

前言(个人的理解):缓存 一般用来缓解耗时、耗资源的问题,而本地缓存(jvm缓存),相对于需要通过网络连接来访问的缓存(如Redis),本地缓存主要用来缓解耗时问题,以及本地缓存实现起来比较方便 而远程缓存支持存储的对象不够完善(如需要通过序列化/反序列化来解决,本质来说 还是时间问题)。



SoftReference<T>:如果当前不存在强引用指向对象T,则对象T的生存时间直到系统将要发生内存溢出时才会被清除(一轮Full GC的时间?);

因此 使用哪种类型的缓存 看自己的业务需求了。

注:以下实现 模仿自java.lang.reflect.WeakCache。

首先是基类,封装了数据存取逻辑,子类只需提供具体类型的Reference即可。与直接采用WeakReference/SoftReference的区别,该实现是key-value的形式(其中key是强引用,value才是弱引用/软引用),因此使用场景是 需要根据类别缓存多个同一类别的情况。

import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * Cache mapping a {@code key -> value}. values are weakly(or softly) but keys are strongly referenced.
 * Keys are passed directly to {@link #get} method.Values are calculated from keys using the {@code valueFactory}
 * function passed to the constructor. Keys can not be {@code null} and are compared by equals 
 * while values returned by {@code valueFactory} can be null and are compared by identity. 
 * Entries are expunged from cache lazily on invocation to {@link #get} method when the WeakReferences(or SoftReference)
 * to values are cleared. 
 * <p>this class is imitate from java.lang.reflect.WeakCache
 * @param <K> type of keys
 * @param <V> type of values
public abstract class ReferenceCache<K, V> {

	private static Log log ;
	private final ReferenceQueue<V> refQueue
    	= new ReferenceQueue<>();
	private final ConcurrentMap<K,Value<K, V>> map
		= new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
	private final Function<K, V> valueFactory;
     * Construct an instance of {@code ReferenceCache}
     * @param valueFactory  a function mapping a {@code key -> value}
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code valueFactory} is null.
	protected ReferenceCache(Function<K, V> valueFactory){
		this.valueFactory = Objects.requireNonNull(valueFactory);
	private static Log getLog(){
		// lazily init the log
			// regardless of the concurrency
			log = LogFactory.getLog(ReferenceCache.class);
		return log;
     * Look-up the value through the cache. 
     * @param key 
     * @return the cached value (maybe null)
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code key} passed in is null.
	public final V get(K key){
		Value<K,V> cache = map.get(key);
		Value<K,V> newCache = null;
				V value = cache.get();
					return value;
			// lazily construct a new-CacheEntry
				// create new value
				V value = valueFactory.apply(key);
				// if new-value is null then just return it
					return null;
				// wrap value with CacheValue (WeakReference or SoftReference)
				newCache = createNewValue(key, value, refQueue);
				cache = map.putIfAbsent(key, newCache);
					// successfully put new-cache
					cache = newCache;
				if(map.replace(key, cache, newCache)){
						//newCache is cleared?
						getLog().error("should not reach here!---->there is a bug in ReferenceCache? newCache.value="
								+ newCache.get()+" -->"+newCache.getClass());
						return valueFactory.apply(key);
					// successfully replaced cleared CacheEntry with our new-CacheEntry
					cache = newCache;
					// retry with current cache-value
					cache = map.get(key);
	 * expunge all stale cache entries
	private void expungeStaleEntries(){
		Value<K,V> cache;
        while ((cache = (Value<K,V>)refQueue.poll()) != null){
        	// removing by key and mapped value is always safe here because after a Value
            // is cleared and enqueue-ed it is only equal to itself
            // (see Value.equals method)...
        	map.remove(cache.getKey(), cache);
	 * Removes all of the mappings from this cache.
	 * The cache will be empty after this call returns.
	public final void clear(){
		// to remove from refQueue
        while (refQueue.poll() != null)
     * Removes the key (and its corresponding value) from this cache.
     * This method does nothing if the key is not in the cache.
     * @param  key the key that needs to be removed
     * @return the previous value associated with {@code key}, or
     *         {@code null} if there was no mapping for {@code key}
     *         ( or already cleared)
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null
	public final V remove(Object key){
		expungeStaleEntries();// to remove from refQueue
		Value<K, V> val = map.remove(key);
			return val.get();
		return null;
	 * Constructs a new {@code Value} (WeakReference or SoftReference)
	 * with specified key, value and ReferenceQueue.
	 * @param key the key
	 * @param value the value
	 * @param refQueue the ReferenceQueue
	 * @return a new Value
	protected abstract Value<K,V> newValue(K key, V value, ReferenceQueue<V> refQueue);
     * Common type of value suppliers that are holding a referent.
     * The {@link #equals} and {@link #hashCode} of implementations is defined
     * to compare the referent by identity and cleared Value is only equal to itself.
     * @param <K> type of keys
     * @param <V> type of values
	protected static interface Value<K,V> extends Supplier<V> {
         * Gets the key.
         * @return key
    	K getKey();


import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;

 * Cache mapping a {@code key -> value}. values are softly but keys are strongly referenced.
 * Keys are passed directly to {@link #get} method.Values are calculated from keys using the {@code valueFactory}
 * function passed to the constructor. Keys can not be {@code null} and are compared by equals 
 * while values returned by {@code valueFactory} can be null and are compared by identity. 
 * Entries are expunged from cache lazily on invocation to {@link #get} method when the SoftReference to
 * values are cleared. 
 * @param <K> type of keys
 * @param <V> type of values
public final class SoftCache<K, V> extends ReferenceCache<K, V>{

     * Construct an instance of {@code SoftCache}
     * @param valueFactory  a function mapping a {@code key -> value}
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code valueFactory} is null.
	public SoftCache(Function<K, V> valueFactory) {

	 * create a new instance of Value(SoftReference)
	protected Value<K, V> newValue(
			K key, V value, ReferenceQueue<V> refQueue) {
		return new CacheValue<K, V>(key, value, refQueue);

     * CacheValue containing a softly referenced {@code value}. It registers
     * itself with the {@code refQueue} so that it can be used to expunge
     * the entry when the {@link SoftReference} is cleared.
    private static final class CacheValue<K, V> extends SoftReference<V> implements Value<K, V> {

        private final int hash;
        private final K key;

        private CacheValue(K key, V value, ReferenceQueue<V> refQueue) {
            super(value, refQueue);
            this.hash = System.identityHashCode(value);  // compare by identity
            this.key = Objects.requireNonNull(key);

        public int hashCode() {
            return hash;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            V value;
            return obj == this ||
                   obj != null &&
                   obj.getClass() == this.getClass() &&
                   // cleared CacheValue is only equal to itself
                   (value = this.get()) != null &&
                   // compare value by identity
                   value == ((CacheValue<K, V>) obj).get();

		public K getKey() {
			return key;


import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;

 * Cache mapping a {@code key -> value}. values are weakly but keys are strongly referenced.
 * Keys are passed directly to {@link #get} method.Values are calculated from keys using the {@code valueFactory}
 * function passed to the constructor. Keys can not be {@code null} and are compared by equals 
 * while values returned by {@code valueFactory} can be null and are compared by identity. 
 * Entries are expunged from cache lazily on invocation to {@link #get} method when the WeakReferences to
 * values are cleared. 
 * @param <K> type of keys
 * @param <V> type of values
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