
11 篇文章 2 订阅
8 篇文章 2 订阅

















  • eas_one_small_task


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/tracing):
  2. 分析解析后的trace
  3. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  4. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  5. 创建一个while(1) task eas_one_small_t,每sleep 1ms起来运行一下,5s后结束。
  6. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_switch >  set_event          //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                          //enable tracing


  1. 在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->next_pid == small_task_tid获得task eas_one_small_t的开始running时间;
  2.  在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->prev_pid != small_task_tid获得task eas_one_small_t的结束running时间;
  3. 统计所有running时间段的时间和
  4. 通过capacity获取小核的cpuset,当trace发生在小核时,累加running时间到小核correct_us;累加所有running时间到total_us;
  5. correct_us/total_us ≥ 90% ? pass : fail
sh-4.4# ./eas_one_small_task 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_one_small_task.c:94: INFO: Minimum correct cluster time percentage: 90%

Small task executing for 5s...
Total time task scheduled: 108208 usec
Time scheduled on a little CPU: 108208 usec (100%)
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_one_small_task.c:113: PASS: Small task ran appropriately on small CPUs.

passed   1
failed   0
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • eas_one_big_task


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/tracing):
  2. 分析解析后的trace
  3. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  4. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  5. 创建一个while(1) task eas_one_big_tas,持续运行3s后结束。
  6. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_switch >  set_event          //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                          //enable tracing


  1. 在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->next_pid == big_task_tid获得task eas_one_big_tas的开始running时间;
  2.  在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->prev_pid != big_task_tid获得task eas_one_big_tas的结束running时间;
  3. 通过1/2中记录的时间戳,计算一个running时间段的时间
  4. 通过capacity获取大核的cpuset,当trace发生在大核时,累加running时间到大核correct_us;累加所有running时间到total_us;
  5. 记录task eas_one_big_tas开始执行的时间:start_ts_usec
    记录task eas_one_big_tas开始在大核执行的时间:upmigration_ts_usec
    计算task eas_one_big_tas从开始执行到迁移到大核的延时:upmigration_latency_usec= upmigration_ts_usec – start_ts_usec
  6. correct_us/total_us ≥ 90% ? pass : fail
sh-4.4# ./eas_one_big_task 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_one_big_task.c:109: INFO: Minimum correct cluster time percentage: 90%
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_one_big_task.c:111: INFO: Maximum upmigration latency: 100000 usec
Big task executing for 3s...
Total time task scheduled: 3000382 usec
Time scheduled on a big CPU: 2977518 usec (99%)
Upmigration latency: 22965 usec
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_one_big_task.c:132: PASS: Task placement/migration latency met requirements.

passed   1
failed   0
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • eas_small_to_big


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_switch >  set_event          //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                          //enable tracing
  2. a) 创建一个 task eas_small_to_bi,作为小task每sleep 1ms起来运行一下,持续3s;
    b) 在trace中打印“CPU HOG”的trace marker;
    c) 作为一个大task持续运行3s后结束。
  3. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  4. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  5. 分析解析后的trace


  1. 在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->next_pid == task_tid获得task eas_small_to_bi的开始running时间;
  2.  在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->prev_pid == task_tid获得task eas_small_to_bi的结束running时间;
  3. 通过1/2中记录的时间戳,计算一个running时间段的时间
  4. 记录“CPU HOG”Trace marker时间戳:cpuhog_ts_usec;
    记录task迁移到大核刚开始running的时间戳:upmigrate_ts_usec (在cpuhog_ts_usec之后第一个<t->next_pid == task_tid> 且不在小核上的
    trace log对应的时间戳)
  5. 记录大task在upmigration后,在小核错误的运行时间:too_small_cpu_us (在cpuhog_ts_usec及upmigrate_ts_usec时间之后,此时task已经是big task,task在小核的运行时间);
  6. 记录小task在大核的运行时间:too_big_cpu_us (在cpuhog_ts_usec之前,task是small task)
  7. 记录big task的running时间:big_task_us (在小核和大核上big task running的所有时间)
  8. 记录small task的running时间:small_task_us (在小核和大核上small task running的所有时间)
  9. 计算大task upmigration的delay时间:upmigration_ts_usec
  10. (too_big_cpu_us/small_task_us > 10% || too_small_cpu_us/big_task_us > 10% ||  upmigration_ts_usec > 100ms)  ? fail : pass
    即小task在大核运行时间占小task总运行时间的10%以下,大task在upmigration后在小核的运行时间占大task总运行时间的10%一下,并且大task的upmigration delay小于100ms时,case测试通过
sh-4.4# ./eas_small_to_big 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_small_to_big.c:144: INFO: Maximum incorrect cluster time percentage: 10%
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_small_to_big.c:146: INFO: Maximum upmigration latency: 100000 usec
Small task executing for 3s...
Changing to big task...
Time incorrectly scheduled on big when task was small: 0 usec (0% of small task CPU time)
Time incorrectly scheduled on small when task was big, after upmigration: 0 usec (0% of big task CPU time)
Upmigration latency: 29516 usec
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_small_to_big.c:167: PASS: Task placement and migration latency goals were met.

passed   1
failed   0
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • eas_big_to_small


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_switch >  set_event          //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                          //enable tracing
  2. a) 创建一个 task eas_big_to_smal,作为一个大task持续运行3s;
    b) 在trace中打印“SMALL TASK”的trace marker;
    c) 作为小task每sleep 1ms起来运行一下,持续3s后结束。
  3. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  4. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  5. 分析解析后的trace


  1. 在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->next_pid == task_tid获得task eas_big_to_smal的开始running时间;
  2.  在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->prev_pid == task_tid获得task eas_big_to_smal的结束running时间;
  3. 通过1/2中记录的时间戳,计算一个running时间段的时间
  4. 记录“SMALL TASK”Trace marker时间戳:smalltask_tm_usec;
    记录小task开始running的时间戳:smalltask_ts_usec (在smalltask_tm_usec之后第一个<t->next_pid == task_tid> trace log对应的时间戳)
    记录小task开始在小核ruuning的时间戳:downmigrate_ts_usec (在smalltask_ts_usec之后第一个在小核的<t->next_pid == task_tid> trace log对应的时间戳)
  5. 记录大task在小核的运行时间:too_small_cpu_us (在smalltask_ts_usec之前是大task,作为大task在小核运行的时间);
  6. 记录小task在大核的运行时间:too_big_cpu_us (在smalltask_ts_usec之后是小task,并且在downmigrate_ts_usec之后,即小task down migrate到小核之后,又错误的在大核运行的时间)
  7. 记录big task的running时间:big_task_us (在小核和大核上big task running的所有时间)
  8. 记录small task的running时间:small_task_us (在小核和大核上small task running的所有时间)
  9. 计算变为小task后 down migration的delay时间:downmigrate_latency_usec = downmigrate_ts_usec - smalltask_ts_usec
  10. (too_big_cpu_us/small_task_us > 10% || too_small_cpu_us/big_task_us > 10% ||  downmigrate_latency_usec > 100ms)  ? fail : pass
    即小task在大核运行时间占小task总运行时间的10%以下,大task在upmigration后在小核的运行时间占大task总运行时间的10%一下,并且小task的downmigration delay小于100ms时,case测试通过
sh-4.4# ./eas_big_to_small 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_big_to_small.c:144: INFO: Maximum incorrect cluster time percentage: 10%
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_big_to_small.c:146: INFO: Maximum downmigration latency: 100000 usec
Big task executing for 3s...
Changing to small task...
Time incorrectly scheduled on small when task was big: 22493 usec (0% of big task CPU time)
Time incorrectly scheduled on big when task was small, after downmigration: 0 usec (0% of small task CPU time)
Downmigration latency: 98975 usec
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_big_to_small.c:167: PASS: Task placement/migration latency goals met.

passed   1
failed   0
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • eas_small_big_toggle


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/debugging/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_switch >  set_event          //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                          //enable tracing
  2. a) 创建一个 task eas_small_big_t;
    b) 在trace中打印“SMALL TASK”的trace marker;
    c) 作为小task(每sleep 1ms起来运行一下),持续1s;
    d) 在trace中打印“CPU HOG” trace marker;
    e) 作为大task(持续)运行1s;
    f) 重复c/d 10次
  3. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  4. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  5. 分析解析后的trace


  1. 在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->next_pid == task_tid获得task eas_small_big_t的开始running时间;
  2.  在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->prev_pid == task_tid获得task eas_small_big_t的结束running时间;
  3. 通过1/2中记录的时间戳,计算一个running时间段的时间
  4. a) 记录每个cycle中大task开始running的时间戳:cpuhog_ts_usec (“CPU HOG”Trace marker时间戳);
    b) 记录每个cycle中小task开始running的时间戳:smalltask_ts_usec(”SMALL TASK”Trace marker对应的时间戳)
    c) 记录每个cycle中小task开始在小核ruuning的时间戳:downmigrate_ts_usec (在”SMALL TASK”tracer marker之后第一个在小核的<t->next_pid == task_tid> trace log对应的时间戳)
    d) 记录每个cycle中大task开始在大核running的时间戳:upmigrate_ts_usec (在”CPU HOG”tracer marker之后第一个在大核的<t->next_pid == task_tid> trace log对应的时间戳)
  5. a) 在“CPU HOG” trace marker时间点,计算当前cycle中小task downmigrate latency = downmigrate_ts_usec - smalltask_ts_usec,计算完成后为下一个cycle记录downmigrate_ts_usec和smalltask_ts_usec将它们置零。取所有cycle中的最大值:max_downmigrate_lantency_usec
    b) 在“SMALL TASK” trace marker时间点,计算此时间点前一个cycle中,大task upmigrate latency = upmigrate_ts_usec - cpuhog_ts_usec,计算完成后为记录当前cycle的upmigrate_ts_usec和cpuhog_ts_usec将它们置零。取所有cycle中的最大值:max_upmigrate_lantency_usec
  6. 累加大task在小核的运行时间:too_small_cpu_us (在“CPU HOG” trace marker之后作为大task run,且在upmigrate_ts_usec迁移到大核之后,错误的在小核运行的时间)
  7. 记录小task在大核的运行时间:too_big_cpu_us (在SMALL TASK” trace marker之后作为小task run,且在downmigrate_ts_usec迁移到小核之后,错误的在大核运行的时间)
  8. 记录big task的running时间:big_task_us (在小核和大核上big task running的所有时间)
  9. 记录small task的running时间:small_task_us (在小核和大核上small task running的所有时间)
  10.  (too_big_cpu_us/small_task_us > 10% || too_small_cpu_us/big_task_us > 10% ||  max_downmigrate_latency_usec > 100ms) || max_upmigrate_lantency_usec > 100ms ? fail : pass
    即小task在大核运行时间占小task总运行时间的10%以下,大task在upmigration后在小核的运行时间占大task总运行时间的10%以下,并且小task的最大downmigration delay小于100ms时,大task的最大upmigration delay小于100ms,case测试通过
sh-4.4# ./eas_small_big_toggle 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_small_big_toggle.c:197: INFO: Maximum incorrect cluster time percentage: 10%
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_small_big_toggle.c:199: INFO: Maximum downmigration latency: 100000 usec
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_small_big_toggle.c:201: INFO: Maximum upmigration latency: 100000 usec
Task alternating between big and small for 20 sec
Time incorrectly scheduled on big when task was small, after downmigration: 0 usec (0% of small task CPU time)
Time incorrectly scheduled on small when task was big, after upmigration: 0 usec (0% of big task CPU time)
small task time: 840238
big task time: 9357025
Maximum upmigration time: 30498
Maximum downmigration time: 106469
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_small_big_toggle.c:222: FAIL: Task placement and migration latency goals were not met.

passed   0
failed   1
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • eas_two_big_three_small


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/debugging/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_switch >  set_event          //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                          //enable tracing
  2. 创建5个 task eas_two_big_thr, 两个大task和三个小task,都运行3s;
  3. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  4. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  5. 分析解析后的trace


  1. 在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->next_pid == task_tid获得task eas_two_big_thr的开始running时间;
  2.  在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->prev_pid == task_tid获得task eas_two_big_thr的结束running时间;
  3. 通过1/2中记录的时间戳,计算task一个running时间段的时间:segment_us
  4. 累加大task在小核的运行时间:incorrect_us[j] (4≥ j ≥ 3);
    累加小task在大核的运行时间:incorrect_us[j] (2≥ j ≥ 0)
  5. 记录各个task running的总时间:total_us[j]
  6. (incorrect_us[j]/total_us[j] > 10%) ? fail : true
4.1.2	 测试结果
sh-4.4# ./eas_two_big_three_small 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_two_big_three_small.c:114: INFO: Maximum incorrect cluster time percentage: 10%
Tasks running for 3 sec
Total time little task scheduled: 74833 Time scheduled on big CPU: 0 (0%)
Total time little task scheduled: 74548 Time scheduled on big CPU: 0 (0%)
Total time little task scheduled: 74580 Time scheduled on big CPU: 0 (0%)
Total time big task scheduled: 2999467 Time scheduled on little CPU: 18015 (0%)
Total time big task scheduled: 2999750 Time scheduled on little CPU: 18013 (0%)
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/eas_two_big_three_small.c:137: PASS: Task placement goals were met.

passed   1
failed   0
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • sched_cfs_prio


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/debugging/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_switch >  set_event          //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                          //enable tracing
  2. 创建4个 cfs task sched_cfs_prio, 优先级分别为[-15, -5, 5, 15],设置cpu affinity在cpu0,5s后退出;
  3. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  4. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  5. 分析解析后的trace


  1. 在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->next_pid == task_tid获得task eas_cfs_prio的开始running时间;
  2.  在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->prev_pid == task_tid获得task eas_cfs_prio的结束running时间;
  3. 通过1/2中记录的时间戳,计算task一个running时间段的时间:segment_us
  4. 分别累加每个task的运行时间;
  5. 记录各个task running的总时间:total_us[j]
  6. 根据task在user space的nice值对应在kernel中的权重:
    sum of weights:29154+3121+335+36=32646
    29154/32646 = 89.3%,4465ms
    3121/32646 = 9.56%,478ms
    335/32646 = 1.02%,51ms
    36/32646 = 0.11%, 5.5ms
  7. 定义lower_bound和upper_bound,如果task的运行时间runtime_us:upper_bound ≥ runtime_us ≥ lower_bound,即为pass
    lower_bound: max{(lower_bound_us = expected_us - 20000us) (lower_bound_pct = expected_us * 80%)}
    upper_bound:max{(upper_bound_us = expected_us + 30000us) (upper_bound_pct = expected_us * 105%)}
sh-4.4# ./sched_cfs_prio 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
Running 4 CFS tasks concurrently for 5 sec
Task runtimes:
Task a (nice -15):     4476 ms (expected     4465 ms)
Task b (nice -5) :      478 ms (expected      478 ms)
Task c (nice 5)  :       76 ms (expected       51 ms)
Task d (nice 15) :       12 ms (expected        5 ms)
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sched_cfs_prio.c:205: PASS: Task runtimes within allowed margins of expected values.

passed   1
failed   0
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • sched_dl_runtime


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/debugging/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_switch >  set_event          //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                          //enable tracing
  2. 创建一个cfs task,在task的执行函数中通过sched_setattr修改task属性为DLtask:
    attr.size = sizeof(attr)
    attr.sched_flags = 0
    attr.sched_nice = 0
    attr.sched_priority = 0
    attr.sched_runtime = 5000000
    attr.sched_period = 20000000
    attr.sched_deadline = 10000000

    即创建一个DL task,周期为20ms,在10ms deadline时间内要至少运行5ms。task共运行3s,每运行5ms通过sched_yield让出CPU,schedule idle task。目前为止没有创建新的task(CFS or RT)和DL绑定在同一个CPU上运行,只和idle task进行co-schedule。DL task不能通过sched_setaffinity设置绑定CPU,只能通过CPUSET设置,详细资料参考:
  3. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  4. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  5. 分析解析后的trace


  1. 在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->next_pid == task_tid获得task sched_dl_runtim的开始running时间start_ts_us;
  2.  在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->prev_pid == task_tid获得task sched_dl_runtim的结束running时间end_ts_us;
  3. 在task第一次开始running时,设置sched_period到期时间戳(next_period_ts_us = start_ts_us + 20000)和sched_deadline到期时间戳(sched_deadline_ts_us = start_ts_us + 10000)
  4. 在task结束running时,
    b)如果此次task的结束时间超过task在当前sched_period的sched_deadline时间, 设置此次task的结束时间为sched_deadline时间;
    c)reset start_ts_us = 0
  5. 如果trace的时间戳超过一个sched_period,
    a)如果task在这个period时间段内,running的总时间period_exec_time_us < 5ms,即没达到最小运行时间的要求,测试fail;
    c)修改下一个sched_peroid到期时间戳:next_period_ts_us += 20000
          修改下一个sched_deadline到期时间戳:next_deadline_ts_us +=20000
  6. 所有trace log行分析完成后,输出periods_parsed的pass log
sh-4.4# ./sched_dl_runtime 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
150 periods parsed successfully.
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sched_dl_runtime.c:192: PASS: DL task ran as expected.

passed   1
failed   0
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • sched_latency_dl


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/debugging/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_switch >  set_event          //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                          //enable tracing
  2. a)创建一个CFS task,sleep 5ms后,打印“WAKING”的trace_marker,释放semaphore,运行1s后退出。
    b)创建一个RT task,在task的执行函数中通过sched_setattr修改task属性为DLtask,等待semaphore,等到semaphore后退出。

    当前还没实现绑定一个DL task到指定的cpu,但是DL task的优先级最高,即使被wakeup到不同于CFS task 正在running的CPU,也不影响测试成绩。
    DL task不能通过sched_setaffinity设置绑定CPU,只能通过CPUSET设置,详细资料参考:
  3. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  4. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  5. 分析解析后的trace


  1. 通过dl_task_tid和sched_wakup event,获取DL task被wakeup的时间
  2. 通过trace中的next_pid = dl_task_tid和sched_switch event,获取DL task开始running的时间
  3. 计算DL task从wakup到running的delay:dl_exec_latency_us
  4. 如果dl_exec_latency_us > 100us,测试fail
sh-4.4# ./sched_latency_dl 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
DL exec latency: 202 usec
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sched_latency_dl.c:155: FAIL: DL task did not execute within expected latency of 100 usec.

passed   0
failed   1
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • sched_latency_rt


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/debugging/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_switch >  set_event          //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                          //enable tracing
  2. a)创建一个CFS task,绑定到cpu0,sleep 5ms后,打印“WAKING”的trace_marker,释放semaphore,运行1s后退出。
    b)创建一个RT task,绑定到cpu0,等待semaphore,等到semaphore后退出。
  3. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  4. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  5. 分析解析后的trace


  1. 通过rt_task_tid和sched_wakup event,获取RT task被wakeup的时间
  2. 通过trace中的next_pid = rt_task_tid和sched_switch event,获取RT task开始running的时间
  3. 计算RT task从wakup到开始running的delay:rt_exec_latency_us
  4. 如果rt_exec_latency_us > 100us,测试fail
sh-4.4# ./sched_latency_rt 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
RT exec latency: 10 usec
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sched_latency_rt.c:140: PASS: RT task executed within required latency of 100 usec..

passed   1
failed   0
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • sched_prio_3_fifo


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/debugging/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                                                                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb                                                             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_switch sched_wakeup sched_process_exit >  set_event        //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                                                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                                                                          //enable tracing
  2. a)创建6个不同优先级的RT thread,初始化每个thread对应的函数及sem信号量,分别为:
    thread_name            prio      function_name               semaphore        
    rt_low_a(la)            70         rt_low_fn_a(lfa)             sem_low_a(sla)
    rt_low_b(lb)            70         rt_low_fn_b(lfb)            sem_low_b(slb)
    rt_med_a(ma)          75         rt_med_fn_a(mfa)          sem_med_a(sma)
    rt_med_b(mb)         75         rt_med_fn_b(mfb)          sem_med_b(smb)
    rt_high_a(ha)          80         rt_high_fn_a(hfa)           sem_high_a(sha)
    rt_high_b(hb)          80         rt_high_fn_b(hfb)          sem_high_b(shb)

    b)各RT thread在function中设置cpu affinity(cpu0),lfa在s(3)后,打印”TEST START” trace marker,随后释放锁,标识测试从此开始。函数逻辑关系如下:


    s(3): sleep 3ms
    r(1): run 1ms
    wait: sem_wait
    post: sem_post
  3. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  4. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  5. 分析解析后的trace


      通过数组expected_event evnets[]定义期望的task行为:

  1. rt_low_fn_a wakeup rt_low_fn_b (相同优先级的task按enqueue先后顺序运行)
    (TODO)3ms goes by, rt_low_fn_a exits
  2. rt_low_fn_b starts running
  3. rt_low_fn_b wakeup rt_med_fn_a (rt_med_a优先级高,抢占rt_low_b)
  4. rt_med_fn_a starts running  (sleeps 3ms immediately)
  5. rt_low_b continue running for 1ms
    (TODO)1ms goes by, rt_low_b exits
  6. rt_med_fn_a wakeup after 3ms sleep
  7. rt_med_fn_a continue running
  8. rt_med_fn_a wakeup rt_med_fn_b (相同优先级,rt_med_fn_a先运行不被抢占)
    (TODO)3ms goes by, rt_med_fn_a exits
  9. rt_med_fn_b starts running
  10. rt_med_fn_b wakeup rt_high_fn_a (rt_high_a优先级高,抢占rt_med_b)
  11. rt_high_fn_a starts running (sleep 1ms immediately)
  12. rt_med_fn_b continue running (exit immediately)
    (TODO) rt_med_fn_b exit immediately
  13. rt_high_fn_a wakeup after 1ms sleep
  14. rt_high_fn_a starts running
  15. rt_high_fn_a wakup rt_high_fn_b (相同优先级,rt_high_fn_a先运行不被抢占)
    (TODO)3ms goes by, rt_high_fn_a exit
  16. rt_high_fn_b starts running
sh-4.4# ./sched_latency_rt 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
RT exec latency: 10 usec
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sched_latency_rt.c:140: PASS: RT task executed within required latency of 100 usec..

passed   1
failed   0
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • sched_prio_3_rr


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/debugging/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                                                                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb                                                             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_switch sched_wakeup sched_process_exit >  set_event        //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                                                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                                                                          //enable tracing
  2. a)创建3个相同优先级的RT RR thread,初始化每个thread对应的函数,分别为:
    thread_name            prio      function_name  
    rt_a                        70         rt_a_fn             
    rt_b                        70         rt_b_fn             
    rt_c                        70         rt_c_fn         

    b)各RT thread在function中设置cpu affinity(cpu0),rt_a_fn在sleep 3ms后,打印”TEST START” trace marker,随后释放锁,标识测试从此开始。函数逻辑关系如下:

    s(3): sleep 3ms
    r(10000): running 10000ms
    wait: sem_wait
    post: sem_post
  3. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  4. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  5. 分析解析后的trace


分别计算3个RT RR thread的运行时常:

  1. 在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->next_pid == task_tid获得task sched_prio_3_rr的开始running时间
    在trace event 是sched_switch的 trace log中,通过t->prev_pid == task_tid获得task sched_prio_3_rr的结束running时间
  2. 累加各个running section的时常,计算得到每个thread的running time及总时长:
    total = a_exec_us + b_exec_us + c_exec_us
  3. 32% ≤ ({a,b,c}_exec_us / total) ≤ 34%, pass
sh-4.4# ./sched_latency_rt 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
RT exec latency: 10 usec
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sched_latency_rt.c:140: PASS: RT task executed within required latency of 100 usec..

passed   1
failed   0
skipped  0
  • sugov_latency


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/debugging/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                                                                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb                                                             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_process_exit sched_process_fork cpu_frequency >  set_event    //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                                                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                                                                          //enable tracing
  2. a)创建一个CFS task         
    b)绑定到CPU number最大CPU x上
    c)sleep 200us,等待task迁移到绑定的CPU上
    d)循环sleep 100ms,直到task降到最低频
    f)打印trace marker “affined”
    g)作为task running 500ms
    h)打印trace marker “small task”
    i)作为小task running 500ms
  3. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  4. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  5. 分析解析后的trace


  1. loop trace marker “affined”,记录trace的id:start_idx
  2. loop trace marker “small task”,记录trace的id:sleep_idx
  3. 在start_idx和sleep_idx之间寻找第一次出现最高频点的trace,记录最高频点值:max_freq_seen,记录trace的id:max_freq_seen_idx
  4. 在sleep_idx和结束的trace之间寻找第一次出现最低频点的trace,记录最低频点值:min_freq_seen,记录trace的id:min_freq_seen_idx
  5. /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpux/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq中获取CPU x的最高频
  6. /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpux/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq中获取CPU x的最低频
  7. 计算升频延时:increase_latency_usec= timestamp[max_freq_seen_idx] - timestamp[start_idx]
  8. 计算降频延时:decrease_latency_usec= timestamp[min_freq_seen_idx] – timestamp[sleep_idx]
  9. 如果升频延时(increase_latency_usec > 70ms) || (decrease_latency_usec > 70ms), test fail
sh-4.4# ./sugov_latency 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sugov_latency.c:200: INFO: Max acceptable latency to fmax: 70000 usec

/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sugov_latency.c:202: INFO: Max acceptable latency to fmin: 70000 usec

CPU hog will be bound to CPU 7.
CPU7 reached 2002 MHz during test (scaling_max_freq 2002 MHz).
CPU7 reached 1228 MHz after test (scaling_min_freq 1228 Mhz).
Increase latency: 21309 usec
Decrease latency: 9196 usec
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sugov_latency.c:224: PASS: Governor met latency targets.

passed   1
failed   0
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • sugov_wakeups


  1. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/debugging/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                                                                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb                                                             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_process_exit sched_process_fork cpu_frequency >  set_event    //setup trace event
    echo > trace                                                                                     //clear trace log buffer
    echo 1 > tracing_on                                                                          //enable tracing
  2. sleep 10s
  3. echo 0 > tracing_on                          //disable tracing
  4. 加载trace,并按定义的结构体struct trace_record{}格式进行解析
  5. 分析解析后的trace

通过在trace查找“next_comm=sugov”,表示schedutil governor thread被唤醒,统计次数:num_sugov_wakeups > 100,测试失败

sh-4.4# ./sugov_wakeups 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sugov_wakeups.c:34: INFO: Observing sugov wakeups over 10 sec, 100 wakeups allowed

24 sugov wakeups occurred.
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sugov_wakeups.c:62: PASS: Wakeups from schedutil governor were below threshold.

passed   1
failed   0
skipped  0
warnings 0
  • sched_boost


  1. 初始化信号量:
  2. 检查节点/dev/stune是存在(可读)
  3. 在/dev/stune下创建测试路径
    STUNE_TEST_PATH= “/dev/stune/test”, 测试在此节点下进行
  4. 检查通用stune参数配置节点是否存在,并初始化
  5. 创建子线程test_thread,用于具体执行某一个stune配置的测试
  6. configure and enable tracing(/sys/kernel/debugging/tracing):
    echo 0 > tracing_on                                                                          //disable tracing
    echo 16384 > buffer_size_kb                                                             //setup buffer size
    echo sched_boost_cpu sched_switch >  set_event                                 //setup trace event          
  7. 循环执行不同boost设置的测试并解析trace



run_test (test_index=0; test_index<NUM_TESTS);
设置test/schedtune.boost]=0    (test_boost[0]);
echo > trace,清空trace buffer;

创建子进程test_thread, 并开始执行test_fn;
绑定test_thread到最大number CPU 上 test_cpu;
sem_wait(&test_sem) {test_done< NUM_TESTS}




do_work(), 等待不相干系统负载running完;
echo 1 > tracing_on,使能trace;

echo 0 > tracing_on, disable trace;
test_index ++


不同boost值的测试完成,remove test目录;


            PS: do_work创建一个signal,每run 1000us,sleep 19000us。共执行500ms,即250个run/sleep周期,这个pattern的负载是一个小负载,约等于0.


a)在分析buffer中的trace时,loop所有test_cpu上sched_boost_cpu event,取得经过boost后最大boost_cpu_util,保存到test_utils[test_index]数组中;
b)同过公式test_boost[i]*10计算出target_util, 比较test_util在如下范围内pass:
       (test_boost[i]*10 – 50)≤test_util[i]≤(test_boost[i]*10+50)

ssh-4.4# ./sched_boost 
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/lib/tst_test.c:1217: INFO: Timeout per run is 0h 05m 00s
Running 5 tests for 1 sec
CPU hog will be bound to CPU 7.
Max util seen for boost 0: 42
Max util seen for boost 25: 287
Max util seen for boost 50: 536
Max util seen for boost 75: 785
Max util seen for boost 100: 1024
/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sched_boost.c:142: PASS: Test 0 (boost 0) passed with util 42 (allowed -50 - 50).

/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sched_boost.c:142: PASS: Test 1 (boost 25) passed with util 287 (allowed 200 - 300).

/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sched_boost.c:142: PASS: Test 2 (boost 50) passed with util 536 (allowed 450 - 550).

/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sched_boost.c:142: PASS: Test 3 (boost 75) passed with util 785 (allowed 700 - 800).

/home/apuser/sprdebian_trunk/platform/test/ltp/testcases/unisoc/sched/eas/sched_boost.c:142: PASS: Test 4 (boost 100) passed with util 1024 (allowed 950 - 1050).

passed   5
failed   0
skipped  0
warnings 0


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