
这篇文件叙述了选取服务的功能和用法。后面一个 sample plug-in示范了工作台的选取行为并可以用来进行调试。
  • 一个对象列表
  • 一段文本
这两者都可以是空的,例如,一个空的列表或者长度为零的字符文本。其次在Eclipse 体系中这些数据结构都会由适当的接口的定义。
    ISelection sel = new StructuredSelection(presetElement);
试一下:安装sample plug-in并看一下不同的视图里会有什么样的选取。“Workbench Selection”视图展示了ISelection实现类和它的元素或者文本的选取。
All JFace viewers are so called selection providers. A selection provider implements the interface ISelectionProvider:
所有的Jface Viewer这样调用选取提供者。选取提供者实现了ISelectionProvider接口:
不同的Jface Viewer 使用和传递不同的选取:

Selection Type
 +- CheckboxTreeViewer
 +- CheckboxTableViewer
 +- SourceViewer
     +- ProjectionViewer

Use the sample plug-in to check whether your views properly register selection providers. 使用sample plug-in来检查一下你的势头是否注册了选取provider。
每个工作台窗口都有一个 ISelectionService 的实现来跟踪当前的选取,一个视图部件可以通过它的扩展点来得到它的一个引用。
    ISelection getSelection() 
    ISelection getSelection(String partId)
    void addSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener)
    void removeSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener)
    void addSelectionListener(String partId, ISelectionListener listener) 
void removeSelectionListener(String partId, ISelectionListener listener) 
The ISelectionListener is a simple interface with just one method. A typical implementation looks like this:
    private ISelectionListener mylistener = new ISelectionListener() {
        public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart sourcepart, ISelection selection) {
        if (sourcepart != MyView.this &&
            selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
            doSomething(((IStructuredSelection) selection).toList());
Depending on your requirements your listener implementation probably needs to deal with the following issues as shown in the code snippet above:
  • In case we also provide selections (e.g. a view or editor) we should exclude our own selection events from processing. This avoids unexpected results when the user selects elements within our part.
  • Check whether we can handle this kind of selection ( ).
  • Get the selected content from the selection and process it. ( ).
Don't mix the ISelectionListener interface up with ISelectionChangedListener used by JFace viewers to notify about selection changes.
Don't forget to remove your selection listener when you can't handle events any more, e.g. when your view has been closed. The dispose() method is a good place to remove your listener:
    public void dispose() {
        ISelectionService s = getSite().getWorkbenchWindow().getSelectionService();
Up to now we focused on the core functionality of the selection service, which covers most of the use cases. There are additional issues that might come into picture in implementation projects.
When navigating views the selection changes frequently - especially when the keyboard is used to scroll through long lists or the mouse is dragged over some text. This will lead to many unnecessary updates of the viewers registered as listeners to the selection service and may make your application less responsive.
So called post selection events will be send-out with a slight delay. All intermediate selections during the delay time are ignored; just the final selection is propagated. The ISelectionService has additional methods to register listeners for the delayed selection events:
    void addPostSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener) 
    void removePostSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener) 
    void addPostSelectionListener(String partId,
                                  ISelectionListener listener) 
    void removePostSelectionListener(String partId,
                                     ISelectionListener listener) 
To avoid performance issues viewers should typically register selection listeners this way.
The selection providers are responsible for sending out the delayed events and have to implement the IPostSelectionProvider interface if they support it – all JFace viewers do so.
Change the sample plug-in to listen to post selection events and check when they are sent.
The call-back method selectionChanged()ISelectionListener get the new selection as well as the originating part passed in as parameters: defined in
    public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection);
  • The active part has not set a selection provider.
  • The specific part we have registered our listener for has not set a selection provider.
  • There is no active part in the workbench window, all parts are closed.
  • The specific part we have registered our listener for has been closed.
什么选取服务: 页面还是窗口?
If you study the workbench API carefully you will find out that there are two selection services: The IWorkbenchPagegetSelectionService(). Therefore e.g. registering a listener within a part implementation is possible in two ways: is a ISelectionService . On the other hand the IWorkbenchWindow has a method
Actually this is totally equivalent because since Eclipse 2.0 a workbench window is limited to a single page only. Just don't mix both selection services when adding and removing a listener as two different implementations sit behind it.
Be aware that the part's site accepts a single selection provider only, which should be registered within the createPartControl() method only:
Replacing the selection provider during the lifetime of the part is not properly supported by the workbench. If a part contains multiple viewers providing selections, like the "Java Hierarchy" view does, a intermediate ISelectionProvider implementation has to be provided that allows dynamically delegating to the currently active viewer within the part. As a starting point you may look into provided with this article.
This article claims that the selection service helps to decouple views reacting on each others selection. But the view handling a selection still needs to deal with the selected objects to provide any useful functionality. Check out the adapter pattern provided by the Eclipse runtime core, which allows attaching new functionality to existing model objects or the other way round providing required functionality for newly contributed objects.
Actually our example plug-in does exactly this by using the workbench label provider which in turn relies on the IWorkbenchAdapter to retrieve icons and text labels for the listed objects. The same mechanism is utilized by the "Properties" view, see article "Take control of your properties" for details.
Plug-in 例子
This article comes with a small example plug-in that demonstrates the explained techniques. Additionally the plug-in may serve for debugging your selection providers. The example contributes a new view "Workbench Selection" which simply mirrors the current selection in the workbench. It works for element selections as well as for text selections.
Download the plug-in project and import it into your workspace via the "Import..." wizard from the "File" menu. Select "Existing Project into Workspace" on the first wizard page. On the second page simply use the option "Select archive file" to import the downloaded archive.
The fastest way to launch the example is right-clicking the plug-in project and select "Run As" → "Eclipse Application" in the context menu. From the menu of the launched workbench activate "Window" → "Show View" → "Other..." and select our view "Workbench Selection" in the category "Other".
Now you can play around with selections in various workbench parts and see how our "Workbench Selection" view reflects these selections:
The same works for text selections:
The example is implemented in a single class applying the techniques discussed in this article. When reading through this short piece of code you may note that:
  • The ISelectionListener implementation makes sure that we do not react on our own selections.
  • The title of the source part of the current selection as well as the implementation class of ISelection is shown in the view description (the optional grey bar at the top).
  • The view uses two viewers: One for object lists and one for text blocks. Switching between the viewers is implemented done with a PageBook.
  • The viewer for object lists itself registeres as a selection provider. Check it out: If you select a element listed in our "Workbench Selection" view its properties are shown in turn in the "Properties" view.
The mechanisms provided by the Eclipse workbench are simple to use and powerful. Not using this mechanisms result in plug-ins that poorly integrate with the rest of the workbench and will be hard to extend. To avoid such pitfalls simply follow these rules when selections come into picture:
  • Avoid direct hard-wired inter-view communication. If one view needs to react on the selection in another view use the ISelectionService.
  • Be cooperative and open for future extensions: Always register your viewers as selection providers with the part site.
  • Use existing selection specific views like the "Properties" view when appropriate instead of creating new ones.
To discuss or report problems in this article see bug 112193 .
This article come with the following resources:
这篇文件叙述了选取服务的功能和用法。后面一个 sample plug-in示范了工作台的选取行为并可以用来进行调试。
  • 一个对象列表
  • 一段文本
这两者都可以是空的,例如,一个空的列表或者长度为零的字符文本。其次在Eclipse 体系中这些数据结构都会由适当的接口的定义。
    ISelection sel = new StructuredSelection(presetElement);
试一下:安装sample plug-in并看一下不同的视图里会有什么样的选取。“Workbench Selection”视图展示了ISelection实现类和它的元素或者文本的选取。
All JFace viewers are so called selection providers. A selection provider implements the interface ISelectionProvider:
所有的Jface Viewer这样调用选取提供者。选取提供者实现了ISelectionProvider接口:
不同的Jface Viewer 使用和传递不同的选取:

Selection Type
 +- CheckboxTreeViewer
 +- CheckboxTableViewer
 +- SourceViewer
     +- ProjectionViewer

Use the sample plug-in to check whether your views properly register selection providers. 使用sample plug-in来检查一下你的势头是否注册了选取provider。
每个工作台窗口都有一个 ISelectionService 的实现来跟踪当前的选取,一个视图部件可以通过它的扩展点来得到它的一个引用。
    ISelection getSelection() 
    ISelection getSelection(String partId)
    void addSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener)
    void removeSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener)
    void addSelectionListener(String partId, ISelectionListener listener) 
void removeSelectionListener(String partId, ISelectionListener listener) 
The ISelectionListener is a simple interface with just one method. A typical implementation looks like this:
    private ISelectionListener mylistener = new ISelectionListener() {
        public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart sourcepart, ISelection selection) {
        if (sourcepart != MyView.this &&
            selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
            doSomething(((IStructuredSelection) selection).toList());
Depending on your requirements your listener implementation probably needs to deal with the following issues as shown in the code snippet above:
  • In case we also provide selections (e.g. a view or editor) we should exclude our own selection events from processing. This avoids unexpected results when the user selects elements within our part.
  • Check whether we can handle this kind of selection ( ).
  • Get the selected content from the selection and process it. ( ).
Don't mix the ISelectionListener interface up with ISelectionChangedListener used by JFace viewers to notify about selection changes.
Don't forget to remove your selection listener when you can't handle events any more, e.g. when your view has been closed. The dispose() method is a good place to remove your listener:
    public void dispose() {
        ISelectionService s = getSite().getWorkbenchWindow().getSelectionService();
Up to now we focused on the core functionality of the selection service, which covers most of the use cases. There are additional issues that might come into picture in implementation projects.
When navigating views the selection changes frequently - especially when the keyboard is used to scroll through long lists or the mouse is dragged over some text. This will lead to many unnecessary updates of the viewers registered as listeners to the selection service and may make your application less responsive.
So called post selection events will be send-out with a slight delay. All intermediate selections during the delay time are ignored; just the final selection is propagated. The ISelectionService has additional methods to register listeners for the delayed selection events:
    void addPostSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener) 
    void removePostSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener) 
    void addPostSelectionListener(String partId,
                                  ISelectionListener listener) 
    void removePostSelectionListener(String partId,
                                     ISelectionListener listener) 
To avoid performance issues viewers should typically register selection listeners this way.
The selection providers are responsible for sending out the delayed events and have to implement the IPostSelectionProvider interface if they support it – all JFace viewers do so.
Change the sample plug-in to listen to post selection events and check when they are sent.
The call-back method selectionChanged()ISelectionListener get the new selection as well as the originating part passed in as parameters: defined in
    public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection);
  • The active part has not set a selection provider.
  • The specific part we have registered our listener for has not set a selection provider.
  • There is no active part in the workbench window, all parts are closed.
  • The specific part we have registered our listener for has been closed.
什么选取服务: 页面还是窗口?
If you study the workbench API carefully you will find out that there are two selection services: The IWorkbenchPagegetSelectionService(). Therefore e.g. registering a listener within a part implementation is possible in two ways: is a ISelectionService . On the other hand the IWorkbenchWindow has a method
Actually this is totally equivalent because since Eclipse 2.0 a workbench window is limited to a single page only. Just don't mix both selection services when adding and removing a listener as two different implementations sit behind it.
Be aware that the part's site accepts a single selection provider only, which should be registered within the createPartControl() method only:
Replacing the selection provider during the lifetime of the part is not properly supported by the workbench. If a part contains multiple viewers providing selections, like the "Java Hierarchy" view does, a intermediate ISelectionProvider implementation has to be provided that allows dynamically delegating to the currently active viewer within the part. As a starting point you may look into provided with this article.
This article claims that the selection service helps to decouple views reacting on each others selection. But the view handling a selection still needs to deal with the selected objects to provide any useful functionality. Check out the adapter pattern provided by the Eclipse runtime core, which allows attaching new functionality to existing model objects or the other way round providing required functionality for newly contributed objects.
Actually our example plug-in does exactly this by using the workbench label provider which in turn relies on the IWorkbenchAdapter to retrieve icons and text labels for the listed objects. The same mechanism is utilized by the "Properties" view, see article "Take control of your properties" for details.
Plug-in 例子
This article comes with a small example plug-in that demonstrates the explained techniques. Additionally the plug-in may serve for debugging your selection providers. The example contributes a new view "Workbench Selection" which simply mirrors the current selection in the workbench. It works for element selections as well as for text selections.
Download the plug-in project and import it into your workspace via the "Import..." wizard from the "File" menu. Select "Existing Project into Workspace" on the first wizard page. On the second page simply use the option "Select archive file" to import the downloaded archive.
The fastest way to launch the example is right-clicking the plug-in project and select "Run As" → "Eclipse Application" in the context menu. From the menu of the launched workbench activate "Window" → "Show View" → "Other..." and select our view "Workbench Selection" in the category "Other".
Now you can play around with selections in various workbench parts and see how our "Workbench Selection" view reflects these selections:
The same works for text selections:
The example is implemented in a single class applying the techniques discussed in this article. When reading through this short piece of code you may note that:
  • The ISelectionListener implementation makes sure that we do not react on our own selections.
  • The title of the source part of the current selection as well as the implementation class of ISelection is shown in the view description (the optional grey bar at the top).
  • The view uses two viewers: One for object lists and one for text blocks. Switching between the viewers is implemented done with a PageBook.
  • The viewer for object lists itself registeres as a selection provider. Check it out: If you select a element listed in our "Workbench Selection" view its properties are shown in turn in the "Properties" view.
The mechanisms provided by the Eclipse workbench are simple to use and powerful. Not using this mechanisms result in plug-ins that poorly integrate with the rest of the workbench and will be hard to extend. To avoid such pitfalls simply follow these rules when selections come into picture:
  • Avoid direct hard-wired inter-view communication. If one view needs to react on the selection in another view use the ISelectionService.
  • Be cooperative and open for future extensions: Always register your viewers as selection providers with the part site.
  • Use existing selection specific views like the "Properties" view when appropriate instead of creating new ones.
To discuss or report problems in this article see bug 112193 .
This article come with the following resources:
这篇文件叙述了选取服务的功能和用法。后面一个 sample plug-in示范了工作台的选取行为并可以用来进行调试。
  • 一个对象列表
  • 一段文本
这两者都可以是空的,例如,一个空的列表或者长度为零的字符文本。其次在Eclipse 体系中这些数据结构都会由适当的接口的定义。
    ISelection sel = new StructuredSelection(presetElement);
试一下:安装sample plug-in并看一下不同的视图里会有什么样的选取。“Workbench Selection”视图展示了ISelection实现类和它的元素或者文本的选取。
All JFace viewers are so called selection providers. A selection provider implements the interface ISelectionProvider:
所有的Jface Viewer这样调用选取提供者。选取提供者实现了ISelectionProvider接口:
不同的Jface Viewer 使用和传递不同的选取:

Selection Type
 +- CheckboxTreeViewer
 +- CheckboxTableViewer
 +- SourceViewer
     +- ProjectionViewer

Use the sample plug-in to check whether your views properly register selection providers. 使用sample plug-in来检查一下你的势头是否注册了选取provider。
每个工作台窗口都有一个 ISelectionService 的实现来跟踪当前的选取,一个视图部件可以通过它的扩展点来得到它的一个引用。
    ISelection getSelection() 
    ISelection getSelection(String partId)
    void addSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener)
    void removeSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener)
    void addSelectionListener(String partId, ISelectionListener listener) 
void removeSelectionListener(String partId, ISelectionListener listener) 
The ISelectionListener is a simple interface with just one method. A typical implementation looks like this:
    private ISelectionListener mylistener = new ISelectionListener() {
        public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart sourcepart, ISelection selection) {
        if (sourcepart != MyView.this &&
            selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
            doSomething(((IStructuredSelection) selection).toList());
Depending on your requirements your listener implementation probably needs to deal with the following issues as shown in the code snippet above:
  • In case we also provide selections (e.g. a view or editor) we should exclude our own selection events from processing. This avoids unexpected results when the user selects elements within our part.
  • Check whether we can handle this kind of selection ( ).
  • Get the selected content from the selection and process it. ( ).
Don't mix the ISelectionListener interface up with ISelectionChangedListener used by JFace viewers to notify about selection changes.
Don't forget to remove your selection listener when you can't handle events any more, e.g. when your view has been closed. The dispose() method is a good place to remove your listener:
    public void dispose() {
        ISelectionService s = getSite().getWorkbenchWindow().getSelectionService();
Up to now we focused on the core functionality of the selection service, which covers most of the use cases. There are additional issues that might come into picture in implementation projects.
When navigating views the selection changes frequently - especially when the keyboard is used to scroll through long lists or the mouse is dragged over some text. This will lead to many unnecessary updates of the viewers registered as listeners to the selection service and may make your application less responsive.
So called post selection events will be send-out with a slight delay. All intermediate selections during the delay time are ignored; just the final selection is propagated. The ISelectionService has additional methods to register listeners for the delayed selection events:
    void addPostSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener) 
    void removePostSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener) 
    void addPostSelectionListener(String partId,
                                  ISelectionListener listener) 
    void removePostSelectionListener(String partId,
                                     ISelectionListener listener) 
To avoid performance issues viewers should typically register selection listeners this way.
The selection providers are responsible for sending out the delayed events and have to implement the IPostSelectionProvider interface if they support it – all JFace viewers do so.
Change the sample plug-in to listen to post selection events and check when they are sent.
The call-back method selectionChanged()ISelectionListener get the new selection as well as the originating part passed in as parameters: defined in
    public void selectionChanged(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection);
  • The active part has not set a selection provider.
  • The specific part we have registered our listener for has not set a selection provider.
  • There is no active part in the workbench window, all parts are closed.
  • The specific part we have registered our listener for has been closed.
什么选取服务: 页面还是窗口?
If you study the workbench API carefully you will find out that there are two selection services: The IWorkbenchPagegetSelectionService(). Therefore e.g. registering a listener within a part implementation is possible in two ways: is a ISelectionService . On the other hand the IWorkbenchWindow has a method
Actually this is totally equivalent because since Eclipse 2.0 a workbench window is limited to a single page only. Just don't mix both selection services when adding and removing a listener as two different implementations sit behind it.
Be aware that the part's site accepts a single selection provider only, which should be registered within the createPartControl() method only:
Replacing the selection provider during the lifetime of the part is not properly supported by the workbench. If a part contains multiple viewers providing selections, like the "Java Hierarchy" view does, a intermediate ISelectionProvider implementation has to be provided that allows dynamically delegating to the currently active viewer within the part. As a starting point you may look into provided with this article.
This article claims that the selection service helps to decouple views reacting on each others selection. But the view handling a selection still needs to deal with the selected objects to provide any useful functionality. Check out the adapter pattern provided by the Eclipse runtime core, which allows attaching new functionality to existing model objects or the other way round providing required functionality for newly contributed objects.
Actually our example plug-in does exactly this by using the workbench label provider which in turn relies on the IWorkbenchAdapter to retrieve icons and text labels for the listed objects. The same mechanism is utilized by the "Properties" view, see article "Take control of your properties" for details.
Plug-in 例子
This article comes with a small example plug-in that demonstrates the explained techniques. Additionally the plug-in may serve for debugging your selection providers. The example contributes a new view "Workbench Selection" which simply mirrors the current selection in the workbench. It works for element selections as well as for text selections.
Download the plug-in project and import it into your workspace via the "Import..." wizard from the "File" menu. Select "Existing Project into Workspace" on the first wizard page. On the second page simply use the option "Select archive file" to import the downloaded archive.
The fastest way to launch the example is right-clicking the plug-in project and select "Run As" → "Eclipse Application" in the context menu. From the menu of the launched workbench activate "Window" → "Show View" → "Other..." and select our view "Workbench Selection" in the category "Other".
Now you can play around with selections in various workbench parts and see how our "Workbench Selection" view reflects these selections:
The same works for text selections:
The example is implemented in a single class applying the techniques discussed in this article. When reading through this short piece of code you may note that:
  • The ISelectionListener implementation makes sure that we do not react on our own selections.
  • The title of the source part of the current selection as well as the implementation class of ISelection is shown in the view description (the optional grey bar at the top).
  • The view uses two viewers: One for object lists and one for text blocks. Switching between the viewers is implemented done with a PageBook.
  • The viewer for object lists itself registeres as a selection provider. Check it out: If you select a element listed in our "Workbench Selection" view its properties are shown in turn in the "Properties" view.
The mechanisms provided by the Eclipse workbench are simple to use and powerful. Not using this mechanisms result in plug-ins that poorly integrate with the rest of the workbench and will be hard to extend. To avoid such pitfalls simply follow these rules when selections come into picture:
  • Avoid direct hard-wired inter-view communication. If one view needs to react on the selection in another view use the ISelectionService.
  • Be cooperative and open for future extensions: Always register your viewers as selection providers with the part site.
  • Use existing selection specific views like the "Properties" view when appropriate instead of creating new ones.
To discuss or report problems in this article see bug 112193 .
This article come with the following resources:




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
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