.
void print(struct part inventory[], int num_parts) {
    int i;

    quicksort(inventory, 0, num_parts-1);

    printf("Part Number   Part Name                  "
           "Quantity on Hand\n");
    for (i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
        printf("%7d     %-25s%11d\n", 
               inventory[i].number, inventory[i].name, inventory[i].on_hand);



#define NAME_LEN 25
#define MAX_PARTS 100

struct part {
    int number;
    char name[NAME_LEN+1];
    int on_hand;


4. 修改16.3节的inventory.c程序,为结构part添加成员price。insert函数应该要求用户录入新商品的价格。serach函数和print函数应该显示价格。添加一条新的命令,允许用户修改零件的价格。

#include <stdio.h>
#include "inventory.h"
#include "readline.h"
#include "quicksort.h"

int find_part(const struct part inventory[], int num_parts, int number);
void insert(struct part inventory[], int *num_parts);
void search(const struct part inventory[], int num_parts);
void update(struct part inventory[], int num_parts);
void print(struct part inventory[], int num_parts);
void change_price(struct part inventory[], int num_parts);

 * main: Prompts the user to enter an operation code, then calls a function to
 *       perform the requested action. Repeats until the user enters the command
 *       'q'. Prints an error message if the user enters an illegal code.
int main(void) {

    int num_parts = 0;
    struct part inventory[MAX_PARTS];
    char code;

    for (;;) {
        printf("Enter operation code: ");
        scanf(" %c", &code);
        while (getchar() != '\n')
        switch(code) {
            case 'i': insert(inventory, &num_parts);
            case 's': search(inventory, num_parts);
            case 'u': update(inventory, num_parts);
            case 'p': print(inventory, num_parts);
            case 'c': change_price(inventory, num_parts);
            case 'q': return 0;
            default:  printf("Illegal code\n");

 * find_part: Looks up a part number in the inventory array. Returns the array
 *            index if the part number is found; otherwise returns -1.
int find_part(const struct part inventory[], int num_parts, int number) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
        if (inventory[i].number == number)
            return i;
    return -1;

 * insert: Prompts the user for information about a new part and then inserts
 *         the part into the database. Prints an error message and returns
 *         prematurely if the part already exists or the database is full.
void insert(struct part inventory[], int *num_parts) {
    int part_number;

    if (*num_parts == MAX_PARTS) {
        printf("Database is full; can't add more parts.\n");
    printf("Enter part number: ");
    scanf("%d", &part_number);
    if (find_part(inventory, *num_parts, part_number) >= 0) {
        printf("Part already exists.\n");

    inventory[*num_parts].number = part_number;
    printf("Enter part name: ");
    read_line(inventory[*num_parts].name, NAME_LEN);
    printf("Enter quantity on hand: ");
    scanf("%d", &inventory[*num_parts].on_hand);
    printf("Enter price: ");
    scanf("%lf", &inventory[*num_parts].price);

 * search: Prompts the user to enter a part number, then looks up the part in
 *         the database. If the part exists, prints the name and quantity on
 *         hand; if not, prints an error message.
void search(const struct part inventory[], int num_parts) {
    int i, number;

    printf("Enter part number: ");
    scanf("%d", &number);
    i = find_part(inventory, num_parts, number);
    if (i >= 0) {
        printf("Part name: %s\n", inventory[i].name);
        printf("Quantity on hand: %d\n", inventory[i].on_hand);
        printf("Price: $%.2f\n", inventory[i].price);
    } else
        printf("Part not found.\n");

 * update: Prompts the user to enter a part number. Prints an error message if
 *         the part doesn't exist; otherwise, prompts the user to enter change
 *         in quantity on hand and updates the database.
void update(struct part inventory[], int num_parts) {
    int i, number, change;

    printf("Enter part number: ");
    scanf("%d", &number);
    i = find_part(inventory, num_parts, number);
    if (i >= 0) {
        printf("Enter change in quantity on hand: ");
        scanf("%d", &change);
        inventory[i].on_hand += change;
    } else
        printf("Part not found.\n");

 * print: Prints a listing of all parts in the database, showing the part
 *        number, part name and quantity on hand. Parts are printed, sorted by
 *        their part number.
void print(struct part inventory[], int num_parts) {
    int i;

    quicksort(inventory, 0, num_parts-1);

    printf("Part Number   Part Name                  "
           "Quantity on Hand   Price\n");
    for (i = 0; i < num_parts; i++)
        printf("%7d       %-25s%11d          $%7.2f\n", inventory[i].number,
               inventory[i].name, inventory[i].on_hand, inventory[i].price);

 * change_price: Prompts the user to enter a part number. Prints an error
 *               message if the part doesn't exist; otherwise, prompts the user
 *               to enter new price and updates the database.
void change_price(struct part inventory[], int num_parts) {
    int i, number;

    printf("Enter part number: ");
    scanf("%d", &number);
    i = find_part(inventory, num_parts, number);
    if (i >= 0) {
        printf("Enter new price: ");
        scanf("%lf", &inventory[i].price);
    } else
        printf("Part not found.\n");

5. 修改第5章的编程题8,以便用一个单独的数组存储时间。数组的元素都是结构,每个结构包含起飞时间和对应的抵达时间。(时间都是整数,表示从午夜开始的分钟数。)程序用一个循环从数组中搜索与用户输入的时间最接近的起飞时间。

#include <stdio.h>

#define ARRAY_LEN(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))

const struct flight {
        int departure;
        int arrival;
    } times[] = {
        {480, 616}, {583,  712}, { 679,  811},  {767,  900}, 
        {840, 968}, {945, 1075}, {1140, 1280}, {1305, 1438}

void print(const struct flight time);

int main(void) {

    int user_time, hour, i, minute;

    printf("Enter a 24-hour time: ");
    scanf("%d :%d", &hour, &minute);
    user_time = hour * 60 + minute;

    printf("Closest departure time is ");
    for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(times) - 1; i++) {
        if (user_time <= times[i].departure + 
          (times[i+1].departure - times[i].departure) / 2) {
            return 0;
    return 0;

void print(const struct flight time) {

    printf("%d:%.2d %c.m., arriving at %d:%.2d %c.m.\n", 
           time.departure/60 > 12 ? time.departure/60 - 12 : time.departure/60,
           time.departure%60, time.departure > 719 ? 'p' : 'a', 
           time.arrival/60 > 12 ? time.arrival/60 - 12 : time.arrival/60,
           time.arrival%60, time.arrival > 719 ? 'p' : 'a');

6. 修改第5章的编程题9,以便用户输入的日期都存储在一个date结构(见练习题5)中。把练习题5中的compare_dates函数集成到你的程序中。

#include <stdio.h>

struct date {
    int year;
    int month;
    int day;

int day_of_year(struct date d);
int compare_dates(struct date d1, struct date d2);

int main(void) {

    struct date d1, d2;
    int comparison;

    printf("Enter first date (mm/dd/yy): ");
    scanf("%d /%d /%d", &d1.month, &d1.day, &d1.year);
    printf("Enter second date (mm/dd/yy): ");
    scanf("%d /%d /%d", &d2.month, &d2.day, &d2.year);

    comparison = compare_dates(d1, d2);
    if (comparison > 0)
        printf("%d/%d/%d comes before %d/%d/%d\n",
               d1.month, d1.day, d1.year, d2.month, d2.day, d2.year);
    else if (comparison < 0)
        printf("%d/%d/%d comes before %d/%d/%d\n",
               d2.month, d2.day, d2.year, d1.month, d1.day, d1.year);
        printf("%d/%d/%d and %d/%d/%d are equal\n", 
               d1.month, d1.day, d1.year, d2.month, d2.day, d2.year);
    return 0;
int day_of_year(struct date d) {
    int res = 0, i;
    const int days_month[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
    if (d.month > 1 && ((d.year % 4 == 0 && d.year % 100 != 0) 
        || d.year % 400 == 0))
    for (i = 0; i < d.month; i++)
        res += days_month[i];
    return res + d.day;

int compare_dates(struct date d1, struct date d2) {
    int d1day = day_of_year(d1);
    int d2day = day_of_year(d2);
    if (d1day > d2day)
        return -1;
    else if (d1day < d2day)
        return 1;
        return 0;

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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


