How to collect HW info by Ipmitool

This article describes howto use 'ipmitool' to collect information on platform events,sensors, status LEDs, and hardware components, from the ServiceProcessor (SP). It also covers the use of ipmitool for platformstartup & shutdown, and SPreconfiguration.

Where to getipmitool

The latest Oracle suppliedversion is available for download from MyOracle Support

To find your download on MyOracle Support::

1. Sign in to My OracleSupport.
2. Click the "Patches & Updates" tab.
3. In the "Patch Search" box on the right side, select "Product orFamily (Advanced Search)".
4. Enter a partial product name for "Product is" - a list ofmatches will be displayed. Select the product of interest.
5. Select one or more "releases" in the "Release is" drop down andclose the pop-up window.
6. Click Search - a list of product downloads (listed as patches)will be displayed. Select the download of interest. This will takeyou to the Download Information Page.

If, on the Download Information Page, you get the message "You donot have permissions to download this Patch...", see How Patches and Updates Entitlement Works to help you determinethe reason.

Usage andexamples

Some examples of ipmitoolcommands for performing common tasks are given below. For moredetailed usage information, see the ipmitool man page, anddocumentation included with the package. Not all ipmitoolfunctionality is available across all serverplatforms,  refer to the service processordocumentation for your server if something is not working asexpected.

BMC and networkinterfaces

The command ipmitool can access theService Processor (SP) of the local host via the in-band (internal)Base Management Controller (BMC) interface. For example, to displaythe status of the local chassis:

ipmitool -I<interface> chassis status

Where <interface>is bmc on Solaris systems, open on Linux systems,and ms on Windows 2003Server R2 Enterprise systems. Toaccess the SP via network, specify lan as the interface name, alongwith the IP address or resolvable hostname of the SP, and validusername (for which you will be prompted to enter thepassword).

ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IPaddress>  -U root chassisstatus

While most of the examples in this document use the lan interface,the commands will also work using the local BMCinterface.

Collectingconfiguration, status and event log information

Useful commands for checkingthe state and health of a system. Provide output from thesecommands to Sun Oracle support when raising a serviceticket.

  • View the SystemEvent Log (SEL):
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root sel elist
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root -v sel elist

  • Display hardware FRUcomponent information:
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root fru print

  • Display systemsensors, status LEDs and chassis information:
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root sensor list
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root sunoem led get
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root sunoem sbled get all
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root sdr list all info
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root chassis status
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root chassis restart_cause

  • Display details ofactive faults present on the system: (not available on someplatforms)
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root sunoem cli "show -o table -level all/SP/faultmgmt"

  • Print ILOM / ELOMversion:
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root sunoem cli "version"

Platform management andcontrol
  • Powercontrol:
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root chassis power on
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root chassis power off
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root chassis power reset

  • Set boot target forthe next system boot:
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root chassis bootdev bios
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root chassis bootdev cdrom
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root chassis bootdev diag
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root chassis bootdev pxe

  • Reset the ServiceProcessor: (does not affect the platform OS)
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root bmc reset cold

  • Send diagnosticNMI:
    ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root chassis power diag

Configuring theservice processor

  • Configure the SPwith a static IP address and other network details:
    ipmitool -I <interface> set1 ipsrc static
    ipmitool -I <interface> set1 ipaddr
    ipmitool -I <interface> set1 netmask
    ipmitool -I <interface> set1 defgw ipaddr

  • Where<interface> is bmcon Solaris, open  on Linux systems,and  ms  on Windows 2003Server R2 Enterprise systems.

  • Add a new user named'randy' to the SP

    • List existing SPusers and user ID numbers:
      ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root user list

      ID Name  Callin  Link Auth   IPMI Msg   Channel Priv Limit
      1        false   false       true       NO ACCESS
      2  root  false   false       true       ADMINISTRATOR
    • Add randy's usernameto the SP, assigning it an unused ID number (3 in thisexample):
      ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root user set name 3 randy

      • Assign the password'fandango' to randy'suser ID:
        ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root user set password 3 fandango

      • Enable theaccount
        ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root user enable 3

      • Assign administratorprivileges to randy:
        ipmitool -I lan -H <SP IP>-U root channel setaccess 1 3 privilege=4
        (To list all available privileges run: ipmitoolchannel )

      • The new SP account shouldnow be active.


      Output similar to thefollowing indicates ipmitool was not able to decode data receivedfrom the SP:

      Sun OEM Get LED commandfailed: Parameter out of range
      Sun OEM Get LED command failed: Destination unavailable

      This is often due to theipmitool command revision or BIOS/SP firmware revision being tooold. Update both the platform BIOS/SP firmware and the ipmitoolcommand revision to the latest available then re-run yourcommand.




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