BZOJ3638 Cf172 k-Maximum Subsequence Sum


It seems like a segment tree. However, it queries at most 20 sub-segments, which is the most difficult part. We consider a chosen sub-segment a[l] ~ a[r], the only way to increase the answer by increasing K is to cut it into three parts and abandon the middle part. That means the answer minus part of the previous one. How to do it in a more convenient way? We set all a[i] between l and r as -a[i] and query for the max sum of the sub-segments again. Then after K operations like this, the sum is the answer to the query. After that, you should recover all the sub-segments, or you'll get WA.


The reading part is kind of sick. 0 stands for changing operation and 1 stands for queries.

#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory.h>
#include <ctype.h>
using namespace std;
struct dat {
    int sl, pl, sr, pr, sm, p1, p2, ct, mx;
    void fill(int x, int p) {
        sm = x;
        ct = 1;
        sl = x;
        pl = p;
        sr = x;
        pr = p;
        p1 = p;
        p2 = p;
        mx = max(x, 0);
struct seg {
    int l, r, zd, nd;
    dat x[2];
    seg *ls, *rs;
int nextInt() {
    int d, s = 0;
    bool flag = 0;
    do {
        d = getchar();
        if (d == '-')
            flag = 1;
    } while (!isdigit(d));
        s = s * 10 + d - 48, d = getchar();
    while (isdigit(d));
    return flag ? -s : s;
const int maxn = 100009;
const int maxk = 22;
int n, m, a[maxn];
seg *sp, *rt;
#define mid(p) ((p->l+p->r)>>1)
inline dat mkDat(const dat& a, const dat& b) {
    dat s;
    s. sm = a. sm + b. sm;
    s. ct = a. ct + b. ct;
    if (a. sl > a. sm + b. sl) {
        s. sl = a. sl;
        s. pl = a. pl;
    else {
        s. sl = a. sm + b. sl;
        s. pl = b. pl;
    if (b. sr > b. sm + a. sr) {
        s. sr = b. sr;
        s. pr = b. pr;
    else {
        s. sr = b. sm + a. sr;
        s. pr = a. pr;
    if (a. sr + b. sl > a. mx && a. sr + b. sl > b. mx) {
        s. mx = a. sr + b. sl;
        s. p1 = a. pr;
        s. p2 = b. pl;
    else if (a. mx > b. mx) {
        s. mx = a. mx;
        s. p1 = a. p1;
        s. p2 = a. p2;
    else {
        s. mx = b. mx;
        s. p1 = b. p1;
        s. p2 = b. p2;
    return s;
#define update(p) {\
    if (p-> l + 1 < p-> r) {\
        p-> x[p-> nd] = mkDat(p-> ls-> x[p-> ls-> nd], p-> rs-> x[p-> rs-> nd]);\
        p-> x[p-> nd ^ 1] = mkDat(p-> ls-> x[p-> ls-> nd ^ 1], p-> rs-> x[p-> rs-> nd ^ 1]);\
#define pushDown(p) {\
    if (p-> zd) {\
        if (p-> l + 1 < p-> r) {\
            p-> ls-> zd ^= 1;\
            p-> ls-> nd ^= 1;\
            p-> rs-> zd ^= 1;\
            p-> rs-> nd ^= 1;\
        p-> zd = 0;\
seg *sgtMake(int l, int r) {
    seg* p = sp ++;
    p-> l = l;
    p-> r = r;
    p-> zd = 0;
    p-> nd = 0;
    if (l + 1 == r) {
        p-> x[0]. fill(a[l], l);
        p-> x[1]. fill(-a[l], l);
    else {
        p-> ls = sgtMake(l, mid(p));
        p-> rs = sgtMake(mid(p), r);
    return p;
void sgtChg(seg *p, int p0, int v0) {
    if (p-> l + 1 == p-> r) {
        p-> nd = 0;
        p-> x[0]. fill(v0, p0);
        p-> x[1]. fill(- v0, p0);
    else {
        if (p0 < mid(p))
            sgtChg(p-> ls, p0, v0);
            sgtChg(p-> rs, p0, v0);
dat sgtQry(seg *p, int l, int r) {
    if (p-> l == l && p-> r == r)
        return p-> x[p-> nd];
    else if (r <= mid(p))
        return sgtQry(p-> ls, l, r);
    else if (l >= mid(p))
        return sgtQry(p-> rs, l, r);
        return mkDat(sgtQry(p-> ls, l, mid(p)), sgtQry(p-> rs, mid(p), r));
void sgtRev(seg* p, int l, int r) {
    if (p-> l == l && p-> r == r) {
        p-> nd ^= 1;
        p-> zd ^= 1;
    else {
        if (r <= mid(p))
            sgtRev(p-> ls, l, r);
        else if (l >= mid(p))
            sgtRev(p-> rs, l, r);
        else {
            sgtRev(p-> ls, l, mid(p));
            sgtRev(p-> rs, mid(p), r);
int main() {
    n = nextInt();
    sp = new seg[maxn * 4];
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++)
        a[i] = nextInt();
    rt = sgtMake(1, n + 1);
    m = nextInt();
    while (m --) {
        int opt = nextInt();
        if (!opt) {
            int p = nextInt();
            int x = nextInt();
            sgtChg(rt, p, x);
        else {
            int l = nextInt();
            int r = nextInt();
            int k = nextInt();
            int ans = 0;
            dat g[maxk];
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i ++) {
                g[i] = sgtQry(rt, l, r + 1);
                sgtRev(rt, g[i]. p1, g[i]. p2 + 1);
                if (g[i]. mx > 0)
                    ans += g[i]. mx;
                else {
                    k = i + 1;
            for (int i = k - 1; i >= 0; i --)
                sgtRev(rt, g[i]. p1, g[i]. p2 + 1);
            printf("%d\n", ans);





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


