| 关于perl中sort的用法举例 # sort lexically-. @articles = sort @files;FfvB/ ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 &c-;' # same thing, but with explicit sort routineh: @articles = sort {$a cmp $b} @files;C ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 EngxL # now case-insensitivelyfN) @articles = sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} @files;uqy% ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 +w # same thing in reversed orderaUWnWJ @articles = sort {$b cmp $a} @files;]LD$ ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 B" # sort numerically ascendingw:E&CI @articles = sort {$a <=> $b} @files;;_to=v ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 X8i- # sort numerically descendingB @articles = sort {$b <=> $a} @files;MaFs[y ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 < # this sorts the %age hash by value instead of key@>f # using an in-line functionV' @eldest = sort { $age{$b} <=> $age{$a} } keys %age;>k< ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 {EM5&J # sort using explicit subroutine name^h2 sub byage {` $age{$a} <=> $age{$b};# presuming numeric<(D T= }" @sortedclass = sort byage @class;D(:Q= ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 sub backwards { $b cmp $a }cb,r4 @harry = qw(dog cat x Cain Abel);%9& @george = qw(gone chased yz Punished Axed);q-u-|l print sort @harry;O>GSu # prints AbelCaincatdogxk9 print sort backwards @harry;"j=?-( # prints xdogcatCainAbel{_ print sort @george, 'to', @harry;vLL` # prints AbelAxedCainPunishedcatchaseddoggonetoxyzPe OjW ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 xe(? # inefficiently sort by descending numeric compare usingyw;So # the first integer after the first = sign, or the7SFa # whole record case-insensitively otherwise'<y^[ ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 s @new = sort {4hE@ ($b =~ /=(/d+)/)[0] <=> ($a =~ /=(/d+)/)[0]T ||&bJ&3 uc($a) cmp uc($b)0eP } @old;Owgh ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 _+W # same thing, but much more efficiently;RbPL # we'll build auxiliary indices insteadvI{I' # for speedG-"z @nums = @caps = ();'+ for (@old) {&_z{G| push @nums, /=(/d+)/;-u8Df push @caps, uc($_);!o } ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 HnY @new = @old[ sort {[@LbDY $nums[$b] <=> $nums[$a]{ ||©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 oiS $caps[$a] cmp $caps[$b]4 } 0..$#old8Q`V ];Q~a ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 Zmh$9X # same thing, but without any tempsL' @new = map { $_->[0] }uM%q sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1]k"o# ||+E3Rz $a->[2] cmp $b->[2]/W~ } map { [$_, /=(/d+)/, uc($_)] } @old;Nueq1* ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 pEG # using a prototype allows you to use any comparison subroutinemJJ9 # as a sort subroutine (including other package's subroutines)5<Z package other;([ sub backwards ($$) { $_[1] cmp $_[0]; }# $a and $b are not set herey.H=S ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 MFx0u package main;j @new = sort other::backwards @old; :c0_}s ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 cv ! ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 S-a map 用法Z ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 bS/ map BLOCK LIST -%FNL map EXPR,LIST ]tJo Evaluates the BLOCK or EXPR for each element of LIST (locally setting $_ to each element) and returns the list value composed of the results of each such evaluation. In scalar context, returns the total number of elements so generated. Evaluates BLOCK or EXPR in list context, so each element of LIST may produce zero, one, or more elements in the returned value.6za/q ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 {J:sd @chars = map(chr, @nums); =gq4' ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 .8)"-h ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 ] ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 0+5<; ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 <8WI$m translates a list of numbers to the corresponding characters. AndRP:B+ ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 Qn6|k` %hash = map { getkey($_) => $_ } @array; 1fHyD4 ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 "{aG ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 iL ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 Q ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 CgkQ is just a funny way to writeTY ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 % %hash = ();RS foreach $_ (@array) {]L-z $hash{getkey($_)} = $_;JQ=lwP } , ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 bs/ ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 g9|{Tr ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 }^if ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 {cm|- Note that $_ is an alias to the list value, so it can be used to modify the elements of the LIST. While this is useful and supported, it can cause bizarre results if the elements of LIST are not variables. Using a regular foreach loop for this purpose would be clearer in most cases. See also /grep for an array composed of those items of the original list for which the BLOCK or EXPR evaluates to true.Y ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 rM { starts both hash references and blocks, so map { ... could be either the start of map BLOCK LIST or map EXPR, LIST. Because perl doesn't look ahead for the closing } it has to take a guess at which its dealing with based what it finds just after the {. Usually it gets it right, but if it doesn't it won't realize something is wrong until it gets to the } and encounters the missing (or unexpected) comma. The syntax error will be reported close to the } but you'll need to change something near the { such as using a unary + to give perl some help:-}6 ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 S<=g#g %hash = map { "/L$_", 1 } @array # perl guesses EXPR. wrongs %hash = map { +"/L$_", 1 } @array # perl guesses BLOCK. rightNmRvW# %hash = map { ("/L$_", 1) } @array # this also works$:kPa %hash = map { lc($_), 1 } @array # as does this.bmRV %hash = map +( lc($_), 1 ), @array # this is EXPR and works!"5Mn3 ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 ? %hash = map ( lc($_), 1 ), @array # evaluates to (1, @array) cHt&F ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 #gP1lY ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 v^ ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 :1^hn ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 FH or to force an anon hash constructor use +{/@kA]k ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 /p@twV @hashes = map +{ lc($_), 1 }, @array # EXPR, so needs , at end ZS ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 tJ/0S ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 (H=Em: ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 j ©LeoHacks -- LeoHacks,Leohacks的聚散地 ZHe01G and you get list of anonymous hashes each with only 1 entry.| @opinions = ( 8, 9, 4, 7, 8, 5, 6, 4, 9, 9, 7, 8, 9, 5, 4, 8, 7, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 8, 9, 1, 9, 8, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8, 9, 8, 9, 4, 9, 6, 8, 4, 6, 7, 3, 4, 8, 7, 9, 8, 9, 2 );
# determine the mean
$total = 0;
foreach ( @opinions ) { $total += $_; }
$mean = $total / @opinions; print "Survey mean result: $mean/n";
# determine the median
@sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @opinions; $middle = @sorted / 2; # middle element subscript
# for an even number of elements, average the two middle
# elements to determine the median; otherwise, use the
# middle element
if ( @sorted %2 == 0 ) { # even number of elements
$median = ( $sorted[ $middle - 1 ] + $sorted[ $middle ] ) / 2; } else { # odd number of elements
$median = $sorted[ $middle ]; }
print "Survey median result: $median/n";
# determine the mode
$mode = 0;
foreach ( @opinions ) { ++$frequency[ $_ ]; # increment the frequency counter
# if the current frequency is greater than the $mode's
# frequency, change $mode to $_
if ( $frequency[ $_ ] > $frequency[ $mode ] ) { $mode = $_; } }
print "Survey mode result: $mode/n/n";
# display a frequency graph
print "Response/tFrequency/n"; print "--------/t---------/n";
foreach ( 1 .. 9 ) { print "$_/t/t", "*" x $frequency[ $_ ], "/n"; }