


// LDASampler trains LDA models and computes statistics about documents in
// LDA models.
class LDASampler {
  // alpha and beta are the Gibbs sampling symmetric hyperparameters.
  // model is the model to use.
  LDASampler(double alpha, double beta, LDAModel* model,
             LDAAccumulativeModel* accum_model);

  // Performs one round of Gibbs sampling on documents in the corpus
  // by invoking SampleNewTopicsForDocument(...).  If we are to train
  // a model given training data, we should set train_model to true,
  // and the algorithm updates model_ during Gibbs sampling.
  // Otherwise, if we are to sample the latent topics of a query
  // document, we should set train_model to false.  If train_model is
  // true, burn_in indicates should we accumulate the current estimate
  // to accum_model_.  For the first certain number of iterations,
  // where the algorithm has not converged yet, you should set burn_in
  // to false.  After that, we should set burn_in to true.
  void DoIteration(
      Random* random, LDACorpus* corpus, bool train_model, bool burn_in);//一轮Gibbs采样

  // Performs one round of Gibbs sampling on a document.  Updates
  // document's topic assignments.  For learning, update_model_=true,
  // for sampling topics of a query, update_model_==false.
  void SampleNewTopicsForDocument(
      Random* random, LDADocument* document, bool update_model);

  // Computes the log likelihood of a corpus.
  double LogLikelihood(LDACorpus* corpus) const;

  // The core of the Gibbs sampling process.  Compute the full conditional
  // posterior distribution of topic assignments to the indicated word.
  // That is, holding all word-topic assignments constant, except for the
  // indicated one, compute a non-normalized probability distribution over
  // topics for the indicated word occurrence.
  void GenerateTopicDistributionForWord(
      const LDADocument& document, int word, int cur_topic,
      bool train_model, vector<double>* distribution) const;

  // Returns a sample selected from a non-normalized probability distribution.
  int GetAccumulativeSample(
      Random* random, const vector<double>& distribution) const;

  // Core function implementing fast sampling.
  // NOTE:
  // 1. The topic distribution of the document, represented by
  // mutable_doc_distribution, will be changed herein.
  // 2. The sum_a2_ of the document, represented by
  // mutable_sum_a2, will be changed herein.
  int UpdateTopicForWord(
      Random* random, int16* mutable_doc_distribution, double* mutable_sum_a2,
      int word, int cur_topic, bool update_model) ;

  // Computes the log likelihood of a document.
  double LogLikelihood(LDADocument* document) const;

  const double alpha_;
  const double beta_;
  LDAModel* model_;
  LDAAccumulativeModel* accum_model_;

  vector<double> sum_b2_;               // $\Sigma_k {nw[w][k] + beta}^2$ 
  vector<uint16_t> nwsum_idx_;          // Sorted index for global_distribution
  vector<uint16_t> nwsum_rev_;          // Reverse index for nwsum_idx_
  vector<uint16_t> nw_idx_;             // Sorted index for word_distribution

$\Sigma_k {nw[w][k] + beta}^2$
Σ k n w [ w ] [ k ] + b e t a 2 \Sigma_k {nw[w][k] + beta}^2 Σknw[w][k]+beta2

LDASampler::LDASampler(double alpha, double beta, LDAModel* model,
                       LDAAccumulativeModel* accum_model)
    : alpha_(alpha), beta_(beta),
      model_(model), accum_model_(accum_model) {

void LDASampler::InitModelGivenTopics(const LDACorpus& corpus) {//初始化model
  for (LDACorpus::const_iterator iter = corpus.begin();
       iter != corpus.end(); ++iter) {
    LDADocument* document = *iter;
    for (LDADocument::WordOccurrenceIterator iter2(document);
         !iter2.Done(); iter2.Next()) {
      model_->IncrementTopic(iter2.Word(), iter2.Topic(), 1);

//DoIteration, SampleNewTopicsForDocument,GenerateTopicDistributionForWord 这几个是普通Gibbs采样
void LDASampler::DoIteration(
    Random* random, LDACorpus* corpus, bool train_model, bool burn_in) {
  for (LDACorpus::iterator iter = corpus->begin();
       iter != corpus->end(); ++iter) {//iter文档
    SampleNewTopicsForDocument(random, *iter, train_model);
  if (accum_model_ != NULL && train_model && !burn_in) {

void LDASampler::SampleNewTopicsForDocument(
    Random* random, LDADocument* document, bool update_model) {
  for (LDADocument::WordOccurrenceIterator iterator(document);
       !iterator.Done(); iterator.Next()) {//在word的所有topic上迭代
    // This is a (non-normalized) probability distribution from which we will
    // select the new topic for the current word occurrence.
    vector<double> new_topic_distribution;
        *document, iterator.Word(), iterator.Topic(),
        update_model, &new_topic_distribution);
    int new_topic = GetAccumulativeSample(random, new_topic_distribution);
    // Update document and model parameters with the new topic.
    if (update_model) {
      model_->ReassignTopic(iterator.Word(), iterator.Topic(), new_topic, 1);

void LDASampler::GenerateTopicDistributionForWord(
    const LDADocument& document, int word, int cur_topic,
    bool train_model, vector<double>* distribution) const {
  int num_topics = model_->num_topics();
  int vocab_size = model_->vocab_size();

  const TopicDistribution<int32>& word_distribution =
  for (int k = 0; k < num_topics; ++k) {
    // We will need to temporarily unassign the word from its old topic, which
    // we accomplish by decrementing the appropriate counts by 1.
    int current_topic_adjustment =
      (train_model && k == cur_topic) ? -1 : 0;

    double topic_word_factor = word_distribution[k] + current_topic_adjustment;
    double global_topic_factor =
      model_->GetGlobalTopicDistribution()[k] + current_topic_adjustment;

    current_topic_adjustment = (k == cur_topic) ? -1 : 0;
    double document_topic_factor =
        document.topic_distribution()[k] + current_topic_adjustment;

//(词word在主题k上的分布 + beta) * (文档document在主题k上的分布 + alpha)/(全部词在主题k上的分布 + 词数*beta)
        (topic_word_factor + beta_) *
        (document_topic_factor + alpha_) /
        (global_topic_factor + vocab_size * beta_));

int LDASampler::GetAccumulativeSample(
    Random* random, const vector<double>& distribution) const {
  double distribution_sum = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < distribution.size(); ++i) {
    distribution_sum += distribution[i];

  double choice = random->RandDouble() * distribution_sum;
  double sum_so_far = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < distribution.size(); ++i) {
    sum_so_far += distribution[i];
    if (sum_so_far >= choice) {
      return i;

  LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to choose element from distribution of size "
             << distribution.size() << " and sum " << distribution_sum;

  return -1;


下面实现的是Fast Gibbs采样

void LDASampler::InitFastData(bool update_model) {//初始化
  int num_topics = model_->num_topics();
  int vocab_size = model_->vocab_size();

  // Note: infer is not active in refreshing model
  if (update_model || sum_b2_.empty()) {
    // Give values for $\Sigma_k {b_k}$ each time
    for (int w = 0; w < vocab_size; ++w) {
      const TopicDistribution<int32>& word_topic_cooccurrences =
      double s2 = 0;
      //计算(单词w在主题k上分布+beta)^ 2, 然后累加
      for (int k = 0; k < num_topics; ++k) {
        double tm = word_topic_cooccurrences[k] + beta_;
        s2 += tm * tm;
      sum_b2_[w] = s2;

    const TopicDistribution<int32>& global_topic_occurrences =

    // Begin sorting elements DECREMENT:
                       &nwsum_idx_[0], num_topics);
    index_to_rank(&nwsum_idx_[0], &nwsum_rev_[0], num_topics);
    //global_topic_occurrences:9 1 6 7 4 
    //则nwsum_idx_:            0 3 2 4 1 
    //nwsum_rev_:              0 4 2 1 3 

    nw_idx_.resize(vocab_size * num_topics);
    for (int w = 0; w < vocab_size; ++w) {
      const TopicDistribution<int32>& word_topic_cooccurrences =
      uint16_t *idx = &nw_idx_[w * num_topics];
      sort_index_descend(&word_topic_cooccurrences[0], idx, num_topics);

void LDASampler::DoFastIteration(
    Random* random, LDACorpus* corpus, bool train_model, bool burn_in) {
  // A pre-step for sampling:

  for (LDACorpus::iterator iter = corpus->begin();
       iter != corpus->end(); ++iter) {
    FastSampleNewTopicsForDocument(random, *iter, train_model);
  if (accum_model_ != NULL && train_model && !burn_in) {

void LDASampler::FastSampleNewTopicsForDocument(
    Random* random, LDADocument* document, bool update_model) {
  int num_topics = model_->num_topics();
  int16* mutable_doc_distribution = document->mutable_topic_distribution();

  double* mutable_sum_a2 = document->mutable_sum_a2();
  if (*mutable_sum_a2 <= 0) {
    *mutable_sum_a2 = 0;
    for (int k = 0; k < num_topics; ++k) {
      double tm = mutable_doc_distribution[k] + alpha_;
      *mutable_sum_a2 += tm * tm;

  for (LDADocument::WordOccurrenceIterator iterator(document);
     iterator.Next()) {
    int new_topic = UpdateTopicForWord(//生成新topic
        random, mutable_doc_distribution, mutable_sum_a2,
        iterator.Word(), iterator.Topic(), update_model);
    // The topic distribution has been changed in UpdateTopicForWord(),
    // so we need only to alter the topic assignment of the current word.

// This thread safety requirement comes from the inference scenario.
int LDASampler::UpdateTopicForWord(
    Random* random, int16* mutable_doc_distribution, double* mutable_sum_a2,
    int word, int cur_topic, bool update_model) {
  const TopicDistribution<int32>& word_distribution =
  const TopicDistribution<int32>& global_distribution =
  int num_topics = model_->num_topics();
  int vocab_size = model_->vocab_size();

  // locate the rank for fast-resorting
  const uint16_t *index = &nw_idx_[word * num_topics];
  int current_rank = 0;
  if (update_model) {
    for (; current_rank < num_topics; ++current_rank) {
      if (index[current_rank] == cur_topic) break;

  // (1) Remove z_i from the count variables
  *mutable_sum_a2 -= 2 * (mutable_doc_distribution[cur_topic] + alpha_) + 1;//(x+1+a)^2 = (x+a)^2 + 2(x+a) + 1

  if (update_model) {
    model_->IncrementTopic(word, cur_topic, -1);
    sum_b2_[word] -= 2 * (word_distribution[cur_topic] + beta_) + 1;//同上

    resort_after_decreased(num_topics, &word_distribution[0],
        &nw_idx_[word * num_topics], current_rank);
    resort_after_decreased(num_topics, &global_distribution[0],
        &nwsum_idx_[0], &nwsum_rev_[0], cur_topic);

  // (2) Do multinomial sampling via fast Gibbs-sampling:
  double a2 = *mutable_sum_a2;
  double b2 = sum_b2_[word];
  double z_k = 0;
  const double wbeta = vocab_size * beta_;
  uint64_t nwsum_min = global_distribution[nwsum_idx_[num_topics-1]];
  double fac = 1 / (nwsum_min + wbeta);
  vector<double> pk(num_topics);
  double *p = &pk[0];
  double u = random->RandDouble();
  int new_topic = cur_topic;
  int new_rank = current_rank;

  for (int k = 0; k < num_topics; ++k) {
    int t = index[k];
    double a = mutable_doc_distribution[t] + alpha_;
    double b = word_distribution[t] + beta_;
    p[k] = (k > 0 ? p[k-1] : 0);
    p[k] += a * b / (global_distribution[t] + wbeta);

    double z_old = z_k;
    a2 -= a * a;
    b2 -= b * b;
    z_k = p[k];
    if (a2 > 0 && b2 > 0) {
      z_k += sqrt(a2 * b2) * fac; // |a|*|b|*|c|

    // Case A: not found, loop back
    if (u*z_k > p[k]) continue;

    // Case B: it's this topic, done
    if (k == 0 || u*z_k > p[k-1]) {
      new_rank = k;
      new_topic = t;

    // Case C: it's a previous topic
    u = (u*z_old - p[k-1]) * z_k / (z_old - z_k); // renew threshold
    for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
      if (p[i] >= u) {
        new_rank = i;
        new_topic = index[i];
    break; // Quit, got the right one

  // (3) Add newly estimated z_i to count variables
  *mutable_sum_a2 += 2 * (mutable_doc_distribution[new_topic] + alpha_) - 1;

  if (update_model) {
    model_->IncrementTopic(word, new_topic, +1);
    sum_b2_[word] += 2 * (word_distribution[new_topic] + beta_) - 1;

    resort_after_increased(num_topics, &word_distribution[0],
        &nw_idx_[word * num_topics], new_rank);
    resort_after_increased(num_topics, &global_distribution[0],
        &nwsum_idx_[0], &nwsum_rev_[0], new_topic);
  return new_topic;

double LDASampler::LogLikelihood(LDACorpus* corpus) const {
//所有文档的log likelihood累加
  double log_likelihood = 0;
  for (LDACorpus::const_iterator iterator = corpus->begin();
       iterator != corpus->end(); ++iterator) {
    log_likelihood += LogLikelihood(*iterator);
  return log_likelihood;

// Compute log P(d) = sum_w log P(w), where P(w) = sum_z P(w|z)P(z|d).
double LDASampler::LogLikelihood(LDADocument* document) const {
  const int num_topics(model_->num_topics());

  // Compute P(z|d) for the given document and all topics.
  const int16* document_topic_cooccurrences(document->topic_distribution());
  int64 document_length = document->topics().wordtopics_.size();
  vector<double> prob_topic_given_document(num_topics);
  for (int t = 0; t < num_topics; ++t) {
    prob_topic_given_document[t] =
        (document_topic_cooccurrences[t] + alpha_) /
        (document_length + alpha_ * num_topics);

  // Get global topic occurrences, which will be used compute P(w|z).
  TopicDistribution<int32> global_topic_occurrences =

  double log_likelihood = 0.0;
  // A document's likelihood is the product of its words' likelihoods.  Compute
  // the likelihood for every word and sum the logs.
  for (LDADocument::WordOccurrenceIterator iterator(document);
       !iterator.Done(); iterator.Next()) {
    // Get topic_count_distribution of the current word, which will be
    // used to Compute P(w|z).
    TopicDistribution<int32> word_topic_cooccurrences =

    // Comput P(w|z).
    // (单词在主题t上分布+beta)/(所有单词在主题t上分布 + 词数*beta)
    vector<double> prob_word_given_topic(num_topics);
    for (int t = 0; t < num_topics; ++t) {
      prob_word_given_topic[t] =
          (word_topic_cooccurrences[t] + beta_) /
          (global_topic_occurrences[t] + model_->vocab_size() * beta_);

    // Compute P(w) = sum_z P(w|z)P(z|d)
    double prob_word = 0.0;
    for (int t = 0; t < num_topics; ++t) {
      prob_word += prob_word_given_topic[t] * prob_topic_given_document[t];

    log_likelihood += log(prob_word);
  return log_likelihood;

P ( d ) = s u m w l o g P ( w ) , w h e r e P ( w ) = s u m z P ( w ∣ z ) P ( z ∣ d ) . P(d) = sum_w log P(w), where P(w) = sum_z P(w|z)P(z|d). P(d)=sumwlogP(w),whereP(w)=sumzP(wz)P(zd).

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