How to locate SCN/Time of DROP TABLE using LogMiner [ID 93370.1]

How to locate SCN/Time of DROP TABLE using LogMiner [ID 93370.1]

 Modified 17-APR-2009     Type BULLETIN     Status PUBLISHED 
  This article discusses and demonstrates how to locate and analyze a DROP 
  TABLE statement in online and archived redo logs using LogMiner.  This 
  article is not intended to present LogMiner basics - refer to the Oracle8i 
  Administrator's Guide and Supplied Packages Reference for LogMiner 
  introduction and general instructions. 

  The procedure outlined in this article results in information (SCN/Time) to 
  assist Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR) for an unintentional dropped table. 
  Refer to Note:96197.1 for a step-by-step procedure to recover a dropped 
  table from a full database backup.

 This article assumes the reader has basic understanding of fixed tables 
 and LogMiner.  


 Note:74988.1 How to build an Oracle 8.0 LogMiner Dictionary
 Note:96197.1 Recovering a Dropped Table from a Full Database Backup

 Oracle 8.1.5 Administrator's Guide - Managing Archived Redo Logs Chapter
 Oracle 8.1.5 Supplied Packages Reference: dbms_logmnr_d, dbms_logmnr

How to locate SCN/Time of DROP TABLE using LogMiner:

LogMiner Overview

LogMiner (packages dbms_logmnr_d and dbms_logmnr) provides a SQL interface to 
review information contained in Oracle8 online and archived redo logs.  The 
LogMiner dictionary allows queries against v$logmnr_contents to be easily 
understood. This dictionary provides schema, object, column and datatype 
translations. Note: v$logmnr_contents.seg_name is only populated if a LogMiner 
dictionary is used!

Example 1 :  LogMiner analysis using a dictionary file.

SQL> select sql_redo from v$logmnr_contents;
set transaction read write;
insert into TEST.TAB1(C1) values (1);

Example 2: LogMiner analysis without a dictionary file.

SQL> select sql_redo from v$logmnr_contents;
set transaction read write;
insert into UNKNOWN.Objn:13079(Col[1]) values (HEXTORAW('c102'));

Only Data Manipulation Language (DML) and transaction control generates 
redo/undo that is translated by LogMiner.  Data Definition Language (DDL), such
as DROP TABLE, actually performs DML on dictionary objects (i.e. SYS.TAB$, 
SYS.OBJ$), but DML on most dictionary objects do not have translations in 
Oracle 8.1.5, therefore analysis may require hex conversion.  Note: SYS.OBJ$ is
translated if a LogMiner dictionary is specified in dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr 
but SYS.TAB$ is not translated regardless of dictionary specification.

Although the LogMiner dictionary file assists in locating a DDL for a specfic 
object - the actual dictionary file will also be used since SELECTs are not 
allowed against the temporary objects built when the dictionary is loaded 
(dbms_logmnr.logmnr_start).  As an alternative method, it is possible to 
convert the dictionary file into a SQL script which will build normal database 
objects.  Refer to the comments in the header of the dictionary file created by for instructions.  This procedure will not be demonstrated 
in this article.


It is assumed that a dictionary file exists from a time when the dropped table 
existed. A dictionary file MUST be specified in dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr in 
order to populate v$logmnr_contents.seg_name.  If a dictionary file is not 
specified v$logmnr_contents.seg_name will be NULL for every redo/undo entry.  
The SCN/Time of a DROP TABLE can be determined even if a LogMiner dictionary 
does not contain the dropped table.

It is also assumed that the exact on-line and/or archived redo log file 
spanning the time of the DROP table is known.  The larger the DROP time 
estimate - the more redo log files will require analysis.  Either 1) multiple 
redo log files can be loaded into LogMiner (dbms_logmnr.add_logfile) for a 
single LogMiner analysis session or 2) a LogMiner analysis session can be run
individually for each redo log file - starting with the 'best guess'.

*** Locating DROP TABLE Overview:

1.  Locate on-line and/or archived redo logs for time corresponding with 
2.  If possible, locate the dictionary file that was created while table 
    existed, otherwise generate a LogMiner dictionary file for the database.
3.  Load the redo logs into LogMiner (dbms_logmnr.add_logfile)
4.  Load dictionary objects supporting LogMiner (dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr)
5.  Process redo logs and extract information (v$logmnr_contents).
5a. (*) CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) to move the rows of v$logmnr_contents 
    into a temporary table.  Since each SELECT of v$logmnr_contents performs 
    physical file read of the loaded redo logs - this step can be omitted if 
    the redo log is small, but is a time savings if processing a lot of redo.
    A temporary table will also facilitate analysis beyond a single session.
6.  Locate the DROP TABLE by locating associated DML on fixed tables.

(*) Optional

Locating DROP TABLE Example:

For ease of discussion, SQL statements are intentionally isolated into very
small redo log files using ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE.  Without question - 
this is not a 'real-world' example for redo log files are typically quite large
for performance reasons.

*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** Setup: Create table and build LogMiner dictionary.
*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

SQL> create table tab1 (
  2  c1 integer,
  3  c2 integer,
  4  c3 integer);

Table created.

SQL> connect internal

SQL> select value from v$parameter where name = 'utl_file_dir';


SQL> begin
  2 => 'dictionary.ora',
  3                          dictionary_location => '/database/V815/extproc');
  4  end;
  5  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** Setup: Isolate DROP TABLE into an archive log
*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL> select sequence# from v$log where status = 'CURRENT';


SQL> drop table tab1;

Table dropped.

SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** Analysis
*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

SQL> -- Load archive log into LogMiner.
SQL> begin
  2  dbms_logmnr.add_logfile (
  3  LogFileName =>
  4     '/database/V815/archivelogs/V815_ArchiveLog_1_0000000022.dbf',
  5  Options =>;
  6  end;
  7  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> -- Prepare LogMiner for analysis.
SQL> begin
  2  dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr (
  3  dictFileName => '/database/V815/extproc/dictionary.ora');
  4  end;
  5  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> -- DROP TABLE will generate DML on fixed tables
SQL> -- Notes:
SQL> -- 1.  The goal is to locate a single transaction (SCN) the performs a
SQL> --     DELETE operation on SYS.COL$ (columns), SYS.OBJ$ (objects) and
SQL> --     SYS.TAB$ (tables) for this identifies a DROP TABLE statement.
SQL> -- 2.  There will be one DELETE operation on SYS.COL$ for each column.
SQL> -- 3.  DML on SYS.SEG$ (segments), SYS.UET$ (used space), SYS.FET$ (free
SQL> --     space) and SYS.TSQ$ (tablespace quotas) perform segment and space
SQL> --     cleanup.  DML on these fixed tables do not necessarily indicate
SQL> -- 4.  Refer to $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/sql.bsq for additional information
SQL> --     regarding fixed tables.

SQL> -- Summarize contents of archive log. Not advised for large redo files.
SQL> -- v$logmnr_contents.operation = 'INTERNAL' implies sql_redo is NULL.
SQL> -- A LogMiner dictionary must be specified for v$logmnr_contents.seg_name
SQL> -- population - which is essential for this procedure.

SQL> column seg_name format a15 trunc
SQL> select seg_name, operation, scn, count(*) from v$logmnr_contents
  2  where operation != 'INTERNAL'
  3  group by seg_name, operation, scn
  4  order by scn;

SEG_NAME        OPERATION                               SCN   COUNT(*)
--------------- -------------------------------- ---------- ----------
                COMMIT                              5012064          1
COL$            DELETE                              5012065          3
OBJ$            DELETE                              5012065          1
TAB$            DELETE                              5012065          1
                START                               5012065          1
SEG$            UPDATE                              5012065          1
                COMMIT                              5012066          1
SEG$            DELETE                              5012067          1
UET$            DELETE                              5012067          1
FET$            INSERT                              5012067          1
                START                               5012067          1
TSQ$            UPDATE                              5012067          1
                COMMIT                              5012068          1

13 rows selected.

SQL> -- DROP TABLE will generate DELETE operations on COL$, OBJ$ and TAB$
SQL> -- Since SELECT on v$logmnr_contents physically reads the redo files,
SQL> -- CREATE TABLE AS SELECT (CTAS) can be used to move associated data from
SQL> -- v$logmnr_contents into a temporary table.  The temporary table may
SQL> -- contain DML associated with DML other than DROP TABLE including DROP
SQL> -- COLUMN, DROP INDEX, etc. Moving the relevant contents of 
SQL> -- v$logmnr_contents into a temporary table will also facilitate 
SQL> -- analysis spanning sessions.

SQL> create table temp
  2  as select * from v$logmnr_contents
  3  where operation = 'DELETE'
  4  and seg_name in ('COL$','OBJ$','TAB$');

Table created.

SQL> -- The remainder of the example will reference TEMP but all SQL could
SQL> -- be modified to use v$logmnr_contents.

SQL> -- Verify that DROP TABLE exists in analyzed redo files.  If there does not
SQL> -- exist a single SCN that performs a DELETE operation on COL$, OBJ$ and
SQL> -- TAB$ then more redo files must be loaded into LogMiner for analysis.
SQL> -- At some point, the time spent performing redo analysis must be weighted
SQL> -- against the total time to object recovery, for processing redo with
SQL> -- LogMiner can be a time consuming task.

SQL> select seg_name, operation, scn, count(*) from temp
  2  where operation != 'INTERNAL'
  3  group by seg_name, operation, scn
  4  order by scn;

SEG_NAME        OPERATION                               SCN   COUNT(*)
--------------- -------------------------------- ---------- ----------
COL$            DELETE                              5012065          3
OBJ$            DELETE                              5012065          1
TAB$            DELETE                              5012065          1

SQL> -- Locate SCNs of all DROP TABLE statement(s).
SQL> -- This is only necessary if the resulting rows from the previous query
SQL> -- is to large to easily inspect.  Clearly this is not necessary 
SQL> -- for this example, for the redo file only contains DML associated with
SQL> -- a single DROP TABLE statement.

SQL> select scn from v$logmnr_contents
  2  where operation = 'DELETE' and seg_name = 'COL$'
  3  intersect
  4  select scn from v$logmnr_contents
  5  where operation = 'DELETE' and seg_name = 'OBJ$'
  6  intersect
  7  select scn from v$logmnr_contents
  8  where operation = 'DELETE' and seg_name = 'TAB$';


SQL> -- At this point we have collected a list of SCN(s) associated with DROP
SQL> -- TABLE. Using LogMiner dictionary if available, analyze sql_redo to
SQL> -- determine dropped tables.  

SQL> select sql_redo from temp
  2  where scn = 5012065 and seg_name = 'TAB$';

delete from UNKNOWN.Objn:4 where Col[1] = HEXTORAW('c3021f50') and Col[2] = HEXT
ORAW('c102') and Col[3] = HEXTORAW('c103') and Col[4] = HEXTORAW('c2034e') and C
ol[5] IS NULL and Col[6] IS NULL and Col[7] = HEXTORAW('c104') and Col[8] IS NUL
L and Col[9] = HEXTORAW('c10b') and Col[10] = HEXTORAW('c129') and Col[11] = HEX
TORAW('c102') and Col[12] = HEXTORAW('c20338') and Col[13] = HEXTORAW('c102') an
d Col[14] = HEXTORAW('2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d
2d2d2d') and Col[15] IS NULL and Col[16] IS NULL and Col[17] IS NULL and Col[18]
 IS NULL and Col[19] IS NULL and Col[20] IS NULL and Col[21] IS NULL and Col[22]
 IS NULL and Col[23] IS NULL and Col[24] IS NULL and Col[25] IS NULL and Col[26]
 IS NULL and Col[27] = HEXTORAW('c104') and Col[28] = HEXTORAW('c104') and Col[2
9] = HEXTORAW('80') and Col[30] = HEXTORAW('80') and Col[31] = HEXTORAW('c20441'
) and Col[32] IS NULL and Col[33] = HEXTORAW('80') and ROWID = 'AAAAACAABAAAH1ZA

SQL> -- Col[1] corresponds to tab$.obj#
SQL> -- Hex to raw conversion of data results in object id (Oracle internal value)
SQL> -- Using LogMiner dictionary, locate INSERT_INTO OBJ$_TABLE for the
SQL> -- object id deleted from TAB$.  The 4th column in OBJ$ is the object name.

SQL> select distinct timestamp from temp where scn = 5012065;

2000-JAN-18 12:36:23

NOTE:  This timestamp is for scn 5012065, when the drop table statement was 

Extract from /database/V815/extproc/dictionary.ora:

INSERT_INTO OBJ$_TABLE VALUES (13079,13079,38,'TAB1',1,'',2,to_date('01/18/2000
12:25:28', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),to_date('01/18/2000 12:25:28', 'MM/DD/YYYY H
H24:MI:SS'),to_date('01/18/2000 12:25:28', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),1,'','',0,,,
,,'','', );

SQL> -- Note that the same information can be found from the SQL redo of the
SQL> -- DELETE operation on OBJ$ for the SCN without using the dictionary:
SQL> -- OBJ$.OBJ# = 13709, OBJ$.NAME = 'TAB1'.

SQL> select sql_redo from temp
  2  where scn = 5012065 and seg_name = 'OBJ$';

delete from SYS.OBJ$ where OBJ# = 13079 and DATAOBJ# = 13079 and OWNER# = 38 and
 NAME = 'TAB1' and NAMESPACE = 1 and SUBNAME IS NULL and TYPE# = 2 and CTIME = T
O_DATE('18-JAN-2000 12:25:28', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and MTIME = TO_DATE('18
-JAN-2000 12:25:28', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and STIME = TO_DATE('18-JAN-2000
12:25:28', 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') and STATUS = 1 and REMOTEOWNER IS NULL and

NOTE:  ctime = timestamp when the table was created
       mtime = timestamp for last DDL against the table

       Do not confuse the timestamp associated with the scn for the drop table 
       with the timestamps in obj$ for object create and modification.

SQL> select username from dba_users where user_id = 38;



At this point we know that table TEST.TAB1 (3 columns) was dropped at 
SCN 5012065 and time 2000-JAN-18 12:36:23.  This information can be used for
point-in-time recovery (PITR) of an unintentionally dropped object following 
the steps in Note:96197.1.

Search Words:

Log Miner



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