


Chromium is a very multithreaded product. We try to keep the UI as responsive as possible, and this means not blocking the UI thread with any blocking I/O or other expensive operations. Our approach is to use message passing as the way of communicating between threads. We discourage locking and threadsafe objects. Instead, objects live on only one thread, we pass messages between threads for communication, and we use callback interfaces (implemented by message passing) for most cross-thread requests.

The Thread object is defined in base/thread.h. In general you should probably use one of the existing threads described below rather than make new ones. We already have a lot of threads that are difficult to keep track of. Each thread has a MessageLoop (see base/message_loop.h) that processes messages for that thread. You can get the message loop for a thread using theThread.message_loop() function.

Existing threads

Most threads are managed by the BrowserProcess object, which acts as the service manager for the main "browser" process. By default, everything happens on the UI thread (the main thread where the application starts up). We have pushed certain classes of processing into these other threads. It has getters for the following threads:

  • io_thread: This thread is somewhat mis-named. It is the dispatcher thread that handles communication between the browser process and all the sub-processes. It is also where all resource requests (web page loads) are dispatched from (seeMulti-process Architecture).
  • file_thread: A general process thread for file operations. When you want to do blocking filesystem operations (for example, requesting an icon for a file type, or writing downloaded files to disk), dispatch to this thread.
  • db_thread: A thread for database operations. For example, the cookie service does sqlite operations on this thread. Note that the history database doesn't use this thread yet.
  • safe_browsing_thread

Several components have their own threads:

  • History: The history service object has its own thread. This might be merged with the db_thread above. However, we need to be sure that things happen in the correct order -- for example, that cookies are loaded before history since cookies are needed for the first load, and history initialization is long and will block it.
  • Proxy service: See net/http/
  • Automation proxy: This thread is used to communicate with the UI test program driving the app.

Keeping the browser responsive

As hinted in the overview, we avoid doing any blocking I/O on the UI thread to keep the UI responsive.  Less apparent is that we also need to avoid blocking I/O on the IO thread.  The reason is that if we block it for an expensive operation, say disk access, then IPC messages don't get processed.  The effect is that the user can't interact with a page.  Note that asynchronous/overlapped IO are fine.

Another thing to watch out for is to not block threads on one another.  Locks should only be used to swap in a shared data structure that can be accessed on multiple threads.  If one thread updates it based on expensive computation or through disk access, then that slow work should be done without holding on to the lock.  Only when the result is available should the lock be used to swap in the new data.  An example of this is in PluginList::LoadPlugins (src/webkit/glue/plugins/ 

In order to write non-blocking code, many APIs in Chromium are asynchronous. Usually this means that they either need to be executed on a particular thread and will return results via a custom delegate interface, or they take a base::Callback<> object that is called when the requested operation is completed.  Executing work on a specific thread is covered in the PostTask section below.

Getting stuff to other threads

base::Callback<>, Async APIs, and Currying

base::Callback<> is templated class with a Run() method.  It is a generalization of a function pointer and is created by a call to  base::Bind.  Async APIs often will take a base::Callback<> as a means to asynchronously return the  results of an operation.  Here is an example of a hypothetical FileRead API.
void ReadToString(const std::string& filename, base::Callback<void(const std::string&)> on_read);

void DisplayString(const std::string& result) {
  LOG(INFO) << result;

void SomeFunc(const std::string file) {
  ReadToString(file, base::Bind(&DisplayString));
In the example above,  base::Bind takes the function pointer &DisplayString and turns it into a  base::Callback<void(const std::string& result)>. The type of the generated  base::Callback<> is inferred from the arguments.  Why not just pass the function pointer directly?  The reason is  base::Bind allows the caller to adapt function interfaces and/or attach extra context via Currying (  For instance, if we had a utility function  DisplayStringWithPrefix that took an extra argument with the prefix, we use  base::Bind to adapt the interface as follows.
void DisplayStringWithPrefix(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& result) {
  LOG(INFO) << prefix << result;

void AnotherFunc(const std::string file) {
  ReadToString(file, base::Bind(&DisplayStringWithPrefix, "MyPrefix: "));
This can be used in lieu of creating an adapter functions a small classes that holds  prefix as a member variable.  Notice also that the "MyPrefix: " argument is actually a const char*, while DisplayStringWithPrefix actually wants a const std::string&.  Like normal function dispatch,  base::Bind, will coerce parameters types if possible.  See "How arguments are handled by base::Bind()" below for more details about argument storage, copying, and special handling of references.

The lowest level of dispatching to another thread is to use the MessageLoop.PostTask andMessageLoop.PostDelayedTask (see base/message_loop.h). PostTask schedules a task to be run on a particular thread.  A task is defined as abase::Closure, which is a typedef for a base::Callback<void(void)>PostDelayedTask schedules a task to be run after a delay on a particular thread. A task is represented by the base::Closure typedef, which contains a Run() function, and is created by calling base::Bind().  To process a task, the message loop eventually calls base::Closure's Run function, and then drops the reference to the task object. Both PostTask and PostDelayedTask take a tracked_objects::Location parameter, which is used for lightweight debugging purposes (counts and primitive profiling of pending and completed tasks can be monitored in a debug build via the url about:objects). Generally the macro value FROM_HERE is the appropriate value to use in this parameter.

Note that new tasks go on the message loop's queue, and any delay that is specified is subject to the operating system's timer resolutions. This means that under Windows, very small timeouts (under 10ms) will likely not be honored (and will be longer). Using a timeout of 0 in PostDelayedTask is equivalent to calling PostTask, and adds no delay beyond queuing delay. PostTask is also used to do something on the current thread "sometime after the current processing returns to the message loop." Such a continuation on the current thread can be used to assure that other time critical tasks are not starved on this thread.

The following is an example of a creating a task for a function and posting it to another thread (in this example, the file thread):

void WriteToFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& data);
BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
                        base::Bind(&WriteToFile, "foo.txt", "hello world!"));
You should always use BrowserThread to post tasks between threads.  Never cache MessageLoop pointers as it can cause bugs such as the pointers being deleted while you're still holding on to them.  More information can be found here.

base::Bind() and class methods.

The base::Bind() API also supports invoking class methods as well.  The syntax very similar to callingbase::Bind() on a function, except the first argument should be the object the method belongs to. By default, the object thatPostTask uses must be be a thread-safe reference-counted object. Reference counting ensures that the object invoked on another thread will stay alive until the task completes.

class MyObject : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MyObject> {
  void DoSomething(const std::string16& name) {
       FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&MyObject::DoSomethingOnAnotherThread, this, name));

  void DoSomethingOnAnotherThread(const std::string16& name) {
  // Always good form to make the destructor private so that only RefCountedThreadSafe can access it.
  // This avoids bugs with double deletes.
  friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MyObject>;

  Thread* thread_;
If you have external synchronization structures that can completely insure that an object will always be alive while the task is waiting to execute, you can wrap the object pointer with base::Unretained() when calling base::Bind() to disable the refcounting.  This will also allow using base::Bind() on classes that are not refcounted.  Be careful when doing this!

How arguments are handled by base::Bind().

The arguments given to base::Bind() are copied into an internal InvokerStorage structure object (defined in base/bind_internal.h). When the function is finally executed, it will see copies of the arguments.  This is important if your target function or method takes a const reference; the reference will be to a copy of the argument.  If you need to a reference to the original argument, you can wrap the argument with base::ConstRef().  Use this carefully as it iis likely dangerous if target of the reference cannot be guaranteed to live past when the task is executed.  In particular, this almostnever safe to use base::ConstRef() to a variable on the stack unless you can guarantee the stack frame will not be invalidated until the asynchronous task finishes.

Sometimes, you will want to pass reference-counted objects as parameters (be sure to useRefCountedThreadSafe and not plain RefCounted as the base class for these objects). To ensure that the object lives throughout the entire request, theClosure generated by base::Bind must keep a reference to it. This can be done by passingscoped_refptr as the parameter type, or by wrapping the raw pointer with make_scoped_refptr():

class SomeParamObject : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SomeParamObject> {

class MyObject : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MyObject> {
  void DoSomething() {
    scoped_refptr<SomeParamObject> param(new SomeParamObject);
       base::Bind(&MyObject::DoSomethingOnAnotherThread, this, param));
  void DoSomething2() {
    SomeParamObject* param = new SomeParamObject;
       base::Bind(&MyObject::DoSomethingOnAnotherThread, this, 
  // Note how this takes a raw pointer. The important part is that
  // base::Bind() was passed a scoped_refptr; using a scoped_refptr
  // here would result in an extra AddRef()/Release() pair.
  void DoSomethingOnAnotherThread(SomeParamObject* param) {

If you  want to pass the object without taking a reference on it, wrap the argument withbase::Unretained(). Again, using this means there are external guarantees on the lifetime of the object, so tread carefully!

If your object has a non-trivial destructor that needs to run on a specific thread, you can use the following trait. This is needed since timing races could lead to a task completing execution before the code that posted it has unwound the stack.

class MyObject : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MyObject, BrowserThread::DeleteOnIOThread> {

base::WeakPtr and Cancellation

Sometimes you will want to do something "later" on your object. You use PostDelayedTask with a timer value and issue it on the current thread. But what happens if your source object's lifetime is managed by another component, and it gets deleted while the task is waiting to fire? This has been the cause of a number of crashes, especially on shutdown.

In these cases, you can use a base::WeakPtr and base::WeakPtrFactory (inbase/memory/weak_ptr.h) to ensure that any invokes can not outlive the object they are being invoked on, without using reference counting. The base::Bind mechanism has special understanding for base::WeakPtr that will disable the task's execution of the base::WeakPtr has been invalidated. The base::WeakPtrFactory object can be used to generate base::WeakPtr instances that know about the factory object. When the factory is destroyed, all the base::WeakPtr will have their internal "invalidated" flag set, which will any tasks bound to them to not dispatch. By putting the factory as a member of the object being dispatched to, you can get automatic cancellation.

class MyObject {
  MyObject() : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(weak_factory_(this)) {

  void DoSomething() {
    const int kDelayMS = 100;
        base::Bind(&MyObject::DoSomethingLater, weak_factor_->GetWeakPtr()),

  void DoSomethingLater() {

  base::WeakPtrFactory<MyObject> weak_factory_;

Cancelable request

A cancelable request makes it easier to make requests to another thread with that thread returning some data to you asynchronously. Like the revokable store system, it uses objects that track whether the originating object is alive. When the calling object is deleted, the request will be canceled to prevent invalid callbacks.

Like the revokable store system, a user of a cancelable request has an object (here, called a "Consumer") that tracks whether it is alive and will auto-cancel any outstanding requests on deleting.

class MyClass {
  void MakeRequest() {
    frontend_service->StartRequest(some_input1, some_input2, this,
        // Use base::Unretained(this) if this may cause a refcount cycle.
        base::Bind(&MyClass:RequestComplete, this));  
  void RequestComplete(int status) {

  CancelableRequestConsumer consumer_;

Note that the MyClass::RequestComplete, is bounded with base::Unretained(this) here.

The consumer also allows you to associate extra data with a request. Use CancelableRequestConsumerT which will allow you to associate arbitrary data with the handle returned by the provider service when you invoke the request. The data will be automatically destroyed when the request is canceled.

A service handling requests inherits from CancelableRequestProvider. This object provides methods for canceling in-flight requests, and will work with the consumers to make sure everything is cleaned up properly on cancel. This frontend service just tracks the request and sends it to a backend service on another thread for actual processing. It would look like this:

class FrontendService : public CancelableRequestProvider {
  typedef base::Callback<void(int)> RequestCallbackType;

  Handle StartRequest(int some_input1, int some_input2,
      CallbackConsumer* consumer,
      const RequestCallbackType& callback) {
    scoped_refptr > request(
        new CancelableRequest(callback));
    AddRequest(request, consumer);

    // Send the parameters and the request to the backend thread.
        base::Bind(&BackendService::DoRequest, backend_, request,
                   some_input1, some_input2), 0);    
    // The handle will have been set by AddRequest.
    return request->handle();

The backend service runs on another thread. It does processing and forwards the result back to the original caller. It would look like this:

class BackendService : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<BackendService> {
  void DoRequest(
      scoped_refptr< CancelableRequest<Frontend::RequestCallbackType> >
      int some_input1, int some_input2) {
    if (request->canceled())

    ... do your processing ...

    // Execute ForwardResult() like you would do Run() on the base::Callback<>.




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