
  1. apply v. 申请(向别人申请时鞠躬);应用 ap+ply=(plex折叠) 'complex复杂的(把东西折叠在一起)
    for a visa(签证) ~ to the consul(n.领事) for a visa
    Diligence and frugality(勤俭节约) ~ies to all undertakings(事业). vi
    [~ one's mind to] one's career vt
    [~ oneself to] one's career 专心于,致力于,一心一意,专心致志 vt
    'diligent n勤奋 frugality n.节约 frugal 节约
    application n.
    make an ~ to... for... the Consul 领事
    has no ~ to ... 不适用于
    applicable a. 能够申请的 for ;能够应用的 to
    This rule is only ~ to UK citizens.
    the United Kingdom of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  2. applicant n.申请人
    loan ~s 贷款申请人
    an ~'s personal information 一个申请人的个人信息
    ~s for the exclusive dealer想获得独家经营权的申请人 deal in经营 dealer经营者 exclude排除
    candidate n.候选人;考生
    the Democratic/Republican ~s 民主党/共和党 候选人 demo民众 cratic政治体制的
    a ~ for the office of Governor(州长) 一名州长职位的候选人
    a ~'s resume(简历) 一名候选人的简历

  3. appreciate 感谢;欣赏;理解(重要);增值 ap precious a. ad. n.宝贵的 ate
    We greatly ~ your timely(a. 及时的) help.
    You cannot fully ~ foreign literature(文学) in translation(翻译 后定修饰literature) 看翻译作品很难欣赏到外国...
    He couldn't ~ the difficulties ahead of us. 理解
    Houses in this area have ~d since the new road was built. 升值

  4. approach vi. 接近 (人、物);应对、处理、考虑(事) ~ to n.接近 (人、物);方法
    The Spring Festival is ~ing 春节日益临近
    I find him difficult to ~. 我发现他很难接近
    There are several ways to ~ his problem. 着手考虑,处理
    the ~ of winter make ~es to接近,套近乎
    All ~es (to the town后定) were blocked。 通路
    The medical expert has devised a new ~ to cancer(癌症) treatment(治疗) 研究出了...新方法

  5. appropriate a. 适当的,适合的 | v.挪用 proper适当的 property 财产
    His casual(a.休闲的 随意的) clothes [were not ~ for] such a formal occasion.
    You should write in a style ([~ to] the subject 形容词短语做后定).
    The minister(部长) was found to have ~d government money.

  6. architect n.建筑师;(抽象的)设计师 奠基者
    arch n. 拱门 a triumphal arch 凯旋门 triumph n.胜利
    tect n. technology hi-tech高科技的
    His ideal is to become an outstanding ~.
    He was regarded as the ~ of the modern welfare(福利 fare 费用) state.

  7. architecture n. 建筑学,建筑风格
    He aims to study ~. 建筑学
    In terms of(从...角度来看) ~, Venice is very beautiful. 建筑风格

  8. argue(重要)
    They're always ~ing over/about money. 为金钱争吵
    He ~s that poverty(贫困) may be a blessing(好事). 他认为
    She ~d him [out of] leaving his job(离职). 她劝说他不要辞职
    argue sb into doing 劝说要做 argue sb out of doing 劝说不要做

  9. argument n争执;观点;论据
    endless ~s about/over money 对钱无休止的争吵
    an ~ with the referee(裁判) 与裁判之前的争吵 refer to 参考,参阅
    It is beyond ~ that ... 是无可争辩的
    his ~ against gambling(反对) 他反对赌博的理由... be for赞同;be against 反对
    my ~ for this theory 我支持这一理论的论据/理由是...
    His ~ is that poverty may be a blessing. 他主张

  10. around prep 在...四周 ad 转了一圈
    She looked at the papers (around her). 四周的文件 I turned around and wrote the title on the blackboard.
    The Internet has [been ~ ] for many years. 存在
    My monthly salary was around $90000. 大约 prep ->about

  11. arrogance n.傲慢 arrogant a.傲慢的 an rog ance n.词缀
    I cannot bear the ~ ( of those)( in power). 我无法那些当权者的傲慢
    He is always speaking in an ~t tone. 总是以很傲慢的口吻说话。

  12. article n.艺术;文章
    a newspaper article 一篇报纸文章
    a travel article 一篇游记
    an article in The Economist(经济学人时报) 一篇刊登在经济学人上的文章
    household articles 家用物品
    articles of clothing 衣物
    articles of value 值钱的东西

  13. aspect n.方面
    Have you thought about the problem [from every aspect]?从每一个方面
    angle perspective 近义词
    The house has a southern ~. 朝向,方面
    He is a man with a fierce(凶恶的) ~. 样子,外观

  14. assault vt.猛击,袭击;人身侵犯 ~ a police officer 袭警
    be sexually ~ed 遭到性侵
    [make an ~ on] the enemy's positions
    sexual ~s 性侵
    attack 攻击 on sb raid on assault on influence on

  15. assemble vt.召集,集合,集中(人);组装,装配(物) sem->same
    ~ the pupils(小学生) in the school hall 把学生集合在校礼堂
    ~ a bookcase 组装书柜 case有容器的意思 bookshelf 书架
    the school ~y 全校大会 assembly n.集会,大会;组装、装配
    the ~y of a machine 机器的装配
    resemble vt 与...相似
    suit 衣服 suitcase衣柜
    the General Assembly 联合国大会

  16. assess vt.评估
    ~ a property 估价,评估
    ~ sb.'s possessions
    Damages(种种损失) were ~ed at $10,000. at the speed/height/depth/level of 某种度用at
    ~ sb.s' chances as(介词) extremely low 估计某人的机会很小 access ... as ...
    be regarded as (being) unsinkable 省略了being
    diamond 钻石

  17. assign n.标记 v签名;分配(物);分派(人)
    Those offices have been ~d to us.已分配给我们
    The monitor(物:监视器,窃听器 人:班长) was ~d to take notes for the meeting. 被分派做会议记录
    Two pupils were ~d to sweep the classroom. 两个小学生被分派打扫教室

  18. assignment
    complete one's reading ~s 作业,任务
    He excels at(善于) the ~ of work. 分配,分派
    v->n 1.v的意义 2.v的结果

  19. associate v. 交往,与...交往;联想的,联系
    Don't ~ (yourself) with dishonest boys.
    ~ the name of Darwin with the doctrine(信条) of evolution(进化论).
    He's not a friend but a business ~.同事,伙伴
    an ~ professor 副教授 an ~ editor

  20. association n.交往;联系;协会,俱乐部
    Our long ~ with your company has brought huge benefits.
    Hospitals have rather unpleasant ~s for me.一想起医院就很不舒服
    She set up an ~tion to help blind people. NBA National Basketball Association

  21. associative
    the associative guilt 由此产生的内疚
    the associative thoughts 由此产生的念头

  22. assume 承担;假定 sume=take 拿 A~ing that the sea is calm. you will enjoy a pleasant voyage. 假定=if
    He is not such a fool as you ~ed him to be.(想当然地)认为
    ~ one's new responsiblities 承担(任新职)
    He ~s a well-informed(信息灵通的模样,什么都知道的模样) manner.假装 good/bad manners
    作文的时候一般都是some/other assume
    American assumptions(观念) and conventions(会议,大会;习俗,传统;公约) 美国人的观念和习俗

  23. assure vt.保证,向...保证 ~ sb of sth ; ~ sb that s'+v'
    I can ~ you of(双宾语)[ the reliability(可靠性) of the news 这个消息的可靠性].
    He ~d us that th would solve the problem within 3 days.他向我们保证他在三天之内解决这个问题
    Nothing can ensure permanent(永久的) happiness. ensure不能接人 ensure sth ;ensure that s'+v'
    rob sb of sth 抢夺 ;convince sb of sth 使信服 ;deprive sb of sth 剥夺 都是双宾语

  24. attain v. 到达;完成,实现,获得
    ~ (to) the mountain top(空)
    the age of 90(时)
    India ~ed independence in 1947.
    ~ one's ambition(野心,抱负) 完成,实现,获得
    attainment n.达到;完成,实现;成就

  25. attempt vt.尝试,试图,企图 n. tempt vt.诱惑 temple n.诱惑
    Don't ~ impossibilities.
    The prisoners(犯人) ~ed to escape but failed. = try to do
    He made an ~ to escape but failed. = He attempted to ...
    His first ~ at English composition(作文) was poor.

  26. attractive
    an immensely(巨大的) ~ woman 一位极具魅力的女性
    Smoking is still attractive to many young people who see it as(being) glamorous(魅力的). 抽样对许多将抽烟认为是有魅力的人,仍是有吸引力的

  27. attractiveness n.吸引力
    physical(身体的,外形的) ~
    The forest will enhance the attractiveness of the region.
    physicist n.物理学家 physician n. 医生 physical examination 体检
    physical education PE体育
    physical circumstances 客观环境,物理环境
    physic 身体

  28. attribute vt.把...归因于/归功于/归属于 n.属性,特质 tribute n.贡品;敬意 pay tribute to 表达谢意
    David ~d 天河company's success to the unity of all the staff.归因
    This tune is usually ~d to Chopin. 曲子通常被认为是肖邦(波兰)所作。归属
    Her greatest ~ is her kindness. 为人厚道...特点。属性,特质
    attitude 态度
    distribute 分发,分配
    contribute 贡献

  29. auctioneer n.拍卖师 auction (哦可慎) 拍卖 ~ action拍卖活动
    Auction activity shall [be presided(最前面的人主持 president总统) over by an ~].
    The house will be sold by auction.
    action auction auctioneer

  30. aug(高)ment vt.提高,增高;vi August八月
    He ~s his income by doing part-time jobs.
    Fatigue(疲惫感) ~s as(引导时间状语从句) time goes by. vi.

  31. authenticate 认证,鉴定,证明是真实的 author n.作者 authentic a.真正的,真实的
    ~ a valid user 鉴定有效的用户
    ~d dealers 授权经销商 deal with处理,deal in经营
    an authentic signature(一个真实签名)
    an authentic new report(一篇真实的新闻报道)

  32. authoritative a.权威的,权威性的
    He smile was warm but authoritative. 她的笑容很和蔼,同时又透着威严。
    The evidence(that) she uses is usually highly authoritative. 她采用的证据通常具有很高的可信度。

  33. authority n.权力;权威;~ies 当局政府 right 权利
    a person of ~ (抽象名词) 一名权威人物
    under the ~ of 在...的领导下
    an ~ on architecture(arch 拱形门 建筑学) 一个有关建筑方面的权威
    the local ~ies
    the health(卫生,医疗,健康) ~ies 卫生当局

  34. automate vt.(使)自动化;使自动操作 auto 自己,自身,自动
    ~ the manufacturing(生产) process 使生产流程自动化
    [highly ~d] factories/production line 高度自动化的工厂/生产线

  35. automatic a. adj.自动的;不假思索的,无意识的
    Automatic Teller(出纳) Machine
    Breathing is ~. 无意识的

  36. automation n.
    In the past decade,automation has reduced the workforce here by half. reduce ... by(幅度差) ...
    the ~ of the production line 生产线的自动化
    the cost of ~ 自动化的成本

  37. available a.可得到的 avail vt.利用
    I'm ~ in the afternoon. 我下午有空
    Chinese commodities [~ for 对...可利用] export 可供出口的中国商品
    You must avail yourself of every occasion(场合,机会) to speak English. = make use of; take advantage
    commod 五斗橱 commodious宽敞的 commodity 商品

  38. availability可获得性 lity后缀表示性;度
    the easy ~ of guns (枪支的可获得性容易) 枪支唾手可得
    the limited ~ of guns 枪支不易获得
    sustain 维持 sustainable a.可持续性 sustainability n.可维持度

  39. averge (处于恰好的状态) n.平均度 a.平均的;普通的 ver->very ad.非常 a.恰恰,刚好,正是
    Tom's work at school is well above/below/up to ~. Tom在学校的学习 远高于/低于、达到 平均水平
    ~ earnings 平均收入
    a child of ~ intelligence (一名智力平平的儿童)平常的,普通的
    average chinese 普通的中国人
    alone asleep awake a表示处于某种状态

  40. aviation (民用) 航空(学) navigation航海(术) navy n.海军
    in [civil(民事的,民用的) aviation] history 民航史
    an ~ academy 航空学院
    the ~ industry 航空业
    ~ accidents 航空事故

  41. avoid vt. 避免 ~ doing避免做什么
    I crossed the street to avoid meeting him.
    Nuclear war is to(be to将要,应该去) be avoided at all costs. 应该不惜一切代价避免核战争
    void a.空的,缺乏的;n. 空虚
    fill the spiritual(精神的) ~ 空虚 n. a subject ~ of interest 缺乏 a. (一个枯燥的学科)

  42. awake v= wake up; a.醒着的 wake v.(使)醒来 wake up
    She lay(此处作为系动词) ~ all night. 她整晚都没有睡着;她彻夜未眠 (fall asleep)
    She's fully ~ to the danger she's in.(0分翻译,她处于危险时,她非常清醒) 她对于她所处于的危险是非常清醒的 be awake to 对...很清醒
    The noise outside awoke me. vt.
    He used to ~ at 6. (wake up) vi.
    We must ~ the villagers(村民) from their ignorance(愚昧). 从愚昧中觉醒


  1. back n.背 vt.支持,支撑
    to ~ a friend in an argument 在争论中支持你的朋友
    to ~ up an argument 支持一个论点
    This leader has a large ~ing 大批支持者

  2. bacon 熏肉,咸猪肉(培根肉)
    bring home the ~ 养家糊口;谋生
    Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯培根(英国哲学家)

  3. balance n.平衡 vt. vi.
    the ecological(生态的) ~ of the forest n. 森林的生态平衡
    ~ (oneself) on one foot vt./vi. 一只脚站立
    ~ the budget(预算) 平衡预算
    a ~d diet(饮食,饮食结构)均衡的饮食结构

  4. ban 颁 vt.禁止 n.禁令
    ~ smoking in all offices ~ doing
    a ~ned substance 违禁药物
    He was banned from driving 他被禁止驾车 ban sb from doing 禁止某人做某事
    lift(抬起,升起) a ~ on smoking 取消禁令
    preside over ; attack on ;raid on ;assault on
    prohibit vt.(法律)禁止 prevent vt阻止
    stop sb from doing

  5. band n.(捆绑)带
    a wristband 护腕 wrist手腕
    bandaid 急救绷带 aid n帮助,援助;急救
    a band of light 一束光线
    a drummer(鼓手) in a rock(岩石,摇滚) band(乐队) 一名摇滚乐队的鼓手
    a band of Japanese companies 一帮日本公司

  6. bang n.爆炸声 拟声词;v.
    She slammed the door with a bang. 她砰地一声带上了门
    go off with a ~ (表演)极为成功
    He banged down the telephone. 他砰地一声挂断了电话
    get the biggest/best ~ for your buck(美刀). 钱花的值
    get much happiness ~ for your buck. 花钱得到许多的幸福

  7. bankruptcy n.破产 rupt :break 打破,使碎裂 interrupt 打断;bankrupt 破产
    corporate(公司的,企业的) ~ies 企业的破产 corporation公司
    file(档案,文档,做动词) for(表示目的) ~ 申请破产
    go bankrupt 变的破产 ; go(系动词) crazy 变得疯狂 erupt = break out突然爆发
    corrupt 腐败

  8. bar n.酒吧(根本不会考);条状物(重要)
    a ~ of chocolate/soap 一长条巧克力/一长块香皂
    iron ~s 铁棍 a metal bar 一个金属条
    be put behind ~s (重要:铁窗,监狱) 被投入监狱
    the ~ chart 柱状图
    be called for (the Bar 律师界,司法界)进入律师行业;进入司法行业
    read for the Bar 攻读法律
    barmaid 酒吧侍女 maid少女

  9. barely bare a. 赤裸的,无遮盖物的 ad.几乎,仅仅(表示半否定)
    bare-footed a.光着脚丫的 bare-headed a.未戴帽子的 bare-fisted a.赤手空拳的
    a hill ~ of vegetation(植被) 没有植被的山坡,一个光秃秃的山 vegetable蔬菜
    His voice was barely audible(可听见的 audience听众)他的声音几乎听不见.他的声音勉强听得到
    scarcely rarely hardly seldom 都是半否定的词
    a subject void of interest一门枯燥的学科

  10. bargain n.便宜货;交易 vi. 讨价还价 bar + gain(获得) 酒吧里获得便宜货
    It is a real ~. 这真是一个划得来的交易。 at ~ prices 低价,优惠的价格
    strike a ~ with sb. over sth. 关于某物与某人达成交易
    ~ over the price 讨价还价

  11. barrier n.障碍物
    a natural ~天然的屏障 a psychological ~ 心理障碍 (psychologist n. 心理专家)
    a ~ to free trade 自由贸易的壁垒
    racial(种族的 race n.种族) ~s 种族之间的隔阂

  12. baseless a. 毫无根据的
    ~ charge against sb. 针对某人毫无依据的指控
    ~ allegations 毫无根据的说法 allege v(没有依据的)声称、宣城
    base n.底座;基地;v 建立在...之上 ;a. 卑劣的
    a removable ~ (可撤掉、可拆除、可移动的底座) a marble(大理石) ~ 大理石底座/基座
    a military(军事的) ~ 一个军事基地 a naval ~ 一个海军基地
    ~ the theory on practice 把理论建立于实践之上
    a base person 卑劣的
    basis n.基础 sis结尾的名词吧,i改成e bases

  13. battle n.战斗;斗争 bat n. 球拍
    die in battle 战斗中阵亡
    the battle( against crime 介词短语) 打击犯罪的斗争
    the eternal(adj.永恒的 n.永恒的事物) battle( between good and evil ) 正义与邪恶的永恒斗争

  14. beach 沙滩 reach 到达 teach 教
    a beautiful sandy ~
    lie on the ~ 躺在沙滩上
    peach 桃子

  15. bear n.熊 v 支撑
    a polar(极地的;北极的;南极的 pole n.极地) ~
    a bear/bull market 熊市、牛市
    ~ the weight of ... (=support支撑)
    ~ a heavy load 负载一个沉重的货物
    ~ arms(=carry携带)
    [There's no ~ing 没有人能忍受] such rude fellows(家伙,人).
    ~ the marks of wounds(v使受伤 n伤)(=show/have拥有)带有伤疤
    ~ a child 生育一个孩子

  16. behavioral a. behave v. behavior n. ~al characteristics 行为特点
    ~al capacity(n.容量;能力 cap帽子)行为能力
    ~al motives 行为动机
    ~al patterns 行为模式
    ~al defects 行为缺陷
    sb.s' rude/bad behavior 某人的粗鲁/糟糕的行为 n. You have to behave yourself.(守规矩) vt.
    future 未来 futurology 未来学科

  17. belief n.信仰,信念,观点 relief n.缓解,减轻,欣慰 believe vt.相信 relieve vt.缓解
    a ~ in personal liberty(自由)对个人自由的信仰
    one's religious ~s 自己的宗教的信仰
    It is our ~ that ... 我们相信...
    beyond ~ 难以置信 It is beyond ~ that ...

  18. benefit n.利益,好处 vt.有利于 bene 好的 fit合适的
    Yoga(瑜伽) is of great ~ (of加名词相当于形容词)to our health. 瑜伽对于我们的身体有很大的好处
    This expensive(昂贵的,巨额) investment(投资) will ~ the company in the long run(从长期来看,做状语).这一巨额投资,从长期来看,将有利于公司发展 vt
    We ~ from daily exercises(日常的身体锻炼)从每天的锻炼当中我们获益匪浅 . vi
    Are you entitled(授权) to unemployment ~(救济金)? 你有获得失业救济金的资格吗?
    beneficial a.有利的,有益的 benign n. benefaction 慈善;捐助 benediction 祝祷
    benefactor 捐助者

  19. benign a.良性的,和善的
    a ~ old lady和善的,慈祥的 (人物)
    ~ climate(气候) 温和的,有利的 (物)
    ~ tumor(肿瘤) 良性的(病)
    male(恶的,不好的) malediction(不好的言词 dictionary)诅咒 malefactor作恶者
    malignant gossip(闲话) 中伤人的闲话
    malignant glances 恶毒的眼神
    malignant cancer 恶性的癌症
    confirmation(证实性) bias(偏见)

  20. best-known
    well-known 众所周知的,知名的
    better(good well的比较级)-known 比较知名的,更知名的
    best-known 最知名的

  21. beverage 饮料 average平均的;普通的
    alcoholic ~s 含酒精的饮料 foods and ~s
    average ~s 大众饮料

  22. bewilderingly ad. 惊人的,令人叹为观止的
    wild a.野生的,荒野的;狂野的,狂乱的
    wilderness n.原野,荒野 pioneer wilderness 开荒 the pioneers wilderness少先队
    bewilder 使迷惑,使不知所措
    The heavy traffic ~ed the new driver. 拥挤交通让这位新手不知所措
    bewildering ~ing choices 令人眼花缭乱的
    a ~ingly large building 一个大的惊人的建筑物

  23. bias n.偏见 ;偏爱 vt. 使...对..有偏见
    a ~ against China/women
    a ~ in favor of Japan/men
    have a strong ~ towards 对...有强烈的偏见/偏爱
    His birth background ~s him against businessmen. 他的出生背景让他对商人心存偏见

  24. biased
    The judge was ~d in favor of the second candidate(候选人).这为评委(裁判)偏袒第二个候选人
    prejudice(预先判断) n. vt.= biased a prejudice in favor of/anainst
    be prejudiced in favor of/against

  25. bid    n. 出价;投标 v. 命令            

the highest ~ for the painting 这幅画的最高出价
submit a bid for the contract 投标以赢得合同
bid for a contract
bid $50,000 for a painting
bid sb. to do sth 命令某人做某事

  1. bill n.钞票
    Bill Gates
    US dollar ~s 美钞 a five-dollar ~ 五美元的钞票
    Bill Clinton
    The bill was approved(支持) by a large majority. 议案
    phone bills 账单
    pay the bills
    a theatre(剧院) ~ 海报 head the ~ 领衔主演 广告

  2. billboard 户外广告牌 board n.木板;甲板 a sign board 指示牌; a notice board 布告牌
    bill a theatre ~ a concert
    head the ~
    ~-board 户外广告牌
    ~-sticker 张贴广告者 sticky a.粘的

  3. billion 10亿 million 百万 billionaire n.亿万富翁 millionaire n.百万富翁
    bill billon bn是bill的缩写表示10亿

  4. bind vt.捆绑,扎起 bound(过去式) boundary (ary n.后缀) 边界线
    ~ up(动作的完,进,结束) one's hair 扎起
    A be bound up with B与...密不可分 B是因,A是果
    be bound by an agreement 约束(被协议所束缚)
    kill up drink up eat up open up cut up

  5. binding
    The panel's(专家,小组) decisions are not binding on the government.
    be legally(法律) binding on 在法律上对...有约束力

  6. biographical a.传记的 biography n.传记 (bio生物;生命;生平的前缀) graph n.v画
    a biography of Lincoln 一部林肯的传记
    gather(搜集) some biographical material(资料)
    biology 生物学 autograph 亲笔签名 autobiography自传
    telegraph 电报 tele表示远距离 graph

  7. blame n.责任 vt.责备(责任的归属) scold vt.(口头)
    We'll [take the blame for what] has happened.
    They ~ed the secretary for the delay of the plan.
    They ~ed the delay of the plan on the secretary.
    The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident. .

33 blanket 毛毯,地毯 et表示小的 piglet小猪 islet小岛
blank a.空白的,空的 et 后缀 小的
a blank form 空白表格
an electric ~ed 电热毯
I wrapped a ~et around myself.
a baby's security blanket 安乐毯,慰藉物,给人安全感之物
bribe 部落

  1. blessing n.好事 bless vt.保佑
    The priest神父 ~ed the new ship.神父祈祷上帝保佑这艘新船
    I've been ~ed with 享有 good health.
    Rivers are a ~ing for an agricultural country.
    重要 a ~ing in disguise掩饰 隐藏的好事
    Failure sometimes is a ~ing in disguise

  2. block n.一大块
    There seems to be a ~ in the pipe.障碍物
    wooden ~s木块
    a ~ of flats 大楼,建筑物
    It's three blocks to the Post Office from here. 街区
    Something is ~ing the drain.阻塞了下水道
    ~ a highway公路 封锁 expressway高速路

  3. blog n.博客
    web log log n.原木;日志
    blogger 博主 blogging v.维护博客
    start a ~ 建立博客
    microblog 微博
    Besides microblogs,WeChat is another platform that can be used for business.

  4. blueprint 蓝图,设计图,计划
    work out a ~
    a ~ for a nuclear device
    in the ~ stage 规划阶段

  5. blunt adj.刀 钝的,不锋利的 vt. 使变钝,削弱,缓解
    The axe is too blunt to cut down the tree.
    She is rather ~ in speech言辞 . 人 率直的,直言不讳的
    The ~ fact is that he told a lie. 显而易见的事实他说了谎
    Time ~s the edge of sorrow.缓解悲痛 重要
    edge n.边缘;(刀)刃

  6. blurring blur vt. v. 使模糊
    Tears ~red my vision.
    Rain ~red the window of our car.
    ~ the distinctive独有的 character
    ~red images

  7. bn 十亿 billion的缩写 about 18 bn

  8. board n.木板
    sleep on a bare光的 ~
    get on board 登船/公交车、火车、飞机
    a chess ~棋盘
    put up a notice on the ~ 布告牌 billboard广告牌
    ~ and lodging 食宿 lodge 落脚
    the ~ of directors 董事会 direction n.方向
    the ~ of electricity电力局
    It's time for ~ing.(plane) vi.

  9. boldness n.勇敢;鲁莽,无耻 bold a.勇敢的;无耻的
    Starting a business is a ~ venture(冒险行为). a ~ move He is ~ enough to refuse to leave.他厚颜无耻,不肯离开
    The numbers in this article are in ~ type 粗体,黑体
    That will require efforts,~ness and firmness(坚定的意志 firm a.坚定的).
    He has the ~ness to ask me for money.他居然有脸

英语讲究细节 逻辑性,严谨性
预习、学习、复习 决定效率

  1. bonus n.红利;奖金 额外获得的 红利不拿就倒霉s
    The staff got a Christmas bonus.圣诞节奖金
    We like our new house, and it's a real ~ that there's a swimming pool nearby.

  2. boom n.轰鸣声vi.发出~;迅猛发展,蒸蒸日上
    Outside,thunder ~ed and crashed(碰撞,炸毁).外面雷声隆隆,霹雳炸响
    Business is ~ing. 生意日趋兴隆
    a deafening(deaf聋的) boom 隆隆声
    There's been a ~ in exports this year. 繁荣,迅猛增长
    doom n.劫数,毁灭,死亡 vt.注定
    groom n.新郎
    broom n.扫帚
    gloom 郁闷,抑郁 loom织布机
    bloom 树上的花

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