git push命令

首先git add
在git commit -m “我是测试啊”
最后push到远程 git push chedai HEAD:refs/for/zimadai-20180115-carloan

1 git commit -amend
2 git log
3 q!
4 git commit –amend
5 git push
6 git branch -a
7 git branch
8 git push zimadai-20180115-chedai zimadai-20180115-carloan
9 git push zimadai-20180115-chedai refs/for/zimadai-20180115-carloan
10 git push zimadai-20180115-chedai remotes/chedai/zimadai-20180115-carloan
11 git push zimadai-20180115-chedai zimadai-20180115-carloan
12 git reset –hard
13 git push
14 git push chedai oragin
15 git push chedai origin
16 export GIT_SSH_COMMAND=’ssh -o KexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1’
17 git push chedai origin
18 git push chedai origin
19 eval ssh-agent -s
20 git pull
21 git config –global “liuguoqiang”
22 git config –global “”
23 cat C:\chengduxiangmu\id_rsa
24 ssh -T ssh://liuguoqiang@
25 ssh -T
26 ssh-add C:\chengduxiangmu\id_rsa
27 ssh-add \chengduxiangmu\id_rsa
28 ssh-add /chengduxiangmu/id_rsa
29 ls
30 ssh-add ../id_rsa
31 git push
32 git pull
33 git push chedai origin
34 git branch -a
35 git push chedai refs/for/zimadai-20180115-carloan
36 gitk rbranch-1
37 git push origin chedai : refs/for/zimadai-20180115-carloan
38 git push origin chedai:refs/for/zimadai-20180115-carloan
39 git push origin chedai:refs/for/zimadai-20180115-carloan -m “我就是测试下”
40 git push origin chedai:refs/for/zimadai-20180115-carloan
41 git commit –amend
42 gitdir= (gitrevparsegitdir);scppP29418liuguoqiang@ ( g i t r e v − p a r s e − − g i t − d i r ) ; s c p − p − P 29418 l i u g u o q i a n g @ : h o o k s / c o m m i t − m s g {gitdir}/hooks/
43 gitdir= (gitrevparsegitdir);scppP29418liuguoqiang@ ( g i t r e v − p a r s e − − g i t − d i r ) ; s c p − p − P 29418 l i u g u o q i a n g @ : h o o k s / c o m m i t − m s g {gitdir}/hooks/
44 gitdir= (gitrevparsegitdir);45scppP29418liuguoqiang@ ( g i t r e v − p a r s e – g i t − d i r ) ; 45 s c p − p − P 29418 l i u g u o q i a n g @ : h o o k s / c o m m i t − m s g {gitdir}/hooks/
46 scp -p -P 29418 liuguoqiang@ gitdir/hooks/47gitdir= g i t d i r / h o o k s / 47 g i t d i r = (git rev-parse --git-dir); scp -p -P 29418 liuguoqiang@ gitdir/hooks/48gitdir= g i t d i r / h o o k s / 48 g i t d i r = (git rev-parse --git-dir); scp -p -P 29418 liuguoqiang@ gitdir/hooks/49exportGITSSHCOMMAND=sshoKexAlgorithms=+diffiehellmangroup1sha150gitdir= g i t d i r / h o o k s / 49 e x p o r t G I T S S H C O M M A N D = ′ s s h − o K e x A l g o r i t h m s = + d i f f i e − h e l l m a n − g r o u p 1 − s h a 1 ′ 50 g i t d i r = (git rev-parse --git-dir); scp -p -P 29418 liuguoqiang@ gitdir/hooks/51vi /.ssh/config52gitdir= g i t d i r / h o o k s / 51 v i   / . s s h / c o n f i g 52 g i t d i r = (git rev-parse --git-dir); scp -p -P 29418 liuguoqiang@ gitdir/hooks/53gitcommitamend54gitcommitamend55gitcommitamend;56gitdir= g i t d i r / h o o k s / 53 g i t c o m m i t – a m e n d “ 我 在 测 试 一 遍 ” 54 g i t c o m m i t – a m e n d “ 我 在 测 试 一 遍 ” 55 g i t c o m m i t – a m e n d “ 我 在 测 试 一 遍 ” ; 56 g i t d i r = (git rev-parse --git-dir); scp -p -P 29418 liuguoqiang@ gitdir/hooks/57gitcommitamend58gitcommitamend59gitbranch60gitpushurefs/for/zimadai20180115carloan61gitpushuzimadai20180115carloan62gitbrancha63gitpushuremotes/origin/zimadai20180115carloan64gitpush65gitpushchedaiHEAD:refs/for/zimadai20180115chedai66gitpushchedaiHEAD:refs/for/zimadai20180115carloan67gitdir= g i t d i r / h o o k s / 57 g i t c o m m i t − a m e n d 58 g i t c o m m i t – a m e n d 59 g i t b r a n c h 60 g i t p u s h − u r e f s / f o r / z i m a d a i − 20180115 − c a r l o a n 61 g i t p u s h − u z i m a d a i − 20180115 − c a r l o a n 62 g i t b r a n c h − a 63 g i t p u s h − u r e m o t e s / o r i g i n / z i m a d a i − 20180115 − c a r l o a n 64 g i t p u s h 65 g i t p u s h c h e d a i H E A D : r e f s / f o r / z i m a d a i − 20180115 − c h e d a i 66 g i t p u s h c h e d a i H E A D : r e f s / f o r / z i m a d a i − 20180115 − c a r l o a n 67 g i t d i r = (git rev-parse --git-dir); scp -p -P 29418 liuguoqiang@ gitdir/hooks/68gitcommitamend69gitpushchedaiHEAD:refs/for/zimadai20180115carloan70gitdir= g i t d i r / h o o k s / 68 g i t c o m m i t – a m e n d 69 g i t p u s h c h e d a i H E A D : r e f s / f o r / z i m a d a i − 20180115 − c a r l o a n 70 g i t d i r = (git rev-parse --git-dir); scp -p -P 29418 liuguoqiang@ ${gitdir}/hooks/
71 git commit –amend
72 git push chedai HEAD:refs/for/zimadai-20180115-carloan
73 ls
74 To ssh://
75 ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/for/zimadai-20180115-carloan
76 git branch
77 git barnch -D zimadai-20180115-carloan
78 git branch
79 git branch –help
80 git branch –help
81 git branch -D zimadai-20180115-carloan
82 git branch
83 git checkout –track chedai/zimadai-20180115-carloan
84 git brancj
85 git branch
86 git commit -m “我就是测试一下,我提交的是DBConfig文件”
87 cd zimadai-carloan/
88 ls
89 cd src/main/java/com/pefofs/zimadai/carloan/
90 ls
91 git add .
92 git add
93 git commit -m “我就是测试一下啊,我提交的是DBconfig文件”
94 git push chedai HEAD:refs/for/zimadai-20180115-carloan
95 git pull
96 history
git增加ssh-add的时候报错Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
首先执行 eval ssh-agent,然后在执行ssh-add xxx





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