Troubleshoot a Lotus Notes configuration (Office SharePoint Server 2007)

 Troubleshoot a Lotus Notes configuration (Office SharePoint Server 2007)

Updated: 2007-07-12

This article describes the problems that can occur when configuring Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 to crawl Lotus Notes databases and the possible solutions.

This article includes:

Users cannot view Lotus Notes documents that appear as links on search results pages

Lotus Domino servers do not use Windows user accounts directly. To enable users to view Lotus Notes documents through search results pages, a Domino administrator must ensure that a mappings database has been created that maps the Windows user accounts of the SharePoint users to the Lotus Notes user IDs of the Domino users that have been granted permissions to view Lotus Notes documents. For more information about creating this mapping, see Configure Office SharePoint Server Search to crawl Lotus Notes (Office SharePoint Server 2007).

Additionally, the Lotus Notes user IDs that are added to the mappings database must be granted at least the Reader permission on all Domino databases that contain Lotus Notes documents and the documents themselves that will be crawled.

Permissions at the Domino database level are specified using the Domino database's access control list (ACL). Permissions at the Lotus Notes document level are specified by each document's ACL (viewable from document properties) or the Reader field, or both. This means that the Lotus Notes user ID for a particular Domino user must be granted at least Reader permissions on the document's properties page or must be listed in the Reader field of the document or both. For example, a SharePoint user whose Windows domain account is mapped to a Lotus Notes user ID in the mappings database can view a particular document through the search results page if the following conditions are true:

  • The SharePoint user's Windows domain account is mapped to a Lotus Notes user ID that has at least Reader access on the Domino database that contains the Lotus Notes document.

  • This Lotus Notes user ID has at least Reader access on the Lotus Notes document's ACL or is listed in the document's Reader field, or both.


Domino users with blank passwords are not supported. Only Windows user accounts that are mapped to a Domino user with a password can view Lotus Notes documents through search results pages.

Search does not return results for content in files that are embedded in Lotus Notes documents

Files that are embedded in Lotus Notes documents are indexed only if an appropriate IFilter for the file type is installed on the index server and its file extension is listed on the Manage File Types page. If both of these conditions are not true for a particular file type, the files of that file type are not indexed and will not appear in search results pages.

For information about the IFilters and file types that are enabled by default, see File types and IFilter reference (Office SharePoint Server). For information about adding a file extension to the Manage File Types page, see Specify file types to crawl (Office SharePoint Server 2007).

Unable to validate the security mappings

When attempting to validate the security mappings in the mappings database, the following error occurs:

Unable to validate the security mappings. Check the password and settings. Verify that Microsoft Office Server and Lotus Notes are client is configured. If you reconfigured Lotus Notes, please restart the Microsoft Office Search Service.

To resolve the problem, do the following:

  • Ensure that the Windows domain account that is assigned to the OSearch service is mapped to a Lotus Notes user ID in the mappings database.


    The Windows domain account must have at least Reader access on the mappings database.

  • The Lotus Notes user IDs and Windows domain user accounts are case sensitive. Ensure that they are added to the mappings database as such.

Documents appear as a GUID in search results

To prevent the Lotus Notes documents from appearing as GUIDs in search results pages, you must map the Lotus Notes crawled property that contains the title of the Lotus Notes document to the managed property named Title. We recommend that you move your property mapping up to the first item listed in the Mappings to crawled properties section of the Edit Managed Property – Title page. For more information about property mappings, see Manage metadata property mappings in Office SharePoint Server 2007 Help.

After creating the mapping, perform a full crawl of the affected Domino database. To verify that the problem has been resolved, issue a query that will display a Lotus Notes document on the search results page.

For more information about mapping a crawled property, see the "Manage metadata property mappings" topic in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Help. For more information about Lotus Notes crawled properties, see Mei Ying's Tech Blog (

After the initial setup, do I need to run NotesSetup again if I launch the Lotus Notes client application and don't make any configuration changes?

No. We recommend that you not open the Lotus Notes client application on the index server after the initial configuration unless you need to verify connectivity to the Domino server. You should never open the Lotus Notes client application on the index server while crawling a Domino database. Doing so can cause the crawl to fail.

After updating the mappings database on the Domino server, the index server does not use the new mappings when crawling the Domino server

If you update the mappings database on the Domino server after crawling the Domino databases on that server, you must restart the OSearch service on the index server and do a full crawl of the Domino databases for the changes in the mappings database to be applied to the index.


Do not use the Services on Server page on the SharePoint Central Administration Web site to stop and start this service. Doing so removes the service and deletes the index and associated configuration. Instead, use the following steps.

Stop and restart the Office SharePoint Server Search service

  1. On the index server, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Services.

  2. Scroll down the list, right-click the Office SharePoint Server Search service, and then click Properties. The properties page appears.

  3. Click Stop. After the service is stopped, click Start.

  4. Ensure that Startup Type is not set to Disabled.

Crawl log errors

The following table describes the errors that can appear in the crawl log and possible causes and solutions.

ErrorCauses and solutions

Error 0x8004120F

This error indicates that an object cannot be processed because the crawler cannot convert a Notes Access-Denied entry in the ACL into a Windows NT identity.

To resolve this problem, verify the following:

  • The Windows domain account that is assigned to the OSearch service account is properly mapped to a Lotus Notes user ID in the mappings file.

  • The Lotus Notes user ID has been granted at least Reader access on all Domino databases and Lotus Notes documents that you want to crawl.

Unknown Notes Error: 0x80041206

This is a generic server error (PRTH_E_SERVER_ERROR 0x80041206) and occurs when the Lotus Notes protocol handler cannot connect to the server.

Possible causes include:

  • The Lotus Notes API binary is locked by an orphaned Lotus Notes process. If this occurs, reboot the Domino server or use the KillNotes executable file to end the orphaned processes.

  • A firewall is blocking the communication between the Lotus Notes client application on the index server and the Domino server. If this occurs, verify whether you can access the Domino database using the Lotus Notes client installed on the index server. If you cannot access the Domino database, contact your Domino administrator.

Notes://chbsapha/ch/function/ah/chtcy002.nsf?sc=0 Exception from HRESULT: 0x80042611 (Unknown Lotus Notes Error: The ID file is locked by another process. Try again later.)

To resolve this problem, do the following:

  • Ensure that the Lotus Notes client application is closed on the index server and do not reopen it when crawling Domino databases.

  • End your Notes Sessions. For more information, see Lotus Sandbox(

Notes://chbsapha/ch/...b047deb0c125725f003059dd?sc=0 The security descriptor for this item only contained built-in access control entries. The built-in ACEs have to be removed because they won't be valid for this item during queries

This error occurs when a particular Lotus Notes user ID that is present in a Lotus Notes document's ACL or Reader field is not present in the mappings table of the mappings database.

To resolve the problem, verify that the mappings database has the correct Lotus Notes user IDs mapped to Windows domain accounts.

See Also

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