Deploying a Windows Application

This walkthrough demonstrates the process of creating an installer for a Windows application that launches Notepad. In this walkthrough, you will create the Windows application, then create an installer that sets up shortcuts and file associations, adds an entry to the registry, displays custom dialogs, and checks the version of Internet Explorer during installation.

Note   When creating your own installers, not all of these steps are necessary. This walkthrough is intended to introduce you to some of the optional capabilities of deployment that you may find useful. To create a basic installer, complete the first four sets of procedures.

To create a Windows application

  1. On the File menu, point to New, and choose Project.
  2. In the New Project dialog box, select Visual Basic Projects in the Project Types pane, and then choose Windows Application in the Templates pane. In the Name box, type My Notepad.
  3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

    The project is added to Solution Explorer, and the Windows Forms Designer opens.

  4. Select the Windows Forms tab in the Toolbox and drag a Button control onto the form.
  5. Double-click the Button control to add an event handler for the button. In the event handler, add the following code:
    Shell("Notepad.exe", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)

    This will launch Notepad.exe and give it focus.

  6. On the Build menu, choose Build My Notepad to build the application.

To create a deployment project

  1. On the File menu, point to Add Project, and choose New Project.
  2. In the Add New Project dialog box, select Setup and Deployment Projects in the Project Types pane, and then choose Setup Project in the Templates pane. In the Name box, type My Notepad Installer.
  3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

    The project is added to Solution Explorer, and the File System Editor opens.

  4. Select the My Notepad Installer project in Solution Explorer. In the Properties window, select the ProductName property and type My Notepad.
    Note   The ProductName property determines the name that will be displayed for the application in folder names and in the Add/Remove Programs dialog box.

To add the Windows application to the installer

  1. Select the My Notepad Installer project in Solution Explorer. In the File System Editor, select the Application Folder node.
  2. On the Action menu, choose Add, Project Output.
  3. In the Add Project Output Group dialog box, choose My Notepad from the Project drop-down list. Click OK to close the dialog box.
  4. Select the Primary Output group from the list, then click OK.
  5. On the Build menu, choose Build My Notepad Installer.

To deploy the application (basic installer)

This step can be skipped if you are following the complete walkthrough.

  • Select the My Notepad Installer project in Solution Explorer. On the Project menu, choose Install.

    This will run the installer and install My Notepad on your development computer.

    Note   You must have install permissions on the computer in order to run the installer.

Optional Deployment Capabilities

The remaining steps demonstrate optional deployment capabilities.

Creating a Shortcut

This step creates a shortcut to your application that will be placed on the desktop of a target computer during installation.

To create shortcuts for the Windows application

  1. Select the My Notepad Installer project in Solution Explorer.
  2. In the File System Editor, select the Primary output from My Notepad node.
  3. On the Action menu, choose Create Shortcut to Primary Output from My Notepad.

    This will add a Shortcut to Primary output from My Notepad node.

  4. Rename the shortcut Shortcut to My NOTEPAD.
  5. Select Shortcut to My NOTEPAD and drag it to the User's Desktop folder in the left pane.

Creating a File Association

This step adds a file association for My Notepad so that double-clicking .vbn files will launch the My Notepad application.

To create file associations for the Windows application

  1. Select the My Notepad Installer project in Solution Explorer. On the View menu, point to Editor, and choose File Types.
  2. Select the File Types on Target Machine node in the File Types Editor. On the Action menu, choose Add File Type.

    A New Document Type #1 node is added and opened for renaming.

  3. Rename New Document Type #1 as Vbn.doc.
  4. In the Properties window, set the Extension property of the file type to vbn.
  5. Select the Command property and click the Ellipsis () button. In the Select item in project dialog box, navigate to the Application Folder, and select Primary output from My Notepad.
  6. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Adding a Registry Entry

This step adds a registry key and value to the registry. You could reference this registry key from your application's code to retrieve per-user information at run time.

To add a registry entry for the Windows application

  1. Select the My Notepad Installer project in Solution Explorer. On the View menu, point to Editor, and choose Registry.
  2. Select the HKEY_CURRENT_USER node and expand it, then expand the Software node and select the [Manufacturer] node.
    Note   The Manufacturer node is surrounded by brackets to denote that it is a property. It will be replaced by the value entered for the Manufacturer property for the deployment project.
  3. On the Action menu, choose New, Key.
  4. Rename the key UserChoice.
  5. Select the UserChoice key.
  6. On the Action menu, point to New, then click String Value.
  7. Rename the value TextColor.
  8. In the Properties window, select the Value property and enter Black.

Adding a Custom Installation Dialog Box

This step adds and configures a custom user interface dialog box that will be displayed during installation.

To add a custom installation dialog box

  1. Select the My Notepad Installer project in Solution Explorer. On the View menu, point to Editor, and choose User Interface.
  2. In the User Interface Editor, select the Start node under the Install node.
  3. On the Action menu, choose Add Dialog.
  4. In the Add Dialog dialog box, choose Checkboxes (A).
  5. Click OK to close the dialog box.
  6. On the Action menu, choose Move Up twice to position the Checkboxes (A) dialog box above the Installation Folder dialog box.
  7. In the Properties window, set the BannerText property to Samples.
  8. Set the BodyText property to The Install Samples check box controls whether or not the sample files are installed. If left unselected, the samples will not be installed.
  9. Set the CheckBox1Label property to Install samples?
  10. Set the properties Checkbox2Visible, Checkbox3Visible, and Checkbox4Visible to false. This will hide the additional check boxes.

Working with Samples

This step creates a Samples subfolder that will be installed beneath the Application folder.

To add a Samples folder

  1. Select the My Notepad Installer project in Solution Explorer. On the View menu, point to Editor, and choose File System. The Application Folder should still be selected.
  2. From the Action menu, point to Add, and choose Folder.
  3. Rename "New Folder #1" as Samples.

This step creates two sample text files that will be installed if the user chooses the Install samples option in the custom dialog.

To create sample files for the application

  1. Using Notepad or another text editor, create a text file containing the text This is rules.vbn. Save it as Rules.vbn.
    Note   To prevent Notepad from automatically adding a .txt extension, choose All Files in the Files of type drop-down list.
  2. Create another text file containing the text This is memo.vbn. Save it as Memo.vbn.

This step adds the sample files to the Samples folder, and sets a condition that determines whether to install the files.

To add the samples to the installer

  1. Select the My Notepad Installer project in Solution Explorer. On the View menu, point to Editor, choose File System, and select the Samples folder.
  2. From the Action menu, point to Add, and choose File. Add the Rules.vbn and Memo.vbn files to the Samples folder.
  3. Select the file Rules.vbn in the File System Editor.
  4. In the Properties window, set the Condition property to CHECKBOXA1=1. When the installer is run, the file Rules.vbn will only be installed if the custom check box is selected.
  5. Select the file Memo.vbn in the File System Editor.
  6. In the Properties window, set the Condition property to CHECKBOXA1=1. When the installer is run, the file Memo.vbn will only be installed if the custom check box is selected.

Adding Launch Conditions

This step checks to see if Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher is installed on a target computer, and halts installation if it is not installed.

To add a launch condition to check the Internet Explorer version

Note   This step is intended to demonstrate the concept of launch conditions; the My Notepad application has no actual dependency on Internet Explorer.
  1. Select the My Notepad Installer project in Solution Explorer. On the View menu, point to Editor, and choose Launch Conditions.
  2. In the Launch Conditions Editor, select the Requirements on Target Machine node.
  3. On the Action menu, choose Add File Launch Condition.

    A Search for File1 node is added beneath the Search Target Machine node, and a Condition1 node is added beneath the Launch Conditions node.

  4. Rename Search for File1 to Search for Internet Explorer.
  5. In the Properties window, set the FileName property to Iexplore.exe, the Folder property to [ProgramFilesFolder], the Depth property to 2, and the MinVersion property to 5.00.
  6. Select the Condition1 node.
  7. Set the Message property to This program requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. Please install Internet Explorer and rerun the Notepad installer.

Setting Optional Properties

This step sets a property to automatically install the Windows Installer bootstrapping application files if the correct version of Windows Installer is not present on the target computer.

To set optional properties for the deployment project

  1. Select the My Notepad Installer project in Solution Explorer. On the View menu, choose Property Pages.
  2. On the My Notepad Installer property page, select the Bootstrapper drop-down list, and choose Windows Installer Bootstrapper.
  3. On the Build menu, choose Build My Notepad Installer.

Installing on Your Development Computer

This step will run the installer and install My Notepad on your development computer.

To install My Notepad on your development computer

  • Select the My Notepad Installer project in Solution Explorer. On the Project menu, choose Install.
    Note   You must have install permissions on the computer in order to run the installer.

Deploying to Another Computer

This step will run the installer and install My Notepad on another computer.

To deploy My Notepad to another computer

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to your project directory and find the built installer. The default path will be /documents and settings/yourloginname/My Notepad Installer/project configuration/My Notepad Installer.msi. The default project configuration is Debug.
  2. Copy the My Notepad Installer.msi file and all other files and subdirectories in the directory to another computer.
    Note   To install on a computer that is not on a network, copy the files to traditional media such as CD-ROM.
  3. On the target computer, double-click the Setup.exe file to run the installer.
    Note   You must have install permissions on the computer in order to run the installer.


This step will test starting the installer from a desktop shortcut and uninstalling.

To test the installation

  1. Verify that the shortcut is installed on the desktop and that it correctly launches the My Notepad application.
  2. Uninstall the application using the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel.
    Tip   To uninstall from your development computer, on the Project menu, choose Uninstall.
See Also

Creating or Adding Deployment Projects | Adding Items to a Deployment Project | File Installation Management in Deployment | Registry Settings Management in Deployment | File Types Management in Deployment | User Interface Management in Deployment | Launch Condition Management in Deployment

完整的服务端及客户端调用程序,在win7+ vs2015环境运行通过. 一、说明 1、创建winfrom应用程序;(或者是控制台项目) 2、在项目中添加一个WCF服务,并实现服务; 3、在需要启动WebService服务的地方启动该服务即可; 二、代码如下: 1、新建一个WCF服务——定义服务接口    [ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples")]     public interface ICalculator     {         [OperationContract]         double Add(double n1, double n2);     } 2、新建一个WCF服务——实现服务 public class CalculatorService : ICalculator     {         public double Add(double n1, double n2)         {             return n1 + n2;         }     } 3、添加完WcF服务后会在应用程序配置文件中有入下节点                             <!--TestServer.ICalculator服务定义的接口,根据自己定义进行修改-->                                                                   <baseAddresses> <!--这个是要发布的服务地址,可以进行修改-->                                   </baseAddresses>                   4、在要启动服务的地方启动服务监听   public frmMain() { InitializeComponent(); } private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //打开服务创建监听,并开始监听消息 ServiceHost serviceHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(Service1));//需要using System.ServiceModel; serviceHost.Open(); label1.Text = "服务启动正常"; } catch (Exception ex) { label1.Text = ex.Message; } } 5、下面可以在客户端通过上面的服务地址”“对服务进行调用 到这步就实现在控制台中实现webService的发布。
### 回答1: ctly to a server means uploading the application files and configuring the server to run the application. 直接部署Web应用程序到服务器意味着上传应用程序文件并配置服务器以运行应用程序。 ### 回答2: Web应用的部署是为使其在服务器上运行而将应用程序文件和其他资源文件放置在适当位置的过程。部署通常包括以下步骤: 1.选择合适的服务器:根据您的需求选择最适合的服务器,例如:云服务器、共享服务器等。 2.安装必要的Web服务器:部署Web应用程序的第一步是确保您在服务器上安装了Web服务器。Web服务器承担着从客户端(浏览器)请求和返回响应的任务。例如:Apache、IIS 、nginx等Web服务器 3.获取Web应用程序文件:可以从本地系统或远程服务器获取Web应用程序资源文件,确保它们都在同一个目录下。 4.设置Web应用程序:为了使Web应用程序正确地运行,您需要编辑Web应用程序的配置文件。这可能包括更新数据库连接信息,设置虚拟主机等。 5.创建数据库:如果Web应用程序需要与数据库交互,那么您需要在服务器上创建相应的数据库并设置相应的授权。 6.部署应用程序:最后将Web应用程序资源文件部署到服务器上的相应目录下,并启动Web服务器,在浏览器中使用URL路径来访问Web应用程序即可。 最后,您需要测试应用程序以确保它在服务器上正常工作。如果测试成功,您可以通过设置DNS等配置将Web应用程序运行在公网上。部署Web应用程序要求小心谨慎,因为任何错误都可能导致应用程序的故障。因此,建议在部署之前使用沙箱进行测试来确保安全性和可靠性。 ### 回答3: Web应用程序是一种常见的应用程序类型,用户可以通过互联网访问该应用程序。部署Web应用程序需要许多步骤,以下是一些关键步骤: 首先,需要选择一个可靠的Web服务器。常见的Web服务器包括Apache、IIS和Nginx等。选择服务器应该基于应用程序的具体需求和限制,例如运行平台、安全性和性能等方面。 接下来,需要准备服务器环境。这通常包括安装操作系统、网络协议和所选Web服务器,并确保服务器安全性以及常见的安全更新已安装。 然后,需要将Web应用程序代码上传到服务器。这通常通过FTP或SSH等传输协议进行。如果应用程序使用数据库,还需要安装和配置数据库服务器。 接下来,需要配置Web服务器以正确地显示应用程序。这包括配置服务器以显示正确的Web页面、启用应用程序所需的设置和插件,并处理程序的请求和响应。 最后,需要对应用程序进行测试。这可以帮助发现任何错误或漏洞,并确保应用程序与所选的服务器和配置兼容。测试可能包括单元测试、端到端测试和负载测试。 总之,部署Web应用程序需要许多步骤和技能。但是,通过按照这些步骤进行,可以确保应用程序在Web上成功部署并安全运行。




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