NetWorkUtils 和 android_net_NetUtils.cpp

EthernetStateTracker 中会,用到 NetWorkUtils 类中的一些函数, 这些函数,会调用JNI: android_net_NetUtils.cpp, 然后调到 libnetutils 库中去。



NetworkUtils.runDhcp(mInterfaceName, mDhcpInfo);


NetworkUtils.resetConnections(mInterfaceName, NetworkUtils.RESET_ALL_ADDRESSES);

NetworkUtils.configureInterface(info.getIfName(), mDhcpInfo1);



1. NetworkUtils 类: frameworks/base/core/java/android/net/

 * Native methods for managing network interfaces.
 * {@hide}
public class NetworkUtils {

    private static final String TAG = "NetworkUtils";

    /** Bring the named network interface up. */
    public native static int enableInterface(String interfaceName);

    /** Bring the named network interface down. */
    public native static int disableInterface(String interfaceName);

    /** Remove the default route for the named interface. */
    public native static int removeDefaultRoute(String interfaceName);

    /** Setting bit 0 indicates reseting of IPv4 addresses required */
    public static final int RESET_IPV4_ADDRESSES = 0x01;

    /** Setting bit 1 indicates reseting of IPv4 addresses required */
    public static final int RESET_IPV6_ADDRESSES = 0x02;

    /** Reset all addresses */

     * Reset IPv6 or IPv4 sockets that are connected via the named interface.
     * @param interfaceName is the interface to reset
     * @param mask {@see #RESET_IPV4_ADDRESSES} and {@see #RESET_IPV6_ADDRESSES}
    public native static int resetConnections(String interfaceName, int mask);

     * Start the DHCP client daemon, in order to have it request addresses
     * for the named interface, and then configure the interface with those
     * addresses. This call blocks until it obtains a result (either success
     * or failure) from the daemon.
     * @param interfaceName the name of the interface to configure
     * @param ipInfo if the request succeeds, this object is filled in with
     * the IP address information.
     * @return {@code true} for success, {@code false} for failure
    public native static boolean runDhcp(String interfaceName, DhcpInfoInternal ipInfo);

     * Initiate renewal on the Dhcp client daemon. This call blocks until it obtains
     * a result (either success or failure) from the daemon.
     * @param interfaceName the name of the interface to configure
     * @param ipInfo if the request succeeds, this object is filled in with
     * the IP address information.
     * @return {@code true} for success, {@code false} for failure
    public native static boolean runDhcpRenew(String interfaceName, DhcpInfoInternal ipInfo);

     * Shut down the DHCP client daemon.
     * @param interfaceName the name of the interface for which the daemon
     * should be stopped
     * @return {@code true} for success, {@code false} for failure
    public native static boolean stopDhcp(String interfaceName);
     * When static IP configuration has been specified, configure the network
     * interface according to the values supplied.
     * @param interfaceName the name of the interface to configure
     * @param ipInfo the IP address, default gateway, and DNS server addresses
     * with which to configure the interface.
     * @return {@code true} for success, {@code false} for failure
    public static boolean configureInterface(String interfaceName, DhcpInfo ipInfo) {
        return configureNative(interfaceName,

    private native static boolean configureNative(
        String interfaceName, int ipAddress, int netmask, int gateway, int dns1, int dns2);

2. android_net_NetUtils.cpp JNI 中的函数映射关系。

 * JNI registration.
static JNINativeMethod gNetworkUtilMethods[] = {
    /* name, signature, funcPtr */

    { "enableInterface", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I",  (void *)android_net_utils_enableInterface },
    { "disableInterface", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I",  (void *)android_net_utils_disableInterface },
    { "resetConnections", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)I",  (void *)android_net_utils_resetConnections },
    { "removeDefaultRoute", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I",  (void *)android_net_utils_removeDefaultRoute },
    { "runDhcp", "(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/net/DhcpInfoInternal;)Z",  (void *)android_net_utils_runDhcp },
    { "runDhcpRenew", "(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/net/DhcpInfoInternal;)Z",  (void *)android_net_utils_runDhcpRenew },
    { "stopDhcp", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z",  (void *)android_net_utils_stopDhcp },
    { "releaseDhcpLease", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z",  (void *)android_net_utils_releaseDhcpLease },
    { "getDhcpError", "()Ljava/lang/String;", (void*) android_net_utils_getDhcpError },
    { "configureNative", "(Ljava/lang/String;IIIII)Z",  (void *)android_net_utils_configureInterface },

3. enableInterface(), diableInterface() , resetConnection():

static jint android_net_utils_enableInterface(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jstring ifname)
    int result;

    const char *nameStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(ifname, NULL);
    result = ::ifc_enable(nameStr); //这里就会调用到 libnetutils 中的 ifc_utils.c 去
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(ifname, nameStr);
    return (jint)result;

static jint android_net_utils_disableInterface(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jstring ifname)
    int result;

    const char *nameStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(ifname, NULL);
    result = ::ifc_disable(nameStr);
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(ifname, nameStr);
    return (jint)result;

static jint android_net_utils_resetConnections(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz,
      jstring ifname, jint mask)
    int result;

    const char *nameStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(ifname, NULL);

    LOGD("android_net_utils_resetConnections in env=%p clazz=%p iface=%s mask=0x%x\n",
          env, clazz, nameStr, mask);

    result = ::ifc_reset_connections(nameStr, mask);
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(ifname, nameStr);
    return (jint)result;

4. runDhcp() , stopDhcp():

static jboolean android_net_utils_runDhcpCommon(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jstring ifname,
        jobject info, bool renew)
    int result;
    char  ipaddr[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    uint32_t prefixLength;
    char gateway[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    char    dns1[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    char    dns2[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    char  server[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    uint32_t lease;

    const char *nameStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(ifname, NULL);
    if (nameStr == NULL) return (jboolean)false;

    if (renew) {
        result = ::dhcp_do_request_renew(nameStr, ipaddr, gateway, &prefixLength,
                dns1, dns2, server, &lease);
    } else {
        result = ::dhcp_do_request(nameStr, ipaddr, gateway, &prefixLength,
                dns1, dns2, server, &lease); //调用 dhcp_utils.c 中的函数,获取route

    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(ifname, nameStr);
    if (result == 0) {
        env->SetObjectField(info, dhcpInfoInternalFieldIds.ipaddress, env->NewStringUTF(ipaddr));

        // set the gateway
        jclass cls = env->FindClass("java/net/InetAddress");
        jmethodID method = env->GetStaticMethodID(cls, "getByName",
        jvalue args[1];
        args[0].l = env->NewStringUTF(gateway);
        jobject inetAddressObject = env->CallStaticObjectMethodA(cls, method, args);

        if (!env->ExceptionOccurred()) {
            cls = env->FindClass("android/net/RouteInfo");
            method = env->GetMethodID(cls, "<init>", "(Ljava/net/InetAddress;)V");
            args[0].l = inetAddressObject;
            jobject routeInfoObject = env->NewObjectA(cls, method, args);

            cls = env->FindClass("android/net/DhcpInfoInternal");
            method = env->GetMethodID(cls, "addRoute", "(Landroid/net/RouteInfo;)V");
            args[0].l = routeInfoObject;
            env->CallVoidMethodA(info, method, args);
        } else {
            // if we have an exception (host not found perhaps), just don't add the route

        env->SetIntField(info, dhcpInfoInternalFieldIds.prefixLength, prefixLength);
        env->SetObjectField(info, dhcpInfoInternalFieldIds.dns1, env->NewStringUTF(dns1));
        env->SetObjectField(info, dhcpInfoInternalFieldIds.dns2, env->NewStringUTF(dns2));
        env->SetObjectField(info, dhcpInfoInternalFieldIds.serverAddress,
        env->SetIntField(info, dhcpInfoInternalFieldIds.leaseDuration, lease);
    return (jboolean)(result == 0);
static jboolean android_net_utils_runDhcp(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jstring ifname, jobject info)
    return android_net_utils_runDhcpCommon(env, clazz, ifname, info, false);

static jboolean android_net_utils_runDhcpRenew(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jstring ifname, jobject info)
    return android_net_utils_runDhcpCommon(env, clazz, ifname, info, true);

static jboolean android_net_utils_stopDhcp(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jstring ifname)
    int result;

    const char *nameStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(ifname, NULL);
    result = ::dhcp_stop(nameStr); // 这个调用 libnetutils 中的 dhcp_utils.c 
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(ifname, nameStr);
    return (jboolean)(result == 0);

5. 新添加的2个函数: removeDefaultRoute() 和 configureInterface():

static jint android_net_utils_removeDefaultRoute(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz, jstring ifname)
    int result;

    const char *nameStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(ifname, NULL);
    result = ::ifc_remove_default_route(nameStr);
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(ifname, nameStr);
    return (jint)result;

static jboolean android_net_utils_configureInterface(JNIEnv* env,
        jobject clazz,
        jstring ifname,
        jint ipaddr,
        jint mask,
        jint gateway,
        jint dns1,
        jint dns2)
    int result;
    uint32_t lease;

    const char *nameStr = env->GetStringUTFChars(ifname, NULL);
    result = ::ifc_configure(nameStr, ipaddr, mask, gateway, dns1, dns2);
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(ifname, nameStr);
    return (jboolean)(result == 0);

6. C 库导出来的 函数名, 这里主要用到了 ifc_utils.c 和 dhcp_utils.c 中的一些函数:

extern "C" {
int ifc_enable(const char *ifname);
int ifc_disable(const char *ifname);
int ifc_reset_connections(const char *ifname, int reset_mask);
int ifc_remove_default_route(const char *ifname);

int ifc_configure(const char *ifname,
                  in_addr_t address,
                  in_addr_t prefixLength,
                  in_addr_t gateway,
                  in_addr_t dns1,
                  in_addr_t dns2);

int dhcp_do_request(const char *ifname,
                    const char *ipaddr,
                    const char *gateway,
                    uint32_t  *prefixLength,
                    const char *dns1,
                    const char *dns2,
                    const char *server,
                    uint32_t  *lease);

int dhcp_do_request_renew(const char *ifname,
                    const char *ipaddr,
                    const char *gateway,
                    uint32_t  *prefixLength,
                    const char *dns1,
                    const char *dns2,
                    const char *server,
                    uint32_t  *lease);

int dhcp_stop(const char *ifname);
int dhcp_release_lease(const char *ifname);
char *dhcp_get_errmsg();

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