

@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *title;


  • : 简单赋值,不更改索引计数(Reference Counting)。
  • copy: 建立一个索引计数为1的对象,然后释放旧对象
  • :释放旧的对象,将旧对象的值赋予输入对象,再提高输入对象的索引计数为1


- (void)setName:(NSString *)newName {
    if (name != newName) {
       [name release];
       name = [newName retain];
       // name’s retain count has been bumped up by 1


?如果你不懂怎么使用他们,那么就这样 ->

  • 使用assign: 对基础数据类型 (NSInteger,CGFloat)和C数据类型(int, float, double, char, 等等)
  • 使用copy: 对NSString
  • 使用retain: 对其他NSObject和其子类





@synthesize xxx;  来实现实际代码


Property Declaration Attributes

You can decorate a property with attributes by using the form @property(attribute [, attribute2, ...]). Like methods, properties are scoped to their enclosing interface declaration. For property declarations that use a comma-delimited list of variable names, the property attributes apply to all of the named properties.

If you use the @synthesize directive to tell the compiler to create the accessor methods (see “Property Implementation Directives”), the code it generates matches the specification given by the keywords. If you implement the accessor methods yourself, you should ensure that it matches the specification (for example, if you specify copy you must make sure that you do copy the input value in the setter method).

Accessor Method Names

The default names for the getter and setter methods associated with a property are propertyName and setPropertyName: respectively—for example, given a property “foo”, the accessors would be foo and setFoo:. The following attributes allow you to specify custom names instead. They are both optional and can appear with any other attribute (except for readonly in the case of setter=).


Specifies the name of the get accessor for the property. The getter must return a type matching the property’s type and take no parameters.


Specifies the name of the set accessor for the property. The setter method must take a single parameter of a type matching the property’s type and must return void.

If you specify that a property is readonly and also specify a setter with setter=, you get a compiler warning.

Typically you should specify accessor method names that are key-value coding compliant (see Key-Value Coding Programming Guide)—a common reason for using the getter decorator is to adhere to the isPropertyName convention for Boolean values.


These attributes specify whether or not a property has an associated set accessor. They are mutually exclusive.


Indicates that the property should be treated as read/write. This attribute is the default.

Both a getter and setter method are required in the @implementation block. If you use the @synthesize directive in the implementation block, the getter and setter methods are synthesized.


Indicates that the property is read-only.

If you specify readonly, only a getter method is required in the @implementation block. If you use the @synthesize directive in the implementation block, only the getter method is synthesized. Moreover, if you attempt to assign a value using the dot syntax, you get a compiler error.

Setter Semantics

These attributes specify the semantics of a set accessor. They are mutually exclusive.


Specifies that there is a strong (owning) relationship to the destination object.


Specifies that there is a weak (non-owning) relationship to the destination object.

If the destination object is deallocated, the property value is automatically set to nil.

(Weak properties are not supported on OS X v10.6 and iOS 4; use assign instead.)


Specifies that a copy of the object should be used for assignment.

The previous value is sent a release message.

The copy is made by invoking the copy method. This attribute is valid only for object types, which must implement the NSCopying  protocol.


Specifies that the setter uses simple assignment. This attribute is the default.

You use this attribute for scalar types such as NSInteger and CGRect.


Specifies that retain should be invoked on the object upon assignment.

The previous value is sent a release message.

In OS X v10.6 and later, you can use the __attribute__ keyword to specify that a Core Foundation property should be treated like an Objective-C object for memory management:

@property(retain) __attribute__((NSObject)) CFDictionaryRef myDictionary;

You can use this attribute to specify that accessor methods are not atomic. (There is no keyword to denote atomic.)


Specifies that accessors are nonatomic. By default, accessors are atomic.

Properties are atomic by default so that synthesized accessors provide robust access to properties in a multithreaded environment—that is, the value returned from the getter or set via the setter is always fully retrieved or set regardless of what other threads are executing concurrently.

If you specify strongcopy, or retain and do not specify nonatomic, then in a reference-counted environment, a synthesized get accessor for an object property uses a lock and retains and autoreleases the returned value—the implementation will be similar to the following:

[_internal lock]; // lock using an object-level lock
id result = [[value retain] autorelease];
[_internal unlock];
return result;

If you specify nonatomic, a synthesized accessor for an object property simply returns the value directly.

Markup and Deprecation

Properties support the full range of C-style decorators. Properties can be deprecated and support __attribute__ style markup:

@property CGFloat x
@property CGFloat y __attribute__((...));

If you want to specify that a property is an outlet (see outlet in iOS, and outlet in OS X), you use the IBOutlet identifier:

@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *myButton;

IBOutlet is not, though, a formal part of the list of attributes. For more about declaring outlet properties, see “Nib Files”.

Property Implementation Directives

You can use the @synthesize and @dynamic directives in @implementation blocks to trigger specific compiler actions. Note that neither is required for any given @property declaration.

Important: If you do not specify either @synthesize or @dynamic for a particular property, you must provide a getter and setter (or just a getter in the case of a readonly property) method implementation for that property. If you do not, the compiler generates a warning.


You use the @synthesize directive to tell the compiler that it should synthesize the setter and/or getter methods for a property if you do not supply them within the @implementation block. The @synthesize directive also synthesizes an appropriate instance variable if it is not otherwise declared.

Listing 4-2  Using @synthesize

@interface MyClass : NSObject
@property(copy, readwrite) NSString *value;
@implementation MyClass
@synthesize value;

You can use the form property=ivar to indicate that a particular instance variable should be used for the property, for example:

@synthesize firstName, lastName, age=yearsOld;

This specifies that the accessor methods for firstNamelastName, and age should be synthesized and that the property age is represented by the instance variable yearsOld. Other aspects of the synthesized methods are determined by the optional attributes (see “Property Declaration Attributes”).

Whether or not you specify the name of the instance variable, the @synthesize directive can use an instance variable only from the current class, not a superclass.

There are differences in the behavior of accessor synthesis that depend on the runtime (see also “Runtime Difference”):

  • For the legacy runtimes, instance variables must already be declared in the @interface block of the current class. If an instance variable of the same name as the property exists, and if its type is compatible with the property’s type, it is used—otherwise, you get a compiler error.

  • For the modern runtimes (see “Runtime Versions and Platforms” in Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide), instance variables are synthesized as needed. If an instance variable of the same name already exists, it is used.


You use the @dynamic keyword to tell the compiler that you will fulfill the API contract implied by a property either by providing method implementations directly or at runtime using other mechanisms such as dynamic loading of code or dynamic method resolution. It suppresses the warnings that the compiler would otherwise generate if it can’t find suitable implementations. You should use it only if you know that the methods will be available at runtime.

The example shown in Listing 4-3 illustrates using @dynamic with a subclass of NSManagedObject.

Listing 4-3  Using @dynamic with NSManagedObject

@interface MyClass : NSManagedObject
@property(nonatomic, retain) NSString *value;
@implementation MyClass
@dynamic value;

NSManagedObject is provided by the Core Data framework. A managed object class has a corresponding schema that defines attributes and relationships for the class; at runtime, the Core Data framework generates accessor methods for these as necessary. You therefore typically declare properties for the attributes and relationships, but you don’t have to implement the accessor methods yourself and shouldn’t ask the compiler to do so. If you just declared the property without providing any implementation, however, the compiler would generate a warning. Using@dynamic suppresses the warning.

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