Zero to the Zero Power

It is commonly taught that any number to the zero power is 1, and zero to any power is 0. But if that is the case, what is zero to the zero power?

Well, it is undefined (since xy as a function of 2 variables is not continuous at the origin).

But if it could be defined, what "should" it be? 0 or 1?

Presentation Suggestions:
Take a poll to see what people think before you show them any of the reasons below.

The Math Behind the Fact:
We'll give several arguments to show that the answer "should" be 1.

  • The alternating sum of binomial coefficients from the n-th row of Pascal's triangle is what you obtain by expanding (1-1)n using the binomial theorem, i.e., 0n. But the alternating sum of the entries of every row except the top row is 0, since 0k=0 for all k greater than 1. But the top row of Pascal's triangle contains a single 1, so its alternating sum is 1, which supports the notion that (1-1)0=00 if it were defined, should be 1.
  • The limit of xx as x tends to zero (from the right) is 1. In other words, if we want the xx function to be right continuous at 0, we should define it to be 1.
  • The expression mn is the product of m with itself n times. Thus m0, the "empty product", should be 1 (no matter what m is).
  • Another way to view the expression mn is as the number of ways to map an n-element set to an m-element set. For instance, there are 9 ways to map a 2-element set to a 3-element set. There are NO ways to map a 2-element set to the empty set (hence 02=0). However, there is exactly one way to map the empty set to itself: use the identity map! Hence 00=1.
  • Here's an aesthetic reason. A power series is often compactly expressed as 
    SUM n=0 to INFINITY a n (x-c) n
    We desire this expression to evaluate to a0 when x=c, but the n=0 term in the above expression is problematic at x=c. This can be fixed by separating the a0 term (not as nice) or by defining 00=1.

    How to Cite this Page: 
    Su, Francis E., et al. "Zero to the Zero Power." Math Fun Facts. <>.

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To test the measure power consumption feature of the PlugSim class, you can create an instance of the class and call the measurePower() method multiple times with different inputs. You can also check the power field of the instance to see if it has been updated correctly after calling the measurePower() method. For example, you can create a test case that turns on the plug, calls the measurePower() method multiple times, and checks if the power field is within a reasonable range. You can also create a test case that turns off the plug, calls the measurePower() method, and checks if the power field is zero. Here's an example test case using JUnit 5 framework: ``` import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; public class PlugSimTest { @Test public void testMeasurePower() { PlugSim plug = new PlugSim("Test Plug"); plug.switchOn(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { plug.measurePower(); double power = plug.getPower(); assertTrue(power >= 0 && power <= 400, "Power reading out of range: " + power); } } @Test public void testMeasurePowerWhenOff() { PlugSim plug = new PlugSim("Test Plug"); plug.switchOff(); plug.measurePower(); double power = plug.getPower(); assertEquals(0, power, "Power reading should be zero when plug is off"); } } ``` In the first test case, we create a new PlugSim instance, turn it on, and call the measurePower() method 10 times. We check if the power reading is within the range of 0 to 400 watts, which is a reasonable range for a typical household appliance. In the second test case, we turn off the plug, call the measurePower() method, and check if the power reading is zero.




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