C++编写ActiveX ocx控件在网页中调用失败问题

 打“开工程名Ctl.h”在最上面添加     #include <objsafe.h>
             BEGIN_INTERFACE_PART(ObjSafe, IObjectSafety)
              STDMETHOD_(HRESULT, GetInterfaceSafetyOption s) (
                         REFIID riid,
                         DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwSupportedOptions,
                         DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwEnabledOptions
                 STDMETHOD_(HRESULT, SetInterfaceSafetyOption s) (
                         REFIID riid,
                         DWORD dwOptionSetMask,
                         DWORD dwEnabledOptions

      打开“工程名Ctl.cpp”在BOOL C工程名Ctrl::C工程名CtrlFactory::UpdateRegistry(BOOL bRegister)函数上面或者下面添加如下代码    

  // Interface map for IObjectSafety

    BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP( C工程名Ctrl, COleControl )
    INTERFACE_PART(C工程名Ctrl, IID_IObjectSafety, ObjSafe)    

    // IObjectSafety member functions

    // Delegate AddRef, Release, QueryInterface

ULONG FAR EXPORT C工程名Ctrl::XObjSafe::AddRef()
     METHOD_PROLOGUE(C工程名Ctrl, ObjSafe)
     return pThis->ExternalAddRef();

ULONG FAR EXPORT C工程名Ctrl::XObjSafe::Release()
     METHOD_PROLOGUE(C工程名Ctrl, ObjSafe)
     return pThis->ExternalRelease();

HRESULT FAR EXPORT C工程名Ctrl::XObjSafe::QueryInterface(
     REFIID iid, void FAR* FAR* ppvObj)
     METHOD_PROLOGUE(C工程名Ctrl, ObjSafe)
     return (HRESULT)pThis->ExternalQueryInterface(&iid, ppvObj);

const DWORD dwSupportedBits =
const DWORD dwNotSupportedBits = ~ dwSupportedBits;

// CStopLiteCtrl::XObjSafe::GetInterfaceSafetyOption s
// Allows container to query what interfaces are safe for what. We’re
// optimizing significantly by ignoring which interface the caller is
// asking for.
C工程名Ctrl::XObjSafe::GetInterfaceSafetyOption s(REFIID riid,            
 DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwSupportedOptions,
DWORD __RPC_FAR *pdwEnabledOptions) {

 HRESULT retval = ResultFromScode(S_OK);

  // does interface exist?
IUnknown FAR* punkInterface;
retval = pThis->ExternalQueryInterface(&riid,
       (void * *)&punkInterface);
if (retval != E_NOINTERFACE) { // interface exists
punkInterface->Release(); // release it–just checking!

// we support both kinds of safety and have always both set,
// regardless of interface
*pdwSupportedOptions = *pdwEnabledOptions = dwSupportedBits;

  return retval; // E_NOINTERFACE if QI failed

// CStopLiteCtrl::XObjSafe::SetInterfaceSafetyOption s
// Since we’re always safe, this is a no-brainer–but we do check to make
// sure the interface requested exists and that the options we’re asked to
// set exist and are set on (we don’t support unsafe mode).
C工程名Ctrl::XObjSafe::SetInterfaceSafetyOption s(
             REFIID riid,
             DWORD dwOptionSetMask,
             DWORD dwEnabledOptions)
     METHOD_PROLOGUE(C工程名Ctrl, ObjSafe)

// does interface exist?
IUnknown FAR* punkInterface;
pThis->ExternalQueryInterface(&riid, (void * *)&punkInterface);
if (punkInterface) { // interface exists
punkInterface->Release(); // release it–just checking!
else { // interface doesn’t exist
return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);

  // can’t set bits we don’t support
if (dwOptionSetMask & dwNotSupportedBits) {
return ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);

// can’t set bits we do support to zero
dwEnabledOptions &= dwSupportedBits;
// (we already know there are no extra bits in mask )
if ((dwOptionSetMask & dwEnabledOptions) !=
   dwOptionSetMask) {
return ResultFromScode(E_FAIL);

// don’t need to change anything since we’re always safe
return ResultFromScode(S_OK);

需要用来获得所需的功能在步骤涉及到 IObjectSafetyImpl 用作您的控件派生的类之一,和重写 GetInterfaceSafetyOptions 和 SetInterfaceSafetyOptions。 这使您实现所需的功能在这种情况下意味着将标记为可安全编写脚本和初始化该控件。 若要将 IObjectSafetyImpl 需要将其添加到您的控件派生的类的列表。 是例如多边形教程您看到以下: class ATL_NO_VTABLE CPolyCtl : ... public IObjectSafetyImpl // ATL's version of // IObjectSafety { public: BEGIN_COM_MAP(CPolyCtl) ... COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IMPL(IObjectSafety) // Tie IObjectSafety // to this COM map END_COM_MAP() STDMETHOD(GetInterfaceSafetyOptions)(REFIID riid, DWORD *pdwSupportedOptions, DWORD *pdwEnabledOptions) { ATLTRACE(_T("CObjectSafetyImpl::GetInterfaceSafetyOptions\n")); if (!pdwSupportedOptions || !pdwEnabledOptions) return E_FAIL; LPUNKNOWN pUnk; if (_InternalQueryInterface (riid, (void**)&pUnk) == E_NOINTERFACE) { // Our object doesn't even support this interface. return E_NOINTERFACE; }else{ // Cleanup after ourselves. pUnk->Release(); pUnk = NULL; } if (riid == IID_IDispatch) { // IDispatch is an interface used for scripting. If your // control supports other IDispatch or Dual interfaces, you // may decide to add them here as well. Client wants to know // if object is safe for scripting. Only indicate safe for // scripting when the interface is safe. *pdwSupportedOptions = INTERFACESAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_CALLER; *pdwEnabledOptions = m_dwSafety & INTERFACESAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_CALLER; return S_OK; }else if ((riid == IID_IPersistStreamInit) || (riid == IID_IPersistStorage)) { // IID_IPersistStreamInit and IID_IPersistStorage are // interfaces used for Initialization. If your control // supports other Persistence interfaces, you may decide to // add them here as well. Client wants to know if object is // safe for initializing. Only indicate safe for initializing // when the interface is safe. *pdwSupportedOptions = INTERFACESAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_DATA; *pdwEnabledOptions = m_dwSafety & INTERFACESAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_DATA; return S_OK; }else{ // We are saying that no other interfaces in this control are // safe for initializing or scripting. *pdwSupportedOptions = 0; *pdwEnabledOptions = 0; return E_FAIL; } } STDMETHOD(SetInterfaceSafetyOptions)(REFIID riid, DWORD dwOptionSetMask, DWORD dwEnabledOptions) { ATLTRACE(_T("CObjectSafetyImpl::SetInterfaceSafetyOptions\n")); if (!dwOptionSetMask && !dwEnabledOptions) return E_FAIL; LPUNKNOWN pUnk; if (_InternalQueryInterface (riid, (void**)&pUnk) == E_NOINTERFACE) { // Our object doesn't even support this interface. return E_NOINTERFACE; }else{ // Cleanup after ourselves. pUnk->Release(); pUnk = NULL; } // Store our current safety level to return in // GetInterfaceSafetyOptions m_dwSafety |= dwEnabledOptions & dwOptionSetMask; if ((riid == IID_IDispatch) && (m_dwSafety & INTERFACESAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_CALLER)) { // Client wants us to disable any functionality that would // make the control unsafe for scripting. The same applies to // any other IDispatch or Dual interfaces your control may // support. Because our control is safe for scripting by // default we just return S_OK. return S_OK; }else if (((riid == IID_IPersistStreamInit) || (riid == IID_IPersistStorage)) && (m_dwSafety & INTERFACESAFE_FOR_UNTRUSTED_DATA)) { // Client wants us to make the control safe for initializing // from persistent data. For these interfaces, this control // is safe so we return S_OK. For Any interfaces that are not // safe, we would return E_FAIL. return S_OK; }else{ // This control doesn't allow Initialization or Scripting // from any other interfaces so return E_FAIL. return E_FAIL; } } ... } ATL 3.0 , IObjectSafetyImpl 的实现已更改,使您现在可以作为模板参数提供安全选项。 例如,上述类的声明将显示为 class ATL_NO_VTABLE CPolyCtl : ... public IObjectSafetyImpl { public: BEGIN_COM_MAP(CPolyCtl) ... ,您将不必重写两个方法。 有关其他信息,单击下面,文章编号,以查看 Microsoft 知识库相应: 192093 PRB: 编译器错误时移植到 ATL 3.0 IObjectSafetyImpl




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