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原创 BZOJ3720 Gty的妹子树

[Solution]It is likely that you need to modify the dfs order by a dynamic data structure. However, n is not big enough to use log-level algorithm. Divide the tree into sqrt(n) parts. Then use treaps

2014-10-09 17:40:58 905

原创 BZOJ2726 [SDOI2012]任务安排

[]It must be true that today isn't suitable for coding.[Solution]

2014-10-08 19:16:48 1599

原创 BZOJ3316 JC loves Mkk

[Solution]Binary find the

2014-10-03 20:51:36 662

原创 BZOJ3173 [Tjoi2013]最长上升子序列

[Solution]It seems to be a abnormal data structu

2014-09-18 16:18:57 1098

原创 BZOJ3039 玉蟾宫

[Solution]This is a classic DP which I didn't know until now. Consider the

2014-09-18 16:10:35 707

原创 BZOJ3685 普通van Emde Boas树

[Solution]I certainly do not use vEB tree, because I don't know how to solve it at all.I certainly do not use vEB tree, because I don't know how to solve it at all. I used segtree.[Code]#inclu

2014-09-03 12:35:15 1428 2

原创 BZO3065 带插入区间K小值

[]What a problem! I thought I had to spend more than a week to solve it. Fortunately, it didn't cost me so long

2014-08-22 20:36:09 695

原创 BZOJ3209 花神的数论题

[Solution]Digit DP. The hole in this problem is that

2014-08-21 15:56:36 521

原创 BZOJ2222 [Cqoi2006]猜数游戏

[Solution]What's that? I tried to use dp[l][r][p] to solve this. However, it cannot even pass the sample.

2014-08-21 12:50:42 2325 1

原创 BZOJ3387 [USACO2004 Dec] Fence Obstacle Course栅栏行动

[Solution]Simply modify some important positions by

2014-08-17 12:52:00 1129

原创 BZOJ3678 wangxz与OJ


2014-08-12 22:54:38 930

原创 BZOJ3673 可持久化并查集 by zky

[Solution]It's said that it's a very classic problem, although I don't know what the correct solution is.My solution is to use treap to take the place of vector to make it

2014-07-31 10:15:41 1173

原创 BZOJ3671 [Noi2014]随机数生成器

[Solution]I thought of size-balanced tree at first, the got only 60 at the ex

2014-07-30 08:20:08 854

原创 BZOJ3670 [Noi2014]动物园


2014-07-30 08:16:37 2112 5

原创 BZOJ3669 [Noi2014]魔法森林


2014-07-30 08:14:32 1529

原创 BZOJ3668 [Noi2014]起床困难综合症

[Solution]I got WA at the exams, because so

2014-07-30 08:11:43 824

原创 BZOJ1305 [CQOI2009]dance跳舞

[]My 200th solved problem on BZOJ. So slow am I brus[Solution]It seems like a network flow

2014-07-23 17:41:28 638

原创 BZOJ2594 [Wc2006]水管局长数据加强版

[Solution]This is a classic problem of link cut tree

2014-07-23 15:08:55 1081

原创 BZOJ3638 Cf172 k-Maximum Subsequence Sum


2014-07-14 17:43:17 1164

原创 BZOJ3156 防御准备

[Problem] BZOJ3156[

2014-07-11 22:44:20 593

原创 BZOJ3551 [ONTAK2010]Peaks加强版

[Solution]It's easy to thi

2014-06-26 19:45:06 913

原创 BZOJ2956 模积和

[Solution]The original equation equals tosigma(n % i) * sigma(m % j) - sigma(

2014-06-24 18:37:08 605

原创 BZOJ3531 [Sdoi2014]旅行


2014-06-23 20:24:28 698

原创 BZOJ2326 [HNOI2011]数学作业


2014-06-21 19:55:17 580

原创 BZOJ1208 [HNOI2004]宠物收养所


2014-06-21 18:28:28 631

原创 BZOJ1257 [CQOI2007]余数之和sum

[Problem]给出正整数n和k,计算j(n, k)=k mod 1 + k mod 2 + k mod 3 + … + k mod n的值,其中k mod i表示k除以i的余数。例如j(5, 3)=3 mod 1 + 3 mod 2 + 3 mod 3 + 3 mod 4 + 3 mod 5=0+1+0+3+3=7[Solution]It's now not eas

2014-06-21 15:02:51 638



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